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A Stormy Romance
A Stormy Romance
A Stormy Romance
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A Stormy Romance

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This book ‘A Stormy Romance’ is his second novel and is about a young black man who falls in love with a young white man. He is reluctant to fall in love as he does not want to date a white boy and the white boy is a product of a white supremacy family; or so he thought. Both are thrown together in the same cabin of a cargo ship when they are Midshipmen and their love grows, but on a trip to Hong Kong to transfer to another ship held up by the Chinese Government awaiting entry to the port of Shanghais, Michael is arrested and their world falls apart. Isaac decides to leave the company and live close to where Michael is incarcerated in a Federal prison in California, as he is released on an agreement with the Chinese Government that he finish his term of imprisonment in an American prison. However, Isaac does not know that Michael is actually a Chinese Citizen, born and raised with a white Chinese family who were infiltrated into the CIA and FBI in America. Michael and his parents are all agents of the Peoples republic of China.
Michael is arrested by what Isaac thought was the FBI for the murder of his mother on his release from prison, but 2 years later, Isaac is involved with a rescue by a Chinese Container ship when his fishing trawler capsizes in a fierce Arctic storm and Michael; who is now an agent of the Chinese Government, hears of his rescue and demands he be held in custody on the ships arrival in Shanghais.

PublisherIsaac Brown
Release dateApr 3, 2021
A Stormy Romance

Isaac Brown

Isaac Luther Brown is a first time author; finding writing as a hobby in his later years after he retired from prison life at the age of 72 years. He spent most of his adult life in prison; mostly for non violent crimes. Isaac is of mixed race of Spanish, Southern French and Moorish (North African) blood. Writing had always been a passion for him in the solitary times when spent alone but it was only after his release from prison that he took it up as an author. Isaac is a gay man but not partnered at present although he still wishes to find someone to share his life in the future. Isaac now lives in the Far North of Queensland in the tropical northern city of Cairns with his devoted cat ‘Tiger’; a black and white mixed breed he rescued from a shelter. It was an older cat and he said he felt a kinship to the cat being black, older and in a cage as he had been. Isaac knew he was a gay man before he was incarcerated and although was raped many times inside whilst a young man, never found someone inside whom he felt a particular longing to be with so never formed any long term relationships.Isaac is determined to remain free and enjoy what he can of life in the years he has left. He enjoys being black; although he has no real association with others of his colour or race as there are few of North African heritage living close to where he is living. He felt more discrimination whilst in prison than he does living in normal society outside of prison. In prison, he had to align himself with prisoners of his colour whereas outside, he has many friends of white and black; something he could not do inside. Age has tempered his disposition and allowed him to make friends throughout the many ethnic communities within the community he now resides.His first book is of a white man who has a need to be black. The main character, Eric, has no idea why he has this need but it is a yearning inside him and his partner and friends cannot understand this need. He decides to go ahead and do it regardless of the cries of deplore by all those around him and accepts the challenges ahead of this regardless of their outcome; the outcome ending with his being sentenced to a term of incarceration. He anticipated being incarcerated as he was aware of the incarceration rate of black people but he did not expect the method used to put him in prison. His mind was altered; his deepening colour expedited and after an amount of time needed to absorb his new life, finds he likes being black; he likes prison and allows life to take him where it will. Life as a black man is different but it is what he desired and always wanted from a young man; he wants to remain black in his retirement and his benefactor allows this.

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    A Stormy Romance - Isaac Brown

    Copyright ©2021 by Isaac L Brown

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book always remains the intellectual property of the writer under the Copyright Laws in Australia and the rest of the world.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. This document uses historical facts to weave a storyline and uses web based information to achieve this result, using Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia as my main source. My thanks to Wikipedia for their assistance and available source of information; I do contribute to their finances when I can.




    Man is a sexual animal; put on this earth to propagate a species. But what is he if he is gay? Society looks on gay men as a third species; one that does not propagate and is socially unacceptable in most countries, even though many countries have now legislated to accept gay rights and marriage. So; what am I?

    I am a young man who has accepted what he is; a man who loves men. I am an African-American; a ‘Nigger’; a ’Black Man’ yet my desires are for white men. Can a mixed relationship survive the discrimination of the other partner; the discrimination of their relationship? Can a family accept a mixed relationship?

