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Ours (The Bears Book 2)
Ours (The Bears Book 2)
Ours (The Bears Book 2)
Ebook137 pages2 hours

Ours (The Bears Book 2)

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After being dragged to the gym by her best friend to learn self-defense, Sandy is blown away by the gorgeous instructors, Jake and Zack. But they’re also Neanderthals like her brothers, so getting involved with them is off-limits.

Shifter cousins Jake and Zack are instantly captivated and aroused by the feisty redhead, which fate has brought into their lives. Rather than confess their love in the more traditional way, they break into her house, undress, and show her she’s their mate in a much more physical way.

Can Sandy resist the two men? Or can they convince her their bond and passion will still give her the freedom she craves?

PublisherHazel Gower
Release dateMay 19, 2021
Ours (The Bears Book 2)

Hazel Gower

I'm a mother of four amazing children. I started writing down my story ideas in high school, and never really stopped. Writing, I have to say, is my salvation. After I've gotten all the kids in bed and have cleaned up, I sit at my computer or sometimes a notebook with a pencil and relax, write, and escape.I love to hear from any of my readers, so feel free to send me an email and like me on Facebook.

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    Ours (The Bears Book 2) - Hazel Gower


    The Bears Book -2

    By Hazel Gower

    Copyright © 2020 Hazel Gower

    Ours, by Hazel Gower

    Book– 2

    All rights reserved.

    All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the author or publisher constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use the material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained from the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, are coincidental.

    Edited by Susan Child

    Cover by Jess Buffett Graphic Designs


    THIS BOOK IS set in Australia. In Australia the legal age to drink, vote, and get married is eighteen. The characters speak Australian English, so if you see the word ‘arse’ instead of ‘ass’ it is because that’s how we say it in Australia where the book is set. If you find a word you haven’t heard before, look it up or message me I’d be happy to talk to you.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy my book.

    Hazel Gower


    To my amazing family, thank you for all your support. I love you all. Lastly, to my fans for all your wonderful emails, thank you.

    Chapter One

    I can’t believe you’re making us do this, Susie. Shouldn’t we wait until Sammy is out of hospital, so she can come with us? Sandy really didn’t feel like learning self-defense. The only reason she’d reluctantly agreed was because of what had happened to their friend Sammy.

    Susie turned and winked at her. You are the smallest of all of us, Sandy. Are you even over five feet?

    I am five-two, thank you very much. She was actually five-one and a half, but she rounded up. She figured her sassy personality made up for the rest.

    Anyway, we could all use the exercise to lose weight, not that you’re huge or anything. I weigh more, but… Susie wasn’t been mean. We’d all talk about wanting to go to the gym to help lose weight and never actually done it. Sandy was proud that Susie had had the courage to do it. It was how she’d met her men and was now ridiculously happy.

    Sandy straightened her shoulders as she and Jane followed Susie into Healthy Bodies. I know Susie. I’m quite happy with my size fourteen body. Muttering under her breath, she added, "I wouldn’t be surprised that you weigh more. I’m not pregnant."

    Susie paused before the locker room and stared at her. How on earth did you know? We haven’t told anyone.

    Sandy rolled her eyes. The fact that Susie thought she and Jane didn’t know she was knocked up was just hilarious. Susie, you suck at keeping secrets.

    Jane laughed. Not only do you spend half your morning at work in the bathroom, but you touch your tummy and always have a huge smile. Plus those men of yours won’t even let you carry your handbag.

    The only thing I’m dying to know is who’s the baby daddy? Sandy raised her eyebrow, eager to know the answer.

    I’m betting it’s my brother. Sandy jumped as the deep voice sent a shiver through her body.

    Susie squealed and wrapped her arms around the man. Zack.

    Zack picked Susie up and kissed her lips. A second later, she was snatched out of his arms, and two very pissed-off men glared at Zack.

    Keep your fucking hands and especially your mouth to yourself, brother. You may be Mum’s baby, but you’re big enough to get your ass kicked.

    Zack chuckled and took a step in Sandy’s direction only to pause. He seemed to sniff the air.

    Now that he was closer, Sandy gave herself a chance to check him out. She looked up, way up, to see long, shaggy midnight black hair that hung over the brightest sapphire blue eyes she had ever seen. He had strong high cheekbones that shaped into a square jaw and full puffy lips.

