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Tierra and the Seven Sisters: A Fantastical Story of Earth's Origins and Re-awakening to Love
Tierra and the Seven Sisters: A Fantastical Story of Earth's Origins and Re-awakening to Love
Tierra and the Seven Sisters: A Fantastical Story of Earth's Origins and Re-awakening to Love
Ebook214 pages2 hours

Tierra and the Seven Sisters: A Fantastical Story of Earth's Origins and Re-awakening to Love

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Tierra and the Seven Sisters is a fantastical story of the Earth's origins and re-awakening to Love. Non-fiction couched in a fictional setting, this adult story weaves through millions of years of history to the present day. It's told from the future to a circle of children, curious to learn how their ancestors awoke at this time through the battle of the Light and the dark. The children learned about the dawning of the Golden Age, and how a new era of enlightenment and super conscious awareness brought humanity back together again in unity, sharing and compassion, truth and honesty, love and harmony, peace and prosperity. It is to be explored as fiction while readers are encouraged to do their own research into the narrative shared.
Release dateMay 11, 2021
Tierra and the Seven Sisters: A Fantastical Story of Earth's Origins and Re-awakening to Love

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    Tierra and the Seven Sisters - Miriam Sanua



    To my precious unconditionally loving children. To all the children of our One Great Earth, now and seventy generations from now. To you who deserve a healthier, wholesome, peaceful, loving future. This one’s for you.

    To Spirit, our Ascended Beloved Ones, Ancestors and Galactic and Angelic Brethren, who lovingly support our transition and evolution into the higher superconscious realms of Divine ways of being.

    To all of Creation, Wildlife and Sentient Beings for all time, seen and unseen that reside here on Mother Earth ~ this story is for you.

    To the Christmas trees. May you be graced to stay rooted in Mother Earth’s body to grow tall and healthy – and ancient.

    To the Earthly Elemental Dragons and your power to cleanse, heal, stabilize and balance the earth, water, air, fire and ether elements.

    And mostly to Dearest Mother Earth – in all of your glorious names Dendreah, Gaia, Pacha-Mama, Sophia-Christos, Planet Matea

    Nova-Gaia, Nova-Terra – sits your majestic beauty, elegance and magnificence; nurturing abundance and abundant love, peace, patience and silence in your heart of hearts. To your restoration, replenishment and revitalization of all-natural habitats on your body.

    We have walked the Good Red Road – now we cross the Rain- bow Bridge to and within the Divine Radiant Presence.





    The Galactic Connection

    My Journey

    Our Journey

    Wise Insight

    Our Preparation

    My Invitation to You

    Love and Deepest Gratitude

    Part I

    Long Ago

    Part II

    Mu’s Deep Reflection

    Part III

    Father Sun and Mother Earth

    Grandmother Moon

    The Seven Sisters

    Part IV

    Mystical Beings

    Part V

    Star Ancestors of Light and Dark

    Part VI

    Darkness Sets In

    The Earth that Forgot

    Part VII

    Earth Mother’s Presence and Plea

    The Great Summoning

    Part VIII

    Tierra the Unicorn Hears the Call

    Tierra’s Return

    Part IX

    The Seven Sisters Sing

    Dendreah, Mother Earth Speaks Her Heart

    Part X

    The Seven Sisters Choose

    Tierra’s Gathering Flight

    Part XI

    Mu’s Thoughts – Centuries Unfolding Towards the Dawning of a New Civilization

    Part XII

    The Air of Expectancy – Arrival of the Star Beings

    The Turning of the Tides

    Part XIII

    Battle of all Battles

    Victory of the Light

    The Final Home Stretch

    Leaving the Old World Behind – And Why the Promise of a New Life

    Part XIV

    The Great Wake-Up Call, Healing and Remembering – Deep Life Lessons

    A New Era

    Celebration Time

    Part XV

    The Big Silence – The Great Peace


    The Light is Everything ~ Go Within

    Bibliography and Appreciative Acknowledgements


    Other Publications by Miriam


    Ancient, romantic, factual, fictional, fantastical, historical, current, spiritual, sobering: This is a story of the Earth’s transition, and humanity’s re-awakening to the Divinity of love. Truth be told – it’s a broad outline of Earth’s history – past, present and future. From dark to Light. One of the greatest stories that will ever be told to future generations.

