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About this ebook

Cinderella (or Ella to those who know her best) is on a mission to earn back the trust of her family and friends after nearly getting Jake killed by way of an angry, territorial unicorn. But proving she’s changed for the better may be an uphill battle.
As she strives for redemption, the group works to rid their dimension of a dragon and the cultists who brought it there. They also find themselves closer to discovering a way to close the portal linking the two worlds for good.
As the finale of their adventure grows closer and closer to completion, Ella finds herself questioning everything—including her romantic relationship with the prince of Esteria. Can she make up her mind about what her heart desires before it’s too late? Does she love the prince? Or is she secretly falling for his top royal guard? And better yet, what will she do when the portal closes and both of them leave forever?

Release dateJun 4, 2021

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    Book preview

    Cinderella - Melissa Frost

    Published by Evernight Teen ® at Smashwords

    Copyright© 2021 Melissa Frost

    ISBN: 978-0-3695-0371-8

    Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

    Editor: Jessica Ruth


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    As always, my family is the best and deserve giant shout outs. To my mamma for encouraging my writing obsession from second grade on. To my husband for proof reading everything I write. I would also like to give a nod to Natasha—my favorite writing partner across the ocean. She has lit a fire under my writing motivation that can’t be put out!

    Note: I wanted to remind readers that Esteria is a fictional place. I have purposely mashed different cultures and areas to give it an anywhere type feel. I’m not just a crazy person who thinks Chicago is actually close to England. I swear I’m not!



    Tales from Esteria, 4

    Melissa Frost

    Copyright © 2021

    Chapter One

    I used to live in a happy little bubble where the most important thing in life was being popular, where football games and pep rallies were the highlight of my existence. That was until I accidentally opened a portal to another dimension. All of a sudden, becoming prom queen wasn’t as important as stopping a tribe of gnomes from starting a territory war. And those evil stepsisters of mine? It turned out they weren’t all that evil.

    There are times where I miss the days when mocking someone for wearing last season’s designer shoes was a good morning. But then I look at my life and all of the real good my sisters and I are doing, and I feel … proud. Honestly, I’m not sure I’ve ever truly been proud of myself before this. And it makes me realize just how shallow I’d been a mere year ago. How had anyone been able to stand being around me?

    Not that anyone could stand to be around me at the moment anyway. I’d messed up. Like big time messed up. I’d let my desire to see a unicorn cloud my judgment. Despite warnings, I did something stupid and got one of my friends hurt, badly hurt.

    As I’d watched Jake Bell lying there bleeding on the ground because of something I’d done, it finally hit me that my actions had consequences. It was like I’d been living in a bubble, unaware of just how much damage I caused with my thoughtlessness. The entire portal to another dimension came into existence because I was in the middle of a temper tantrum and threw a glass slipper at it.

    I needed to change, and first thing on my agenda to becoming a better person was apologizing.

    Sitting back against the driver’s seat of the car I shared with my sisters, I looked up at the hospital with a growing sense of unease. Jake was in there, healing from the wound he’d received last night during our unicorn encounter.

    Mary Alice—my fairy godmother … okay, my liaison to the other dimension—had told me in the wee hours of the morning that he was going to pull through and make a full recovery. She’d shown up in my bedroom with a poof of magic, but some of her shine had been gone. Her eyes had been pinched with stress. Her clothes had been covered in blood. Jake’s blood.

    I was grateful she’d given me an update, as she was the only one currently speaking to me. That could be because she’d left before it was discovered I was the one at fault for Jake’s accident. Maybe this morning she wouldn’t be talking to me either. If that was the case, I deserved it.

    Shaking off my self-pity, I climbed out of the car and started toward the building, ignoring the crooked and awkward angle with which the car was parked. I could only work on one facet of self-improvement at a time, and my lack of driving skills—not to mention my lack of a driver’s license—was not at the top of my priority list.

    I marched through the hospital’s main lobby, stopping only momentarily at the reception desk to get directions. As I made my way through the halls, I frowned at how quickly my feet seemed to be taking me to Jake’s room. I hated to admit it—even to myself—but I was terrified he would turn me away at the door and refuse to speak to me. Or worse, what if Drusilla was here? The two of us weren’t exactly on speaking terms.

    A memory flashed through my mind. Last night, once we’d gotten home following Jake’s injury, I’d tried apologizing to Drusilla—again. This time, she hadn’t even bothered to scream at me. She hadn’t said a word. She’d acted as if I didn’t even exist. She’d slammed her door in my face with a finality I couldn’t ignore. It was clear she wanted nothing to do with me.

    If I showed up at the hospital now and she was here visiting Jake? That situation could quickly turn ugly. I didn’t want to fight with her. I just wanted to see with my own eyes that my friend was going to be okay. I’d never meant for Jake to get hurt. I just hadn’t been thinking, a facet of my personality that needed to change. It was time I started considering others and how my actions affected them.

    As the door to Jake’s room loomed in front of me, I hesitated. I’d never been shy or hesitant about anything in my entire life. And here I was fretting over everything. It was a humbling feeling.

    Warily, I peeked my head into the room. Thankfully, it was empty of people besides the young man in the bed.

