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New Haven
New Haven
New Haven
Ebook42 pages38 minutes

New Haven

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About this ebook

Adrianne and Briana were identical twins but are very different. Adrianne wants just one partner Briana wants many. Their family is traveling to New Haven an Earth-like planet found by the Kepler Space Telescope. Starting over on a new planet will be difficult but Adrianne will meet Li and she will be the perfect partner. Briana, who didn’t want to make the trip at all because she was very popular on Earth, finds multiple partners to satisfy her lust. She also develops an interest in politics and may be President some day. All the characters are over the age of 18, none are related, and all sexual acts are consensual.

Release dateMay 23, 2021
New Haven

S L Hendrickson

I was born in Rockford, IL. After serving in the Army, I earned a BA Degree in English from the University of Minnesota. I enjoy reading and writing erotic fiction and science fiction. Currently I live and write in Phoenix, Arizona.

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    New Haven - S L Hendrickson



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    The green light came on and Adrianne opened up the hatch. She started to float through to the cargo bay, but someone grabbed onto her foot. She looked back, and it was Draco the XO. He was a big brute of a man, and she was freighted because he was like a wolf looking at a fawn that was easy pickings.

    The captain wants to see you.

    He pulled her back through the hatch, and she sealed it. They floated down the corridor that separated the command center to the cargo bays. Most of the ship operated in zero G except the command center and crew quarters. They floated through the hatch, and then their feet touched the deck. She was surprised that he took her to the captain's quarters and not the bridge. The captain met her family when they came on board for the three-week trip to New Haven, but Adrianne had not seen her since.

    You wanted to see me Captain?

    I'm not sure if you are aware, but this entire ship is covered by cameras. It was insisted on by our Chinese partners. I'm surprised; we didn't have to name the ship Mao. The ship was named after the man and the telescope that found the first Earth like planets.

    No I didn't know about the cameras.

    I have a video of you going in the crew quarters late at night, and it's very graphic. The captain enjoyed watching it but was a little jealous because she couldn't take a cock in her pussy and one in the ass. She needed to maintain a professional distance from the crew.

    That's not me.

    It's on video. And you know there is no fraternizing with the crew. I also have wide latitude on punishment. After NASA, ESA, and JAXA combined with the China National Space Administration captains were chosen from each agency. The NASA captains had the reputation of being the strictest everything was by the book.

    That's my sister Briana, I'm Adrianne. We are twins so people get us mixed up all the time.

    Yes, the twins. How do I know which one I'm talking to since you both look alike? Or maybe it was both of you.

    No one could tell them apart since they both had shaved heads, both were wearing the agency flight suit with the last name over the left breast. She could remove the flight suit and show the bare pussy. Briana had a big ring in her clit and one in each nipple.

    No it was her. I'm not interested in that.

    Captain Read came around the desk picking up the riding crop that was lying on it. She hit her hand with it. It made Adrianne tremble.

    This is what I use when people get out of line. So you don't like men. What about women?


    But not me?

    Adrianne was silent. She was the minimum age for making the trip, twenty one. The captain was pushing fifty, and this was her third trip to New

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