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The Book of Unus Sumus
The Book of Unus Sumus
The Book of Unus Sumus
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The Book of Unus Sumus

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Humanity's divinity has been concealed under a cloak of misinformation for thousands of years. As lost and forbidden texts are rediscovered, our perspective of old scriptures and ideologies, once considered sacred, is dramatically changing. In October 2018, Pina Intrieri began receiving "divine downloads" from a collective of loving energies she calls "Unus Sumus," a Latin term meaning "we are one." Is sin an illusion? What was the real reason for the crucifixion? Why are we here? What is the Universal Law of Unus Sumus? Discover a new perspective on life, faith, the Universe and humanity's place within it. Whether you open this book on January 1, April 6 or December 31, that is when you were meant to begin your journey. After reading the prologue and introduction, go to the date that corresponds to the current day, and read one page for the next 365 days. Whatever your culture, faith or lifestyle, the "Expanded Humanity" revelations are universal and thought provoking. If you are Christian, shocking truths are revealed in the "Expanded Christian" section. Engage in the "Call to Action" and put new perspectives into practice. You choose how you want to use this book. This is your time. This is your opportunity to delve into new discoveries, new truths and new beginnings. Read each day. Discover each day. Expand each day. The next 365 days will change the rest of your life.

Release dateMay 25, 2021
The Book of Unus Sumus

Pina Intrieri

Along with over twenty years of experience working with children, Pina Intrieri became involved in freelance writing, conducting research, workshops and speaking events on children's issues. She credits her life experiences as the precursor to the revelations she received. After years of investigation, daily meditations, prayers, intense self-reflection, and finally, first-handextraordinary "downloads" from the divine, The Book of Unus Sumus was born.

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    The Book of Unus Sumus - Pina Intrieri

    Copyright © 2021 by Pina Intrieri

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    The Bible Quotes in this book were taken from the World English Bible (WEB), and there is no violation of any copyright restrictions or infringements.

    This Bible version uses the word Yahweh as the name of God. Many Jewish scholars state that the modern pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton YHWH in Hebrew would be Yud-hey-Waw-hey or Yud-hey-Vav-hey.

    I refer to God by different names throughout this book. All are referring to the Source of All Creation.

    My YouTube channel often referred to in the daily readings can be found by keying in: Unus Sumus – Pina Intrieri.

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    I dedicate this book to all those who seek peace, enlightenment and the spirit of empowerment within them.

    To my family, who have shared this journey with me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. Please know that you are so loved and cherished.

    To my friends, who have extended their trust and loyalty. I deeply honour your friendship and presence in my life. I am truly blessed.


    In October 2018, my world changed. The proverbial fork in the road behind me faded into the distance, and as I looked ahead at my new chosen path, I recognized that nothing would ever be the same. While I healed from a marital separation, I suddenly realized that I was alone in my own home with my own thoughts, no distractions or diversions. What I didn’t foresee was there would be a diversion, one that would modify how I thought about everything.

    What happened next not only altered my perception of what I had been taught all my life, but amidst the intense energies of turmoil came clarity and an awakening, where the confining walls of ego crumbled to the ground. I equate it to being hit with a bright light that my spiritual eyes slowly adjusted to. It was a soup of emotional ingredients all mixed into one experience, and for the first time in my life I wasn’t afraid to stir the pot. I went from moments of trying to reconcile past wounds to the exhilarating realization that this was the path I was meant to be on; of that I was completely sure.

    During this healing phase I began having cognitive clairvoyant experiences where I received divine revelations. I was guided to record these messages in a daily inspirational and devotional format. These spiritual downloads come through as either small trickles or full waves of data that were life-altering and transformative. They revealed amazing messages about life, faith, human nature, the universe, God and Jesus the Nazarene. Some of the revelations were so foreign from the traditional ideas I grew up with, I knew they would be perceived as shocking, scandalous and even falsified or made-up. Even though I was raised Roman Catholic and have always identified myself as part of the Christian family, these downloads are relevant to everyone no matter what faith-based system you currently ascribe to. Whether you are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or atheist, the messages are universal and so important to today—to now—and to the idea that we have the power to manifest amazing realties within our lives.

