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The Temporary Wife
The Temporary Wife
The Temporary Wife
Ebook217 pages3 hours

The Temporary Wife

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Nikos Manolis, CEO of the powerful Manolis Corporation is in a bind. To complete a take-over deal, he must woo and marry the beautiful Willow. If not, Richard Moore, a man with a connection to Willow he does not want revealed will sell to his rival. Marriage is something Nikos has never wanted. His life is perfect as it is. The only saving grace is Richard’s insistence the marriage be short-lived, and Willow become a rich woman. Believing her just one more gold digger who will do well from the deal Nikos agrees. However, once he meets Willow can he stick to the original agreement. And if the truth becomes known, will he be able to walk away?
Willow Fisher is a woman making her way in the world. Nearly finished university, she has plans in a career she is passionate about. What she never planned on was meeting a man like Nikos. And when she does, she falls hard. Here is a man with everything - money, power, and good looks. A man with no ulterior motive to be with her other than love. When he asks her to marry him, she feels her happy-ever-after miracle has happened, vowing to make him the best wife. Unfortunately, life is not a fairy tale. When she discovers Nikos, along with another, have the cruelest ulterior motive of all what will she do?
Can love overcome betrayal?

PublisherMarie Kelly
Release dateJun 6, 2021
The Temporary Wife

Marie Kelly

A hopeless romantic and weaver of words. While I live in Canada, Scotland will always be in my heart.

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    The Temporary Wife - Marie Kelly

    The Temporary Wife


    Marie Kelly

    Special Smashwords Edition

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    The Temporary Wife

    Special Smashwords Edition

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    Copyright © 2021 Marie Kelly. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

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    Chapter One

    Nikos Manolis sat on the leather wing-backed chair. His fingers wrapped around the crystal glass, swirling the golden liquid within. Across from him, an older man, looking tired and sick, his skin sunken and pale, did the same. Richard ‘Red’ Moore regarded him with sombre eyes, the last question still hanging in the air between the two men. Red waited, watching Nikos with expectancy, before seeming to lose patience as the seconds passed. Well? What do you say, Nikos?

    The words appeared to pull the younger man from his thoughts. His hand scrubbed over his chin, brows furrowed in thought before he took another slow sip of the expensive whiskey. Finally, he leaned forward, his hand outstretched. You have a deal, Red. But I want it all in writing.

    Across from him, relief bloomed on the other man’s features.

    He gave a curt nod, a smile filtering over his face as he grasped Nikos’s hand. You will have it. You will have it, my friend.

    Chapter Two

    The man at station 2 is so rude! Holly Jones slammed the tray down onto the wooden counter as her friend Willow Fisher laughed. I swear, Will, he is one more sarcy comment from having his all-day breakfast all-day over him!

    Patting the other woman's arm sympathetically, Willow winked. Her voice filled with humour. Just remember, Holly, no matter how insufferable they are - just keep smiling.

    Now Holly laughed as she joined in, finishing the saying the two would often repeat to the other. Because when you're smiling, they're gonna wonder what's in the food! The two broke into hysterical laughter, Holly's frustration evaporating.

    While neither would ever interfere with a customer's food, it never hurt to play with rude people's minds. Holly dragged in a deep breath as she gave her friend a warm smile. Thanks, babe. I needed that. Once more, picking up the coffee cup, she filled it, before returning to the table she talked about, plastering a smile to her lips. Yep. Let the mind games begin.

    Chuckling, Willow pulled out her pad. She stepped to the booth that moments earlier someone had slid into. Writing a bill at the time, she had missed seeing who the newcomer was, but the smile which curved her lips was genuine.

    From his seat, Nikos watched the woman he had come to meet. He had read the dossier on her, seen many pictures, but she was much prettier in person. The woman almost glowed with the wide smile on her plush lips. She had moved from an 8 to a 10 with just that smile. This was starting to look a whole lot less of a chore. It might even be a pleasurable assignment. He knew everything about her. At 5' 4, she was nearly a foot shorter than him. However, she was perfectly proportioned, not even the waitress's dress she wore hiding what appeared to be some very interesting curves. Her fiery red hair was scraped back and securely held in a severe knot, the kind of knot unflattering on most women.

    But on her, it worked. To cap it off, large green eyes and the cutest pert nose, along with almost ivory skin and that smile, had him staring. His mouth suddenly felt dry. Yes, this was not going to be the worst thing he ever had to do - not be a long shot.

    Coming to a stop at the booth, Willow tried hard not to stare at the vision of male perfection which now sat in her station. Thick dark hair perfectly cut matched the darkest eyes she had ever seen on a man. Encased in a designer suit, he exuded raw power and sexual energy, that energy right now focussed on her. The slight shiver that slid down her spine had nothing to do with a cold chill and everything to do with the way those eyes seemed to grow warmer. Her mind briefly forgot why she stood there as the two stared at the other.

