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Breaking Ranks: To Help Society Sometimes You Must Break Its Rules
Breaking Ranks: To Help Society Sometimes You Must Break Its Rules
Breaking Ranks: To Help Society Sometimes You Must Break Its Rules
Ebook62 pages1 hour

Breaking Ranks: To Help Society Sometimes You Must Break Its Rules

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A society or a family needs its citizens or members to work uniformly toward one goal to thrive. However, each citizen or family member must contribute to make the whole, be it the nation or the family, better, stronger, and more competitive on a global or national scale. So, if you want to help your respective society or family, don't do what i

Release dateAug 27, 2021
Breaking Ranks: To Help Society Sometimes You Must Break Its Rules

Jean L Verdieu

Jean Louino Verdieu is a husband, a father of two, and a businessman who loves to serve people in any capacity that he can find. He served in his local church as a teenager; then, he served in the U.S army for nearly a decade as a man. During his military service, Louino founded W.O.R.D.S. (Wholeheartedly Overcoming Reducing Debilities Systematically) podcast to inspire people worldwide. Upon his return from serving the country, he has served in his local government. Now, he is launching a new mission to help boys become men.

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    Breaking Ranks - Jean L Verdieu


    Let me ask you something. What would you say and do if someone had told you a big enough lie, a lie that caused you to lose time away from your family, your friends, and anyone else you cared about? The same lie that caused you to spend innumerable amounts of energy, which resulted in the attainment of nothing more than frivolous things - things that ultimately hold no meaning or value.

    What would you say? What would you do? I know what you are thinking - what in the world could this lie be? Some of you may be skipping ahead, trying to see what that big lie is. Well, here it is - You must hustle and work hard in doing the things you do not want to do today so that you can have the money and the time tomorrow to do the things you love. Or, the Work until you are 65 years old, and then you can retire and take the remaining 15 to 20 years of what is left of your life to do what you have always wanted to do. What a load of crap!

    Whoever came up with this idea was either money- and power-hungry or just a plain idiot. I was an idiot, too, because I believed that lie once upon a time. I thought I had to keep my head down and work hard and not come up for air until I was financially stable enough to have the time to take off work and enjoy some time with my family.

    This is like telling a healthy and fit 18-year-old that for him to be 50 and still be fit, he must only eat salad and drink water up until he is 50, and then and only then can he enjoy a piece of cake on his birthday. You notice how incredibly stupid this sounds, right? Well, so is ‘work hard now and hustle, barely sleep, forget to eat, then when you have all the money in the world, then and only then can you have time for your family.’ Unfortunately, striving and suffering now to secure happiness later is what most westerners call success.

    Why must you have a six-bedroom, four-and-a-half bathroom home to have fun with your kids? Why do you need to make a million dollars to make your spouse smile or take her out or gift her with something meaningful? When did money equate to success or happiness? Yes, you need money to do certain things, and a surplus is a blessing, but it is not, or it should not be the focal point of your life or your family’s life.

    Break ranks! I know this is not what you are used to hearing, but that's exactly what I need you to do. If you want to find fulfillment while making money, use this book to do so. The money will come when you are truly in the work you are meant to be in. Think about it - doesn’t chasing something mean that the thing, in particular, is running away from you? Instead of chasing money, settle in your passion and allow money to pursue you for a change. Break from societal norms, be thoughtful, and break ranks. Do not conform nor be ‘zombified’ by society’s expectations. In this book, you will find examples of people who have used their passions and desires to earn money and save time, increase enjoyment, find happiness, and more.

    Take a certain well-known genius; he has sold well over fifty million albums and seventy-five million singles worldwide. He has amassed a total of twenty-two Grammys out of seventy-seven nominations. On top of that, he became a billionaire in the process. This man is none other than Shawn Corey Carter, better known as Jay-Z. This man did not complete high school, let alone college. But he knew that if he followed his love for music, and if he devoted all that he had to his passion, sooner or later, such a bet was going to pay off. As we are all aware, Jay-Z is one of the most successful rappers on the planet. How about that for success? Success comes in different ways to different people. Why? because contrary to what many would have you believe, success is not defined by the amount of money you have or the shiny toys you have acquired along the way. Lots of money may be a blessing to you, but it may be a burden to someone else. I am not trying to belittle the importance of money, but it is not the source of inner peace and happiness. Success is the result you get from an obsessed desire, a place that you have envisioned yourself to be, or a status you have wished to attain. Getting there and holding steadfast to your convictions is what success is. Whether it is that boy next door who wishes nothing more than to become a teacher, then attend a university or a college, and subsequently land the job as a teacher, or it is a kid from a

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