    Many of the revelations go completely against the normal perception of what Jesus taught and who God is. It is important to point out that they do not discredit the teachings of Jesus, but rather explain them from a point of view that is different from the one Christians are used to, and certainly divergent from the point of view I was used to. Yet, there they were, a river of energetic thoughts and ideas that flowed into my awareness, compellingly and persistently. At times I felt such intensity after a download that it brought tears to my eyes. It was powerful and blissful at the same time.

    The flow of information came from a benevolent group of energies. I was guided to call this loving presence Unus Sumus, a Latin term meaning We are one. This is the greatest knowledge of all. We are all connected to everything and everyone as strands of energy extending from the Main Source of Creation. This understanding is the springboard from which you can plunge into the seas of mysteries and truths about the Universe and our place in it. As I found myself diving in deeper, everything became clearer. My need to record the incoming revelations was as essential as my need to breathe. This book is the result of the information given to me.


    It doesn’t matter when you begin to delve into the pages of this book, as long as you have read the Prologue and Introduction. Whether it is on January 1, April 6 or December 31, that is the date you were meant to begin your journey. Trust in that. The fact that you are here reading these words at this very moment in your life is not a coincidence or a mistake. The Universe has been guiding you toward it. You have been preparing yourself for this moment all your life whether you realize it or not.

    Here’s how it works.

    Each day contains a Biblical quote chosen from either the Old or New Testament from the World English Bible (WEB). All the quotes in this book were selected to teach, to question, to inspire, and to explain a philosophy that is not new, but has been altered or simply set aside. They provide an opportunity to engage in a new perception of who we are and who God is.

    This is followed by the Expanded Humanity section that contains inspirational messages for anyone seeking an expanded view of spirituality. Once again, you do not need to be from any particular faith. The only thing required is the passion and willingness to look for spiritual insight, empowerment and knowledge. You will find it here; the amalgamation of science and spirituality brings a more whole and complete perspective of the Universe and our innate and inherent powers of manifestation. The benefit to your life and the lives of those around you will quickly become apparent.

    The next section is called Expanded Christian, and it focuses on divinely downloaded messages regarding the teachings of Jesus the Nazarene. Whether you are Christian or not, you will benefit from these universal messages, for they will pave a path toward having an expanded human experience. Jesus came to bring incredible revelations to all of humanity. If you are a Christian, however, be prepared to enter a new phase in your spirituality as you begin to take an expanded view of Christianity.

    Finally there is a Call to Action section that brings that day’s devotional message into practice. This could be an exercise, prayer or a Gratia. Gratia is a Latin word meaning grace, gratitude and goodwill, and I use it in my book to refer to a mantra, word, phrase, affirmation or even paragraph that elevates one’s vibration and good emotions. In other words, it is a feel-good verbal boost.

    As you go through the next 365 days, reading one page at a time, you will notice concepts and messages that often repeat. This wasn’t done in error. It has taken years of information consistently fed to us that has wired our brain to think in a certain way. We cannot embrace a new idea or perspective without eliminating a lifetime of old information first. For this reason, there are certain concepts that are lovingly emphasised throughout the year so that a slow rewiring takes place.

    This book may not resonate with everyone because we are not all on the same life journey. To those who are ready to embark on a new adventure, a new spiritual experience, you will discover yourself aligning with a radical and untraditional spiritual point of view. Remember that Jesus did the very same thing over 2000 years ago. Not everyone was ready to receive His message back then. His philosophy on life was so unconventional, that the religious authorities and the ruling establishment looked at Him as a blasphemous heretic, a threat to their old, indoctrinated and, at times, misguided way of thinking. For those of you who are now ready and feel an instinctive pull toward something new, I welcome you to take a glimpse into the Universal Mind and the secret teachings of Jesus the Nazarene, a member of the Jewish enclave known as the Essene Nazarenes. Welcome, all who want to embark on a progressive and very personal venture.

    As an Expanded Christian, I encourage you to break free of that little restrictive box you have been placed in. No matter how comfortable it may seem, there is a grander and more expansive new world out there that will bring you knowledge, wisdom and clarity. It is time to free yourself from the toxic need to control everything and everyone in your life, or from those who are trying to control your life. Your goal is to develop a stronger trust in the Universe, a stronger bond with Spirit and a stronger understanding that we bring things into our lives at a certain time for a certain reason. If you choose to continue turning the pages of this book, then do so with an open mind and without judgement, fear, cynicism or limited forms of thinking.