    As his mouth curved into the sexiest knowing smile, reality slammed into her. What the hell was she thinking? Men like this didn't look twice at women like her. He was just being polite. She dragged her look from him and handed him the menu under her arm, holding up the full coffee pot in her hand. Can I interest you in coffee?

    The man's smile widened, head nodding. I bet you could interest me in many things.

    Had he just flirted with her? While she was used to men flirting, they were not of the calibre of this man. No. This man looked like he should be dining in a five-star restaurant, not the cheap and cheerful little dinner she worked.

    She usually would laugh off interest from the many men who would try and catch her attention, but somehow the man before her affected her in a manner she was unfamiliar with. Willow felt the blush rise to her cheeks. Filling his cup, she managed a slight laugh. Well, if you need any help with the menu, just ask.

    He, however, didn't even open the sizeable plastic menu before him. His eyes only left her face long enough to read her name tag. Willow. That is a beautiful name.

    Her fingers lifted to nervously play with the tag, shoulders shrugging as she released a low laugh. Thank you. My mother was a bit of a hippie. But I like it.

    His rumbled chuckle was the sexiest thing Willow ever heard. She felt her heart begin beating faster. Dear Lord, was there nothing NOT enticing about the man. His slow words, tinged with the slightest accent, caused flutters to tickle her stomach. Tell me, Willow. What kind of pie do you serve here?

    She flicked a look to the counter, taking a moment to answer. Nikos sat further back in his seat, dark eyes sliding down her. It was clear he had no problem with what he was seeing.

    Clearing her throat, she rhymed off the choices, glad of the chance to concentrate on something other than those dark eyes. He allowed her to get to the end before smiling once more. What would you recommend?

    Well, honestly, they're all good. But I think the apple is REALLY good, especially with some cream.

    He nodded with a wink. Well, then that is what I will have. It sounds delicious.

    Lifting the still unopened menu, Willow tried to hide her pleasure as she quickly wrote on the pad his order, even though there was no way she was going to forget what Mr Hottie McHottie wanted. Turning, she could feel his eyes on her, this knowledge not unpleasant. The strangest jolt of awareness coursed through her.

    Reaching the counter, Holly was grinning evilly, having just returned from delivering her customer's breakfast order. Mr Rude is looking very worried. Her eyes narrowed, seeing Willow as she stepped behind the counter to retrieve the pie. Her voice became concerned. What's wrong? Is your customer a problem? The promise of retribution echoed in her voice.

    Willow sent her friend a reassuring grin, head shaking. No. He's very nice. A dreamy note came to her voice. VERY nice.

    Interest now filtered into Holly's look, a mischievous smile curving her lips. Nice as in…sweet, nice? or OMG, you should see the stud in my booth nice?

    Looking at her friend, Willow couldn't hold back the slight snicker as she cut Mr Hottie an overly generous slice of pie. Her teeth snitched her bottom lip before she finally answered. What was option two again?

    Holly was instantly moving to the other side of the counter, the best position to get a look at the person in the booth as she pretended to sort menus. When she returned, her look was full of envy, having a good look at the man reading through emails on his phone. Dear Lord girl. That is the yummiest thing in this place right now! Swapsies?

    Laughing, Willow's head shook as she poured some cream over the pie. Hells no. Number 2 needs you! She laughed louder at the snort which met her comment before turning to the table with Mr Hottie.

    Nikos slipped his phone back into his pocket as Willow once more appeared. As she slipped the plate before him, his eyes crinkled into an appreciative smile, look finding hers. I think you are right. This looks amazing.

    Pinkening again, Willow nodded, checking his still full cup of coffee as she stepped back. Well, I hope you enjoy it as much. Giving another broad smile, she spun around and quickly moved to the table a young couple had just sat. It would be a bad idea to stare at a customer as he ate pie and would probably not make him feel comfortable either. This thought sent a bubble of laughter rising in her. Nope, that would be bad, especially if she started to drool over him.

    Ten minutes later, she returned, with a large smile and a fresh pot of coffee on offer. With an appreciative nod as she asked if he wanted more, Nikos watched her pour, stopping her as she made to move away. I commend you on your recommendation Willow.

    Pausing, she flashed him another smile. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    His head cocked playfully to the side. So. Now I know you have reliable taste, and I assume you live around here. Perhaps you can take pity on a stranger and give some help.

    Her eyes widened in surprise. Of course. If I can, I would love to help.

    I'm staying at the country house up the road. But I'm here for at least a couple of weeks and have no idea of the area. What I need is someone kind and sweet – like yourself to maybe show me around. Maybe fill me in on the beauty spots, nightlife, and perhaps let me take her to dinner.

