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Rosco the Rascal Visits the Pumpkin Patch: Rosco the Rascal, #1
Rosco the Rascal Visits the Pumpkin Patch: Rosco the Rascal, #1
Rosco the Rascal Visits the Pumpkin Patch: Rosco the Rascal, #1
Ebook70 pages43 minutes

Rosco the Rascal Visits the Pumpkin Patch: Rosco the Rascal, #1

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On a sunny autumn day, ten-year-old James and seven-year-old Mandy set out to choose their pumpkins for Halloween on the family's annual trip to the countryside. This time they're taking along their new German shepherd, Rosco, whose innocent mischief soon lands him on his leash. But deep inside the corn maze on a scavenger hunt, James, Mandy, and Rosco find that two bullies in skeleton masks are scaring unsuspecting kids. Will Rosco shape up and help out? Join the kids and their lovable dog in this wholesome family adventure, a rascal-turned-hero autumn story for kids.


*Contains PCIP for libraries

*Renaissance Accelerated Reader Book Level 4.1. AR Quiz No.500819

*Recommended for ages 6-9

*Grade level K-3rd

*Books in the series may be read in any order


"...The tale could be broken up into a classroom read aloud or independent reader for second or third graders. Nice change of pace from the more common Halloween spooky story for kids." ~ Barbara Mojica, children's author


"...Gorian is superb in her usage of descriptive language. Readers are transported with the family and Rosco to the pumpkin patch. Readers can visualize the autumn leaves and fall crops of corn, pumpkins and apples. Young readers will be delighted by all of Rosco's antics. The illustrations are well done and add to the enjoyment of this tale." ~Beverly Ann McCall, Amazon reviewer


~Amazon reviewers

Fans of The Magic Tree House series will love this brother and sister pair, and fans of classic, heroic dogs - from Lassie to Beethoven - will love Rosco.

PublisherShana Gorian
Release dateSep 8, 2014
Rosco the Rascal Visits the Pumpkin Patch: Rosco the Rascal, #1

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    Rosco the Rascal Visits the Pumpkin Patch - Shana Gorian



    It was a beautiful September morning. Ten- year-old James and seven-year-old Mandy McKendrick thought they couldn’t sit still one minute longer. It had been a long drive.

    We're here—finally, James announced.

    The minivan came to a stop in the farm’s parking lot. James pushed the button to open the automatic sliding door next to his seat.

    The door slid open, and Rosco, their German shepherd, leaped out before anyone could stop him.

    Rosco, come back here! Bad dog! called Mandy. But her shouts were useless. A small pumpkin was on the move, and it had caught

    Rosco’s eye as they’d approached the farm.

    Rosco had never seen a pumpkin before. As it rolled down a gentle hill, he thought it looked like something he’d love to chase.

    It was early in the morning, and not many people had arrived on the farm yet. The wide, grassy field was empty except for this lively dog.

    A man wearing a western hat reached out to stop the rest of his pumpkins from rolling out of the wheelbarrow as Rosco raced after the pumpkin.

    Brother and sister James and Mandy jumped out of the minivan, exchanging a worried look. This kind of thing had never happened on their trip to the pumpkin patch before. Their rascally, large dog was already at least fifty feet away from them and still running at breakneck speed.

    Uh oh, Mandy said slowly. She watched as Rosco caught up to the pumpkin and sank his big teeth straight into the stem.

    Then Rosco lifted his head. The pumpkinhad become stuck in his teeth!

    Oh, my goodness! Mom said as she approached.

    But Rosco didn’t mind the pumpkin being stuck there and began to run again. He ran toward the man in the hat, coming just close enough to tease him. The man tried to grab the pumpkin from him. But Rosco stayed out of reach. I love to play keep-away, Rosco thought.

    Even with a pumpkin stuck in his teeth, Rosco still wore a mischievous grin.

    Come here, pooch! the man called, smiling.

    German shepherd with pumpkin stuck in his teeth

    The kids now stood near the man, trying to coax Rosco back. Their mom and dad started to cross the field toward them, hollering this and that. But nothing worked.

    Rosco, come here! That’s not yours! Give it back! ordered Mandy. You'll get your own pumpkin later!

    James started to chase Rosco, but that made Rosco run even faster because he wanted to be chased. The dog switched directions every time James got close. His tail wagged every time he slowed down. This game never gets old, Rosco thought.

    He’s only going to keep running away if you chase him, Mandy said.

    Rosco ran another wide circle around them, and then trotted closer. Mandy started for his collar, but he bolted away before she could reach him.

    Who wants to try next? Rosco thought, but Mandy had run out of patience.

    Everyone else had too, except for Rosco. Mandy stomped her foot. Give it to me, Rosco! Now!

    The man in the hat had another idea. Here, boy. He held out one hand to the dog. I won't chase you, buddy, he explained softly. My kids are over there waiting, and I know you’re too fast for me.

    He turned and waved to three small children and a sweet looking woman next to a silver pick-up truck. They waved back.

    He pointed to the pumpkin in Rosco’s mouth. "My son picked that one out all by himself this morning. He was really hoping to carve it into a jack-o-lantern come late October. And we have to

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