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Taelo: The Condor Clan Slingers
Taelo: The Condor Clan Slingers
Taelo: The Condor Clan Slingers
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Taelo: The Condor Clan Slingers

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Taelo is called to help the Condor Clan. Feather-In-the-Wind's family lead this Clan. Now living with the Elk Clan, she has become the leader of the newly formed Eastern Elk Clan. Taelo has promised to escort her to the East of the current Elk Clan territory but the Ancestors are calling on him to go south to help the Condor Cl

Release dateMay 20, 2021
Taelo: The Condor Clan Slingers

Ron Mueller

About the Author Ronald E. Mueller Ron grew up in what is now Flint River State Park in Southeast Iowa. The 170-year-old house Ron lived in is built into a hillside. It faces a 125-foot-high cliff towering over the little Flint River. The house and the land talked to him about; the passing of time, the struggle to conquer the land, the struggles people faced and the wonder of nature. He climbed the cliffs, crawled into the caves, dove from the swimming rock, collected clams from the bottom of the pond, gigged and skinned frogs for their legs. He trapped muskrats for fur, hunted raccoon in the dead of night, and with only a stick hunted rabbits in the dead of winter. His young life was outdoors, and nature tested him. He walked to a one room stone schoolhouse uphill both ways. A stern but warm-hearted teacher, Mrs. Henry was instrumental in shaping his character as she shepherded him from the fourth to the eighth grade. A Montessori before its time. It was a great way to grow up. His experiences inter-twined with snippets of fantasy lend themselves to the adventures he leads the reader through.

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    Book preview

    Taelo - Ron Mueller

    Taelo: Condor Clan Slingers

    Book 5

    Around the World Publishing LLC

    4914 Cooper Road Suite 144

    Cincinnati, Ohio 45242-9998

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Taelo: Condor Clan Slingers by Ron Mueller Copyright © 2019.

    Renewed 2021

    All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction, in whole or in part in any form.

    ISBN 13: 978-1-68223-196-8

    ISBN 10: 1-68223-196-8

    The Taelo Series by Ron Mueller

    Taelo: The Early Years

    Taelo: The Golden Feather

    Taelo: The Journey of Discovery

    Taelo: Dangerous Passage

    Taelo: Condor Clan Slingers

    Cover Picture By:

    Cover Design By: Ron Mueller


    To women,

    They have carried more than their share

    in the battles of life.

    Table of Content


    Chapter 1: Journey South

    Chapter 2:  The Condor Village

    Chapter 3:  Preparation for Battle

    Chapter 4: Assault on the Warrior Clan Home

    Chapter 5: Sacrificial Offering

    Chapter 6: Encounter

    Chapter 7: Positioning for Battle

    Chapter 8: The Condor Clan Battle

    Chapter 9: Elk Clan Gathering

    Chapter 10:  Warrior Priest Revenge

    Chapter 11: Rest and Relaxation

    Chapter 12: Paradise Falls:

    Chapter 13: Homeward

    Chapter 14: White Feather’s Hearth

    About the Author

    Other Stories by Around the World Publishing

    Character Names and Roles


    The story of Taelo (Tā low), talon of the eagle, follows

    the journey of a young, exceptionally talented child and then young man.  The Eagle, Taelo’s totem always makes its appearance at the critical and important moments in Taelo’s life.  Golden Hawk, Taelo’s cousin is his best friend and partner in their many adventures.

    White Swan and Quiet Pheasant, their mothers are sisters who gave birth to the two on the same day. Taelo’s mother, White Swan politically guides both her husband Grey Fox Running and Taelo in their interactions within the Elk Clan.  She also ensured Red Oak and Quiet Pheasant transferred with them from the Elk Horn Clan to be the hunter for the main Elk Clan.  She was determined her son would grow up with his cousin and best friend.  The two boys each have leadership totems.  The two families still talk about the boys seventh birthday when a golden hawk caught and dropped a salmon into Golden Hawk’s lap as an Eagle cried and flew overhead. 

    All knew when an Eagle screamed from the sky, something eventful was about to happen.

    The story of Taelo:

    The Early Years begins with his naming and takes the reader through Taelo’s and Golden Hawk’s early years into young adulthood.

    They constantly contribute to the well-being of all around them.  They are known throughout all the Elk sub clans as being good luck to have around.

