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The Drama of Trauma: Volume One: A Biblical, Spiritual, Clinical, Psychological and Self-Help Perspective on Trauma
The Drama of Trauma: Volume One: A Biblical, Spiritual, Clinical, Psychological and Self-Help Perspective on Trauma
The Drama of Trauma: Volume One: A Biblical, Spiritual, Clinical, Psychological and Self-Help Perspective on Trauma
Ebook1,228 pages37 hours

The Drama of Trauma: Volume One: A Biblical, Spiritual, Clinical, Psychological and Self-Help Perspective on Trauma

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THE DRAMA OF TRAUMA: Volume One, is unique when measured against other slants on trauma. Instead of talking about the miseries that victims endure, Dr. Winslow offers hope and genuine help, to hurting souls revealing that there can be triumph over trauma. Rather than getting stuck in dead-end ruts put forward by theories and empty therapies, THE DRAMA OF TRAUMA is pre-emptive. It cites John 14:27 as it's presuppositional truth where Jesus commanded His followers, "Let not your heart be troubled." Or it could be said, "Don't permit your heart to be traumatized." You don't have to be a lifelong victim. You can be healed and pre-emptive before trauma ever occurs. Forgotten truths, however, need to be revived and re-learned. What's more, this holistic collection of ideas uncovers an insidious, ancient, and incessant, onslaught of trauma shaking all levels of human life globally, shared and individually. Dr. Winslow, therefore, exposes an ancient, demonic strategy, staged like a theatrical drama in its acts, script, finale, and a cast that targets an expanding audience, while addressing trauma sufferers, therapists, families, doctors, ministers, soldiers, and abuse victims. At the same time she endeavors to respect the breadth of Christian theology, denominations and spiritual views. But most of all, Dr. Winslow takes this puzzling topic and connects it's pieces into a practical layout that brings hope to the heartbroken. In her many years of experience, talking with, ministering to and praying with trauma sufferers she's seen many trauma victims healed, often instantaneously. For that reason, this message is timely: for such a time as this.
Release dateMay 21, 2021
The Drama of Trauma: Volume One: A Biblical, Spiritual, Clinical, Psychological and Self-Help Perspective on Trauma

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    The Drama of Trauma - Dr. Tamara Winslow

    cover.jpgPerformance Curtains with solid fill

    Copyright © 2021 Tamara Winslow

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

    Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are taken from the public domain version of the King James Version.

    Scripture quotations marked AMP are taken from the AMPLIFIED BIBLE, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1965, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from THE NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved.

    The stories and events in this book are descriptive of the author’s memories from her perspective. Certain names and locations have been changed to protect the identities and privacy of those involved.

    Usage of the front cover image with permission of Dr. Babette C. DuPlessis-Biddlecombe

    Book Cover Design by Jonathan Biddlecombe;

    ISBN: 978-1-7370279-2-8 (Epub, Digital Version)

    First edition 2021

    Published by

    Palm Tree Media House

    POB 25632

    Colorado Springs, CO 80936

    The material and information in this book, and the ministry I’m in, does not seek to be in conflict with any form of medical or psychological practices, nor do I aim to be in conflict with any church and its religious doctrines, beliefs or practices. I am not involved in medical or psychology practice, yet it is my hope, to make all these things more effective, rather than working against them. It is my opinion and belief that many of the problems faced by humanity are fundamentally spiritual in nature, yet are often, associated with psychological and physiological manifestations and origins. The information and research in this book is for your general knowledge only. It is, and should not be considered to be, a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. If at all possible, please seek prompt medical and therapeutic care for any specific health issues.






































































    Dr. Tamara Winslow is a counselor to counselors. Her counsel to nations has been seen firsthand.

    When needing a resource to teach on Peace and Reconciliation among the Hutu, Tutsi and Batwa of Burundi, Africa, I immediately thought of Dr. Tamara. She sent me material without charge - she left her handprint on the nation of Burundi.

    Dr. Winslow’s material helped us to lead more than two hundred pastors and political leaders into repentance, as well as freedom. Her expertise on trauma, as you will find in these pages, is a liberator!

    Like Moses for his generation, we have been waiting for this book. It is the result of life-long study and sacrifice laid at the feet of the Christ. Please, do not wait another minute!

    Dr. Bill Faught, Jr.

    Co-founder of Legacy of Worship, Int’l

    Only read this book if you want to REALLY know how to address, process and resolve trauma in your own life (or the lives of loved ones). Indicative of her entire writing career, Dr. Tamara’s masterful compilation of spiritual, biblical and psychological insight proves that there is definite solution to the torment of trauma which attacks and cripples so many people today. Prepare to have your eyes opened to God’s solutions. As a Pastor, I am recommending this book because in it I found hope for those that I am called to serve and desperately want to see set free!

    Chyanna Mull-Anthony, D. Min.

    Sr. Pastor, International Gospel Center, Tulsa, OK

    Vice President, Osborn Ministries International

    I met Dr. Winslow at the young adult conference in Crimea, Russia. Her ministry captured the hearts and minds of thousands of young adults.

    Her extraordinary book on trauma is powerful. Touching the deepest part of every life but in the depths of the hurt, she unlocks the beauty of Christ, He is the center of the solution.

    One of the most important books you will read in your entire life.

    Mikel French

    Mikel French Ministries;

    P.O. Box 140420 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Offices (918) 355-6083

    Tamara Winslow’s comprehensive work The Drama of Trauma is must-read. Whether someone is dealing with Acute Trauma, or Chronic Trauma, or Complex Trauma, the realities of these kinds of painful struggles are all too common in the current culture. People are hurting. There is a need, particularly within the Church for an integration of the spiritual and the psychological in order for there to be a comprehensive approach to human flourishing. Tamara is a student of Scripture and a student of life. Her insights are always compelling and challenging. Take time to read her profound and extensive work on this demanding issue that is only increasing in it’s scope in the current climate. It will open your eyes in fresh ways to the in-breaking of the Spirit and the healing grace of Christ.