    As I became aware of my sexual leanings, I wanted to kill myself; I didn’t want to be a black fag; I wanted a family and children just like my folks; just like my brothers and sisters; I wanted to be normal, but the older I got, the more I leaned towards the love of men and not women. I went out with several girls during my youth and with my hormones raging, I attempted to have sex with them as any normal black youth would, but I could never find pleasure with women; could never get my libido interested and raging as my fellow classmates, gang members and brothers did when faced with a sexually explicit photo of a lady in the sexy magazines. My libido was rising when even the cover of a ‘Body Builder’ magazine was shown, let alone any internal photos of men with giant muscles and bodies to die for.

    I wasn’t too bad at school and attended most days; unlike many of my friends and gang members who were mostly illiterate or poorly educated. They were headed for a life of poverty and lower paid jobs, but I studied hard knowing I could be better than them and my siblings. My parents never had the chance of education past basics and my siblings saw no way to lift themselves out of the ghetto through education so never strived to get any formal education certificates. I saw life differently; I wanted to be someone.

    As I realised my sexuality I wondered where I would end up; would I take on an occupation more in keeping with gay men or could I still do a career in a masculine area such as the military; I adored military men, but also had a desire to go to sea. I don’t know why I hankered for the sea, as I lived in the centre of America and well away from the sea; I had never seen the sea except in movies. Somehow it called to me. I finished school and managed to get a scholarship to the University of Indianapolis to study Marine Engineering and started planning my future career as an Engineer on cargo vessels. I was studious and passed all my exams; not at the top of the class, but staying close to the middle range. I was so proud of my achievements and looked forward to applying to the Merchant Marine School as an Engineering Officer.

    Whilst at college, I attended several LGBTIQ dances and gatherings and played the field quite a bit; always looking for casual sex with other gay black men. I didn’t believe in mixed relationships as I felt it was inappropriate for a black man to date; even casually, a white man. I think I was racially prejudiced against white boys; the past was always in the back of my mind; slavery and discrimination of past years from the white society was still an angry part of my life. I had been taught to stay away from white areas within my town as our police force tended to harass black kids and youth for the slightest reason and many had been arrested for minimal crimes but sentenced to long prison sentences on made up evidence. We were poor from a poor neighbourhood and expected police harassment; it was part of our lives and part of our black ghetto existence.

    Chapter1 – The Sea

    I was accepted into the Marine College and was required to do a general seaman’s course to ready me for a life at sea. Part of the year long course was to join cargo and passenger ships for 4 weeks up to 8 weeks at a time, to work in the engine rooms and also as midshipmen to learn the duties I would be required to undertake when I finally joined my own ship. I was excited when I mounted the gangplank of my first ship; wet behind the ears and as gullible as any other first time seaman. I was met at the top of the gangplank by another midshipman and shown directly to the ship’s purser where I was signed on as a trainee.

    Ever been to sea lad? I was asked by the Purser; a Scots Man by the name of McDougal.

    No Sir; never seen the sea until this very day.

    This isn’t the sea lad; once we leave port, then we are at sea. It won’t be as calm as it is now so I hope you get your sea legs quickly as you have a lot of learning to do? He said.

    It has been my passion for many years Sir; I will find my sea legs well enough.

    Brave words mister; the sea rules us, we do not rule the sea and she can throw everything in our path and some can be very dangerous and can even sink us if you do not carry out your job well. The engines in a ship are the most important part and without them we are just a speck of dust in a vast ocean of turmoil. I signed on and was then taken down to where the midshipmen had their sleeping quarters.

    I had a lower bunk in a cabin for 4 midshipmen. It was small but adequate for the purpose. I only had 1 roommate on this journey and his name was Michael Monroe; an 18 year old from New York and wanted to be a general sailor midshipman. His time would be spent in the holds during loading and unloading and on the bridge during sailings. I would be deep in the bowels of the ship in the engine compartment; amongst the heat and noise of the mighty engines; I’m sure I will be given an unwelcome tour of the lower sections such as the bilges; it’s common knowledge new midshipmen get dunked. Unless our break times were the same it would be seldom Michael’s and my paths crossed.