    In The Golden Feather this same team takes the next step in their development.  They first travel South into the Andes of South America.  They meet the people living in those areas.  On their return they go into the North Coastal area where the Elk Clan originally had its home. 

    In The Journey of Discovery Taelo and Golden Hawk travel from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean and see the wonders of nature.

    In Dangerous Passage the team travels across the northern ice bridge to the origin of their race.

    In Condor Clan Slingers the team returns to aid the Condor Clan in their battle against an aggressive Warrior Clan.

    In Beyond the Eastern Shore Taelo and his team travel another continent and discover a very different world and gain a new set of followers

    Read is this order,

    The Early Years,

    The Golden Feather,

    The Journey of Discover,

    Dangerous Passage,

    Condor Clan Slingers,

    Beyond the Eastern Shore.

    Chapter 1:

    Journey South

    Taelo sat bolt upright, wiped the sweat running down the side of

    his head and oriented himself.  The morning was still dark.  His dream was a nightmare that had plagued him for more than a moon cycle.  In his dream the spear had easily pierced through the neck of the war priest as his axe came down and ripped through Quiet Rabbit’s neck.  His spear killed the warrior priest, but the momentum of the axe took off Quiet Rabbits head.  The nightmare kept resounding and echoing through his mind.

    He touched Quiet Rabbit’s cheek as he listened to the night voice of a distant owl, and the periodic low cronk, cronk of a bull frog in the lake.  The gentle gurgle of the water flowing over the rocks and down into the lake tried to soothe his troubled mind.  He listened to Quiet Rabbit’s smooth even breathing.  He slowly extracted himself from the sleeping hide.  He left a calmly sleeping Quiet Rabbit in the warmth of their common bed.

    Quiet Rabbit’s death scene was always intermingled with the ancestors talking to him.  They were calling to him to travel to the land of the Condor.  Their call was strong, but his nightmare was stronger.

    He stepped out of his hutch. The cool breeze hit the sweat on his brow and sent a chill down his back.  It was a relief to be awake and aware that Quiet Rabbit was safe.

    He walked slowly down along the lakeside to the large boulder that had become his thinking seat.  Overhead the waning moon provided enough light for him to see his way.  A second moon in the middle of the lake looked coolly back at him.  It made him think of the cold light of death.  He realized that for once he was at a loss and he was stressed about going back to the Condor Clan.

    The ancestors had been talking to him about the Condor Clan, his friends to the south.  This was the land of Feather-in-the-Wind who had been appointed as the leader of the newly formed Eastern Elk Clan.

    The Condor Clan was in trouble.  They faced a serious problem and needed his help.  The last thing he had said to the ancestors was that he would make the trip to the land of the Condor, but they needed to give him guidance on how to save Quiet Rabbit.

    It was then when he saw Quite Rabbit on her knees, hands bound behind her back and the beheading axe in a swing towards her neck.  Taelo put his head down in his hands and tried to take the scene from his mind.  He had never experienced such a nightmare.

    The ancestors had simply told him to think as fast as his feet could fly.  He had no idea what that simple statement meant.  He would need to discuss this with Broken Spear.

    The sun was cresting the white topped mountains to the east when he saw Golden Hawk, his closest friend, walking toward him.  The two of them were cousins but Golden Hawk was another part of himself.  They often sat together in silence until the sun was fully in view.

    Taelo did not share his nightmare.  He shared the call from the ancestors to go to and help the Condor Clan and discussed who should go with them.

    Golden Hawk wondered out loud what peril might be facing the Condor Clan.  He had made a close friend of Feather-in-the-Wind’s brother, Bold Walker.  He and his father were both great leaders.

    Golden Hawk was ready to go.  He immediately brought his focus on who would go with them.  He suggested Saber Scar and Marigold.

    Taelo agreed and added Single Leaf and Sharp Blade.

    Golden Hawk added White Bear and Deer Chaser.  These two young warriors who had just been rescued on the teams last journey across the ice bridge had demonstrated their capability and deserved to be included.

    Taelo suggested they had the right people and the right number, and it was time to get some food.

    The two looked back to the fire pit they shared and saw that Quiet Rabbit and Busy Bee were cooking over the fire.

    The two stood almost in unison and walked slowly back.  They both had mates that were precious to both of them.

    Floating Cloud, Quiet Rabbit’s grandmother, the woman who had raised her, came over from her lodge and joined the group.