    Bishop Mark J. Chironna

    Church On The Living Edge

    Mark Chironna Ministries

    Orlando, Florida

    When one reads Dr. Tamara’s writings, they will be amazed at how she reaches the who-so-evers. She has an understanding of the word like no other. Truly an anointed teacher. I am sure that those that need healing and freedom from any trauma will find the keys in this book. She writes so that anyone can understand and receive. It is a now book as so many people suffer with trauma issues and don’t have biblical answers. Dr. Tamara’s teaching is backed by scripture which is the key for all healings. Thank you, Tamara, for releasing this gift to us all.

    Judy Pebernat Pastor/Founder Aaron House Fellowship,

    Courtenay, Vancouver Island, BC.

    I met Dr. Tamara more than 25 years ago whilst doing a YWAM course she taught. I was profoundly blessed by the breath of her knowledge, spiritual insights and friendship. Since then, I have witnessed her life, her walk of faith, her dedication in giving herself to study and searching for truths that empowered her own life and helped many others. After 33 years in ministry teaching and discipling, I am so looking forward to digging into this book and find tools that can likewise empower me more to help others as I seek to bring peace, truth and growth to those I get to minister to. Trauma is such a huge issue gripping so many I get to meet and share with! Thank you, Dr. Winslow, for living an overcoming life and investing in this very timely resource!

    Yolanda Oosthuizen YWAM Missionary Scotland

    As a past student of Dr. Tamara Winslow, what I have learned from her in my time through the study of foundational doctrines has not only impacted my life as a person and as a man, but also impacts how I serve those God has brought into my life. As a professional relationship coach and ordained minister, I have seen so much pain and trauma in relationships whether it be in Marriage, with Singles or with Family’s. We are in much need of a greater understanding of foundational doctrines in our time right now so that we can see clearly what is causing the trauma and so that we can experience a healing that won’t be just for a moment in time but for life.

    Rev. Rockie Lee Relationship Coach Clarity

    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    For many years Dr. Tamara Winslow’s friendship, deep faith and spiritual wisdom have helped guide my life. This long-awaited resource will emotionally resonate to your heartstrings. This book offers an in-depth look into The Drama of Trauma with practical help and much needed hope in our ever-changing world where mental health needs are on the rise and mental health providers are few.

    Julie Weber, Pastor’s Wife

    CHI Health Psychiatric Referral Specialist Logan, Iowa

    Dr. Tamara Winslow’s new book, The Drama of Trauma is a much-needed study and revelation of one of the greatest epidemics facing our generation. Trauma is often overlooked, not understood often misdiagnosed, and even worse - vastly ignored, when it is perhaps the greatest psychological and spiritual plague of our times. Tamara has done a tremendous work in identifying and teaching us how vast and overwhelming trauma is in our 21st Century world. More importantly, she has revealed God’s ways to overcome it, and to be healed and made whole in our entire beings. I recommend this book as a comprehensive, integrated, and greatly anointed healing balm for our desperate, broken and deeply wounded culture.

    Dr. Maurice H. Sklar

    Concert Violinist and Minister

    What a delight to write an endorsement for this much needed book on Trauma written by Dr. Tamara Winslow. We have been friends for many years, and I am in constant wonder about Tamara’s huge commitment to research biblical truth and teach it with vitality and excellence. This book is not only a theoretical thesis on Trauma because I have seen Tamara practice the truths taught in this book in traumatic situations on a personal level. I deeply value the richness and depth of her relationship with Jesus which has brought forth a wisdom that is birthed from many many hours alone with the Word and the Spirit. May this book bring much healing, understanding and revelation to equip thousands who have been traumatized and equip them with tools in how to prevent trauma.

    Mariette Louw Youth With A Mission Scotland


    I’m deeply indebted to the generosity, the intercessions and supportive counsel of my numerous friends and supporters. The charitable financial gifts from a number of caring people, over the course of nearly a decade, supported me with helpful donations so that I could research and write this book, along with others forthcoming. These friends understood that it’s very difficult to accomplish a lot of writing when I’m traveling and ministering in the Word and music. Thus, when I stay home and write, I usually don’t have any income since I’m not speaking in conferences, schools and ministry meetings. I could not have completed this book had these generous friends not underwrote me in this endeavor. Thank God for their encouragement. Other folks prayed continually for this project, to whom I am extremely grateful. Finally, individuals involved in ministry- pastors, counselors, Bible teachers- along with psychologists, therapists and counselors advised me on numerous issues and topics contained in this work. Their different perspectives, ideas and expertise was invaluable to me throughout the writing. Finally, there were folks I tagged my cheerleaders who cheered me on as I completed each chapter and hurrahed with me over each breakthrough and page written. Their encouragements made me smile and feel affirmed. I thank God for each and every one of you who’ve stood with me over the course of almost two decades. The blessings of the Lord be multiplied back to you for your faithful service and friendship.


    Jesus Christ came to set the captives free, to heal the sick, and to bring deliverance. The difficulty for most Christians, is how to appropriate and receive this blessing. We struggle with depression, with loneliness, with tormenting memories, with PTSD, and try as we might, we cannot seem to break free of this vicious cycle. In our journey towards Zion as His disciples, we may often feel like failures, trapped in a prison cell, where no one sees our heartache and pain, behind the smiles our faces crack.

    To live a life which is victorious in Christ, Christians need practical instructions and not just good wishes or simplistic admonitions to ‘trust’ and believe in a God who is ‘good all the time.’ That can ring hollow and precipitate more despair. We struggle not with flesh and blood but with spiritual powers and principalities; resistance, though necessary, can be exhausting.

    But we are not helpless, nor are we hopeless.