    A story of the elevation of the resilient human spirit transcending and conquering the adversity thrust upon it. A story reminding us of the reality and presence of Light and dark in the created universe. A story revealing the trials, tribulations and how we as a species triumph good over evil – of the Light over dark. Documenting the historical repetition through ages of old – never to be repeated by mankind in the dawning of this Age of Aquarius. A story of the ultimate knowing humanity has in its Divine origins – to awaken, remember and re-embody. A story to ignite the transition for all time on the Earth, and within the realm and presence of Spirit; born out of the necessity to reveal the simple, hidden truths of who we are in an innocent, meaningful and loving way.

    Our ancient origins diverted, subverted from humanity for hundreds of thousands of years. A witnessed and witnessing account of humanity as a whole, on multi-dimensional levels of being and doing. To seek out truth; to understand where we came from and where we are going; to remember who we truly are, and to return to sacred love and our Source of being – pure and simple.

    As grand storyteller Martin Shaw states, When you are negotiating the future, if you are not connected in some visceral way to what stands behind you, there’s something weightless.

    And hope: To instill hope for a new vision for a new life and way of being if you are coming in to this for the first time. This story narrates the personal and collective hero’s journey through the dark night of the soul, as well as Mother Earth’s transition out of the dark halls of bondage as a rite of passage into the brilliance of the Pure Source Light.

    The Galactic Connection

    TIERRA is meant as a fantastical overview – you know, just like science fiction is regarded as flowing from someone’s fantastical and amazing, creative fictional imagination. Truth be told – science fiction films like Star Trek and Star Wars reflect the truth of galactic reality. They are a real accounting of what goes on in outer space. Why do we enjoy them? What is it about them that somehow sparks something, a fascination – perhaps some unconscious recognition or remembrance deep inside of us? On the conscious level though – our ego minds feel safe in assuming those stories were born out of someone’s brilliantly creative mind. Because they are so out there and so out of, or beyond our realm or reckoning, our comprehension and daily existence – how could they be real? Therefore they are non-threatening.

    Gene Roddenberry was impulsed by Spirit and the Galactics with the story of Star Trek; perhaps also the creators of Star Wars, Star Gate SG1, Star Gate Atlantis. All real! And brought to the screen by Spirit as a way to prepare humanity for the eventual, inevitable disclosure of our Galactic Brother-Sisterhood, having always visited and lived on the Earth since time immemorial. They are in fact in some cases creator or builder races, and our original brothers and sisters.

    Apart from dreamtime visitations, and a being of blue light standing at the bottom of my bed after a powerful lucid dream, have I had a personal encounter? Yes – albeit very briefly over a cup of tea. That was back in 2004/5. After some conversation and exchange of pleasantries in a coffee shop, I was invited to stare into the elder gentleman’s face while sitting across from him. In doing so I experienced a Star Trekkie moment. His face seemed to part in the centre like transparent screen doors moving off to the side, revealing the face of a non-terrestrial. My immediate reaction was to giggle – probably out of surprise. Not knowing what he wanted from me, my instant telepathic response was that my life purpose and plan were set, and therefore not entertaining anything else. So I believed at the time.

    Immediately the screen doors shut, and his alien face resumed the human resemblance of a kindly looking elder gentleman. The meeting was over pronto. He rushed away and I never saw him again. I recall seeing books in the trunk of his car when he opened it to retrieve something. One of the books included Mother Mary in the title. What did he want from me? I will probably never know.

    And yes, my friends – Galactics, Non-terrestrials – Star Sisters and Brothers live, breathe and walk amongst us – clothed in the human overcoat and apparel. They have done so for billions of years. The reality is – they are us and we are them. And how exciting to know finally they will be revealing themselves in good time. They have been observing and more immediately supporting, impulsing and healing Mother Earth and all life these past few decades, and in this tremendous and historic time on the planet.

    Great debate is currently taking place about the means of disclosure of our Galactic brethren: Those who have hidden or tried to hide their existence, and would like to keep it that way: those who wish for a soft and eventual disclosure – and those who would like to put the information out there once and for all. Certainly, most of the UFO community, starseeds and lightworkers have been champing at the bit for this to become reality. Perhaps our ET family will soon simply surprise us en masse, as they have been revealing themselves to government leaders and individuals throughout the decades. They are certainly showing their ships in the skies more and more as we speak.

