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A Merman of Her Own (Merpeople Book 1)
A Merman of Her Own (Merpeople Book 1)
A Merman of Her Own (Merpeople Book 1)
Ebook69 pages1 hour

A Merman of Her Own (Merpeople Book 1)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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This is a rerelease, but I have revised it and added extra scenes.
Dr. Clay Grayson believes he may have found his mate, yet the Merman's entire world comes to a standstill at the knowledge she is human.

Alwen is ecstatic when her father's doctor, and her fantasy leading man, finally asks her out. However, while the chemistry between them is undeniable, there is something strange about Clay that she can't quite put her finger on.

Alone with Alwen, Clay confirms that she is, in fact, his mate. Overcome with the feeling of knowing how lucky he is to have found his mate when so many Merpeople don't, he takes no chances and claims her, binding them together.

When Alwen learns what Clay is, will she accept him and forgive his rash action of mating her without her permission?

PublisherHazel Gower
Release dateMay 19, 2021
A Merman of Her Own (Merpeople Book 1)

Hazel Gower

I'm a mother of four amazing children. I started writing down my story ideas in high school, and never really stopped. Writing, I have to say, is my salvation. After I've gotten all the kids in bed and have cleaned up, I sit at my computer or sometimes a notebook with a pencil and relax, write, and escape.I love to hear from any of my readers, so feel free to send me an email and like me on Facebook.

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Rating: 4.333333333333333 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It was ok for the number of pages. It wasn't amazing but it's ok for a short paranormal romance. I would like to see more developments with the couple.

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A Merman of Her Own (Merpeople Book 1) - Hazel Gower

A Merman of Her Own

By Hazel Gower

Copyright © 2021 Hazel Gower

A Merman of Her Own, by Hazel Gower

Book– 1

All rights reserved.

All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the author or publisher constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use the material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained from the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, are coincidental.

Edited by Susan Child

Cover by Jess Buffett Graphic Designs


THIS BOOK IS set in Australia. In Australia the legal age to drink, vote, and get married is eighteen. The characters speak Australian English, so if you see the word ‘arse’ instead of ‘ass’ it is because that’s how we say it in Australia where the book is set. If you find a word you haven’t heard before, look it up or message me I’d be happy to talk to you.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy my book.

Hazel Gower


To my readers, thanks for all your support, and I hope you enjoy this short story.


Alwen hated driving in the rain. The concert had been amazing, and her students had shone. She wished the dance company she worked for would let the girls compete in competitions. Alwen knew they would kill it they were all so talented. She’d worked hard with them and it showed with how well they’d done in the half year concert. Her mother had been impressed with what she’d taught her students and Alwen had been so happy she’d travelled to come and see the concert.

Her father was waiting for her and she knew she shouldn’t keep him waiting any longer. He’d watched the show and because she wasn’t a fan of driving in the rain and she’d been so stressed about the concert being perfect, he’d dropped her off and came back to watch the show and had now hung around the extra almost hour to take her home.

Waving at the dance studio owner she ran out of the theatre and to the carpark gripping the bags with all her things in. The rain was pouring down and even the short run to the car had her soaking. She opened the door and sat down putting her seatbelt on. Her dad handed her a towel.

Thanks so much for doing this dad. I just hate driving in the rain. I’m sorry you had to hang around in this weather. I know I need to build up my confidence in th—

Baby girl don’t ever apologize for asking for my help. I’m your father and I love you. I’m glad you’re not driving in this. It’s dangerous. I’ve been driving for over twenty years and even I can admit this is just crazy. As if the sky heard them, thunder flashed before them lighting up the sky.

Alwen nodded thinking it best to stay quiet so her dad could concentrate. They were on the highway heading back to their house and she could barely see anything out of the window, the windscreen wipers were going as fast as they could, but it wasn’t enough.

A loud bang had her jolting and gripping her seatbelt as a lot more noise followed, and that was when she saw the golf ball size hail hitting the car. The car in front of them went through a huge puddle and spun out of control when it lost traction.

Alwen hold on, her father yelled. His hand came out and across her chest as they went over the big water puddle, she was grateful for the big SUV her dad had and she thought they were safe until she felt the jolt as the car behind them hit their car. The car that had hit them spun out of control like the car before them had. The hit had them though careening into the guardrail and that was when she felt her whole world go dark and her seatbelt locked, and the airbags came out knocking her out.


It’s quiet down here. I thought the ER, would be busy with this torrential rain. Can I go and watch the surgery that Dr Rutherford is doing?

Clay glared at the first year he was stuck with tonight and wanted to whack him upside the head. Racheal, one of the nurses groaned and nudged the first-year medical student. You idiot. You never say that. You just jinxed us.

He nodded, as everyone else around them joined in ripping into the guy Clay was sure wouldn’t make it the year of his internship. He didn’t want to be here either. He would much rather be home and in his mer-from swimming in the ocean. This weather was his people’s favorite. It was when they could really let themselves go as most

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