    Dr. Tamara Winslow’s Drama of Trauma addresses the need for a deep understanding of what trauma is, how it affects us and those we love and most importantly, how to deal with it effectively so that we can enter into the fullness of the liberty Christ won for us on the cross - you shall know the truth, and the Truth shall set you free. For example, it digs deep into the trauma that afflicted Lot’s daughters after the destruction of Sodom, when they were hiding in the cave with Lot, their father. It explains why they acted the way they did, producing Ammon and Moab, which are representations of trauma. This book is not milk, but meat, meat of wagyu quality.

    This book is a blessing to the ekklesia: it not only brings understanding of the nature of trauma, but it also contains much practical wisdom which helps us to apply biblical truths to our own lives, and to minister healing and deliverance to others. This is an important manual that will advance the Kingdom of God, in the hands of faithful disciples prepared to learn and wield it’s truths. It is not for the faint of heart and the casual convert, but for the dedicated disciple, eager to grow in the things of the Spirit, willing to do the heavy lifting.

    Dr. Winslow brings years of dedicated bible study, a formidable intellect, practical ministry experience, a love for Christ and for His Body to this well-researched project. The truths contained in this book are deep; when understood and applied, they have the power to be life-changing and transformative, because they are rooted in the power of God’s living word. This is good news indeed, an antidote to these dark times, a gateway to light and hope, a fuller understanding of what Christ accomplished for us at the Cross. Trauma is a Drama, but it need not be a tragedy; it is meant, in the Christian’s life, to be an adventure, granted, with unpleasant terrain, but one of an overcomer who battles and slays dragons, who fights the hordes of hell and comes out victorious, as the Lord will rescue us from every evil work and preserve us for His heavenly kingdom: 2 Tim 4:18.

    Dr. Winslow explores the anatomy of trauma, the entry points in our lives and how it gains access. She identifies our broken defenses that leave us vulnerable to lawlessness and spiritual attacks and helps us to identify the broken walls and burnt gates denoting the broken boundaries in our lives. Like Nehemiah, we must first survey the damage, appreciate the extent of the damage, be humble, and receive help. Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed: James 5:16. Humility precedes restoration. We need to know our true condition before we can start the process of rebuilding and Dr. Winslow’s teachings in this book help us develop a keen insight in this respect. Symptoms of a broken, traumatized condition include simple mindedness, sloth, and weariness. A useful checklist of the causes and types of trauma is also provided, with special attention paid to neonatal and infant trauma. This is a thorough piece of work.

    The ultimate trauma is the Cross that Jesus Christ endured and that is a comfort to the broken. We do not have a high priest unable to sympathize with our weaknesses; we have a Messiah who knows our hearts and our words before we even speak, who is committed through covenant to our well-being and who provides the resources to liberate us from the bonds of trauma; that same power which brought about His resurrection, He makes available to us for our salvation and sanctification. Trauma and it’s nefarious associates can be banished from our lives, just as Jesus banished ‘Legion’ from the Gerasene demoniac. He came to heal the sick, restore what was stolen, to bring life and light. To de-traumatize us so, like Joseph, we are able to say, you made me fruitful in the land of my affliction: Genesis 41:52.

    Dr. Winslow also provides much needed authoritative counsel not only on how to receive healing and deliverance, but how to maintain this blessing. She writes of the importance of edifying ourselves through praying in the Spirit, renewing our mind and digging deep into intimacy with Christ, through praise and worship. The goal is that we may all faithfully fulfill the call on our lives, realize our destinies and the prime directive, to be fruitful. This book will equip the reader and help him or her towards their high calling in Christ Jesus. The truths it contains are essential to the maturing of the saint and is an essential bulwark to Christian perseverance in an age of testing and tribulation. This book was written to help us burst the bonds of captivity and depression trauma so often imprisons us in, to help us fight the good fight, to run our race well and to keep the faith. Dr. Winslow has faithfully imparted to us that which the Lord has confided to her, in terms of her deep knowledge of the Word and the wisdom gleaned from the personal trials of life. Life is difficult and hard, trauma hurts and harms us, but this book will help us ensure that the last Act of this Trauma Drama ends with the fullness of healing and liberty, and that our story concludes with love, worship, joy and awe at the goodness of the One who knows the End from the Beginning, and who sent His Son to save us.

    Dr Li-ann Thio

    Law Professor and author of Mind the Gap: Contending for Righteousness in an Age of Lawlessness (2009), Prophecy, Pansexuality and Pandemonium (2013) and Jubilee and the Destiny of Nations (2014), published by Genesis Books, an Imprint of Armour Publishing



    Performance Curtains with solid fill

    I have ventured as a pioneer into comparatively unexplored ground: I feel that I shall no doubt be found to have made the mistakes of a pioneer; but I feel also the certainty of a pioneer- who after wandering by devious paths through the forest and the morass, looks out from the height which he has reached upon the fair landscape- and as speaking as one who has stood and so looked, I am sure that you will find the country to be in the main what I have described it to be, and that you will find it also that is but the entrance to a still fairer landscape beyond. For though you may believe that I am but a dreamer of dreams, I seem to see, though it be on the far horizon- the horizon beyond the fields which either we or our children will tread- a Christianity which is not new but old, which is not old but new, a Christianity in which the moral and spiritual elements will again hold their place, in which men will be bound together by the bond of service, which is the bond of the sons of God, a Christianity which will actually realize the brotherhood of men, the ideal of it’s first communities. ¹

    In the beginning of my traveling ministry, while in my early twenties, I was impressed to explore the biblical topics of foundations, seeds, roots, and fruits. Using a blend of systematic analysis, word studies, historical context, scientific research and most importantly spiritual applications, I perused all the scriptures relating to these topics in their context. I analyzed the original languages of the passages. I considered the types of each thing, it’s origins, conditions and history, along with the key questions that demand an answer per each focus. The outcome and the development of this process of investigation, and due to having taken it on so early in my ministerial walk established within me a sort of presuppositional thinking that now instinctively steers me in the direction of where to detect the roots of all the things I encounter. I hope to ascertain why something is the way it is, or what the foundation of it’s existence grew out of. Thus, when I began the journey on this investigative path, even when it wasn’t my intent to write this book, I automatically focused on the following questions. Why has trauma grown to be such a major force in our current world? How did we get into this mess and condition? What are the foundations for trauma?