    Your journey begins with the instinctive need to release the bonds of old, outdated energy. For Christians, this is a chance to truly embrace the New Covenant, a spiritual ideology that Jesus brought to us when He began His earthly mission. This may mean taking baby steps, but that’s OK, that’s perfect, for they will eventually bring a new level of enlightenment. I suggest having a journal handy in which you can record your thoughts. You will be asked to do that throughout the year.

    Please understand that we were always meant to live by the New Covenant before mainstream doctrine forced us to accept both the Old and the New as one total sum. It is like walking around life wearing an old shoe and a new one; it doesn’t feel comfortable or balanced, and it doesn’t make sense. The contradictions between the Old and the New create more questions than answers.

    Please do not misunderstand; I’m not suggesting doing away with the Old Testament. I fully acknowledge its importance and the lessons we can discover in its pages. That old shoe may simply need a new discerning perspective before we have a perfect fit. The stories written in the Old Testament are either actual events or representations of events. They are history, albeit based on someone’s perspective, but history nonetheless. I make no apologies for my candid views of the Old Testament and its continuous misrepresentation of God, but I also acknowledge its significance. It gave us the Ten Commandments, which should more appropriately be called the Ten Universal Guidelines, for God does not give us free will and then punish us for exercising it. These Spiritual Guidelines are part of the original Law of Moses, before a myriad of laws and corresponding punishments were added on and then categorized as inspired by God. The Ten Spiritual Guidelines provide a starting line from which you can begin to incorporate compassion, gratitude and integrity into your life. They help you move closer to the energy and frequency of God. For that, my friends, is the true purpose of our lives, that we travel back to our main Source and merge into complete union with this beautiful, loving energy that we have convinced ourselves is separate from us. Separation is simply an illusion, and the Law of Unus Sumus, a term I will explain later on in this book, clearly tells us this.

    So, if we follow the Old Testament right through to the New one, we may not agree with how God was depicted, but keep in mind that what you are seeing is a reflection of humanity’s journey toward enlightenment. For you cannot appreciate the light without knowing the dark. You cannot gain wisdom without shuffling through obtuseness. If you look at the totality of the Old and New Testament, what we have is not an evolving God, but an evolving human consciousness. As that consciousness changed, so did what was written and recorded in scripture. The eye for an eye mentality evolved to a turn the other cheek perspective. We evolved, not God.

    Light and darkness are equally important and neither is completely good or bad. They simply are. In order to jump high, you must first crouch low before launching yourself up into the air. High and low, truth and untruth, light and darkness all coexist to create the outcome. If the Old Covenant allowed us to crouch low, the New Covenant now propels us to new heights.

    If you are feeling some discomfort at reading this new perspective, don’t worry. It is natural. You may wish to reflect on these words, returning to them when you feel compelled with a renewed desire. But if you question what you have been told to be the only truth, then you may wish to continue on this journey of learning, growth and awareness. Your open heart will rejoice in its new enlightenment.

    It is important to state that as messages downloaded into my awareness, most times I was simply the fingers that typed, with no resistance or need to control the message’s outcome. I was patiently and lovingly guided to simply trust the Universal Mind’s flow of information.

    The Importance of the Divine Feminine

    Before we go any further, please know that my reference to God as a male energy is done for the comfort of those reading. In reality God is neither a he nor she; God is both.

    In early Christian writings and texts that were left out of our current Bible, God was referred to in feminine terms. In Exodus 3, God tells Moses, I Am who I Am, without a reference to gender. It was then changed by Rome in the Latin Bible in 384 CE to the masculine Spiritus. In the Orthodox Jewish Bible, the feminine Rúach Elohim is still represented. Western Bibles have completely eliminated the Divine Feminine as part of the Trinity (God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit), although early Christians referred to the Holy Spirit as a Divine Feminine energy, for She nurtures, comforts and guides us as a mother would. Even the dove, which usually symbolizes the Holy Spirit, represents a feminine energy. Think of God as absolute love and an all-encompassing presence at the highest frequency possible with no gender attached.

    Anyone Can Do This

    During the time this book was written, Unus Sumus (my spirit guides and angels) faithfully stuck with me and still do. I didn’t hear voices or see spirits. Sometimes, however, I felt a warm, peaceful and loving energy surround me, hold me and support me. At other times, it was like a whirlwind of momentum, rushing toward me like a highly energetic forcefield of awareness.

