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Stop Listening and Start Talking: Stop Listening and Start Talking
Stop Listening and Start Talking: Stop Listening and Start Talking
Stop Listening and Start Talking: Stop Listening and Start Talking
Ebook97 pages1 hour

Stop Listening and Start Talking: Stop Listening and Start Talking

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About this ebook

If you are thinking of starting your own podcast and looking for resources to help you along the journey, then you came to the right place. This book will give you guidance on products to use, costs of running a show, how to do things for free, apps to use and much more.
PublisherRuckUp Media
Release dateJan 5, 2021
Stop Listening and Start Talking: Stop Listening and Start Talking

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    Book preview

    Stop Listening and Start Talking - Joel Nest

    Stop Listening and Start Talking

    A survival guide on how to start

    and maintain a podcast


    Joel Nest





    Chapter 1            What is a Podcast?

    Chapter 2        Setting up your show

    Chapter 3      Creating the content

    Chapter 4            Name that show

    Chapter 5              Set-up costs

    Chapter 6            The business side of things

    Chapter 7              Now onto the actual podcast

    Chapter 8          Setting up interviews

    Chapter 9            Let’s start recording

    Chapter 10        Social media and how it can help

    Chapter 11            Let’s talk about affiliate marketing

    Chapter 12    Proposal writing for sponsors

    Chapter 13 Advertising

    Chapter 14            Stats and understanding what they mean

    Chapter 15            I got merch, man!


    Glossary: the code


    Funny how a guy who only started podcasting less than a year ago is writing a book on the subject. There either must be something wrong with him, or he wants to get the info out to the masses.

    Maybe a bit of both.

    I have been watching a great deal of content when it comes to podcasting and the entire business around it, and I had a lot of questions. There seemed to be a lot of gaps in the information coming from the community to the average person wanting to start a podcast.

    Now before I dig too deep, I want to make a few statements beforehand:

    Throughout my journey, I have had some very odd situations and that is the reason I am writing this book. The thing with podcasting is the medium is still very new. I’m not talking about someone talking into a mic and it being heard by someone in the next state or country over from you. I mean the concept of monetizing and becoming a medium of its own. If you know the right angles to hit, you can really take this to a full-time business with employees and the whole nine yards.

    The realities of podcasting are as follows:

    This book is to help people along the way get into the business. This is not to be taken word for word as a success story, because it would be like me telling you Go put on cargo pants, military logo shirt, hunting hat, get in your F150 and start acting like me. Everyone has a different way of executing the business model, and that is all I’m doing here: providing you with the info that has worked for myself and others in the industry.

    Podcasting can be very addictive, which is why the hashtag #podcastaddict is so big in the community. When you start creating content, you won’t want to stop. It is amazing how it can take over your life, and your wallet. So be careful and be smart about how you approach the medium because it can consume you and take you on a very epic journey or bring heartbreak and disappointment. The negative part will only come about if you let it. So, let’s get all the negative parts out of the way now, so we can focus on the good for the rest of the book.

    Unfortunately, the last sentence is a lie, because I will need to be honest and completely real about how things operate in the industry. So take everything you can from this book, and also do your homework before getting started and talk to people who are in the industry. There are some great Facebook groups out there and I will list them later on for reference. Thank you for purchasing this book and I hope to help you along your journey. Catch you on the flip side.

    Chapter 1

    What is a Podcast?

    Well if you don’t know what a podcast is then this book is NOT for you. I’m going to skip over the blatantly obvious nature of that question and move onto the first thing you should do. And remember when I say YOU in this book, I mean just that. YOU need to know who you are and what YOU want. It is not up to me, your spouse, kids, friends, family or the alien who stops by every Tuesday to see how you’re holding up. This is all about you and that is it. If you do not stay true to what you want to share, then the whole story of your show will not sound real or authentic. You are the show: People download/stream your show for YOU, no one else. So, you need to look at yourself and decide do I want people to know ME because through this medium they will get to know everything about you. You would be surprised at how many times you will talk about personal details in your show and not even know it. But that’s okay because you want your audience to spend X amount of time listening to you as if they are sitting right next to you hearing your story. The reason podcasting is so intimate is because you are using one of the strongest senses we are equipped with. That sense is so powerful, that when someone is in their car driving to work, they actually feel like they are part of the conversation with you, staring at you while you talk into the microphone about bugs and why you love them. It is a crazy outlet for every type of informational sector you could ever imagine, and you want to be a part of it.

    Before going out and sinking your entire life savings into podcasting, there are a few things you will need to think about first:

    What is your show about?

    So, this is first and foremost. This will allow you

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