    Before I began writing the Drama of Trauma series, I’d already been working on several other books, entitled; IN THE END: WHAT MUST WE DO?; REVIVING THE FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH, LIFE AND NATIONS; and COMING OUT OF MOAB. While in the hub of these three projects, I realized that the books on Trauma had to come first. I knew that the trauma research and re-researching would involve at least 10 years to complete and would entail a lot of scripting that I hadn’t planned on doing. Thus, as I began the studies, I learned bit by bit that a lot of points I supposed would have been written about trauma, especially from a biblical/ Christian perspective simply didn’t exist. On top of this, I interviewed a wide range of folks from around the world who’d either suffered trauma or worked in the professional mental health systems. But, in nearly every instance, those sufferers had lost almost all hope for healing and help. What’s more, I discovered that trauma victims seeking counsel and ministry in Christian circles, were rarely prayed for, or permanently helped. They’d all tried therapy and had sought the assistance of qualified mental health professionals and ministers. But in all cases, they remained in one form of bondage or another. Their accounts exposed that in their desperation, no therapist or minister had even contemplated tackling trauma from a biblical and spiritual methodology. Worse still, no one offered to pray for them, let alone knew how to pray. Across the board, no one truly believed that God would or could heal the traumas. So, as time has gone on, I’ve had to acknowledge that I’ve been on a path of study few have ever journeyed.

    Throughout the years of this project, I’ve lost count of how many people, leaders and lay persons alike have said we need this book and we can’t wait for it to come out. As encouraging as their comments have been, what they said made me realize that everybody probably has their own ideas of what should or could be contained in this book. Thus, I am deeply aware that the material, ideas and perspectives expressed in these insights may not fulfill the expectations or hopes of these eager folks, because of what is and isn’t in the chapters. So, please, if you would do so, take your expectations, ideas and hopes to the Lord, with the aim of looking at this decade’s long study from a fresh viewpoint.

    I thrill in the search for answers. To me there is no greater joy in serving Jesus, than to discover the truths that God has given us to resolve difficult issues. But I don’t just collect information. I want to see people set free. So, not wanting to sound arrogant or come off as a know-it-all, I’ve striven, to the best of my ability, to travel this thoroughfare in the fear of the Lord. But because of trying to stay true to what’s been uncovered, I’ve also had to do some things that other authors don’t always do or make time for. You see, I rarely directly quote other authors or therapists. This isn’t because they don’t have things to say. But I’ve found to my disappointment, that much of the research we base our ministry and counsel on is insufficient. It only deals with symptoms, fruits and personal opinions that never really get to the root of the matters. So, be forewarned. For the most part this material chiefly includes my original ideas and biblical insights, along with my lifelong observations, my time-tested interpretations and the applications of these truths that I’ve found can produce lasting healing. Hence, more than anything, like a spiritual miner, I’ve worked hard to prospect the Scriptures as well as dive into the historic angles of what I’ve come to the conclusion has laid the groundwork for the advancement of trauma. I’ve also surveyed in depth the scientific, psychological and practical approaches to trauma from the posture of a pioneer’s attitude. These multiple perspectives are woven throughout the book.

    THE DRAMA OF TRAUMA: VOLUME ONE, and it’s subsequent volumes, is unique when compared to other viewpoints. Instead of focusing on the unending miseries that sufferers endure, I’ve made it one of my specific goals to offer hope and genuine help to hurting people. The traumatized sufferers of today must realize that there can be triumph over trauma. Thus, rather than getting stuck in the dead-end ruts purported by human theories and endless therapies, THE DRAMA OF TRAUMA is pre-emptive in it’s resolve. This, however, isn’t to judge that all therapy or therapists is bad. There are times when a range of psychological, medical, and practical therapies are the best initial way to go. But usually those are only temporary. As a result, I’ve included, as well as examined a number of modern options, noting that they’re limited in their scope and success. You see, contrary to popular notions, psychology, medicine and unusual therapies aren’t the ultimate when it comes treating trauma. What’s more, there isn’t any singular formula or therapeutic approach in dealing with trauma because it’s so individually determined. As you would expect, traumatized people long for a quick fix and hope to find the definitive formula for their conditions. Thus, whenever I’ve written about the clinical and psychological treatments for trauma, I’ve done so in a way that contrasts the ideologies, the therapies- if you can call them that- and personal opinions that disclose how trauma is typically addressed by clinicians, and therapists, as juxtaposed against the truths of God’s Word. It’s crucial that we identify and consider the many and various ways trauma can be addressed, relieved and healed. But, most of all, we need to clarify what truly works and what doesn’t, bearing in mind every person is unique.

    The central message of this series, particularly Volume One, commences with Jesus’ command to His followers in John 14:27. Let not your heart be troubled. Introducing a fresh perspective, this verse might be rendered, Don’t permit your heart to be traumatized. Traumatized folks are often driven into the ground by their traumas, with no hope in sight. Nonetheless, because of what Jesus said in John 14:27, and because of what’s been granted by God for those who seek Him, we can escape from our deep wounds and distresses. You don’t have to be a lifelong victim of trauma. You can instead be healed, and then pre-emptive before trauma ever shows up. To do so, however, means that a lot of forgotten truths must be revived and re-learned.