    It’s important to state here – our Galactic brethren, Star brothers and sisters are not our saviours. This story is not about glorifying the saviour-victim archetype or complex. This transition has been for the human to awaken. This is the collective’s hero’s journey from dark to Light. It’s about self-awareness and taking self-responsibility for the dreamscape we’ve played in for hundreds of thousands of years. It’s about truth-seeking, and truth’s revelation in a time of revolution and resolution. It’s about finally super consciously self-realizing the Divine Beloved within. Humanity is arising from out its slumber, with the reckoning that enough is enough. The Star Beings oversee and support us in this timely evolutionary awakening.

    My Journey

    Iwrote Tierra in 2008, and even though I pulled it up in 2016 to ‘play’ with the concept, it was not time then to bring this story forward for many reasons. We live now with accelerated cosmic and planetary changes with the Great Event Horizon rapidly approaching. The tipping point and emerging dissolution of an old paradigm is gradually being reached by awakened and awakening souls, participating in the birthing of a new planetary epoch. So yes – this is the time. The Indigenous elder prophecies of the eagle and condor flying together after 500 years is upon us. We are now in the year 2021 when I brought the story up to speed with current events. The story goes into the future partly in using my creative imagination, what I experienced in a Quantum Hypnosis session, and from what I have learned from my research over the past 20 years. Nothing is cast in stone. Timelines change; dream lines are in flux. The song though, is ancient – timeless. Please explore your inner world, tap into your intuition to find your own truth.

    I thank my beloved Joseph for inspiring me to think and witness with the inquiring eye and mind of an impartial anthropologist. Even though I have been a quiet people watcher and observer all my life; his example helped me to learn loving discernment and detachment in the study of human psychology. The web of dark mystery, conspiracy and intrigue’s spiral can magnetically draw one deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of dumping the non-attachment bit – coming face to face with denial or resistance. As outrageous and outlandish information surfaced overtime, discernment and non-attachment allowed me to either park and percolate over information, or to outright discard: And being adept at shadow work, having made my journey navigating and healing the deep chasms of human wounding, allowed me to accept the Light’s transcendent perfection and bigger picture playing out on the planet, with showers of deep abiding love and forgiveness.

    Knowing how the wide scope of past life traumas have impacted me, and us all in this life, I have sought answers for over thirty years – more so intensely the past four. I am naturally curious and a truth seeker. I am a bigger picture person endeavouring to knit the finer threads of story together. And those deep healing dives and musings into my inner world, as well as witnessing outer worldly events, have allowed me to complete the design of life’s tapestry in my own way: My own journey in searching for the ultimate truth through the grace of my desire, intention, will and abiding self-love – for personal soul evolution.

    I give the collective shadow service-to-self intrigues no energy: Rather to observe, learn and balance the historical, generational journey of dark to Light both for me personally, and my connectivity to the healing collective. My truth barometer has been put to fuller use these past 20-plus years, always coming back to that place of balance – as the witnesser, gleaner of my heart’s intuitive perception of truth and of what is; lover of life and the living.

    My journey into the ancient, historical collective abyss allowed me to come to a profound, kinesthetic realization as events have unfolded exponentially (too fast for me to keep up or to record for this story): That in fact the only reality and truth is the Divine Love that we are – you are, I Am in essence and Presence of the Sacred, Divine Light! Divine Love is eternal. True love is changeless. The rest is a play. A dance between light and shadow based on our personal and collective choices; my choices, your choices, our choices as the one unified whole. The play is not real. It has no substance even though it seems so.

    Writing this story required for me in my ongoing soul evolution, to witness and come out the other side of the collective dream-state, having reconciled my beautiful Divine Fractal Self with that of the Whole. Over the past three decades I have journeyed through multiple psycho-spiritual death-rebirth experiences to arrive, or return for the most part to my peaceful, loving, grounded presence. I am peaceful, hopeful, trusting and excited now more than ever for the new life awaiting us all, and just around the corner.

    Our Journey

    My interests span many avenues of life. What I’ve presented serves to broaden the scope of this fantastical story, and audience. So much history has been hidden from us. The truth has been hidden from

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