    There were 2 mess and recreation areas on board; 1 for the men or the dirty mess and 1 for the clean mess; usually the officers. You could not wear overalls in the clean mess so when on duty, I would be relegated to the general or dirty mess. I didn’t mind slumming it with the general hands as I came from a working class background and was comfortable around working men. I was hardly unpacked when I heard the ship’s horn blast for leaving her moorings and felt the shudder of the engines as she increased revolutions to manoeuvre out of her dock and into the harbour. My shift did not start for another 4 hours so I decided to go on deck and watch our leaving port. It was a cool day in Chicago as we slipped our moorings and headed for the Great Lakes and onward towards the North Atlantic sea and to Europe. The ship would be away for 6 weeks in all and I would then return to the college for further instruction and exams to gain my engineers certificate. I dressed in my overalls; they were orange in colour and with reflective stripes on the back, arms and legs. I also wore heavy steel capped boots for safety around heavy equipment. This was the first time I had worn my work gear as previously I had always worn a midshipman’s day uniform whilst at the college. It felt good to wear something comfortable.

    Catching some air Mr. Brown? I was deep in thought as I watched the ship turn and head towards the lakes and it caught me by surprise. I turned towards the voice and it was the Purser.

    Yes Sir; sorry Sir I didn’t hear you coming.

    I believe it is the first time you have been on anything larger than a row boat? He said.

    My first boat Sir; never been on water in my life before.

    Ship Mr. Brown; she will dominate your life and take it too without regret should you fuck up. The ship and the sea will rule your life and become a hard taskmistress. They never let you go once they get into your mind and blood.

    I have always wanted to go to sea Sir; since I could remember.

    Then you have never felt sea sickness have you?

    No Sir.

    It will happen and when it does, you will pray to God to let you die, but the ship will not let you rest and the sea will make your stomach churn and give everything you have and more. Only then will you know if your life is to be at sea or on land; then you can become a seaman and allow the ship to dominate your life from then on or give up and seek another occupation. You won’t be the first to leave the sea and I assure you, you won’t be the last. It is a demanding career yet it is also most rewarding. You are with us for 6 weeks Mr. Brown and then I hope you make a wise choice; you come highly recommended from the college.

    Recommended Sir? I didn’t think my studies were that impressive?

    It isn’t exam results that make a good seaman Mr. Brown. Instructors can see those who will go the distance and you were suggested to us by the college as a promising officer.

    I didn’t realise I was being watched Sir?

    Every instructor watches every student Mr. Brown; by the time you leave the college, every good shipping company will know who you are and your potential. Keep up the studies and you will not have any problem finding a ship to sail on. He turned and walked away, leaving me at the rail with the cold breeze blowing against my body and into the sleeves of my overalls, chilling me to the bone, but I couldn’t go below; I had to watch the ship enter the Lakes and head into the depths of the cold and troubles seas ahead. It was late afternoon and getting dark when I finally headed down to the mess for hot coffee and maybe something to eat. The mess was full of others; deck hands, officers in overalls and obviously having finished duties loading below decks. The coffee was hot and the chatter loud and the mess was warm and in a way, quite cosy. I settled down and was deep in thought when Michael joined me at the table with coffee and a large plate of spaghetti and meat sauce.

    What no meat balls? I asked.

    I’m vegetarian so didn’t ask for the meat balls.

    But the meat balls were in the sauce and part of it; not very vegetarian of you to have the sauce and not the meat balls?

    I’m not strictly vegetarian; I just don’t eat meat that’s all; don’t like it.

    So if they have Sheppard’s pie or meat loaf on the menu, you are going to starve for a day?

    Cookie knows I am vegetarian so said he would have a salad for me on those days.

    You eat eggs or cheese?

    Sometimes, but not often.

    Man, I’d die if I didn’t have meat, eggs and cheese. They are my staple diet. I said to him.

    Bloody carnivores. He said with a smile and I saw the funny side and laughed with him.

    You been to sea before Mike? I asked.

    Yeah, lots. My dad is a seaman but he goes out of New York on passenger ships. He’s a Purser too.

    Why you want to be a deck officer and not specialise?

    My exam results wouldn’t let me specialise; barely passed the deck officer entrance exam.

    But you passed and here you are; you happy about that?

    Family tradition. He answered.

