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‘UNBOUND’ is a motivational book that uses Christian scriptures to convey univer- sal principles.
The book reveals that God had provided all resources necessary for greatness before He created man. So every man already has what he needs to be great.
The author asserts: “You don’t need what you don’t already have, to start your journey to becoming a great man or woman.” He concludes that you have God’s permission to “rise as high as you want; go as far as you want; have as much as you want;
do as much as you want; and be as great as you want!”
The success principles espoused in this spiritual do-it-
yourself book, are nuggets of wisdom for use only by those desperate to move ahead. As a spirit being, man can only prosper by using spiritual principles.
UNBOUND is written in simple words, elegant prose, and breezy delivery, to deploy universal truths and principles for success.
To get full value from this book however, you may have to treat it like a daily devotional: Read it—always; refer to it—always; apply the principles—always; and measure the efficacy of its counsels—always.

Release dateJun 1, 2021

Wale Arowojolu

Wale Arowojolu is an author, a leadership and a relationship coach. He has written six books, a regular speaker at confer- ences and seminars.His mission is to persuade an insatiably aspiring generation to lead purposeful lives.Educated at the University of Cambridge, Lagos Business School and Lagos State University, Wale Arowojolu presides over Hilltop House—a divinely inspired idea dedicated to helping people, organisations and communities actualize their dreams and aspirations.He is the convener of The Aspire Summit—a platform that empowers young people with the finest of resources and challenges them to live their best life yet.He is also the founder of The Wisdom Advantage Network (TWAN)—a network of distinguished men and women of influence committed to society’s progress and wellbeing of people.Wale currently serves in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.He is happily married to Kemi and they are blessed with three wonderful children.He lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

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    Unbound - Wale Arowojolu

    Wale Arowojolu


    First published by Hilltop House 2015

    Copyright © 2015 by Wale Arowojolu

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    Wale Arowojolu asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    Wale Arowojolu has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

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    To the young and aspiring.

    I suspect you have a longing in your heart to live a life of rich fulfillment.

    You are not alone in your quest.




    1. Walk Away From The Dominion Of Tradition

    2. Adjust Your Optical Orientation

    3. Seek The King’s Pleasure

    4. Refuse To Be Motivated By Greed

    5. Be Willing To Give Up Something

    6. Don’t Be A Fish Out Of Water

    7. Glow From Inside Out

    8. Don’t Indulge In Contemptible Things

    9. Keep Your Garden

    10. The Ball’s In Your Court


    About the Author

    Also by Wale Arowojolu


    If you are familiar with the story of Abraham in the Bible, you would have noticed that when God called and gave him the promise, He also had to immediately commence a surgical procedure on his optical nerves as a matter of priority in order to strengthen and refocus them to enable Abraham comprehend what He was trying to do.

    You ask, why? Very simple! We cannot run without a clear and precise visual capacity. Abraham must see what God is saying to be able to run with it. God told him point blank, "Leave your country, leave your kindred and leave your father’s house to a land that I will show you. There is certainly more to life than your background can offer you. But if you remain where you are, you may not amount to much.

    God didn’t stop there. After Abraham left as commanded, God came again and said to him, lift up now your eyes and look… These were no coincidences. They were deliberate moves by God to adjust Abraham’s optical orientation so that he could see what God was saying to him as it is written, For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that Himself doeth: and He will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel… (John 5:20).

    God seemed to be saying, Abraham, I want to show you what my plan for you looks like so you don’t find it difficult believing me for it. Look northward; southward; eastward and westward; all you see, I will give to you. Now arise and walk through the land in the length and in the breadth of it. You cannot be standing on one spot and expect to be able to comprehend the fullness of what God has in stock for you. You’ve got to move.

    In our quest for significance in life, it is important to note that movement is inevitable. It is not negotiable. It is one of the key drivers of progress and development. In Genesis chapter eleven, when the descendants of Ham moved, a major discovery was made that would lead to one of the world’s most ambitious projects. This action has dotted every single civilization witnessed by mankind throughout the ages. Everything that refuses to move stagnates and eventually dies. Movement is a characteristic feature of anything that possesses life.

    The Babel project would have been one of the world’s most brilliant ideas. The resolve to erect such monumental piece of art as was intended would have been greeted by divine commendation but for comfort zone. Comfort zones are dangerous. They can be inimical to progress if you stay around there for too long without movement. The moment the champions of the Babel project decided to settle down and embark on no further journeys, they brought stagnation upon themselves. But if you keep moving, you’d keep making new discoveries. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found… (Genesis 11:2). This is very instructive. You can’t see much standing on one spot. Progress is brought about by discoveries and discoveries are a function of movement.

    There are many discoveries waiting to be made but remain concealed as long as you love your comfort zone. But remember that new discoveries confer honour and dignity according to Proverbs 25:2 which states that It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. Can you now begin to imagine how much you are missing for refusing to move?

    The movement I am talking about is essentially on three levels namely; spiritual, mental and physical. But your movement is also contingent upon your visual ability. It is the reason why you must develop a more accurate optical point of reference so as not to miss out on many glorious things spoken and written about you by predestination.

    Movement is regulated by vision. Therefore, what do you see? Because that is what you will go after. It is your vision that gives direction to your life. The desire to run towards a destination derives from your visual ability. So you see how important it is to see correctly. If your vision is blurry, you wouldn’t be able to run confidently and precisely.

    God appeared to Abraham again and challenged him to count the stars in heaven trying to paint the picture of how numerous his descendants would be. The promises of God to Abraham were mind blowing. They didn’t sound like anything realistic. Abraham was the first born of his father. And as the first born, the birthright was his. He would inherit all his father’s estate. Strangely, God told him to forget about all of those as he had something better to offer him.

    When God determines to bless you, you will not need to operate by or rely on any template you are familiar with or used to. You will need to learn a new approach and unlearn your old philosophies. The kind of greatness God bestows requires contributions from an army of mentors and facilitators only He can arrange. No one mortal man can take credit for such kinds of elevation. Angels are involved here. They are the ones God uses to coordinate and arrange meetings, events and people to bring you to the fulfillment of God’s plans for your life. They know the secret passageways and the ancient corridors that have been planted in the earth to move a man swiftly to the place of fulfillment.

    Brace yourself up and get ready for an exciting encounter.

    Be more. Be the best!

    Wale Arowojolu


    I am most indebted to my wife, Kemi, for her continuous encouragement particularly for placing her trust in my beliefs and efforts like the proverbial Proverbs 31 woman.

    Kemi Arowojolu is a rare combination of virtues and a strong pillar of support.

    My indefatigable editor, Deacon Lekan Sote, is a literary technician that every author needs. He helped me edit, corrected errors and worked on the manuscript over and over as I wrote and rewrote. As a veteran writer, he brought his invaluable wealth of experience into making this book a masterpiece. I am grateful.

    To family, friends and mentors that have helped to

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