    Hearing he was staying at the large country house nearby was no surprise. It was one of those places which provided luxurious surroundings at a luxury price, the views of Lake Windermere some of the best in the area. Willow felt herself nervously shuffle as she stared at the stranger. OK. He was definitely hitting on her, surprised and more than a little disappointed. A man like this would be more likely to enjoy the company of some high society woman than a waitress. Her body grew rigid, the realisation hitting her it meant only one thing. He was looking for something easy, something for the night, or a few nights. Well, she sure as hell was not going to be anybody's bed warmer - no matter how gorgeous.

    She dragged a polite smile to her lips, shaking her head. I'm more into serving dinners than being served them. But I have some flyers I can give you. They should point you in the right direction. With that, she spun on her heels and marched away, Nikos staring after her in confusion.

    What just happened? Things had been going so well. The tell-tale signs she found him attractive were hard to miss. Nikos was used to women throwing themselves at him. So, what happened? This was new to him. Less than a minute later, balancing a tray, Willow slipped a small stack of tourist pamphlets onto his table, his bill on top. She gave a polite smile, but those green eyes were no longer filled with the warmth of earlier. She made some comment of 'she hoped he had fun' before rushing off to the table with the young couple. His eyes narrowed, watching her go. Poor little Willow. Did she really think a man like himself got brushed off that easily? Draining his coffee, he waited for the right moment.

    Willow breathed out a sigh of relief as she managed the manoeuvre of dropping off his bill in a way that meant he had no chance of detaining her. Feelings of smugness and disappointment swirled within. What was wrong with her? Here was the most gorgeous thing to have hit the region in – well ever – and he had asked her for dinner, and she was retreating like a coward. Or at least that was how Holly had put it when she met her at the counter looking off-keel and a little breathless.

    As Willow pulled the pamphlets together, Holly eyed her with sympathy. However, there was a firmness to her lips as her hand rested on her arm, detaining her. You listen to me, Willow. You cannot keep retreating like a coward when any man shows a little interest in you. Not all men are James. There are a few good ones, you know. Now some humour filtered into her voice as her look flit to the booth the man sat. If you don't want him, I'll take him. I can show him around the region every bit as much as you can, and I'm going to bet he wouldn't need GPS or a map to show me a good time either.

    Groaning, Willow wrote the check, throwing her friend a 'your hopeless' look before picking up the food tray for her other table. She wasn't sure why she felt the sudden sense of possessiveness towards the man. The kindling of jealousy in her belly at her friend's words was unexpected as she strode off. Why should she care if Holly, a gorgeous blonde, offered her services instead? There was absolutely no reason at all. It wasn't as if she was interested. Yet clutching the check, she knew she was bothered. The thought of Mr Hottie being Holly's next conquest made the fire in her belly roar into a burning inferno, only doused by guilt at the bad thoughts aimed at the woman who had been such a good friend to her.

    Passing the table on her way back to the counter, his voice stopped her. Willow’s eyes briefly closed before warily opening them to meet those of Holly, her brows wriggling as she mouthed 'go on!' Apparently, she had decided to leave Willow to it.

    Turning, Willow managed a more polite smile, finding him holding his empty cup in hand. You have good coffee in here. Any chance of a refill?

    With a nod, not trusting herself to speak, she spun on her heels. She avert her look from Holly, who was giggling at her discomfort. Reaching the coffee station, she gave her friend a fierce glare, which turned into a snicker as Holly made kissy faces. With fondness, she shook her head, returning to his table. It was impossible to stay irritated at her friend.

    Before she could pour him the requested coffee, he angled one of the pamphlets towards her. His finger pointed to a word. How would I pronounce this?

    From her position at the end of the table, she couldn't make out the word, having to scoot further around to see. Her lips curved. Oh. That's Brockhole.

    He repeated the word carefully, playing with its pronunciation before grinning at her. I like the look of it. Seems a lot to do there.

    She nodded in agreement pouring him his drink. Suddenly aware of how much closer to him she was, the strangest tingles ran through her. Before she could move away, he again pointed to part of the pamphlet, this showing images of the TreeTop Trek experience. Have you tried this?

    Laughing, she nodded. I have. And I can strongly recommend it. It's great fun, if not a little bit scary.

    His look once more slid to the paper, a smile playing on his mouth. Willow could now smell his aftershave from her position, the scent invading her nostrils in a most pleasant manner. She found herself almost in a trance as she poured. He smelt nice.

    Tell me what I said to upset you?

    His unexpected question made her hand jerk. She jumped slightly, apologies slipping from her lips as some of the coffee spilled onto the table. He, however, was already using paper napkins from the dispenser to mop up the spill. As she, too, grabbed some, dabbing frantically at the spillage, his hand landed on top of hers, stopping her.

    "OK. I can guess why you might be

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