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Ebook77 pages59 minutes


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Ellie had a normal college age life, until Marcus "Hades" Mahone and his group of underbosses came into the restaurant where she worked and turned her life upside down. Will she be able to survive a life as the girlfriend of Chicago's Mafia Boss?
Marcus was a wealthy business man and mafia boss who had everything he wanted, everything but a woman to love. He hoped Ellie Whitman was that woman. Will he be able to keep Ellie safe in his world?

PublisherHeather White
Release dateMay 31, 2021

Heather White

Hi Everyone,I am from a small town in Arizona. I have been working on becoming a writer for quite a few years now and am finally making that dream come true. I am an avid reader as well. I read and write a wide variety of genres including, romance, western, contemporary, fantasy, historical fiction and paranormal to name a few.I love animals especially horses and dogs. I currently have two huskies.

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    Marcus - Heather White


    Published by Heather White

    Cover Art by Heather White

    Copyright 2021 Heather White

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


    I wanted to give a thank you to my mentor and fellow author Marsha Ward for her guidance and assistance in helping me become an author. She has been very patient with me throughout the whole process and my many questions.

    I also wanted to thank my family and friends who have supported me all these years to help me see my dream come true, even when they had to listen to some bad story ideas or the same story over and over.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2




    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7



    Chapter 1


    It was Wednesday night. Weekdays weren’t extremely busy at the restaurant where I worked as a hostess. Even though it wasn’t busy, the manager was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. One of the biggest businessmen and his associates were coming in tonight to have a company meeting.

    I was overseeing the preparations in the private room that they reserved. This was the first time this group was coming here. Apparently, their regular restaurant had double booked accidentally, so we were their next option. The manager was hoping to get them to permanently switch to us.

    I wasn’t sure why the manager was freaking out so much. To me they were just customers. I treated all the customers the same. Whether they were business bigwigs or middle class that had saved up to come and have a nice dinner date, I made sure that they all felt important.

    Ellie! the manager yelled.

    I rolled my eyes, not where he could see obviously. Yes?

    Is everything ready? They will be here soon. Make sure you stay right on hand to help them with anything they need.

    Yes sir.

    I didn’t bother reminding him that I had the whole front of the restaurant to run as well, not just this room. Thankfully the rest of the restaurant shouldn’t be too busy. The room was ready, so I went back out front to greet more guests coming in, plus be there when the group arrived.

    Right at seven the group showed up. I greeted them and showed them to the back room. Each of the men were tall and well built. It was easy to see even in their suits. There were seven men in total.

    What struck me as odd about this group, was that they all showed up on motorcycles. Well that wasn’t the odd part. The odd part was that they were sports bikes and not Harleys like a lot of guys in groups drove. They seemed more like a high-end gang than businessmen. I certainly had nothing against motorcycles. I drove a sports bike myself. I just wasn’t part of a gang.

    When they entered the restaurant, they seemed to suck the air out of it. They were definitely an intimidating presence to most. They didn’t bother me any. They were just customers. Some of the waitresses shrunk away from them though.

    The main businessman, Marcus Mahone, was the most imposing presence of all of them. He never said much to us, just nodded for the most part. He had black hair that was cut short on the sides and longer on top and green eyes. He was quite attractive. I quickly pushed that thought away. I needed to focus.

    We quickly set up extra tables for them to set their helmets and riding jackets on. I assigned one of the more experienced waitresses to greet other guests as I attended to the group. I gave them each a menu once they were seated. I looked at the waitress that was supposed to take their drink orders, and she was shaking like a leaf, eyes wide in fear. I sighed.

    April, why don’t you go help up front. I’ll take their orders, I said.

    She nodded and hurried out of the room like the devil was on her tail. I pulled out a pad and pen and went

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