    There is hope for those who’ve already suffered, and there are many neglected biblical remedies that need to be brought forward. The combined material of THE DRAMA OF TRAUMA uncovers the ancient, and incessant barrage of trauma against and affecting, all levels of human life: individually, shared and globally speaking. Moreover, each chapter exposes an ancient, diabolical strategy. These adjoined factors have roles as if in a theatrical drama with all it’s acts, scenes, themes, narratives, script, the finale and cast, while targeting an ever-growing audience. Therefore, to address the subject of trauma properly, and to furnish lasting, and genuine solutions for those affected by it, THE DRAMA OF TRAUMA addresses a wide range of spectators. Trauma sufferers, therapists, families, doctors, ministers, soldiers, countries, clinicians, abuse victims, and the masses of humanity have become victims and then perpetuators of this drama. But if we’ll meditate on Jesus’ words, we must remember that we can close the curtains on this drama if we will but activate our wills and refuse the rights of trauma to damage us. Furthermore, this life-changing material describes not just the symptoms and types of trauma, but it takes into account, the roots for why trauma could now be on the verge of becoming an international pandemic spreading mercilessly. Thus, rather than looking at the symptoms of trauma we need to examine the reasons for why trauma is on the rise in the world. It will probably shock you, and you may not even want to accept it, but our human ideologies are falling short. Thus, a biblical understanding of what’s happening spiritually in the world, and a review of history, will expose why trauma is overtaking so many people at this time in history.

    Dear ones, trauma isn’t just an ailment, disease or condition. As unmasked in biblical passages, an ancient Last Days’ strategy involving a demonic principality has devastated human lives for several millennia. What’s more, psychologists, therapists, academicians, clinicians, and even ministers specializing in ministry to traumatized people admit that they’re running out of answers. Additionally, medicines and therapies continue to fail and only numb the symptoms. We need to change course and examine the roots of why trauma is on the rise.

    The upswing of trauma in the world is largely due to the fact that we’ve not taught or have been educated in the most basic and necessary principles of truth that would enable us to resist, and thus overcome the effects of traumatic events. But most of all, my aim in all of this is to take this puzzling subject and assemble it’s pieces into a palatable format that seeds hope in the heartbroken by examining and suggesting ways to help and heal traumas victims, biblically, spiritually, psychologically, and medically alongside self-help practices.

    I’ve had many years of experience talking with, ministering to and praying with folks who’ve suffered horrific traumas. I’ve witnessed many of them healed, often instantaneously, though each person is unique. In the DRAMA OF TRAUMA: Volume 1, one specific dynamic is the most effective in the actuation of how God can heal trauma entirely, suddenly and sovereignly. Though rarely talked about in Christian circles, and only vaguely heard of in the unchurched world, the power of God, or what’s labeled as the anointing and manifestations of the Holy Spirit can heal the broken hearted. I’ve been privileged to encounter it on more occasions that I can number. And when the Spirit comes on the scene, His healing presence is tangible and life changing. I praise God for every time that’s happened. But it doesn’t always come about that way. Thus, since there isn’t any a formula, or therapeutic approach, because it’s so individual, I’ve identified and presented instructions for how to seek the Lord and utilize the methods and spiritual expressions that can bring relief and restoration to sufferers who need help. But bear in mind, there are a lot of factors that must be in place for these spontaneous healings to occur.

    Though I didn’t intend for this to happen, this book has become very personal to me. You see, I’ve walked through much of what I’ve written about, having dealt with everything from childhood bullying, to discrimination, prejudice, rejection, poverty, and slander. What’s more in the past few years I’ve undergone life threatening health issues, whilst being brought through those ailments by His grace and triumph. Then just days after returning home from the hospital, our home and ministry house of over 20 years burnt, destroying much of our personal property, as well as my ministry equipment and goods. Yet, through it all, God made me to triumph. I thus have hope and faith for others to know the healing power of God when it comes to fighting and overcoming the effects of traumatic events.

    As you’ll see, I’ve included a variety of testimonies from folks who’ve suffered various types of traumas along with how God healed them. Their names will intentionally remain anonymous. Similarly, the details of their families, organizations, and the locations related to their traumas have been excluded so to protect them from being made to feel vulnerable or judged by the book’s readers. Nonetheless, their accounts are true.

    I must clarify that THE DRAMA OF TRAUMA doesn’t target any specific audience or person. In fact, when leaders have asked me who I’m writing this for, I have to say, anyone and everyone. I know that this is not the norm. But, dear ones, the need is so great and widespread I don’t dare center in on just one category of people. So, you could say, this book is for sufferers. It’s for therapists. It is also written for ministers, pastors, counselors and clearly for folks who need hope for breakthrough and healing.

    The challenge of mixing these audiences and the subjects they need help with is gargantuan. I’m very well aware that for some folks, the clinical research included in the various sections of the book will seem pointless, that is until it’s discovered that the spiritual, historical and clinical aspects are fundamental as to why we’re in the situations we are. The pieces of this huge puzzle have to be identified, and then completely pulled together. So, if while reading you find yourself a bit overwhelmed, take a deep breath, slow down and give yourself some time to absorb what you can. This is not likely to be a book you just sit down and read in one sitting. I’m also aware that some folks who don’t understand the rationale behind this collection of information may say there is too much material, and I thoroughly understand this concern. Nonetheless, in most cases, when releasing a book of this nature, the editing processes will include the practice of removing content that could be judged as unnecessarily repetitious. However, due to the likelihood of selectively re-reading particular chapters, I have opted to not remove most of those repetitive concepts, principles and ideologies so that they support the material present in the selected chapter. Thus, the reader will not have to go back and forth in the book to clarify what the various chapters contain. I apologize if this makes the book tedious. But I would rather that you have close at hand what you need to get the most out of what you’re reading and thus not leave yourself open to confusion, error and insufficient information.