    I didn’t ask you that Michael; I asked if you were happy in the area you have entered?

    No, not really but I am happy I managed to get into the college; dad tried to push me into radio officer but I didn’t have the pass, but I told him I always wanted a deck officer position so he didn’t question me.

    What you trying to hide Michael? A man doesn’t do something like this if his heart isn’t in it?

    Does it show that easily?

    Yes man it does. What you hiding?

    Nothing; I ain’t hiding nothing.

    You’re gay aren’t you and you haven’t told your father?

    No I ain’t; I like women not men? He then realised that he had shouted out and the whole mess had heard him. He stood up and ran from the mess, leaving his food almost untouched. I followed him out and back to our cabin.

    You don’t have to be ashamed of who you are Michael.

    Who are you to tell me that? You don’t have a father who hates gay men and threatened to kill me if I ever told him I was gay. I moved over to where he stood facing the back of the cabin and put my arms around his shoulders and hugged him.

    Mine would chop my pecker off if he knew I was gay too; we all have our problems Michael. I said in a whisper as I held him. He turned and looked me in the eyes.

    You’re not just saying that; you saying you a gay man too? He said with wide eyes.

    I didn’t want to be the typical gay man, dressing like a poof, going to gay bars trawling for men; I wanted a life that said I was a man regardless of my sexual orientation. The sea seemed to be the best option.

    But you always wanted to be an engineer, right?

    You always wanted to be a deck officer, right? I said and he looked at me again.

    You just took what was offered didn’t you; like me?

    It was an answer to my problems. My folks don’t know I’m gay and neither do my brothers and sisters. I don’t think I could ever go to another Thanksgiving Dinner again if they did? Being at sea gives me an excuse not to be there every year and face a barrage of questions about why I am not married and have 10 kids by now? I was smiling but I was deadly serious.

    I never met another gay man before; I thought I was all by myself?

    But you knew there were other gay men; why didn’t you try and meet some; go to gay bars or meet and chat on the Internet?

    I was too scared my father would somehow find out; we shared a lap top and if he saw where I was searching he would go off his nut?

    Didn’t you work as a youth; you know, like a burger bar or something?

    My family has money so no need to earn money; always had plenty when I needed it.

    You never thought to ask for your own computer or lap top?

    Didn’t need one. You ain’t gonna tell anyone are you; about me being gay?

    They don’t know about me either, so why would I say anything about you; it’s our little secret. I saw the relief on his face as I said that and I let him go and we sat on the lower bunk and just stared at the far wall.

    We hit heavy winds that stirred up the waters on Lake Ontario that night and I felt the urge to be sick on many occasions and finally I headed up on deck once again to get some fresh air. It was blowing a gale and the waves were crashing over the Bow soaking those on deck who were checking the chains and containers to make sure they had not moved. I was wearing a wet weather suit as the cold winds were icy and without wet weather gear, the wind would have penetrated the clothes and frozen me to the bone. I spewed several times over the side of the railings and I understood what the purser had said about wanting to die. I spewed and spewed until there was nothing left in my stomach and then spewed again and again. My body was wracked with fatigue, yet when I finally had the courage to go back to my cabin, Michael was sound asleep without a worry in the world. Michael would make a good seaman; I had doubts about myself though. My stomach felt like it had been ripped out and twisted into a tight ball and I lay on the bunk and prayed for the seas to abate. ‘Please God; please stop the wind and waves so I can sleep’. But through exhaustion, I finally fell asleep and when I awoke the next morning, the seas were calm and there was only a slight rocking motion; a slight vibration from the engines and the noise of Michael moving about getting dressed for work.

    You had a bad night last night. Michael remarked as I lifted my heavy head.

    I never felt so sick; I wanted to die.

    You better get dressed as it is nearly shift time.

    I’ve got to shower and shave first; I need to get my head together.

    Why shave; time to grow a beard young man; like an old seafarer of old?

    Not sure if I would suit a beard? I said with a smile.

    All men look good in beards? Michael said with a smile as he finished putting his work boots on.

    You got a fetish for men in beards?

    Might have; what about you?

    I like a good body and a great smile; preferably black. I responded.

    You don’t like white men? Are you prejudiced against white men?

