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First Comes Love
First Comes Love
First Comes Love
Ebook159 pages2 hours

First Comes Love

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Can one woman possibly fall in love with more than one man at a time?

My name is Claire Seaburg and I’m an aspiring actress. You haven’t heard of me yet? Just wait. You will soon. You see, I’m in the third week of the new reality television show Matchmaker. It’s getting tough, because we’re down to three men—and I’m afraid I’m falling in love with them all. Will the man I end up with truly be the right one for me?

Or will I wind up in hell with the wrong guy?

Watch me as we get one week closer—and I do a few naughty things I just might regret...

Release dateMay 25, 2021
First Comes Love

Jade C. Jamison

1. Imagine 2. Play some music 3. Write 4. Blow readers away 5. RepeatJade C. Jamison is a steamy romance author, heavy metal fangirl, wife and mom, coffee connoisseur, cat lover, and vegan foodie--not necessarily in that order. She loves life and believes we learn our wisest lessons when reading, especially if it's fiction. Her heroines are fierce, her heroes all but broken, both seeking redemption together. Whether in a small Colorado town or big city, she strives to take her readers' breath story at a time.Find out more at OR (newsletter)

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    First Comes Love - Jade C. Jamison


    THE THREE MEN to my left and Cat in front of me weren’t as nervous about Darius’s answer as I was. Well, maybe Cat. This show was her livelihood and, if it failed, she might not have another chance in Hollywood.

    I knew the feeling.

    But I had more on the line here. I’d grown close to Darius and imagined that he might be the one. There hadn’t been butterflies in my stomach at first sight, but I’d found him just as attractive as the other gentlemen vying for my attention—and, as I’d grown to know him better, I found myself falling hard.

    Darius as yet hadn’t said anything.

    Cat, ever composed, rubbed her lips together as if distributing and smoothing out her rose red lipstick before saying, Have you decided, Darius?

    He nodded. Squeezing my hand, he said, I’ll make the phone call, Cat, but on one condition. She arched an eyebrow in response. If it’s bad, you let me leave.

    Her face gave a pondering expression, but that seemed like an act. Fair enough.

    The tension between my shoulder blades immediately relaxed and I squeezed Darius’s hand back. I hope you get good news.

    So do I.

    His smile stayed with me as one of the Secret Service-type men met him at the door and led him away. Then Cat said, Thanks for your patience, guys. As I’ve said before, we’re learning as we go. But now it’s time for no contact, so I’ll need all of you to go to your rooms and I’ll meet you all when it’s time for the vote.

    But what if Darius decides to leave? Is that when we’ll find out—when we meet?

    Ha. I’d caught her off guard. Why that gave me such satisfaction, I didn’t know—but, boy, did it. If he leaves, we’ll want him to stay through tomorrow night’s airing. Otherwise, there’s no suspense for the audience.

    Thomas, my fellow troublemaker, chimed in. Okay, but I thought we weren’t going to stick around to watch the edited footage. Isn’t that what you said?

    Cat was beyond exasperated. I could remember the same look on my mother’s face after I’d pummeled her with dozens of questions about things out of her field of expertise when I’d been a youngster. Suddenly, Cat had a handful of demanding teenagers. Yes, but we’re going to have you live at the beginning of the show. That’s what the audience expects to see, so we’re going to give it to them. She stood up even straighter, something I wouldn’t have thought possible. Any other questions?

    No, ma’am, Thomas said, his Southern drawl thick and mocking. As we turned to leave, he winked at me. Ah, yes, we were co-conspirators…but would we continue to be after tomorrow night’s vote?

    One thing I hadn’t prepared for with this show was the boredom. Yes, I loved reading and taking walks on the beach, but variety is the spice of life. The main thing I missed was my friends. I couldn’t meet them for lunch or go out for a drink with the girls like I used to, and that was beginning to work on my nerves.

    Just two more weeks, I told myself…and tonight’s vote would get us that much closer to the end.

    I also began asking myself if I was actually ready for a steady guy. He and I wouldn’t be obliged to marry when the show was done, but we were contractually bound to give a real relationship a go. We had to reside together in the new residence I would receive at the end of the show for at least one month, trying to achieve domestic bliss. The producers hadn’t said as much, but I imagined they’d want to film the wedding if we decided to make it official.

    But now I was questioning the whole thing.

    It didn’t matter. I’d made my bed and now I had to lie in it.

    With that in mind, I searched my closet, looking for a good outfit to wear tonight. The producers wanted a little color, something that popped, but nothing too out there.

    I wanted to wear black.

    I worried about Darius and the person in his family he didn’t talk about but thought about all the time—and I wondered what was going on. I knew if he decided to leave, that was my sign that we weren’t meant to be—and I would have to admit that one of the other three was the right man. Things would work out the way they were supposed to…and I knew Darius would completely agree with that sentiment.

    This week, I wasn’t in a limousine with the men heading to the studio. Oh, I was still in a limo, but I was by myself.

    More boring time.