    I am, and have always been, a strategist. For most of my ministry life, I’ve sought to find out why something works or fails and whether the results of that strategy will last. Hence, this series is concerned with producing fruit that remains. If any one of the chapters in this volume is omitted, the lack thereof will instigate an unexpected counterattack. You see the pieces that are necessary to genuine freedom and healing are foundational and must be noted and described in detail. Each thought, message and topic, thus, has been written with consequences for each situation in mind. Just as there are numerous gates through which trauma needs to pass and then function, so there are also a great number of back doors, or behind the scenes activities that occur when the basic elements are omitted and not taught in detail. Hence, if we minister to someone without grasping how the enemy looks for backstage doors, or loopholes in our ministry, trauma will sneak in another way, and suffering will rematerialize. This principle has been thought through and prayed through to prevent that from happening.

    Generally speaking, because the needs of traumatized people are so great, folks who are unacquainted with the knowledge and application of Scriptures, and what it means to be spiritually minded, may deem this material to be beyond their reach. Some may even scoff. But I’m certain that whether someone is a follower of Christ, or not, this book holds answers for all who are willing to read it. So please don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater if you find something you don’t agree with, and don’t understand or don’t necessarily believe.

    THE DRAMA OF TRAUMA series is primarily written for Christians, or folks who love Jesus. That being said, however, for those who are patient, desperate and searching, there is something to be gotten by anyone who will prospect these writings with an open heart and ready mind.

    2 Tim. 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, 4 And they shall turnaway their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (KJV)

    Obviously, Christianity includes a broad collection of belief systems and doctrines, not to forget that there are numerous denominations and branches in the Christian Church expressions. All too often, some folks shy away from teaching and even discussing doctrine, for fear of debate, judgments and argument. We’ve forgotten that doctrine is necessary for stability and faith. I’m not, however, endorsing legalism, as some would tend to do. Instead, the need for doctrine, and the discussion of it, from the posture of seeking truth, is vital to a productive life in Christ and stability. Nonetheless, in the Last Days, whenever that will be, there will develop an anti-doctrine attitude so that even the mere mention of it’s discussion of will be scorned. Thus, being mindful of the different doctrinal opinions embraced throughout the global Church, and wanting to help all who call themselves believers, I’ve endeavored to consider and respect the doctrinal distinctions of the Church’s denominational mindsets and Christian belief systems. Clearly, I can’t cover everything as there are so many branches to the Church worldwide, and none of them is without significance or meaning. Thus, with the focus on what’s related to the healing of trauma, I’ve tried to take into account as many of the denominations as possible, and if necessary, mention the doctrines and sacraments related to treating trauma that each group would prefer. Catholics, and Protestants, such as Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Reformed churches, Methodists, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Word of Faith, Nondenominational Christianity, African initiated churches, Chinese Patriotic Christian Churches, New Apostolic Churches, Local churches, Messianic Judaism, Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy, Non-trinitarian Restorationism, Eastern Protestants, Restoration Movement Churches, Anabaptists, Plymouth Brethren, Hussites, Quakers and many more, too numerous to mention, are taken into account. Mostly, however, I’ve briefly addressed fundamentalist, traditional and conservative Christian groups with a necessary emphasis on Pentecostal and Charismatic believers who practice spiritual gifts listed especially in 1 Corinthians 12-14. The approaches of these specific denominations to prayer and healing, are notable when addressing the wounds of trauma. Regrettably, these particular denominations have begun to adopt a more secular, psychological methodology for treating trauma and could forfeit the previous power and results they were known for in past decades.

    Due the wide cross section of sometimes opposing beliefs in these numerous groups, I’ve had to put forward teaching on doctrines that I’ve come to label as hot potatoes. These messages could be considered by some to be too hot to handle, let alone mention or include in the ministry for traumatized people. Sadly, many of the doctrines that would be helpful to trauma sufferers have been watered down and dismissed over the past 100 years in favor of clinical and psychological methods. These crucial biblical truths must be explained in depth in order to correct the long absence of their messages. I’ve listed the main portion of these doctrines in advance. Please guard your heart from offense when you read of them. Those hot potato doctrines, formerly loved by the Church, have been nearly abandoned and must be restored in detail. Some of these chapters could be more challenging for some readers, than others. I would thus encourage you to approach these topics with humility and endeavor to keep your heart free from offence. Take into consideration that the Body of Christ embraces a lot of different revelations and interpretations of the Bible that could be compared to puzzle pieces. Even though you may not necessarily agree with all of the various concepts, try to take some time to thank God for each part of His Body and the truths that they may hold dear.

    The Cross, the ultimate trauma

    Speaking in Tongues


    The Doctrine of Laying on of Hands

    The doctrine of the New Birth or the New Creation

    The doctrine of spiritual gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit and or the anointing

    Spiritual warfare- such as recognizing the principality of Moab, or dealing with the spirit of fear

    Hearing and recognizing the voice of the Lord

    Understanding the effects of the mystery of lawlessness

    The power of words

    The doctrine of faith toward God

    Intergenerational and historic trauma

    Epigenetic trauma

    The significance of diet in respect to dealing with trauma

    These are but a few of the matters this material addresses. So, as I’ve also briefly taken on the subjects of clinical, psychological and practical research and methodology, let me help you understand why I’ve written the way I have.

    It was a chancy and a difficult decision to know how far to go when citing the clinical, psychological and practical research in the various chapters. Risky in that clinicians and therapists understandably want meticulous data and prefer research that’s scientifically strong, comprising studies that support the ideas related to each topic being addressed, such as the validity of dietary practices when treating trauma, etc. After much careful consideration though, I’ve chosen to share only bits and pieces of those studies. You see, when it comes to trauma, a lot of the papers being done on the various aspects of traumatization, are still in their infancy. Thus, their research is often incomplete and tough for clinically minded people to even endorse or accept. What’s more, some of these findings are more scientifically driven than what many of my readers will want to absorb. I’m painfully aware that the brief citations, I’ve referred to, many of which are derived from pioneering research projects, may frustrate some health care professionals who justifiably want more detailed clinical data. So, even though I know I’m presenting a less-than-scientific-method format, many clinicians and therapists could be disturbed by the conclusions these papers make. I know I’m taking a gamble and I realize I may be criticized for over simplifying this research, making my suggestions, and the associated studies to seem weak. Some folks may even suggest that I’m endorsing data that presents insufficient evidence for the case of diet in the process of correcting mental disorders related to trauma. These are all issues I am aware of. Nonetheless, I’ve chosen to go this more simplified route for a good reason. In referring to these assorted reports I believe that the basic information will generate hope for those who are suffering and who’ve been forced to slug out this battle on their own without the help of qualified counselors. I’m also aiming to present some of the new and emerging insights, concerning diet and mood, as options that might be considered. You see, the average reader isn’t likely to press through all the medical/clinical and psychological jargon embodied in the processes of these new findings. But they do need help and uncomplicated information that can provide them with a sense of reassurance that breakthroughs and new options are on the horizon, if not already being achieved.

