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Urbis Natatilius
Urbis Natatilius
Urbis Natatilius
Ebook320 pages4 hours

Urbis Natatilius

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Umi- strict adherer to the rules, Zumi brushes them aside like dust. Twins that are polar opposites in almost everything in life. Until love strikes for Zumi. With her love, comes Umi's- only in a an unexpected way.

The two most powerful demons in Urbis, the largest floating city on the planet, Horboris and Halabela. Horboris has his sights on Zumi, making her his and fathering her children, meanwhile his sister, gunning for Umi- an anti-demon guardsman, convinced demons are sin itself.

PublisherMatt Deckman
Release dateMay 27, 2021
Urbis Natatilius

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    Book preview

    Urbis Natatilius - Matt Deckman

    Chapter 1

    It was break time for Umi as she sat on a high ledge overlooking the East Airship port, one that she had been assigned to for over two years now. It was required of her to spend at three years there so that she could ‘experience’ the wide variety of other cultures from the other ‘floating islands’, as the floating island that she lived on was the epi center for trade, commerce and gatherings. It was also the one that was the oldest, had the strongest military and had two difference faces; one for its day time life, when she worked and took great pleasure in doing so, the other- it’s night time life, the one that seemed to attract shady characters and deals, with the unexplainable.

    The blast of an airship horn shattered her day dreaming, calling her attention to the rapidly approaching airship, immediately recognizing it. OOO, sis is here! she hastily gathered her things from lunch, closing the bento box before leaping off the ledge. At first, she fell, then nosedived towards the airship, only to spring her limbs in spread eagle as she floated down- controlling her chi magic. It was one of things that she truly excelled in as she touched down on the platform at the same moment her sister’s ship landed.

    Here ya go, a clipboard was shoved in her face. She looked up to see her red headed C.O., Staff Sergeant Ren there, you handle her. Umi beamed as she took the clipboard. It was a well-known fact that her twin sister, Zumi, could be a bit difficult to handle.

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    The airships landing pad hissed as it’s airtight seal broke, the landing pad descending, revealing cargo and its captain, Zumi. Umi smiled at her sister, a spitting image of her, only dressed in clothes that were far more revealing- an exposed mid rift, arms, snug pants, boots and a long ponytail with tattoos up and down both arms. And of course, on her back was one of her favorite toys- a high caliber sniper rifle.

    Well morning Umi! How’s my look alike doing? she smiled, tossing Umi a pink bottle. Umi barely caught it, reading its label. A glamorous smile appeared on her face, eyes twinkling. You actually found it?! she beamed, then became mockingly cross, I’m not your look alike, I’m you’re twin silly.

    Zumi laughed, "Yeah yeah, my identical twin sister. Anywho, enjoy that perfume, maybe on a date or something…you don’t want to know what I had to do to get it… Umi raised a brow as Zumi wiggled her hips back and forth. Don’t worry, it was good…for me." She wiggled her brow, giving Umi all the information she needed but didn’t want to know.

    Oh I wish you wouldn’t sell yourself out like that!

    Oh please, the guy was amazing… Zumi sung as she looked to Ren who had just watched the encounter with a bewildered face. Yo Ren… she walked up then past him. Try asking now, that perfume is supposed to loosen people up a bit… Ren only blushed, only to clear his throat. Zumi made him nervous and Zumi knew it, it giving him and everyone around the East port a good idea what the other twin would look like in the opposing clothes. If it weren’t for their distinct personalities, no one would be able to tell them apart.

    As she walked away towards the nearby market, plus, he was a demon vampire… she muttered to herself, which gave him great anatomy… remembering parts of the demonic vampire. It took her very little time to get to the area that she desired, finding the merchant that would grant her access to the underground market that didn’t exist, to the people that no one knew about.

    Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favorite customer… the merchant looked at Zumi as she walked up with a sway in her hip, I’d dare to say someone had their fill last night…

    More like this morning, but never the less… you got any tokens for tonight? Zumi folded her arms. He nodded as he dug through his inventory, producing a wrapped package that easily fit in a person’s palm. Enjoy dearie and becareful, I hear the Night’s Watchmen are stepping up patrols. Zumi nodded, handing him several coins for the parcel. Later gator. Tell Horboris I said hi… Zumi waved as she left for another stall; her stomach was beginning to rumble and without breakfast after the early morning’s vigorous activities, it left a girl hungry.

    * * * * *

    After devouring her second serving of 3 dumplings, Zumi finally felt full. She was about to leave the table when an ever so, likely overly, cheerful Umi sat down across from her. All done with your cargo. Just need a signature and we’re good. She handed the clipboard over.

    Damn, you’re efficient today… Zumi raised a brow then got sly about it, did someone get laid last night?

    Umi turned beat red, Zumi smelling the heat from her sister’s collar, n-no! why would you ask me such a thing, you know I hate it! Zumi howled in laughter at her predictable sister’s reaction to the topic of bedroom activities.

    Still so ever prudish as ever. You need a good lay…how about that Ren character? I’ve heard red heads are feisty!

    Umi was taken back, the Sergeant, are you nuts?! Not only against regulations…but way out of my league!

    Umi, we’re literally the same, except maybe a few pounds difference… Zumi smirked then got an idea. how about I swing by your place tonight and take you out. Umi blinked, but what about the curfew?

    Bounty hunter…I can go almost anywhere I choose and take as many guests along as I wish. So tonight at 10pm. Chao girl! Zumi stood and left Umi contemplating their ‘date’.

    As Zumi made her way through the city to see what had changed in the last few months, she couldn’t help but feel that she was being followed. With a dash of chi-magic and a series of leaps, she found herself on one of the tallest spires in the entire place, looking down upon all of the architecture that spanned its 3 million plus years of existence; from medieval entities to the North, an elven like style to the west, brutish and simplistic golem and dwarf furnishings to the south and normal every day humanized to the East.

    Each of the areas had their own market, own cultures and customs, Zumi having been to them all. Umi had only visited each during her training, but Zumi had actually stayed in each location…and had found a bed buddy with each; her favorite between the Elf and dwarf.

    Jumping back down to an alley, Zumi continued on her way, only to feel hands grab her arm, pulling her into the shadows, hand over her mouth to silence her. Whomever they were, they were incredibly strong to subdue her, even with her chi-magic in use.

    Shhh…my little pet… spoke a deep voice. Zumi instantly knew who it was and stopped struggling, the hand removing itself from her mouth. You know I hate that Horboris…

    He chuckled, looking down at Zumi. She looked up at him, face of fierceness of which he gave a hesitant and gentle kiss upon her lips. Her entire body melted into his touch as he pressed her against the wall. damn you… she muttered against his lips. She loved the demon man and wanted him to come out from the shadows, but he had refused each and every one of the 20 times she asked.

    Will you two hurry it up already?! Either make out and get your fill of lusty or find a back alley in the dark and do her already! his sister Halabela hissed, standing guard for anyone that might get interested in why two fraternal half demons were out in day light.

    We are in a back alley Halabela…jesus fu--- Zumi was cut off as Horboris took her mouth, sucking the remnants of lust from her body. You’re empty… he broke the kiss, whom sucked or fucked you dry? he felt her body, looking for tension and lust, finding none.

    Hey hey, watch the goods! Zumi hissed, can’t have you fondling me out here…what would people think!? she half mocked, knowing it would rile him up.

    Who did you this morning?! he demanded as he let Zumi go. A demon vampire- bit bigger than you in pretty much everything. Needed a good one and he delivered.

    This clearly irritated Horboris, but he couldn’t control Zumi- well he could if he mesmerized her, but he wanted her willingly, for Zumi to have their child. I don’t appreciate you taking another demon to relieve yourself.

    And you know my answer to that; you want my garden or womb you have to come out and register, then you can turn me into a baby factory all you want- but we get bonded first; you know my feelings for you…

    And you know my feelings for you as well as my situation… why you won’t just accept becoming one of us and it still can’t be because of your sister. Horboris folded his arms.

