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Celestial Angel Messages
Celestial Angel Messages
Celestial Angel Messages
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Celestial Angel Messages

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This book is a collection of messages which I have sought and received from Celestial Angels, friends and guides in spirit, and spirit family members. Some mediums can more easily and more naturally receive messages from spirit, but I have had to work at establishing communication and holding that communication over the course of a message (known as rapport, which many messages talk about). These messages cover this growth in the ability to hold rapport and my progression as a mediumistic writer, so this may be of interest to people looking to gain some insight into their own development as mediums. The messages also speak at great length about the Divine Love and about more important topics which will be of more broad interest to those people who are spiritually minded, are concerned with their soul, think about the afterlife and the spirit world, or would like to know more about God, Jesus or other Celestial Angels and spirits.


PublisherBrian Holmes
Release dateMay 30, 2021
Celestial Angel Messages

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    Celestial Angel Messages - Brian Holmes


    THIS BOOK IS A COLLECTION of messages which I have sought and received from Celestial Angels, friends and guides in spirit, and spirit family members. Some mediums can more easily and more naturally receive messages from spirit, but I have had to work at establishing communication and holding that communication over the course of a message (known as rapport, which many messages talk about). These messages cover this growth in the ability to hold rapport and my progression as a mediumistic writer, so this may be of interest to people looking to gain some insight into their own development as mediums. The messages also speak at great length about the Divine Love and about more important topics which will be of more broad interest to those people who are spiritually minded, are concerned with their soul, think about the afterlife and the spirit world, or would like to know more about God, Jesus or other Celestial Angels and spirits.

    What Are Divine Love Messages?

    THE DIVINE LOVE PATH is Christianity mended, returned to the form of Christianity that Jesus of Nazareth taught when he walked upon Earth 2000 years ago. The Divine Love way makes more sense than the church-created Christianity that evolved decades and hundreds of years after Jesus' early death. His word became embellished, tarnished and distorted in many cases through conscious and unconscious changes to the original Gospels of the Bible. As such, Jesus has said that although there is truth in the Bible, there is so much error that it would be a monumental task to separate the wheat from the chaff.

    In the early 20th century (1914), Divine Love was reintroduced to humanity through messages received from Jesus and other Celestial spirits and transcribed by the pen of mediumistic writer, James E. Padgett. The messages feature confirmation of a rich and progressive afterlife where every human who has ever lived goes after they pass from Earth life. The messages also discuss how to get to the Celestial Heavens where you are closest to God, immortal and a Celestial Angel. Jesus is and has always been the teacher and shower of the way to receiving the Divine Love. It was his purpose 2000 years ago as it is his purpose now.

    A Little About Padgett and the Messages

    IN 1914, NOT LONG AFTER his wife Helen died, James Padgett, a lawyer in Washington D.C., longed to see if he could connect with Helen in the spirit world. Spiritualism was big at the time and Padgett went to some seances and did indeed hear from her at one of these. A medium at one of these seances said to James that she sensed that he was mediumistic and that he should take pencil and paper and try automatic writing (which is receiving words from spirit and transferring them to paper).

    He tried this and was successful, though for a long time he doubted whether he was actually receiving the words of spirit. Luckily, he found faith and stuck with it and gave us some of the most important and fantastic messages ever received. Padgett received around 2000 messages over nine years from his wife, his parents and grandparents, his friends who passed before him, but also, more importantly, from Jesus, all of Jesus' disciples and apostles, from saints, from prophets, and from many famous people throughout history.

    The Messages Continue

    AFTER JAMES PADGETT passed into the spirit world, Jesus and the other Celestial Angels continued to recruit other mediums to continue their effort at bringing the news of how to receive the Divine Love to more and more people. Dr. Daniel G. Samuels was the second Divine Love medium and to this day there have been dozens of Divine Love mediums, some who write and some who speak through trance.

    Spiritual Word Definitions

    CELESTIAL ANGEL – a spiritual being who inhabits the Celestial Heavens and who usually takes on the voluntary duty of helping humans on Earth or spirits in the lower spheres with their spiritual progression, or their progression from areas of less Light to those of more Light. Celestial Angels have souls that have been purified by the inflowing of Divine Love. This leaves them with no sin or error and in complete harmony with God and His universal laws. Celestial Angels are immortal because they partake of God’s immortal soul. Every Celestial Angel was once a human being. Similarly, every spirit that is demon-like or known as a demon was once a human being. There are no fallen angels and there is no God-like leader of the demons.

    Celestial Heavens – the place of residence for spiritual beings (Celestial Angels) who have gone through the New Birth. There are many levels in the Celestial Heavens.

    Circle of Light – A prayer circle in which the participants pray to receive God’s Divine Love. These tend to generate a lot of spiritual Light, so they are called Circles of Light. When a place has built up a lot of spiritual energy from constant prayer there, that place is referred to as a Portal of Light.

    Divine Love – An essence given to humans in mortal and spirit form by God through His Holy Spirit which goes into one’s soul something like how a vitamin is taken into the physical body. The Divine Love acts upon the soul by making that soul, by tiny increments, more like God and also incrementally removes sin and error which covers or encrusts most people’s souls. The act of praying for the Divine Love is an act of repentance by the person praying and an admission by that person that he or she desires to be a better person and to be more aligned with God and His universe. Because that person shows sincerity, God blesses him with some Divine Love.

    God – He is alone, the one and single creator of the universe. God does not have gender because He/She does not need gender. Only procreating animals need gender and though we have souls, our souls reside in animal bodies and thus have a gender. We refer to God as Father and He mostly out of tradition and could just as easily refer to Her as Mother, but what would be more correct is use of a genderless pronoun, though certainly it would seem mighty disrespectful. Interestingly, gender becomes a less important feature for humans as they move up through the spheres of spirit and gender has no physical role in the spirit world (since there is no reproduction there) even though we may continue to identify as one gender or another as we move through eternity. Furthermore, God is love and acts only from love. He does not smite His children and does not help nations defeat other nations in war. God also does not write books.