    I’ve battled great concern in the writing, and eventual distribution, of this book. Will the readers who’ve suffered from trauma react, or even get triggered into re-traumatization from what they’ve read? After discussing this potential with numerous ministers and counselors, I’ve conceded that this is always a possibility, but nearly unavoidable. I, therefore, need to encourage you, especially if you’re a trauma victim, and plan on reading this book, to spend time in prayer beforehand. I’d exhort you to stay connected with the people who are walking with you and speaking into your life. Anything can trigger anyone. But I want you to know that I am asking the Lord for grace for you in this matter.

    Outsiders not acquainted with trauma can be very insensitive to what traumatized folks go through. But we must ask why are we in this generation so easily disturbed and ultimately traumatized? There is always the risk of being misunderstood or judged when you try to discuss the increased unusual vulnerabilities manifesting in modern folks to trauma. But this is going on all around the world. Regrettably, because of that, less-affected individuals, both in and outside the Church, as well in various cultures, point an insensitive finger of accusation scoffing at anyone who’s suffered trauma. You see, trauma isn’t necessarily the result of a lack of faith, weakness or badness. The rise of trauma in the world is largely due to that fact that we haven’t been taught the most basic and necessary principles of truth that would enable us to resist and overcome the effects of traumatic events. The impact of painful incidents is magnified if the appropriate boundaries necessary to defeat that shock is missing. Rather than scorn sufferers and call them inferior and weak, let us be merciful, kind, gentle and slow to judge those that are hurting. Anyone of us can suffer. For every finger you point at someone else, and accuse them, several others are pointing back at you.

    A great amount of time is spent addressing the issues of and treatments for trauma as pertaining to prenatal, newborns, young children and youth. Similarly, because of my penchant to identify and address the foundations of life, whether it be people or nations, I’ve concluded that if you want to reach a traumatized country or culture you don’t start with the adults. You train the children. This mindset is crucial for our world. But these many faceted instructions are not limited to little ones. In the same way, the book talks about what a good therapist characteristically needs to be and do in order to minister to traumatized people and what conditions and qualities of treatment are best for their situations. On top of this, I have endeavored to address the issue of self-help when it comes to healing for trauma. Many sufferers throughout the world will not have access to qualified trauma therapists or ministers. Thus, they need help to work through their own specific needs. Sadly, I mourn the fact that the information I’ve written about concerning how diet can advance healing for trauma, will not likely be of assistance to people in war zones, impoverished nations and famine ridden places. But I am in hopes this material can help others who do have access to healthy foods.

    I do not regard myself to be a therapist or a counselor. Yes, I am a minister of the gospel. But trauma is but one of the focuses I emphasize and teach about. For that reason and others, I don’t make myself available to counsel or to set appointments for those who need such assistance. Truthfully, I intensely sidestep counseling and prefer not to work with trauma victims. Per my past experience, I’ve come to the conclusion that counselling requires follow up and is crucial to success if there hasn’t already been a sovereign manifestation of healing. Thus, because of my schedule, workload, particular giftings and responsibilities before God, I simply can’t provide sufferers the amount of time that they would need and would be most beneficial to walk them through their issues. I’ve learned this the hard way. Additionally, at the time of this writing, I don’t have administrative help who could respond to emails, phone calls and online interaction from folks who want to ask questions or desire counseling of any sort. For that reason, I’m not able to respond to most emails, especially those that contain questions and requests for personal ministry and training. Inevitably, curious folks say that they have a short question, without realizing that a brief request usually requires a lengthy answer. So, not wanting to seem rude or uncaring, I want to make a few things known in advance. I’m guarding my time fervently so that I can finish writing the two additional volumes in this series, as well as the other books the Lord has called me to do. Thankfully, the research has been completed, and a great majority of these next books are largely written. There will probably be seminars and other types of teaching available in time to come.

    My prayer for you as you dig into this material is that you’ll find direction, healing, hope and encouragement for your life, your family and friends, and all you’re acquainted with who suffer from trauma and the conditions the drama has created in your life. You can triumph over this foe. God bless you and may you discover a deep, refreshing manifestation of His Spirit as you intimately pursue Him. He is the ultimate solution for all that trauma acts out.




    Performance Curtains with solid fill

    Deut. 32:29 O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end (KJV) (Prov. 19:20)

    He was stunned, incapacitated by the daily barrage of contradictory information. The buildup, of newsy traumatic events, and nonstop crisis was having it’s way with his head and his heart. So, striving to retreat into his safe, comfortable living room, surrounded by his books, newspapers, Smart phone and television, he sat mute. The plethora of articles and books, the rumors he’d been hearing, and the images he’d become all-to-familiar with, were simply too much to absorb. Newscasts contradicted each other depending on which network aired them. Statistics varied widely subject to whatever source the correspondents deemed accurate. Which one was right, if any? What about the bigger picture of world events? Was anything trustworthy? Then, there was the weather. Even though he was positive that climatic change was cyclical, he was distressed by the spread of super storms thrashing the planet. Was there a connection? Was it a sign of judgment? Or, on the other hand were the extreme outbreaks indicative of a larger climactic scheme that reappears every 100 years or so? There was evidence of that. So, was there more to it than was being told? On top of it all, he’d lost his job, and was uncertain of what the future held. Now he had more idle time than he knew what to do with. Mournfully, he’d lost several loved ones to unexpected illnesses and death, not overlooking the global pandemic that had put everyone on edge. Still, when he needed the companionship of friends, he found himself caught in the middle of forceful relationship conflicts and isolation. Trouble was mounting on all sides. It was as if life was out of control.