    Receiving this Divine information eventually felt natural, as if I had been preparing for it all my life, which, in fact, is true. It has been a very long road of grappling with doubts and questions about the religious Christian version that was taught to me. Not all of it made sense. Not all my questions were answered, and not all resonated with my innate and intuitive view of who God was. But who was I to question thousands of years of doctrine that I had desperately defended for so long? Who was I to test my faith? Most importantly, what if I did and found myself losing what I had believed in all this time? What then? One of two things was bound to happen: either I would be devastated and mourn the loss of a philosophy that had been part of my identity since birth, or the discoveries would strengthen my faith. I sympathize with anyone who is going through this right now. It takes a great deal of courage and strength to peek outside the little box you have been placed in. On the other hand, you have an opportunity to expand your consciousness and your awareness.

    The Point of No Return

    I was thirty-seven years old and had given birth to my second child. Suddenly it became even more important to find the truth about who I was and my place in the Universe. This initiated a period of intense study, investigation, meditation and delving into the world of Gnosticism and lost, forbidden and alternative religious texts. I was so incredibly fascinated, and the more I discovered, the more I thirsted for anything I could get my hands on. This is where I learned to discern the information I delved into. Did it sit well with me? Did it make sense? Was it a missing piece of the puzzle?

    It is important to note that while there are incredibly inspirational gospels and spiritual texts outside of the Bible that deserve exposure (some of which I will explore in my next book), the quotes in this daily devotional are strictly from what we call the main Biblical canon. Before we’re able to accept what treasures are waiting for us in other resources, it is important to acquire a fresh new perspective of this one first. Let us learn to crawl before we take off running!

    In the end, as I moved beyond the mainstream understanding of religion, I shifted in and out of feelings of shock and resentment and then on to slow acceptance before finally finding joy and appreciation. The missing pieces to this grand and overwhelming puzzle were quickly and lovingly put into place for me. It was amazing, invigorating and breathtaking. And all I had to do was open my heart and mind and allow the information to flow in without resistance or blockages. In the process, I didn’t lose my faith, but added on to it, made it more complete, strengthened it. Now I knew what being an Expanded Christian and an Expanded Human really meant.

    Needless to say, when I found myself living on my own, the spiritual floodgates were flung wide open. I realized that this was more than simply a part of my earthly life journey—it was part of my immortal soul’s journey. The joys and challenges I have accumulated were for this very moment in the illusion we call time. All the laughter and the tears I ever experienced have slowly opened me up and molded me into a receptive vessel to hold and bring forth information. When there was fear to receive, I was given peace; when there was doubt, I was given assurance; when there was confusion, I was given clarity. It is not because I was special or deserving, but because I asked for its presence with an open mind and a trusting heart. You see, I’m not here to move people away from their faith and our current Biblical scriptures. I’m simply allowing clarity and seeing it from the original perspective before it was altered, added to and deleted.

    What I experienced is a gift that is given to anyone who simply asks. However, impatience and doubt erect walls of resistance and blockages that will keep you from the truth. Trust that all knowledge will be given to you when the time is right and when you are fully ready to receive it. Time doesn’t exist in the Universal Mind, only energy. Energy is the language of the Universe. Although your words and actions are important in communicating with the cosmic realm of which you are a part, your energy and intention transmit more directly to God and your universal family. Let it go, allow it to flow to you in its own good time.

    I was able to do this by slowly releasing past pain and unforgiveness that only blocked me from reaching a state of peace. My phone signal to Source had never been disconnected, for God will always keep the line open for us, but now it was clear of static. Here’s the thing: I didn’t realize that I even had static as I stubbornly clung to scriptural confusion.

    I now bless my past for the contrast that brought opportunities for expansion as well as moments of cherished memories, for they have equally served my highest good. Wonderful family and loyal friends have served my highest good. Those who have betrayed my trust and who could not see my worth have served my highest good. Both those who have valued my company and those that have been energetically moved away from me have served my highest good. Unus Sumus and God have served my highest good. I am grateful and I am blessed.

    The Road to Becoming an Expanded Human

    For some, acquiring an expanded perspective will be easy. For others, an unsurmountable mountain of guilt and misinformation must be conquered as they tackle the idea that doubting and asking questions is sinful and disloyal. Jesus wants us to ask, to search, to learn. We may call God by many names, but this loving Energy knows that the search for the truth will only bring us closer to Him. At times it takes courage and strength to go against the status quo. If you think you’re up for the challenge, then you’re ready to make a significant change in your life. I can’t promise that your road will never have bumps and cracks, doubt and frustration, but I can promise that you will look at everything with a fresh, new and rewarding perspective. You will discover many eye-opening and surprising twists and turns along the way, and if you’re ready to receive—if you’re truly ready—it will elevate you to heights you have never experienced before.