    Mediumistic ­– having abilities to communicate with spirits.

    New Birth – also known as being Born Again, the New Birth is something which happens to an individual when they leave the last vestiges of the mortal, sin-encrusted soul behind and are in complete harmony with God and His laws. The New Birth does not involve believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but requires actual work to achieve: praying for Divine Love, being a loving person, and repenting of one’s sins. The result of the New Birth is the qualification to reside in the Celestial Heavens.

    Spirit Spheres – The Spirit Spheres are seven in number, 1 being the lowest and closest to Earth and 7 is the highest and closest to the Celestial Heavens. The spheres are darkest and the most sin-filled in the first sphere and the lightest and sinless in spheres 6 and 7.

    First Sphere – The lowest sphere of all and the lower parts of this sphere would equate to what is commonly known as Hell. The lowest part of the First Sphere is the darkest and there is more Light as one progresses up through the various levels of that sphere. There is no fire or eternal damnation in the Hells, but there is darkness, unpleasant conditions and personal ugliness. One can get out of here but for many there it can feel hopeless, especially if they were brought up believing the Bible.

    Second Sphere – The sphere above the first is much more pleasant than the first but still not Heaven. There is more Light, there is more beauty, but there is still error, sin and lack of love in the hearts and souls of individuals there.

    Third Sphere – The third sphere would seem like Heaven to you and I if we saw it from our perch on Earth. There is more Light, more beauty, more love, more love for God, and the souls of people there have lost much of their sin and error and are what we would consider good souls whether they are on the Path to becoming Angels or on the path to becoming perfect spirits. This sphere is where the Divine Love path is studied in earnest while spirits not interested in the Divine Love path move more quickly into the fourth sphere.

    Fourth Sphere – a more intellectual sphere where soul progression comes through intellectual pursuits and the natural human love is developed.

    Fifth Sphere – A sphere of light and love where one can hone one’s spiritual progress, especially Divine Love progress.

    Sixth Sphere – This is the Heaven of the natural man. It is the final stop for spirits who have purified their souls and are spirits of Light and love but who do not follow the Divine Love path.

    Seventh Sphere – This heaven is the Heaven for those on the Divine Love path but which is still not the Celestial Heavens. The last vestiges of the human mortal physical life are excised from one’s soul here and when one has become fully at one with God he or she may move on to the Celestial Kingdom.

    Spirit Communicators

    A FEW WORDS ABOUT SOME of the spirit communicators who helped me by giving messages.

    Mary Kennedy – A Celestial Angel who lived in the late 19th century/early 20th century and who is Dr. Leslie Stone’s soulmate. She was a frequent communicator in the Padgett Messages. She is one of my main collaborators.

    James Reid – Divine Love Path follower and mediumistic writer of The Richard Messages, a book of very substantive messages from Celestial Angels. He is himself a Celestial Angel and is one of my main collaborators.

    Judas Iscariot – One of Jesus’ disciples from the Bible who betrayed Jesus, took his own life, repented and became redeemed and later a Celestial Angel. He is one of the clearest voices for the Divine Love path that there is.

    Jesus of Nazareth – The son of Joseph and Mary who spreads the truths he received from God. Jesus is and has always been the teacher and shower of the way to receiving the Divine Love. It was his purpose 2000 years ago as it is his purpose now. He is the highest of the Celestial Angels.

    James Padgett – A lawyer and an automatic writer/mediumistic writer who received more than 2000 messages from spirit from 1914 to 1923 and compiled them into four volumes called The True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus. They are more commonly known as the Padgett Messages. He is a Celestial Angel.

    Socrates – A Greek/Athenean philosopher of the third century B.C. He is a Celestial Angel.

    Dr. Leslie Stone – A medical doctor and James Padgett’s friend who sat and witnessed many of the messages as Padgett received them. He also was the physical owner of the messages after James died and the compiler and editor of the four volumes of the messages. He is a Celestial Angel.

    Professor Richard Feynman – A physicist and university professor during the 20th century who dealt with quantum physics, worked on the first atom bomb, and who was the subject of a couple of biographies which showed his playful nature and that made him famous before he died.

    George Washington – The first president of the United States, commanding general during the Revolutionary War. He is a Celestial Angel.

    Francis Bacon – 16th / 17th century English philosopher of science. He was also a lawyer and parliamentarian.

    John the Baptist – Jesus’ cousin, a prophet of God at the same time that Jesus preached in Israel, and a Celestial Angel.

    Thomas Jefferson – Third President of the United States and one of the founding fathers of the country. He is a Celestial Angel.




    MAY 3, 2018 

    James Padgett


    B.H. Hello, Mr. Padgett. How are you doing? 

    J.P. Hello, Brian. I am doing well, thank you for thinking of me and asking after me. How are you? 

    B.H. I am good as well. I am, as you may know, trying to learn about being a medium and/or healer and I am finding that I don’t want to do all the silly exercises that the author of the book I am reading prescribes. I wonder if I could just improve my mediumship by praying for Divine Love and by meditating.

    J.P. Brian, I think you are correct. You should be able to do it in the way you describe. That is just the way I did it and with a lot of practice and sitting down with pen in hand. The more Divine Love you have within you the more your special abilities will open up, be they healing, communicating with spirit, speaking to people about Divine Love or whatever gift God has given you. It can all be unlocked by having Divine Love flow into you. 

    B.H. This is great to hear, Mr. Padgett. I do thank you for coming and speaking with me. Do you have any idea what

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