    He puzzled over how a mixture of Christian leaders predicted impending doom and judgment. At the same time, others promised prosperity and forecast wonderful things, even a mighty revival. His friends debated about what they believed were controversial conspiracies, as if they knew for certain these matters were truly occurring. Yet, when he probed their comments, and queried as to where they’d gotten their information, they robotically quoted statistics citing the data from the groups they unquestionably followed. Some pointed a finger at government leaders, blaming them for everything from the economy, to the weather, even the pandemic. Others believed the political system would solve everything. One thing was obvious. The lines were being drawn, and sides were being taken, provoked by intense emotions, convictions, values, belief systems, and most of all, fear. There was too much to consider. Even so, there was clearly no way to nail down the truth, for what was going on seemed cloaked in the shadows of endless, pointless debate. It felt like the masses were tense with uncertainty. So, as he sat there, pondering the murkiness disquieting his peace, and discerned an insidious, mocking terror, lurking, and ready to pounce at any moment. He could not, he would not, yield to it. Nevertheless, he felt too weak and powerless to fight what he didn’t understand. Maybe it would be best to just give in. But of one thing he was convinced. All the information, all the statistics and the forecasts, was slowly paralyzing him. Even if he knew what to do, fear was working it’s worst, and it was gradually eroding his life.

    This man, like so many others, has been traumatized by a repetitive, painful assault aimed at the heart, and crafted by an ancient satanic plan. As an individual, what could he do? Sadly, this fellow is one of millions fighting the very same plight. A few folks cautiously suspect that something very unusual, and extremely ancient, is about to emerge on the scene fulfilling a prophetic declaration by the prophet Jeremiah. We’ll look at that later. But accompanying it’s advent, a drama of traumatic fear is resolute to overcome all the inhabitants of this world and aiming to incapacitate all believers. It’s designed to restrain revival and cancel out all godly progress.

    It’s my hope to expose this condition for what it is, how it works, and what’s necessary to conquer it. So, for now, I want you to consider this. A drama of trauma is at work in the earth designed to batter humankind into a submissive state of pointlessness. Like any dramatic production, there are producers, scenes, acts and characters, behind the scenes goings on, and there’s a definite plot. My friend, an ancient, veiled foe has set a strategy into motion, from the opening curtain, to the final act. Sadly, those who consider themselves to be wise will scoff at this development. Furthermore, if they don’t pause and take heed to the matter, they’ll suffer the same fate as everyone else who ignores the truth of the Scriptures and prophetic events destined for the soon-coming future. For that reason, we need to know what’s going on and why this is so significant to us today.


    2 Cor. 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. (KJV)

    2 Tim. 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; 26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. (KJV)

    While working on the manuscript for another upcoming book entitled IN THE END: WHAT MUST WE DO? I stumbled on to some remarkable biblical revelation that I didn’t anticipate, nor did I feel prepared to unravel. At the same time, I’d been writing another book, about understanding the concept of foundations that was integrally connected to the first one I’d mentioned. You see, I’ve always been interested in the End Times and have listened to Christian speakers from many different sectors of the Body of Christ, as they presented their sometimes-opposing views on when, what, if and how things will occur prior to and in the times when Jesus comes back. On occasion, these speakers would nearly come to blows over their differences of opinion. Honestly, that broke my heart. That’s one of the reasons I’ve made the study of End Times an ongoing focus, and for many years, strove to investigate and understand all the Bible passages that point to the End, also named as The Last Days, The End of all Days, and The Latter times, etc. There are lots of different angles and interpretations that have been conceived since Jesus ascended to Heaven, so much so, that the differing slants can set your head spinning. What’s more, the subjects I’ve uncovered, while looking at the surprising verses in Jeremiah, I’ve never heard anyone talk about. That matter alone can be risky because we need to listen to the revelations and thought processes of others throughout the Church’s history and why they came to the conclusions they did and believe and taught those theories. I’m very careful about such things. Any of us can be deceived. We must, therefore, be on guard, and stay connected through fellowship with the Body of Christ. So, when I started digging into those astonishing eye-openers, the research threw me into a 25-year hunt that overlapped with many subjects until this specific manuscript began to take shape. As you’ll soon discover, the combination of everything woven into this project has made a big impression on me. But as it’s developed, I’ve come to realize that much of the Church is ignorant about what will occur in the Last Days, and even what each denominational group believes is absolute in the times before Jesus comes back. Many folks are blind to the fact that God has provided directives, for both what to do, and how to live, in the times before Christ’s return. Furthermore, the absolutizing of any specific theological bent can produce a host of problems, including everything from fatalism to passivity, overly zealous attitudes and more. What’s more there is a dangerous naïveté being embraced by countless Christians pertaining to the strategies of Satan, and the zeal for Jesus’s second coming. Thus, many folks are oblivious to what our mutual enemy will do in the End, and how he’ll do it.

    Deut. 32:26 O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end (KJV) (Prov. 19:20)

    1 Pet. 4:7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer. 8 And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. (KJV)

    Truthfully, dear ones, we’ve been in the Last Days for many centuries. Peter, the great apostle, wrote with certainty in 1 Peter 4 verse 7 that the end of all things is at hand. Moreover, in verse 8, he directed them about what they should do in that time. Clearly, the end of the world didn’t occur then, nor did the Lord return, as Peter implied. So, did he miss it? Well, no, he didn’t. He just had a different perspective on what the End refers to and advised them concerning what would be

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