    It is time to discover the Divine Spark that was breathed into us at the time of our creation. It is time to take back the God-given power we inherited before coming into this encasement we call our physical bodies. It is time to understand that this encasement, beautiful as it may be, is not our original form. It is a temporary vessel meant to hide our brilliant light body until the day comes when knowledge and awareness allow us to break free from it and graduate to a higher state of existence.

    What Seems New Is Actually Ancient Knowledge

    Here’s a secret I’d like to share with you: what if I told you that believing in the true message of Jesus Christ the Nazarene means you already believe in the Law of Attraction, the Law of Unus Sumus and all of God’s Universal Laws? You may ask, Did Jesus really teach the Law of Attraction? Did He actually reveal to humanity the truth about our inner power to manifest our reality? How can the Old Testament show humanity as being so insignificant that God, in His wrath, would drown us all in a horrible flood simply with the wave of His hand? And yet, Jesus is telling us that we are so significant and powerful that we can move mountains! Could it be that the horrible things that God apparently did were simply someone’s perception of events?

    Was the awareness of our inner power the true goal of the prophets of old before the message was altered? Did the eradication of truth create civilizations built on a foundation and system of laws and punishment? Has this message of empowerment and the true strength and value of humanity always been around but kept hidden and secret? If this is true, then why? Was it perhaps easier to control humanity if we were made to believe we were lowly, powerless and insignificant? If you are at least ready to curiously delve into answering these questions, then you are already at the threshold of expansion, for the New Covenant that Jesus established for us suddenly makes the Old one more clear.

    Furthermore, Jesus enlightens us to the Law of Unus Sumus. I am not referring to my spiritual team at this time, but rather a concept that allows us to see our link to everything else in the Universe. The Universal Law Unus Sumus tells us that everything is connected to a field of the Divine Source we call the Life Energy, Universal Mind, Spirit or God. Even the word uni in universe implies an interconnection to a quantum system, a matrix. As brilliant strands of light linked to the magnificent Main Source of Creation, we are the living embodiment of a connected reality. This is understood through the Law of Unus Sumus.

    God, the ever-loving, infinitely merciful Source created Universal Laws to establish a system of empowerment and free will that also comes with taking responsibility for our choices. Please note that intuitively I identify with these Laws, as concepts, although the former is more commonly recognized, and so I will use the words Universal Laws. Either way, we are simply referring to energies that the Universe operates by.

    With these laws, God gives us the freedom to choose but will not judge us on our choices, because He knows they all allow for growth, learning and expansion through moments of abundance and moments of lack. We choose the energy we emit, for that is the energy that returns back to us. The Universe is as clear and precise as our intentions.

    The power to manifest works and exists whether you believe in it or not. It’s in operation all around you. We have the option to blame other people and even God for our circumstances, but in that viewpoint we unknowingly generate a victim-based reality. God does not punish, judge or send horrible things into our lives to discipline us for our sins. No, dear friends, the sooner you move away from that self-sabotaging and low vibrational concept, the sooner you will awaken to an enlightened new perspective.

    This book holds long-forgotten wisdom and hidden treasures of knowledge about how to take control of our destiny and steer it in a new direction. This book will encourage you to raise your frequency and align with being a strong, faithful, compassionate and powerful human, an Expanded Human. If you are a Christian you will begin to enlist the amazing knowledge of the New Covenant, found in the New Testament, to break free from a fear- and punishment-based perception of God. The floodgates of secret knowledge and ancient gnosis that have been there for thousands of years will swing wide open. It is through this gnosis that you, whether a Christian or not, will embrace life with a more positive and empowering energy. You will become aware of God as a creative force and not a destructive one. Any kind of brutality, whether it is wiping out the world or striking down a single person, goes completely against His true energy. You will begin to see that the unforgiving and vengeful laws in the Old Testament, such as stoning and other forms of executions, were not inspired by God but rather lower vibrational beings whose sole purpose was to control and rule. If God could feel insulted with the way we have represented Him in the past, He would be. Luckily for us, He is an Energy Source of pure unconditional love and compassion.

