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The Root of all EV's
The Root of all EV's
The Root of all EV's
Ebook53 pages46 minutes

The Root of all EV's

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The Root of all EV's


You want to eliminate the stress and demand of commuting your teenagers around, you will agree that your teenagers definitely need a ride. Choosing a vehicle for your teenagers can really be frustrating; you want the best for them within the financial capacity of the family and they also want to make their choice. 

If you are considering buying a vehicle with a relatively low maintenance cost for your teenager, an electric vehicle is worth shopping for over a gas vehicle. 

With electric vehicles becoming more popular, many vehicle brands have joined the race so there are many options to choose from. Do you want a Tesla, Nissan leaf, Audi e-Tron, Volvo, Ford Focus Electric, among others? Irrespective of the brand of your choice, some important factors to consider when choosing an electric vehicle are the cost of purchase, battery life in miles, kilowatt-hour of battery, and most importantly, availability and location of charging stations.

This eBook, "The Root of all EV's" will help you to make a choice to either purchase an electric vehicle or a gas vehicle for your teenager as you read through the life experience of Alonza L. Johnson Jr. with his teenagers.


Release dateMay 27, 2021
The Root of all EV's

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    Book preview

    The Root of all EV's - Alonza Johnson


    It’s a beautiful day, let’s go for a drive.

    At the beginning of my journey, let me start by saying, I never saw myself owning an electric vehicle EV.

    This entire journey started when my 18-year-old son needed a reliable means of transportation and does not know what that may entail. To my surprise, I was not prepared for this ride! My advice to him was, do not bite off more than you can chew. You're going to school and working; that's not an easy feat.  Any parent knows when it comes to children, your family is the key to life, and raising children indeed takes a village. In my case, I have very loving sisters in my corner who are always there to support the family at any cost. Unexpectedly, my sister and brother-in-law were discussing maybe giving my son their 1999 Nissan Maxima with 200,000 miles. I know you are saying, wow, that's a lot of miles. 

    If you live outside of any city limits, the commute is always daunting and lengthy.  This car was very well cared for, Dealer-maintained, and in excellent condition. Now the seed is planted, and my son is also thinking the same thing. It wouldn't hurt to ask my aunt and uncle; the worst thing that could happen is, they could say no. A few days later, he got the courage, and he made the call. They came to a consensus, and now he's a proud owner of his first vehicle.  Now comes the whole truth and nothing but the truth-car insurance for teenagers is ridiculously high and outrageous. Let me start by saying I'm not rich or well off by any means. My wife and I are hard-working 9 to 5 middle-class homeowners.

    After meeting with my wife and scratching our heads and a few aspirins later, we decided to add the car (not him) to our insurance policy and offer him a discount at our expense. Trust me; this is not smart or legal, so do not take any of my advice. I call this flying under the radar and trying to save a buck or two.  After adding the vehicle to our insurance, the policy only increased about $125, not a big deal with a third vehicle added to my policy; now our payments are around $350 a month for auto insurance. In my eyes, that's not so bad. At this point, everything is in place and going well, and my son and daughter have transportation to and from high school. A few months later, as you know, teenagers will be teenagers! On this rainy day after school, the kids were on their way home, and a minor fender bender occurred outside of the school grounds involving a couple of faculty members. A teacher passing by decided to make a sudden stop to assist, and my son, following too closely, collided with him.  Fortunately, there were no injuries and no significant damage. That rainy day watered my soil, and the seed is now starting to root. I notified my insurance carrier; as I mentioned, definitely flying under the radar is not the thing to do. We learned the hard way. 

    My insurance company knew at that point who was the driver of that vehicle from the police report. Adding fuel to the fire, the teacher that he collided with decided to sue my insurance company. Now I'm angry! As you know, this is the world we live in today. Roughly, a month later, a slight insurance increase brings our policy to a little over $450 a month. Life goes on; you deal with each situation as it comes – no need to panic. The dust clears for a while, and everything is going well, so you thought! One day, my son was out with a few friends heading to the mall. He missed

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