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You Are The Ultimate Magician: Fearlessly Create The Life of Your Dreams
You Are The Ultimate Magician: Fearlessly Create The Life of Your Dreams
You Are The Ultimate Magician: Fearlessly Create The Life of Your Dreams
Ebook129 pages2 hours

You Are The Ultimate Magician: Fearlessly Create The Life of Your Dreams

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Alaska Closed her eyes and silently asked "Come on Gladiator, why aren't you coming? I want to meet you. We all do." And again she was surprised by the sensation she had, and still more surprised when she heard him say "Your wish is my command, Princess." She immediately opened her eyes. Of course, he was not there, but she had actually felt his

Release dateJun 4, 2021
You Are The Ultimate Magician: Fearlessly Create The Life of Your Dreams

Alcyoné Sumila Starr

After decades of research and meditation the author wrote a series of books under the banner of "YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE MAGICIAN" for the sole purpose of acquainting humanity to their inherent powers to create a life of their choice, of their dream. Her mission is to inspire and awaken a desire in every heart to know who or what they truly are! She has written the books in the form of a fiction so as to make spiritual truths easy to understand and remember. Readers can easily relate to the characters in the story. Another reason for reading her books is that she welcomes questions from her readers. She encourages them to ask anything that will make their lives happy, full of hope and harmony. She also writes articles on spirituality. Her article BUILDING BRIDGES: A SPIRITUAL APPROACH was published by Fair Observer.

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    You Are The Ultimate Magician - Alcyoné Sumila Starr


    Copyright © 2021 by Alcyoné Sumila Starr

    The intent of the author is only to offer information to help you in your quest for a happier life. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your action.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    978-1-955205-35-1 (Paperback)

    978-1-955205-34-4 (eBook)

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12


    About The Author


    (Why I wrote this book)

    Life was happening to me, as it happens to most of us. It was average with family, friends, children and a job that gave me opportunity to travel the world. My friends thought I was lucky to have everything in my life, alas, I felt differently. I had kind of a sub-conscious belief that something vital was missing from my life. I did not know what it was, and so, could not put a name to it. On the whole, it made me restless and dissatisfied. One day a colleague of mine suggested I should read the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. Well, I did and thus started my journey, on the so called spiritual path. I began seeking in earnest, with all my passion to find the missing ingredient of my life. Of course, there was the problem – I didn’t know precisely what I was seeking and so, I didn’t know what to focus on. I tried everything I could lay my hands on. I read hundreds of books on spirituality, self-empowerment, body-mind-soul, yoga, Gita, to name a few. I attended work-shops, seminars and webinars without getting any clarity. I continued my search. I learned meditation, Mantras, Astrology, Tarot, past-life regression therapy, N.L.P., hypnotherapy, E.F.T., Astronomy, Quantum mechanics, Angel therapy, the list goes on – you name it and I did it, but to no avail. But, I stuck to my seeking.

    After decades of research and spiritual practices, my tenacity paid. I started getting answers and insights that I found difficult to believe at first. But, when experiences followed my insights, I learned my first lesson, which was, I need not seek anything outside of me. I realized I am the source of all I perceive. I am creating circumstances in my life to physically experience my desires. The whole process is so simple but so difficult for most, including me, once upon a time, to understand and believe. But, once I got it, it changed me from within. My life transformed in un-believable ways.

    The only reason why it took me decades to understand it, to really get it, is that I was not aware of what I was seeking. I certainly do not want you, or anybody else, to struggle for years, like I did, for want of clarity. I believe, it is a birth right of every human to know who or what he/she truly is. So, this book, in the form of a spiritual fiction, came into existence for the sole purpose of acquainting every reader with the basic universal law that empowers beyond measure and brings transformation way-beyond expectation. This book is in simple language with step-by-step instructions that every reader can understand, easily assimilate and incorporate in daily life, with out-standing results. Here, I would like to add that all information and instructions given in the book by the character called ‘Gladiator’, have actually been passed on or channelled (for want of a better word) from a non-physical- intelligence by the name of Gladiator.