    More disturbing than the way He has been represented is the justifying of these laws as necessary at the time or for our own good in the same way terrorists validate their violence. Many accept that we are simply not meant to understand God’s cruel acts in the Old Testament because He has the right to do whatever He wants. I beg to differ. Jesus begged to differ. Yes, He can do whatever He wants, and He has chosen to give us free will. His love for us doesn’t come with conditions, and our trust in God doesn’t come with the acceptance of a bipolar deity who constantly needs us to prove our loyalty to Him or else. That is a God operating from ego, and where there is God there is no ego. You are always loved with such a transcending energy it could never be associated with lower vibrational human emotions.

    The True Reason for the Life and Death of Jesus

    During the time of Jesus, there were three Jewish Sects: the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and a third group most Christians have never heard of called the Essene Nazarenes. Jesus, Joseph and Mary were part of this Nazarene community that lived near Mount Carmel, in Galilee (not to be confused with the Essenes at Qumran). How were they different from the other two groups? According to the 4th century church historian, Epiphanius, and Jewish philosopher Philo, the Nazarenes practised nonviolence toward all living creatures. They were vegetarian and never sacrificed animals, while the other two groups enaged in both practices. The Nazarenes acknowledged the Divine Feminine, and women were often leaders in their community, while the other two groups generally considered women second-class citizens. The Nazarene philosophy has been around for tens of thousands of years and some have traced it back to the time of Enoch who was seventh from Adam, yet most Christians know nothing about them. This makes the original Christian philosophy one of the oldest spiritual belief systems in human history. Jesus was the catalyst for bringing Nazarene ancient knowledge to the masses. This is, in fact, the real Good News.

    So, what was Jesus’ mission on Earth and the purpose for His death? Although many would emphatically maintain that Jesus came to uphold the Old Covenant, countless New Testament scripture passages point away from that. He showed us how to live with compassion and unconditional love. He came to establish a New Covenant. Most of all, He came to awaken us to the truth that our physical encasement hides our true spiritual bodies. He showed us our inherited ability to conquer death and transfigure into our immortal body. The Nazarenes believed that through the experience of ascension a human can reach angel status.

    The Nazarenes’ timeless knowledge of the cosmos, the human body and how energy works was legendary. Many who were ill or had sick loved ones that conventional physicians could not heal, traveled long distances to be treated and cured by the Nazarenes. These ancient therapists understood that toxic thoughts and past wounds block the harmonious flow of cellular energy which then manifests into disease. They used ointments and essential oils as one mean to remove toxins and restore the body’s healthy circulation. They recognized the power of knowledge, and they used their wisdom and understanding of Universal and physical energy to help their fellow humans. Essenian energy therapy was also incorporated by the Egyptians, who had a long and deep ancient connection with this highly advanced spiritual community. This explains the reason why Egypt was chosen when the Holy Family needed to escape Herod’s murderous decree after the birth of Jesus. The Essenes, who were often referred to as the Therpai (used today in the word therapy) were master healers, and it was from this ancient community that the greatest healer of all came from.

    Jesus’ mission, however, involved more than healing the sick. His death on the cross did not occur based on conventional thinking. This is where you will need to keep an open mind.

    Here we have the greatest unrecognized truth in Christianity: Jesus’ death had nothing to do with saving us from our sins and everything to do with saving us from our perception that we are sinners. What we see as sins, God sees as opportunities for expansion. Let me repeat that once again:

    What we see as sins, God sees as opportunities for expansion.

    This mind-blowing, life-changing revelation was profound. Suddenly, I felt the burden of an ideology that labelled me a sinner from birth lifted from my shoulders and cast into oblivion.

    Remember, only a lower vibrational being with an ego and who is therefore prone to judgement would want to emphasise our sins. Jesus, on the other hand, was a very high vibrational Soul, and His death revealed the secrets of ascension, knowledge previously held hidden by a select few.

    More Revelations about Sin and Ego

    As messages continued to come through, I became aware of the dual spirits that reside within each one of us. There is both a Divine Spirit or Spark, and an artificial spirit or ego. We live with this duality every day, choosing to operate from one or the other. The Divine Spirit, which is connected to God, vibrates at a completely different frequency from ego, and it neither acknowledges nor judges its counterpart. Therefore, the Divine Spirit cannot be punished based on a concept that it is not connected with. It would be like giving an innocent person a death sentence for a crime they have not committed. This understanding was very different from the scenario of dying, being judged and then either being thrown into hell or winning a seat in heaven.