    Soon after, Whistling Arrow, a leader in the White Bear Clan that had survived the brutality leveled by the Sky Eyes against his clan, and who had recently become a close companion to Floating Cloud joined them as well.

    Taelo shared that the ancestors had summoned him to go south to the land of the Condor.

    Can an old woman and an old man join you, Floating Cloud inquired?

    This surprised everyone around the fire.

    Who would that be, Quiet Rabbit asked her grandmother?

    Whistling Arrow and I have decided to be companions.  Traveling with Taelo and his team has given us purpose.  We are in the best shape of our lives.  It would be a shame for us to sit around all winter and lose it, Floating Cloud replied.

    Can you run all day and keep up with the Others, Taelo asked?

    Twelve moon cycles ago I would have not even thought about it.  Now after our recent journey with you, I know that I can almost keep up with everyone but the four of you, Whistling Arrow said as he pointed them out with the sweep of his hand.

    The two insisted they could keep up and would be the official cook and camp managers.

    There was a moment of silence then Quite Rabbit gave Floating Cloud a hug as she said she was sure that Taelo would enjoy her cooking.

    With the two new additions, the team numbered twelve in all.

    Later that day, Saber Scar and Marigold, Sharp Blade and Single Leaf, both pairs from the Clan of the Others immediately accepted the invitation.  White Bear and Deer Chaser jumped in joy and rushed to share their good fortune with their friends.

    Broken Spear, the seer of the Others was pleased to see that four of his clan would accompany Taelo.  The Others were not as fast as those of the Elk Clan, but they were far stronger.  Broken Spear was sure they would be essential to the travel that Taelo was planning.

    Broken Spear had also heard the calling of the ancients, but he was not sure what the problem Taelo and his team would face.  This uncertainty made him want to send more of his clan.  Taelo thanked him but politely declined any more members to his team.  He wanted to travel as fast as possible, and he wanted a team he had experience with.

    Taelo shared his vision involving Quiet Rabbit and asked if Broken Spear had any guidance.

    Broken Spear used almost the same words that the ancients used.  The advice he did not make sense and Taelo knew he would chew on it until he could make sense of the statement.  The only thing that Broken Spear added that provided relief was that Broken Spear saw Quiet Rabbit putting a mark on someone’s forehead as the team made its way back to the north.

    The team immediately began preparations.  They were all veterans of the Dangerous Passage Journey and their bond was that of a family.  A new journey energized all of them and they looked forward to the adventure.

    Lasher, Taelo’s wolf companion, sensed the mood and was either following closely behind him or seated beside Quiet Rabbit.  He was staying close to make sure to be on the journey as well.

    Learning of the trip the team was taking brought tears to Feather-in-the Wind.  She knew she could never return to the land of the Condor.  All Condor Clan members had watched as she became a living sacrifice to the Condor and led up the mountain to the Condor’s cave.  Her disappearance ended one hundred cycles of sacrificing a virgin to the Condor.  Her disappearance had ended the tradition.  Her reappearance might restart a tradition she was pleased to have ended.

    She once again thanked Quiet Rabbit and Busy Bee for bringing her down the mountain from the Condor Cave.

    She was now the leader of the Eastern Elk Clan.  Her Eastern Elk Clan had prospered, and new family members had joined.  Her clan was now balanced.  She thanked all her friends and led her clan back to the place the called Paradise.

    White Swan, Taelo’s mother and leader of the Northern Elk clan said her goodbye and led the Northern Elk Clan from the valley.

    Wise Owl, leader of the main Elk clan did likewise.

    The valley slowly emptied.

    Burley Bear and Meadow Flower, and Broken Spear of the Clan of Others were the last to come by and wish the team their goodbyes.

    Broken Spear quietly told Taelo, you will all return if you are swift and use your mind to determine what the outcome must be.

    Taelo knew that Broken Spear had given him one more fragment of the nightmare puzzle.

    Taelo and his team stayed one more sun cycle by the lake.

    Taelo, Golden Hawk and Burley Bear had made each member the fighting and defense tools they would need for the trip.  Taelo and Golden Hawk passed them out to the team and together they spent the day practicing their defensive fighting diamond.

    High above an eagle watched as the team began their long steady jog toward the south.  It followed them for more than a moon cycle.  The rising wind currents let it soar effortlessly as it watched the team once again climb the mountain to the place where the team watched the sun

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