    Oh God, he has the face of an angel. She gulped and gazed leisurely down the rest of him. Oh my, where did Susie find all these gorgeous muscle-clad gods? The thing about this guy was not just his bulging muscles, but his arms that were coved in tattoos. Sandy wanted to trace the patterns and find how many he had and how far down they went.

    Curious, she asked, Are there any more of you Bear boys around?

    Susie, Blake, and Brian chuckled, and out the corner of her eye, she saw Jane slowly moving toward Zack.

    How do I become a part of this family? You are all so yummy. Sandy groaned as Jane’s yummy came out a husky purr.

    Jane had her sights set on Zack, so Sandy knew he’d never notice her. Once Jane got her claws into a man, she didn’t let go until she wanted to. Not that Sandy thought she ever had a chance, especially with the hunk of a man currently maneuvering himself closer to her and away from Jane. Sandy thought this odd because men loved Jane. She attracted them like bees to honey.

    Shrugging at the weird occurrence, she eyed Susie’s men, hoping they would give her an out so she could go home, read a book, relax, and pray her brothers left her alone for one night. I would think you two wouldn’t agree to let Susie do this self-defense class. What with her being pregnant. Isn’t it a bit too violent for her?

    Brian, who held Susie, seemed to grip her tighter and whisper in Susie’s ear. Blake, on the other hand, snarled. She’s not doing the class. She doesn’t need to. Right, sweetheart?

    Sandy watched as Susie stomped on Brian’s foot, gave a huff, and walked through the locker room door without saying a word.

    Well, I think you were told. Sandy giggled as she joined her friend, how could she not after Susie’s performance Susie had those two men wrapped around her little finger.


    Zack watched the little redhead follow his sister-in-law and breathed in her lingering scent. Strawberries and honey. Yum. He pictured her in his mind. A tiny fragile little thing, she looked barely five feet tall, her bright firebird-red hair in a plait that fell to just above her delectable tight bottom. She had warm chocolate brown eyes that shone in her heart-shaped face, a dainty nose covered in freckles, and a full bottom lip. He’d also never forget —her large round breasts, her shapely body, or her cute short legs. He would bet his tattoo shop that her feet weren’t any bigger than a size six. Zack loved that she wasn’t a stick figure, and he would have something to hold onto when they made love.

    A loud sigh interrupted his daydream, and he opened his eye to see the blonde in front of him. Looking around, he heard his brothers arguing to the side of the locker room door about Susie going to the classes that he was doing with their cousin Jake.

    A cleared throat made him turn back to the blonde in front of him. Ah, what can I do for you, lady?

    Zack had always enjoyed the touch of women, but as fingers trailed up his chest, he shivered in revulsion at the touch of a woman who wasn’t his mate. Catching her fingers before they went any farther, he stepped away as she said in sulky voice, I was going to ask you what you were doing later.

    He shot a glance at the locker room door then back at blonde. "What’s the little redhead’s name?

    The blonde frowned, turned to the door, shrugged, and answered, Good luck. Don’t let Sandy hear you call her little redhead.

    Zack watched the blonde follow Sandy, his mate, into the locker room.

    After looking at his brothers, who were still fighting, he went to find his best friend and cousin Jake and get ready for the class. Something that had started out as a favor, had turned out to be one of the best decisions he’d ever made. With a grin on his face, he looked forward to the evening ahead.


    Jake watched the women file in and gave an inward moan at half the bunch. Some were taking this seriously, dressing in track pants and singlet tops or workout clothes. The other half… Jake shook his head as he watched the other half, who wore jeans or corduroy pants, and a couple were in short shorts. He could tell straight away the ones who were going to take what he said in. The other half were only here to flirt with him and Zack. The Bear family men were a hot commodity.

    Looking over at Zack, Jake noticed that his gaze never left a petite redhead. At first, Jake thought she was a teenager, but when he focused on her, he could see she was in her early twenties. She was a cute shapely little thing, who at the moment was staring at him with wide eyes.

    Jake froze when two women grabbed his arm to get his attention. He shot a glare at the two, only to stop when he realized what he was doing. Not only that, without realizing it, he’d been walking toward the redhead. Who was this woman?

    Smiling down at the two ladies, he checked his watch and noticed it was 6:35. He was five minutes late starting. Nodding to Zack, he stepped away from the girls who held onto him and yelled, Hello, ladies, and welcome to self-defense class. Today is the only day I will start at this time. From next week on, if you’re not here by six thirty, then you will not be let in. He watched as the women nodded and some groaned. "My name, for those who don’t know me, is Jake Bear, and the other instructor is Zack Bear. For the next eight

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