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A Spotlight Tour of Hagar Qim-Malta: Up, Close and Personal
A Spotlight Tour of Hagar Qim-Malta: Up, Close and Personal
A Spotlight Tour of Hagar Qim-Malta: Up, Close and Personal
Ebook79 pages42 minutes

A Spotlight Tour of Hagar Qim-Malta: Up, Close and Personal

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Malta is unique with all its above-ground, subterranean, and underwater temples. It is a living museum and a place of magic and surprises. Many are heeding Malta’s call to visit and connect with its sacred prehistoric sites.
Instead of the general account of each temple, as described in ‘The Cosmic Perspective,’ in the A Spotlight Tour of... series, I will be giving a one-to-one explanation of each detail of the temple. This is the first of the ‘spotlight’ guidebooks starting with the visit to the unique Hagar Qim mysterious structure.
The Spotlight Tour is like a ‘Vade Mecum’ (Come with Me) series. The author personally guides the visitors around the site of Hagar Qim during the walking tour inside and outside the temple. His views about this site are from an alternative and metaphysical perspective instead of the historical and archaeological narrative. He also points out some interesting curiosities that are not found on any Heritage Malta and Tourists’ Guidebooks.
It is time for you to take that ‘personal’ tour with the author and marvel in awe at the hidden secrets and rare curiosities this majestic site of Hagar Qim has for you. You will surely not be disappointed by this unique ‘up, close and personal’ walking tour!

Release dateJun 7, 2021
A Spotlight Tour of Hagar Qim-Malta: Up, Close and Personal

Francis Xavier Aloisio

Francis Xavier Aloisio was born on the island of Malta, but spent more than half of his life abroad, first in Peru as a missionary priest and then in England where he settled after resigning from the Church.Whilst abroad, he realised that not many people knew about the temples of Malta. On his return home, he had a strong urge to find a way to promote the unique wealth of the Maltese prehistoric and historic culture. Firstly he created a collection of paintings depicting Malta’s journey throughout history, and then he started doing his own research on the Temples of Malta and Gozo.He completed a trilogy on the temples of Malta: 'Islands of Dream,' 'The Age of Magic and Wisdom' and 'The New Temple Dreamers.' He also published 'The Maltese Temples in Paintings & Poetry' and 'Malta through the Ages,' 'The Islands of Dream Speak' and 'A Cosmic Perspective to the Maltese Temples' as a self-guide to the sites. He even wrote two autobiographies: 'What a Trip!' and 'Coming to Light!'In 2017, he embarked on writing the script and making a documentary of the Maltese temples: Let the Stones Speak! This documentary is a compilation of all his work and insights about the temples of Malta.Francis directs and consults with people/groups about the experience of the sacred sites found on Malta & Gozo (see:, and now together with Christine Auriela, does the same with people who want to visit the Central Coast of California and to connect with the pure Lemurian Energies ( started painting late in his life as a way of self-expression. He draws his inspiration from his Maltese background and his experience in South America and England. He is a visionary artist, author, public speaker and spiritual temple consultant.* Please remember to leave a review for my book at your favourite retailer.

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    A Spotlight Tour of Hagar Qim-Malta - Francis Xavier Aloisio





    Up, Close and Personal

    Francis Xavier Aloisio


    Up, Close and Personal

    Francis Xavier Aloisio Copyright © 2021

    ISBN: 9780463569405

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing either from the author/publishers or their appointed agents.

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    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Published by Author under the domain of

    MaltaTempleJourneys (MTJs).

    Formatting of eBook by author and

    online distribution by Smashwords.

    Cover design and photo by Author.

    Many of the paintings & photos are the artwork of the Author.

    Some photos by friends, Heritage Malta and many by Anon.









    There is no Table of Contents, as the book

    does not contain the usual Chapters,

    but rather it is composed of a list/sections of

    Insights and Observations accompanied

    with a corresponding picture to enhance

    your visual experience, while you journey with me

    the Majestic Structure of Hagar Qim.

    After the Introductory overview there is

    Insights and Observations of Hagar Qim

    from a metaphysical perspective,

    starting with an Introductory Overview.

    I will then accompany you personally inside the temple

    indicating my intuitions and observations, and afterwards

    I will take you around the site from the outside.

    After the tour, there is Additional Information,

    a Glossary and an Appendix, and About the Author.

    Enjoy walking with me the Mysterious, Glorious and Majestic Temple of Hagar Qim!



    I was born in a country that has a great prehistoric civilisation with a culture that dates back to thousands of years. Since childhood I was always fascinated by our prehistoric culture, but we were never encouraged to search or further our studies about this period.

    I started my journey of researching the Prehistoric Maltese Temples way back in 2004, first through paintings, and later in writing and publishing books, after doing my own investigation on the mysterious temples of Malta.

    These unique temples have sat there in isolated silence for many centuries, witnessing all the resettlements of the Maltese archipelago and all the various foreign occupations that have come and gone. Finally the hidden mysteries of these incredible prehistoric sites of Malta and Gozo are uncovered.

    Many today are being drawn to global places to experience for themselves the inherent ancient sacred energies, and to reconnect with something deep inside. Malta is calling many to come and connect with its mysterious sites, and many are heeding this call.

    All the books I have written are somehow also a testimony of my own journey in discovering the temples and my evolution in understanding their metaphysical role and purpose. I felt, from an inner sense of obligation to humanity, that these stories and insights should be communicated. Although, it was extremely difficult to do so, I knew that it was time for these revelations to be shared, as we approach the stage of

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