    That’s exactly why. And I know you’re crushing on her hard, Halabela…

    Halabela fidgeted, looking both ways again. The spin I’d put on your sister’s world, she blushed, thinking about the little prude human girl. Oh, that reminds me…can you give her a present for me? she reached into her top, pulling out a small perfume bottle. Zumi reached for it, taking it from the half demon, finding the bottle warm to the touch.

    Do I want to know where you had this stashed? Zumi raised a brow. Halabela’s shoulder’s slumped, a bored stare at Zumi, Seriously? Just in my cleavage… jesus…sounds like your mind is still in the gutter- regardless of what your body wants.

    Anyways, I should get going now…as well as you two… Zumi adjusted her clothing before going to walk away, only for Horboris to yank her close again, giving her a final kiss for the day, using his chi-magic to rile her body up. It would leave her aching for more by that night.

    Ugh…you suck… she whispered as Horboris broke the kiss fading away as Zumi fell to her knees, head hung. I hate you for that power, yet love you as a person… she wiped a tear away, giving a shuttered breath.

    * * * * *

    Umi knocked on Zumi’s door at 9:55 that night, wanting to surprise Zumi instead of having Zumi meet her at her own place. Just a minute… Zumi called, answering the door a minute later, Umi…

    Umi raised a brow at Zumi’s bathrobe appearance and disheveled hair. Um, I can come back if you’re busy with someone… Umi blushed at the thought of her sister’s bedroom activities. Zumi looked down at herself, um no…this is the result of a half demon messing with me… she stepped back, letting Umi in.

    Umi sighed, another attack, or was it that…other half demon? What was his name?

    Horboris… Zumi stated, closing the door. Yuck, what a vile creature… Umi spat. Zumi swiped a small container from her foyer table, handing it to Umi. That’s from an admirer.

    Umi looked at the bottle, finding it was her daily perfume- of which she was about to run out of. Seems this admirer knows me well. But anyways, are you still up for tonight?

    Zumi nodded, dropping her bathrobe to put on clothes, not caring if her sister saw her naked. Ugh! Umi covered her eyes. For fucks sake, we have identical bodies Umi…such a prude… You’re right Halabela, you’d make my sister’s world spin like a top…

    There, done. Decent now… she mocked at her sister, whom finally unshielded her eyes. So where are we going Zumi? Zumi merely smirked, grabbing her blaster gun holster, killing the lights and grabbing a jacket.

    As the girls headed out and made their way towards the markets, Umi was becoming increasingly more and more uncomfortable, getting a sneaking suspicion of where they were going. I’m not liking this… she shivered, afraid of what was going to happen since it was after 10.

    Relax…I’ve got the best protection in the city on my side. Anyone crosses him and they’re done for…

    The emperor? Umi questioned. Zumi stifled a laugh, shaking her head, no, someone far, far older and more powerful…

    Umi nearly freaked when she saw a tall man with ice blue eyes, a cold stair, dark skin, topped in a conical hat, guarding a sewer tunnel gate. Zumi walked up to him without fear and presented the unwrapped token, trusting in her friend not to screw her over. The man smirked at the token. Very good. Enjoy your night, he stepped aside, eyeing Umi as Zumi walked by, Umi’s wrist in her hand. And guest.

    Once they were inside the tunnel, Zumi could feel Umi shaking. relax. I’ve got you. I’ve done this a million times before. If you’re not sure of what to say or do, just say still and keep quiet. If you have questions, tap me on the shoulder and I’ll explain once we’re in the clear.

    She pulled Umi along and into a merchant’s circle and gathering of the creatures of the night; demons, vampires. Lycans and everything in between. It was the underbelly of Urbis Natatilis, of only the Night’s watchmen and Bounty hunters and select leaders knew about.

    Halabela’s eyes went wide, sniffing at a particular perfume. She’s here! Zumi actually brought her here! she shook with glee, giddy that she would actually be able to meet her fantasy.

    Relax… Horboris patted his sister’s shoulder, you’ll scare the poor thing before she’s even said hi. Halabela stuck her tongue out and went to where Zumi and Umi could see her.