    Before we go any further, we must understand the difference between the soul and the Spirit. The soul encompasses our mental identity through our freewill, personality, emotions, intentions, passions and conscience. Our ego has access to this part of us and both negative and positive energy can be manifested.

    The Spirit, on the other hand, is our connection to the Divine Source and unconditional love, where there is no judgement, no testing to prove our loyalty, no punishments or the lifelong burden that we may be sent to the fiery pits of hell.

    I finally realized that God is God, and I am who I am, and I have inherited His Divine Spirit that will forever link me with Him. I am an extension of Source. I am a being of light on a journey back to Source where I will experience complete union with Him. To God, my sins, whether intentional or unintentional, do not define me, they help me learn, expand and manifest. This expansion helps me move closer to Him, because we cannot appreciate love without experiencing fear, we cannot be grateful for our abundance without knowing what lack feels like. This is an idea I will express many times in this book.

    That is why when Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, it was not a sin but rather a choice they made to allow for expansion. God, in all His wisdom and love, doesn’t see a worthy person or an unworthy person. He doesn’t place you on a good list or a bad list. He understands that your choices bring learning opportunities.

    Sin is a concept that creates guilt, shame and fear. This is disempowering and forces a dependency on ego. You see, ego doesn’t care if you are giving it good attention or bad attention; it simply wants your energy. The more you feed it the more powerful ego becomes.

    As long as ego doesn’t dominate your life, it is neither good nor bad, it simply is. It is an aspect of you and it balances your experiences while living in this dimension. Some will vilify ego, trying to supress it, which only creates resistance that blocks positive energy from coming in. Others feel that it is appropriate to send it love. Simply let it be. Nurture your Divine Spirit and make choices based on that aspect of you, living your life with love, compassion and gratitude. Everything else will take care of itself without unnecessary attention being directed to your ego.

    In regards to the story of Adam and Eve, at some point we found ourselves going from a spirit light body to a dense 3-D body. Ego is the natural result of living in this survival mode-based dimension. As we ascend to higher states of being, we will need the ego less and less, until we are able to re-establish our original spirit body in a higher plane of existence, where there is less judgement and more unconditional love.

    Also, remember that the story of Jesus transforming right in front of His three apostles during the Transfiguration was proof that our solid physicality can change to a light body. As you transcend your ego and live a more genuine, loving life, our sense of physical heaviness will transform to a lighter state of existence, not ruled and burdened by the weighty denseness of fear, guilt and conflict.

    Is Hell Real?

    So is there a hell? Some people who have gone through a near-death experience have reported experiencing hell. They have described it as a horrible place where you will be tortured day and night. Some even believe that once there, you’ll remain tortured for the rest of eternity. At that point, no amount of repentance is possible. Is this true?

    The truth is that you can experience horrible energy whether you are alive or transitioning to the other side. You dictate your reality. Your state of being will dictate what you will experience when you die. Everything on the other side is more intense and vivid than it is in this 3-D world because we are living in a holographic reality. Your real state of being happens on the other side.

    Having said this, if you have chosen to disconnect yourself from the pure love of God and continue to do so at the moment of death, then this disconnection causes a state of complete emptiness, hopelessness and utter sadness. It is important to remember that it is not God who places you in this state through judgement or punishment; rather it is a choice we make for ourselves.

    Now, what does the Bible say about hell? The Bible mentions the word hell fifty-four times and has been translated from three Greek words: Tartarus, Gehenna and Hades. Gehenna, for example, refers to The Valley of Hinnom, which was a garbage dump outside Jerusalem. This is where people burned their garbage and therefore a fire raged there all the time. The bodies of sinners, like those committing suicide, were also thrown there for they were deemed to be without hope of salvation. Once these words were interpreted from the Greek to English, they were grouped together and translated into the word hell. In 1999, Pope John Paul ll said, Images of hell that sacred scripture presents to us must be correctly interpreted. What he went on to say is that hell is a state of disconnection from God and from pure love. In other words, it does not refer to an actual eternal place of torture. Instead, it is a terrible state of being that souls will experience once they transition to the other side disconnected from God’s love.