    When you live in a black ghetto, it isn’t likely you would take home a white boy to meet mother; it ain’t done where I come from?

    You’re scared to meet white men aren’t you?

    Just never looked for any that’s all; always stuck to black men from my own area and in the bars in the community. Never considered a white boyfriend before; anyway, I couldn’t take a boyfriend home as dad would kill me before I got through the door; black or white.

    It don’t matter your colour Isaac; we all love the same? Michael said.

    Do we? You never been with a man have you; never laid with a man; never had sex with a man. Black men are more responsive than white men; we got rhythm man; we got style and passion.

    You think white men don’t have rhythm and passion? Now I know you ain’t been with a white boy.

    How can you say that when you never been with a man; black or white?

    I have been with a man; a white man, once. I was so scared but he put me at my peace and made beautiful love to me; but it scared me so much I never tried again, but I knew it was what I always wanted.

    Why you so scared?

    It was my last year at school; I was only 16 years old and I was staying over at a friend’s house. He was a year older than me but he told me he had been with many other men. He knew I was gay; that’s why he asked me to sleep over. He made me do it while his mum and dad were asleep in the same house; I was petrified they would wake up and come find us.

    So he raped you?

    I don’t know if it was rape or I wanted him to rape me, but he forced me to lay down while he kissed me and licked me and then he pushed his dick up my ass and came inside me.

    How did you feel when he pushed his dick up your ass? I asked him.

    He hurt at first, but when he started to move inside me, I felt so wonderful. I wanted him to do it more and more, but he left town for college and I never saw him again.

    So you haven’t had sex since then? I asked him.

    No; but I could never look for a woman after that night; I knew I was gay and wanted men to fuck me.

    I could fuck you? I suggested.

    I don’t want a black dick up my ass; I don’t like black men.

    Why you don’t like black men?

    White boys fuck black men and not the other way round. He said.

    We aren’t slaves anymore Michael; it’s not a crime to like a black boy and not a white boy; we ain’t in the deep south in the heart of the old slave days anymore. This is 2011 and we are supposed to be an integrated country? I said.

    But it ain’t is it? Many people see black people as slaves still; I know my daddy does. He won’t employ black people.

    There hasn’t been slavery for over a hundred years Michael, yet your daddy won’t employ black people? Slavery is only in the minds of those who will not accept that our country fought a war against slavery and slavery lost? Your daddy is living in the past Michael.

    Is he? Look at politics Isaac; a two party system; one for democracy and one for slavery; one for equality and one for White Power; is slavery dead? No, it might not have the same name but it is still a divided country Isaac and the blacks will never have equality as there are too many southerners; too many rednecks and hillbillies who think America is for Americans and that don’t include blacks. The Ku Klux Klan still exists to this day and do police arrest them and put them on trial? No; for most of them are the police and high State officials. I watched Michael as he said this and I saw he was quite emotional; not because he hated saying what he did but because I believed he actually believed in what he was saying and saw it as his own beliefs too.

    Your daddy is a member of the KKK isn’t he?


    He asked you to join too didn’t he?

    I thought about it; he said it would help me get a good job when I left College; he said he had contacts.

    In the KKK; why didn’t you join?

    I didn’t like the men; I went to a few meetings but they were not good men; they sprouted violence and I didn’t think that way.

    But you still don’t like or trust black men; you wouldn’t even drive through a black neighbourhood or even walk through one would you? I was getting a little angry now, but tried to suppress my anger as much as I could.

    You think I am a racist don’t you?

    How do you think about sharing a cabin with me; me being black I mean?

    When the purser told me I would have a black man sharing my cabin, I asked him to put you in another cabin but he told me all midshipmen used the same cabin and I would have to put up with you.

    Have you changed your mind since we have met and talked?

    Not sure; don’t think so.

    You scared of me Michael?

    Yes; my daddy says black men want to kill white boys; you won’t hurt me will you Isaac?

    Yeah I will; but not how you think; I am going to make you like me; that might hurt at first but we will be best of friends by the end of this trip. Does that worry you Michael?

    You just want to fuck me don’t you? Michael said bitterly.

    "Is that what you think? I don’t rape white boys. I don’t even like white boys so you are safe don’t worry. You better get your act together boy; you got to get to live for the next 6 weeks with a black

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