    Jake lay with his back propped up by pillows. He had earbuds in and was bobbing his head along to whatever music he was listening to. Seeing me in the doorway, he tugged the earbuds out, letting them fall into his lap. Hey there. His lips quirked into a smile and his black, shaggy hair fell over his forehead in a wave. Even after suffering a horrific injury, Jake looked cool. He always looked cool. A unicorn wasn’t going to stop that. She isn’t here, he said, clearly reading my hesitation for what it was. You can stop hiding in the doorway.

    He didn’t need to voice Drusilla’s name for me to know who he was talking about. Both of us knew exactly who I’d been nervously searching for. Even so, I hated that he’d read my fears so effortlessly. When had I gotten that easy to read?

    I straightened my shoulders and strode into the room, no doubt failing horribly at my attempt at confidence. I’m surprised she’s left your side.

    He shrugged a shoulder. She didn’t want to, but when I mentioned how much schoolwork I was missing, she rushed out to pick up both of our assignments. She promised a romantic study date for the afternoon.

    My nose curled in disgust at such a concept.

    A laugh burst from him and he flinched, a hand going to his side. You seriously have zero ability to keep what you’re thinking off of your face.

    I rolled my eyes at this, giving in to the fact that I really had become that easy to read. Or maybe I’d always been that easy to read, but I’d never noticed because other people’s feelings hadn’t ever really been a concern to me until now. It was a somber thought, the sheer depth of my selfishness.

    Because I don’t usually care what other people think, I said haughtily, trying to save face, trying to pretend as if I didn’t care. Except, recently, I was beginning to. And maybe if I’d cared more, Jake wouldn’t be where he was right now. My lashes lowered shamefully, and I peered at him with an expression of contrition. So how come you’re speaking to me? I half expected you to kick me out the instant you caught me skulking in the doorway.

    I figured Dru was giving you enough shit for the both of us.

    I laughed wryly at this. You’re not wrong there. My mood dipped at the reminder of exactly why my stepsister was so mad at me. But she’s not wrong. I owe you an apology. A huge one. If I hadn’t been so selfish—

    I forgive you.

    My brow arched in surprise at the way he cut off my apology. They were few and far between, and he was waving it off. Just like that?

    He nodded, amusement dancing in his bright blue eyes. Just like that.

    Why? As grateful as I was for his forgiveness, I couldn’t help but be astonished by it. I’d nearly gotten him killed, and he was acting as if I’d merely left him with an empty tank of gas.

    He let out a sigh and studied me silently for a moment. Then, finally, he said, Because we’re friends. At my questioning look, he elaborated. The two of us? We were friends long before I started dating your sister. We have history. Sure, you screwed up, but I know you didn’t do what you did out of maliciousness. You’re passionate. You leap first and think about the consequences after. I knew that about you long before you let your temper open a portal to another dimension. I figure I can’t fault you for it now.

    He smiled gently. Just because Dru’s pissed at you doesn’t mean I have to be. Despite what you might think, I still have a mind of my own. This last bit was said with amusement, and he arched an expectant eyebrow at me.

    I smiled in return, unable to help myself. Have I ever told you how amazing you are?

    He nodded, waving a hand in the air. You have. Many times. But I never mind hearing it again.

    Laughing, I sat down on the edge of the bed. Well, you are. You’re amazing.

    That I am. He reached out to pat my hand sympathetically, and the teasing mood immediately became more somber. Dru will come around. Just give her some time. Seeing me bleeding like that really scared her. Once she gets over the shock, she’ll realize she isn’t as angry at you as she thinks. She’s just freaked out by what happened and trying to deal with it.

    I nodded silently, understanding that. Drusilla wasn’t the only one trying to deal with the sight of Jake bleeding out on the ground. He’d been dying, and it had been all my fault. If it wasn’t for Anastasia’s quick thinking and first aid knowledge … well, I could have gotten one of my best friends killed. I’ll give her as much time as she needs.

    And until she was ready to talk to me, I needed to keep working at making amends in other areas of my life. I had more apologies to give out, more people to win back over. And I knew where I had to go next. It was time to pay Zeke a visit.

    Chapter Two

    The short walk up Zeke’s driveway was infinitely quicker than the trek through the hospital, giving me less time to find my bravery. Sure, I hadn’t nearly gotten him killed, but Zeke’s reaction to what I’d done last night had frightened me. He was the one to realize what I’d done—had been the one to bring it to everyone else’s attention—and he hadn’t held back his anger in the least. He’d screamed at me, chastised me. He’d made me feel worse than I’d ever felt in my entire life. I never wanted to see such disappointment and rage directed at me from him like that ever again. My remorse hadn’t mattered. My tears hadn’t mattered. He’d looked at me with such disgust. It had frozen my heart.

    I knew it shouldn’t be the case, but I was just as nervous facing Zeke as I’d been to see Jake. At least with Jake we had a history and established friendship. Zeke had no reason to forgive me. He’d been relying on me to have his back last night, and I’d let him down.

    Taking a deep, fortifying breath, I lifted a fist and rapped lightly at the door. Feet shuffling, I waited for one of the house’s occupants to open up. I actually hoped it was Molly who answered. Sure, it would only be delaying the inevitable, and it meant one more person to apologize to today, but it would give me a few more minutes before I had to face Zeke.

    The door

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