    Some believe that once you are in hell there is no way to repent or leave this tortured state. Jesus answered this question in the parables of the lost sheep, and in the prodigal son. In both parables He describes the state of being lost and then accepted back with much celebration. Jesus says in Luke 15:7, I tell you that even so there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance. You see, even in that disconnection, we were created with God’s Divine Spark, which will always tie us to Him. The opportunity for genuine changes and willingness to align with God will always be there. God would never turn away a soul that finally acknowledges His love, even one that has been completely disconnected from Him. Instead, there would joy and celebration in heaven.

    God created a universal system that allows us to clear negative energy. Whether you believe this is done in one lifetime, many lifetimes, or lifetimes experienced concurrently in different dimensions, it is a compassionate system that gives us the opportunity to grow and expand—two words you will hear many times in this book.

    Instantaneous Forgiveness

    The download regarding instantaneous forgiveness was so incredibly eye-opening, tears welled up in me during that experience. As Jesus hung on the cross and uttered the words, Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing, He recognized that each person involved in condemning, whipping, ridiculing, torturing and nailing Him to the cross, did so, not from a place of sin, but from their perspective of right and wrong at that time. Although that perspective may have reflected the energy of fear and the disconnection from Spirit, it is not recognized by Jesus as a sin, but rather a human experience that is part of His oppressors’ life journey. Jesus was able to see not just what was happening to Him at the very moment, but the grander picture of a slow but eventual evolution of human consciousness. His death would help facilitate that new awareness.

    For Jesus, who had the capacity for instantaneous forgiveness only experienced by a very high spiritual being, no acknowledgement, apology or recognition of the wrongdoing is required; the forgiveness is instant. This is only possible if you operate completely from your Divine Spirit and not your ego or your artificial spirit.

    In the current evolved human nature, however, a time gap between the wrongdoing and the healing occurs. Most often, the wrongdoer is expected to apologize or ask for forgiveness, acknowledging what they have done. In our present human understanding, this would be the right course of action. However, requiring this acknowledgment to heal is operating from ego. As difficult as it is to hear this, it is important to remember that what has happened is a reflection of where the wrongdoer is in their life journey at that time. Additionally, for the person experiencing the hurt, their reaction to the situation is a reflection of where they are in their life journey. It is also important to realize that expecting an apology before you can heal forces you to continuously relive the moment. Dwelling on the event keeps you stuck in the past instead of moving you forward, for you may never receive that apology. In a sense, you are giving your power away, because you’re being controlled emotionally by what happened. Forgiveness releases feelings of anger and animosity and sets you free from the negativity surrounding that event. On the other hand, if the person causing you the hurt asks for your forgiveness, then by all means, extend it to them. In the same way, feel free to extend an apology if you know it will heal the person you have wronged. But know that God’s forgiveness is granted before you’ve had a chance to think about what has happened. It’s instantaneous. Its powerful.

    This Is Not a New Religion. It Is a State of Being

    Please know that this book was created with tremendous love and care in moving the world into a new way of thinking. With the acceptance of a more positive and empowering perspective that is not obsessed with the we are sinners message, we’re on our way to becoming Expanded Humans.

    This book was not written to create a new religion or denomination of Christianity. It was created to encourage humanity to have a more expanded view of faith, of the Universe and of God. This book encourages you to go beyond the traditional teachings. It does not, however, force everyone into a cookie cutter perspective adorned with a million rules and regulations that sabotage the human spirit rather than lift it up. We’ve already been there and done that! In the end, this book is not out to convince anyone of anything if that person is not ready to receive.

    Some will realize there is a better way: Jesus’ hidden teaching. This is the beginning of nurturing and strengthening the deep-down buried Divine power we have as humans. This book acknowledges that everyone has been given free will to choose their own road. You are not a sinner if you do not align with philosophies that push you into a victim-based, disempowering state of being. Within the pages of this book, you will discover an emphasis on the Law of Unus Sumus and our connection to God, to each other and to ourselves. This book was written to highlight our potential as co-creators and mini-gods in this universe and all the universes that were manifested from the great Mind of our Creator. But, to do that we must first eliminate old ideologies that state it is greedy and sinful to feel powerful and desire prosperous abundance. Jesus’ New Covenant reinstates our inheritance as expanded children of the Most High. This is why Jesus came, taught, loved and then conquered death.

    Clarifying Some Misunderstandings

    Before you begin to read each day with reverence and a spirit of receiving, I must address the belief that if you acknowledge your potential

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