    Zumi pulled Umi along, having grabbed charred shish-kebobs along the way, having the sudden urge to eat meat. When she saw Halabela, Zumi smirked. You’re about to meet your secret admirer… Umi perked up, wondering if Zumi meant the girl up-ahead with the bright eyed face.

    Hello Halabela…Horboris around? Zumi asked once they stepped up to Halabela. He’s right behind the curtain… Halabela thumbed, and pleasure to meet you, Umi… For the first time ever, Zumi saw Halabela blush, it nearly made her burst out in fits of laughter. I’ve never seen a half demon blush before!

    Oh she’s capable of doing so much more than blush…but that’s not for you to find out, Horboris came out from behind the curtain.

    Umi forgot where she was and stepped in-front of Zumi, wanting to protect her sister from the half demon. You won’t be touching my sister!

    Halabela blinked before gently taking Umi’s wrist, Hun…there isn’t anything you can do to stop my brother, let’s go talk for a few, shall we?

    Brother? Umi blinked, things not yet clicking, being pulled away by Halabela, leaving Zumi there with Horboris. There some place we can talk in private? Zumi asked, hands on her hips.

    Horboris nodded, leading the way. It took them all but a moment to weave through the other creatures of the night into an underground Zen love shack. Nice, take me to a place that emphasizes getting laid.

    You said private, this place has sound proof walls. And no one will bug us, let alone me with a human girl.

    Zumi folded her arms. Ok Horboris, now that your sister is distracted with my own; come up and register on the surface… and while you’re at it…you did a number on my body this time…tried all afternoon to fulfill the spells ‘effect’ on me.

    Horboris sighed with a chuckle, soloing it won’t work, even if you dry yourself out. And clever with distracting Halabela, maybe yours will get some layers peeled…she seems to be dressed heavy. Horboris looked at Zumi for a moment. Would it be so bad for you to be turned? What about your sister too? She could be turned and she’d learn to love it…

    And therein lies the issue; I don’t want to force anything on her and she’s not going to do the same . Neither are you- it has to be of our own free wills. I know that we could solve this whole situation with the both of us being turned, but… she fidgeted, the sensations coming back, …it has to be on Umi’s terms…dammit…. She started rubbing her thighs together.

    It’s coming back something fierce…you’re going to need it sooner or later and a human won’t suffice and you won’t last leaving here to find another spot or creature... he smirked, having cornered her with her bodily desires for the flesh.

    Oh you cock… Zumi’s shoulder’s slumped before she took off her jacket, hopping up onto the table. Then let’s get this over with…

    My, how easily persuaded we are… Horboris sat down, smiling at his prey.

    Look you jackass…you only did that to get into my pants; so now that you have the opportunity, just get it over with!

    But you forcing the situation isn’t as fun…you have to want it…both physically and mentally- you don’t want it mentally…not yet anyways.

    Zumi scratched her head, that’s because…I’m not telling you again.

    Halabela had lead Umi to a clean, quieter place as she knew Umi would appreciate it. Um, whom are you and where are you taking me?

    My name is Halabela and I’m Horboris’s brother. I’m taking you some place quiet, safe and clean…just the way you like it… Halabela smiled back at Umi. Once they were there, Halabela showed Umi through the doors, presenting a rather clean and brightly lit room with a tea set and several bottles of perfume. Umi hesitantly went over to the tea set and took a whiff. This is my favorite…you’re the admirer? And a half demon?

    Halabela nodded, blushing slight. Been watching you for a while…that’s how I know practically everything about you…

    Do you know that I don’t like half demons? Your brother is the worst one! Umi folded her arms. Halabela looked hurt, taking a step forward. Umi’s chi-magic buzzed, coming out. I’ll kill you in a heartbeat if you take another step closer. She lowered her arms, fists clenched.

    Halabela looked scared for a moment before becoming serious herself, snapping her fan shut. With a tap on the floor with her foot, Umi’s chi-magic stopped. She looked around, confused. How?

