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Futa on Futa Means Double Creaming
Futa on Futa Means Double Creaming
Futa on Futa Means Double Creaming
Ebook22 pages16 minutes

Futa on Futa Means Double Creaming

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About this ebook

Olivia wanted to find somebody like her. Nicole wanted to find somebody unlike her. But these two hot fertile futas found each other, and their life became a constant battle for ecstatic pleasure!

This is a 5k word standalone erotica story. For adult eyes only. All characters are over eighteen, no characters are related by blood and everybody signs a consent form before participating in super-steamy and depraved sexual acts.

PublisherAmanda Strom
Release dateFeb 22, 2021
Futa on Futa Means Double Creaming

Amanda Strom

Amanda is into pretty vanilla stuff: futa-on-futa breeding, futa-on-female impregnation, futa-on-everything-that-moves depravity and many other perfectly normal things. If you are excited about everything vanilla and normal, Amanda's books are for you!FUTA | BREEDING | FUTA | IMPREGNATION | FUTA | DOMINATION |

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    Book preview

    Futa on Futa Means Double Creaming - Amanda Strom

    Futa on Futa Means Double Creaming

    Copyright 2020 Amanda Strom

    Published by Amanda Strom at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    A Carnal Feast (Tasting Nicole’s flesh)

    A Late-night Picnic (Bring a Basket with Cock)

    A Romantic Dinner (With Flaming Pussy as the Main Dish)

    A Creamy Dessert

    A Carnal Feast (Tasting Nicole’s flesh)

    Nicole raised her head only to be showered with hot seed, adding another layer of sperm on her cum-drenched body. She looked at the perpetrator and saw a blonde futa with a huge cock convulsing in the seizure of orgasm, while another futa who milked the blonde’s cock was looking at her with a disappointed expression.

    Why did you had to spill all that, I wanted to swallow every drop!

    Nicole was lying on her back on the floor, surrounded by about a dozen hot naked bodies, glistening with sweat under the dim

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