    I hope, even before you reach the last page of this short book, you would have awakened and become conscious of your own unlimited powers.

    Are you ready for an extra-ordinary life? If so, I encourage you to read this little book, and easily create the life of your dreams. That is why you are here, my friends!

    Chapter 1

    Heat was oppressive. May be, there were no windows in the room where he was sitting on the floor with his hands tied together around a pole behind his back, thought Jack. The pain in his shoulders had turned to numbness now. He tried not to move at all because even slight movement triggered excruciating pain in his arms. Jack tried to remember how he was kidnapped, blind folded, gagged and brought here. He wondered for the thousandth time, why him? Why did they choose to kidnap him? He was expecting some interrogation or even to be tortured for secret information but was surprised to be left alone in this god-forsaken place gagged, blind folded with a hood covering his head and his arms tied at his back around a pole with no food or water. He was not sure for how long he had been sitting like this. Could it be four days or was it five?

    Suddenly he heard a loud clanging sound coming from behind him. He guessed a door was opened. He heard people moving around in the room. Someone yanked the hood off his head. His blind fold was removed with a jerk from over his eyes. The sudden bright light from a flash light aimed at his eyes blinded Jack for a minute. He felt his head roughly pulled up by his hair. He saw a man in front of him with a video camera recording the events. The next moment he felt a stinging slap on his face and a kick on his right arm. The pain was excruciating. With great difficulty Jack choked back the scream that rose in his throat. After that, as if the show was over, he was blind folded, hooded as before and left alone.

    Tears of pain rolled down his cheeks. He wondered if this torture will ever end. He thought of his parents at home. He remembered how his mother had looked at him when he was leaving. Her eyes were full of tears but with a smile she had reminded him of Maxim de Winter, his friend from his university days. She had said, Remember he used to say – You are a magician with unimaginable powers. You can be, do and have anything you desire. Remember it my son. It will give you strength.

    Jack remembered Maxim very well. There was something special about him. It was just not possible to forget him.

    Jack kept praying and hoping for some miracle but nothing seemed to work. He must have dozed off when some sound woke him up. Startled he looked up and saw Maxim standing right in front of him. He said, Maxim? but immediately realized he could not have seen him through his blind fold and the hood over his head. He felt utter frustration.

    Jack had wanted to keep in touch with Maxim after leaving the university but life got busy in the army and he lost touch. But a few moments ago Jack had actually felt his presence in the room. He silently said, Maxim, my friend, show me how to use my magical powers to get out of this hell-hole. Nothing happened. Tears of frustration filled his eyes. But just then he was startled to hear save the tears for later mate. Now is the time for action. Pay attention to what I say as there will be no time to repeat. Pull your hands apart as much as you can. I am going to cut your iron hand-cuffs with a light beam. Before Jack could even move, he felt burning pain at his wrists. He jerked his hands away and was astounded to find his hands free.

    He again heard Rest your arms for a minute. Now listen carefully. As soon as you can remove your hood, blind fold and gag, get up slowly and walk towards the door at your back. Do not speak at all. You will find the door unlocked. Go out walking casually. Do not run. Do not worry. Your kidnappers will not see you. Turn towards your right and start walking on the dirt road till you come to a crossing. It will take you about five minutes to reach the crossing. Again, take the right turn at the crossing. Walk for a minute and then calmly wait. You will be picked up by your friends. No time for further explanation. Move. Now!

    Jack tried to walk but his legs wouldn’t move. He rubbed his arms and legs for a moment. As the blood circulation started in his limbs so did excruciating pain! After a few moments he could walk. He gingerly opened the metal door at the back. It was not locked. He went out. The sun had set. It was getting dark. He saw two men, totally dressed in black, talking animatedly. They had guns in their hands. Jack, with great difficulty, controlled the urge to run. As per the instruction he turned right and started walking slowly on the dirt road. He saw several men walking or just standing and talking but no one took any notice of him. He felt nervous and very weak. He was not sure

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