    Umi…darling, I’m as old as the city. As well as my brother. I’ve fought many battles, seen a great many things and have had many, many lovers. However, you’re different. You’re pure, innocent. I’m most definitely not either. But what you are also the problem, Halabela stated. Umi looked confused.

    I’ll give it to you straight, darling; Horboris is in love with your sister, she’s in love with him. He wants to have a child with her, but she won’t unless he comes to the surface. She won’t leave the surface on your account. He won’t leave the underground due to being branded as a traitor.

    Umi’s eyes narrowed, so I’m the hold up for my sister finding love then, even if it’s twisted love?

    Make no mistake, Horboris’s half demon, which makes him half human. So he can feel love just as powerfully as Zumi can. Halabela sighed and sat down, pouring herself a cup of tea.

    Umi saw that Halabela had things to say and she most definitely didn’t know her way out of the place, which left her with only sitting. Upon sitting, so Zumi is holding out from becoming a half demon on my account- what happens if I just ‘let her go’ and she became a half demon?

    She’d know you did it for her sake and the conversion wouldn’t stick. She’d likely die in a few years then.

    And if I became a half demon too? To help convince her? Umi asked.

    Then you’d die in a few months, which in turn would likely cause Zumi to die. It has to be a voluntarily, wanted conversion on both sides- if it’s forced, it takes a lot more time and energy. And it’s rather painful.

    I see… Umi folded her arms, thinking on what Halabela just said.

    * * * * *

    Zumi sighed, ugh…screw this… she hopped off the table and went to Horboris, pushing him over, ripping off his clothes as she undid hers. you win…just no kids… she straddled him, finding his hands go to her belly, chi-magic working on doing something. She felt a tug, Hey! You’re not taking anything out!

    I’ll put them back in afterwards… He continued until her hand grabbed his wrist. Just stop your swimmers from going up the canal and we’ll be good!

    But then I can’t have you as much as I want without the fear of children… he pouted. She placed her own hand on her stomach, putting a block in place. Now you can have all the fun you want…for tonight… she bent over and took his lips, wanting the needing gone.

    Halabela blushed without warning as she talked with Umi, having just shared a joke on about Zumi. Everything ok? Umi asked out of habit, finding that Halabela wasn’t a bad person. Halabela nodded, yeah, seems they’re having some fun now… she tapped her temple, blush fading away, Now we aren’t linked and I can enjoy my time with you without having to feel his…stuffs.

    They’re having…that type of fun, aren’t they, Umi sighed, rubbing her neck.

    Yeah, somehow he convinced her.

    So she’s now making mad love with the man of her dreams?

    Yeah. Have you ever had mad love with anyone? I know I have…

    Umi blushed. No…still, as you said…innocent.

    So a virgin then. Damn, I would have thought you’d have at least one hot night stand…have you ever been at least kissed? Halabela asked.

    Eh…if you could count accident lip touching a kiss…

    Wow, your sister is right, you’re a prude… she stood and went over, sitting in Umi’s lap, unless I start changing ya…

    Ch-change me how? And do you mind?! Umi was uncomfortable with Halabela sitting on her lap. Not really. I could… she leaned in close, Umi trying to back away, eyes shut, but it wasn’t any use as she felt Halabela’s lips on her own, along with a delicate hand gently snake it’s fingers into her hair, sending shivers up and down her spine. It made her gasp form her pursed lips, eyelids loosening as she was kissed for the first time. It was a gentle kiss that started off with just lips being pressed together. What startled Umi was the movement afterwards and interlocking. She became so focused on Halabela kissing her that she forgot where she was and whom was kissing her.

    Halabela broke the kiss, Umi trying for more, but stopped as she opened her eyes. And that’s just one of the many things I can show you… she smiled at Umi who blushed to the point of it hurting. Halabela touched her lips as she stood up from Umi’s lap.

    Why…why me? Why not a male human or creature…

    "Why not? Who told you only women can go after men and men can go after women? My brother’s had guys, though he had to admit none were any good. I’ve had both, Zumi’s had other women. You’re literally the only one of the four of us who hasn’t been kissed and is in that hetero binding

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