    I tilted my head so that my temple rested against the glass and I watched the untouchable commotion on the streets as we drove toward my destiny…

    What a week it’s been, and we can’t wait to share it with you! Cat promised. This time, she wore a full-length burgundy dress. While the skirt was fuller than last week, the portion above her waist fit her like a glove. I could see already that she would be the main attraction for the show as seasons continued—if the ratings held. The men and I stood just offstage, but the energy and excitement of the crowd was palpable, even back there.

    I stood in front of the four men, because I was supposed to enter first when Cat said my name, but I turned around to gauge the men’s faces. Just behind me was Thomas with a devilish grin, as if he planned to do something purely evil tonight; Gabe’s somewhat angry expression reminded me that he and Thomas had some sort of feud going on right now. Behind him towered both Darius and Grayson. Darius seemed Zen as always, giving me no clue about his stance. Would he stay or would he go? Grayson was behind him just to the side so I could see his face, and he was grinning ear to ear.

    I almost laughed, because his state of non-virginity still buoyed his demeanor. Whatever came from this night, he was thrilled to be alive. I grinned back and then turned, ignoring the Secret Service guard playing caboose.

    After the teaser montage followed by the theme song, Cat once again welcomed the audience and then said, Let’s say hi to our queen—and then we’ll let you know who was voted off last week. Queen? Come on out, Claire!

    The roar of the audience was deafening as I walked over to the spot on the stage marked for me to stand. The audience would never see the pieces of tape that indicated where I and my cohorts would plant our feet while up there. The crowd’s love for me made me smile wide and reinforced all the reasons why I’d chosen to be part of Matchmaker. My stomach still gurgled and bubbled, but my brain bounced and giggled inside my skull.

    Cat called each man out one by one and, finally, when she introduced my last suitor, Thomas, she then said, Spencer was voted out at our last show. While part of the audience seemed disappointed, most of them hooted and hollered for the men left, and their enthusiastic clapping filled the cavernous auditorium. Based on their reactions, I couldn’t tell which man here was their favorite, but I imagined each guy had his own following—and the Spencer lovers would just have to start rooting for someone else.

    Or—gasp!—find another show to watch. We didn’t want that.

    "We’re doing something a little different tonight, folks. Last week, as you’ll recall, we had Claire and her suitors onstage for the duration of the show, but then we realized that they were seeing everything. I’m sure you’ll agree with me that that makes for poor gameplay, because they were all suddenly privy to things they shouldn’t have been. So this week we’ll have them offstage where they can’t see or hear a thing, and then they’ll return for the final vote."

    She nodded at us, letting us know it was time to scoot—and Grayson led us back the way we came toward the guard meant to usher us to a room I would soon be thinking of as purgatory.

    But not before we got to feel the audience’s love one more time. I laughed as I heard someone in the front yell, Go, Claire! But his wasn’t the only voice I heard shouting my name, and it caused me to look out over the crowd as we walked off, and I waved, causing them to cheer even more. I knew right then that no movie would have given me that satisfaction, because there was no live audience to interact with. Once backstage, I could even hear the different men’s names getting screamed, too.

    Soon, though, we were alone, sitting in a green room. We had a water pitcher and a tray of fruit, but I wasn’t hungry. We all made idle chitchat but we were guarded in the things we said, and we’d already been instructed we couldn’t talk about Darius’s phone call or even ask him for a hint. We’d find out in less than an hour.

    And it wasn’t long before my nerves took over again, reminding me that my fate was in the audience’s hands.

    But we didn’t talk. Not at all. It was like we were in a cancer doctor’s waiting room, and we knew we were going to get bad news when the physician finally called us into his office. Thomas said something to Gabe at one point, but it was too quiet for me to hear. I could only register that it was snarky.

    Finally, though, I was inspired—because I didn’t have nearly as much to worry about as the guys. And maybe the producers even expected me to be the anchor that kept this ship steady. Whatever happens, guys, I just want you to know I think any one of you would make a good partner.

    My words, meant to soothe, instead made the men seem suspicious and even angry. Thomas sneered and Gabe crossed his arms over his chest. Darius, as usual, was introspective, so maybe I was reading too much into his expression. Poor Grayson just looked nervous—but my words did seem to have an effect on him. After all, he was being treated just like one of the guys—and he had a reason to feel cocky and self-assured about the whole thing.

    He winked at me and I smiled back.

    After that, it seemed like no time before John, a guard I’d known about a week now, told us it was time. Once more, we had to wait in the wings, though, and I could hear a snippet of something that had happened last night—all of us around the table in the library. I heard my voice echoing throughout the large auditorium: I hope you get good news.

    Then Cat said, Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to bring back Claire and her suitors. It hadn’t been long since I’d been out there, but already the lights shone more harshly than earlier and the stale air hardly moved. If I didn’t faint, it would be a miracle.

    "Darius made his phone call, which we’ve chosen not to air tonight. Don’t worry, though. He’ll let you know the outcome…which brings me to Darius. Now she looked over at him. It’s time for an answer. Darius, will you stay or will you go?"

    I looked over at Darius and saw his chest rise, but Cat’s voice interrupted it.

    We’ll find out right after this commercial break.


    SERIOUSLY? OUR HOSTESS called us out there just so we could stand in suspense during two-plus minutes of advertising?

    Would I ever get used to the way this damn show was set up?

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