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Militant Christian Parenting: On a Whole New Level
Militant Christian Parenting: On a Whole New Level
Militant Christian Parenting: On a Whole New Level
Ebook60 pages45 minutes

Militant Christian Parenting: On a Whole New Level

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The book Militant Christian Parenting is based on building faith in God and doing it with militancy. It teaches parents to see that children are God's gift and next in line to the throne and that what parents do now will affect generations to come. Children are royalty, and it all starts with the parents training them for eternal life with Chris

Release dateMay 28, 2021
Militant Christian Parenting: On a Whole New Level

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    Book preview

    Militant Christian Parenting - Ashlee Alie


    When I had first committed my all to God, I found myself comparing Christians to the Muslim population in particular. I did this because where I’m from, they are the second largest organization outside of the Christian population. In doing this, I realized how lazy Christians appear to be in comparison to their parenting to this population of people. They must stop whatever they are doing by a certain time to praise their God, even having special rooms in their homes for this. Their children have very strict values when it comes to their religion, and they know the ins and out of everything by the age of twelve. The funny thing about this book is that I’m nowhere near being a parent; in fact, I’m still very much in the process of waiting on God for my husband. I never had militant Christian parents. I didn’t even come from a two-parent home, and the devil came at my mind on so many levels during the writing of this book. For a while, I gave in, and I stopped writing. Then there was God with the words perfect candidate. Therefore, I say to you, everything you read in this book is by the knowledge of God.

    Chapter 1


    For the Parents

    You may or may not be surprised at the fact that this very first chapter, called Attention, is directed solemnly at you, the parents, because the truth is it all starts and ends with you and what you teach them. Place God first in everything and instill in them to do the same. I know education and finances are very important, but if we really seek him first, the truth is everything will eventually be added on to you. So I’m appealing to you to constantly be like this with your words and your actions. Try your best not to contradict this belief system because then it leads them to cutting themselves short of his glory.

    The Household

    A man is supposed to direct and lead his family in love. That is why God has placed him as the head of the home. Therefore, men, if you place most of the decision-making on your wife, you may be weighing her down with more responsibility rather than helping her like you think you are.

    I don’t care how much education or money she may have, a woman loves a man to step up to the plate every now and then and take the lead in love, not harshness. This also has to be demonstrated within your parenting skills. A woman is supposed to set the tone in the household; that is why God has created us women to be the emotional creatures. In other words, if you’re moody or unhappy, the whole household will suffer for it, and it will not function and run properly. It will be as though you are sick and cannot get out of bed. Hopefully, though, family life isn’t unhappy. If it is, you need to pray on that and remember God is your resource manager over everything.

    Husbands, happy wife, happy life! Just joking, but you get my drift. If the two of these aren’t running the way they should be, there will be problems. Remember, you’re the examples for them later on in life; if the Christian home does not seem to be filled with love and happiness, they wouldn’t look up to you, and they would not want it for themselves later on in life just based on what they have seen. Take role play very seriously and don’t ever give the devil the opportunity to tamper with your children’s mind on the concept of marriage.

    Do not argue in front of them and never hold back from

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