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Vampire War: Ascension: Vampire War, #6
Vampire War: Ascension: Vampire War, #6
Vampire War: Ascension: Vampire War, #6
Ebook339 pages3 hours

Vampire War: Ascension: Vampire War, #6

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Following the events of "Vampire War: Resistance," the task force is alerted to the arrival of The Four, initially believed to help their cause in defeating the vampires, but research shows that the group will arrive to grant the master vampire, Suraya, a greater power than ever before, more than any vampire has held at any time in history. As the insertion team rushes to find them, the government sets up a group to begin building resistance groups around the country, but the effort is stalled by the trial of the traitor that allowed the walled town of Sanctuary to be invaded. The insertion team, aided by a resistance group in New Orleans and the return of the werewolf pack, including new members, move to destroy the blood farms operating around New Orleans then attack the stronghold of the vampires in a last ditch effort to destroy the master.

PublisherJeff Brown
Release dateJun 14, 2021
Vampire War: Ascension: Vampire War, #6

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown created the beloved character of Flat Stanley as a bedtime story for his sons. He has written other outrageous books about the Lambchop family, including Flat Stanley, Stanley and the Magic Lamp, Invisible Stanley, Stanley’s Christmas Adventure, Stanley in Space, and Stanley, Flat Again! You can learn more about Jeff Brown and Flat Stanley at

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    Vampire War - Jeff Brown



    A Novel by

    Jeff Brown


    This series:

    Vampire War: Nemesis

    Vampire War: Corruptor

    Vampire War: Dark Nation

    Vampire War: Fallout

    Vampire War: Resistance

    Other Titles

    Dead Time Book I

    Dead Time Book II

    The Last Mage

    In The Dark: The Last Mage Book II

    The New Kid

    Finding Suraya

    The Princess Agenda: Revelations

    The Princess Agenda: Rescue

    The Princess Agenda: Exposition

    The Princess Agenda: Development

    The Princess Agenda: Recapitulation


    The Revolt


    The Veteran


    Seven Wishes

    Storm Warning

    Second Chances


    Camus Crusade


    Special Thanks

    SHANE ADAMS, JODI ALBRITTON, DeAnna Allen, Adam Barnes, Kevin Barr, Louis Barrios, Jo Renee Bass, Karen Bates, John Batte, Suraya Birkhoff, Eldon Blalock, Ben Boyd, Ty Brewer, Kayla Bruce, Ramona Burrow, Logan Campbell, Cheri Causey, Kim Chancelor, Celeste Converse, Joan M. Cox, Franke Crechale, Samantha Cummings, Paul Dancsisin, Stacey W. Day, Angela Dunaway, Tim Dunaway, Michele Durel, Valerie Easley, Rachel D. Fagan, Wanda N. Faircloth, Kim B. Farris, Travis Fite, Sheli Godbold, John Goodwin, Lynn B. Greene, Daniel Greenlee, Kristy G. Hall, Ray Hamilton, Rhonda Hennick, Monique Hibbs, David Higginbotham, Denine Howell, Dorothy Howell, Coretta Johnson, Jody D. Johnson, Terry Koopman, Sharon Laird, Cleve Langston, Mary B. Larsen, Walter Manning, Hal Maranto, Jason Marsalis, Reginald Matthews, Regina C. McGovern, Tommy McMorris, Amy McRee, Victor Merritt, Jennifer Miller, Roxanne Mitchell, Tom Mitchell, Jennie Moesta, Leslie P. Montague, Susan M. Nealy, Brittany Ollie, Brandy Pittman, Raymond Polk, Carol Price, Michael Ray, Myra Reeves, Linda J. Roberts, Tim Rochel, Francis Rodriguez, Jacob Rosenthal, LaTisha Rushing, Greg Sanchez, Lynn D. Sattesahn, Eric Schilling, Melinda Slemaker, Penny Slemaker, Kaden Smith, Susan Solomon, Jordan Spence, Christ Starnes, Robbie Stewart, Rocky Stevenson, Donna Stockton, Cheri Stringer, Melissa Summersell, Taz Swords, Summer Tierno, Jimmy Turner, Polly Varnado, Steffan Vorenkamp, Steve Vowell, Melissa Wallace, Chris Waller, Ben Weathers, Donna White, Mike Wimmer, Veronica Wimmer, James Wolfe, Sydney Woodson, Tammy M. Wright

    Vampire War:



    THE LOCKED AND SEALED front door of the former Roosevelt Middle School slowly and silently swung open, its motion drawing the attention of Gary Hamilton seated just beyond the window and counter that separated the central office from the waiting area. He frowned as he turned his head toward it, knowing that the metal doors had been welded shut not long after they’d taken residence there and it was shocked, causing his jaw to drop, to see the door opening without any sound or suggestion that anyone had been there at all.

    Gary was dressed in jeans and a loose, black t-shirt, not wanting a repeat of the incident with the traitors, Kim and Briana, that had almost cost him his life. He didn’t want the distraction of being so exposed and vulnerable to a naked woman’s attempt to seduce him. He felt a great deal more comfortable being dressed and sat up, staring intently at the door as it slowly opened.

    After just a few seconds, a shape appeared in the darkened doorway. It was a shadow at first, just a bit darker than the night beyond, but it gradually took shape and began to resemble a man.

    It was an impish man as he stepped into the light of the building, not quite six feet tall with a large, protruding gut and thick jowls surrounding a thin, lax mouth beneath a small nose and hooded eyes. His mouse-brown hair was fairly short, but it was a mess, as if it hadn’t been combed or brushed in weeks. He was dressed in a neatly pressed black suit, complete with black shirt and black tie. What skin that was exposed, his head and hands, was pale and sallow.

    He walked in slowly, each step measured and precise. His hard-soled black shoes clicked lightly against the tile floor and he moved forward until he stood at the center of the waiting area. He held his hands together in front of him and looked at Gary, his expression blank and not quite inviting.

    Gary continued to frown at him for a few seconds, almost mesmerized by his small, brown eyes and his unblinking gaze. Finally, Gary shook his head and glanced over his left shoulder at the guard that remained since Kim’s intrusion. He, of course, remained stoically in place and was apparently unable to see around the corner of the window surrounding the front counter.

    Gary looked back at the small man and asked, Who are you and how did you open that door?

    The man nodded once, almost imperceptibly, and said in a rich, sonorous voice, I am the Prophet and the forerunner of his Eminence, the bearer of true knowledge. I hereby announce his arrival.

    What the hell are you talking about? Gary asked, gripping the arms of his chair tightly as he prepared to stand up and challenge the presence of this man.

    He brings me to you, an equally sonorous voice, a little lower-pitched, came from the darkness. For I am the one that will bring to fruition the true destiny of the vampire race.

    Gary shook his head slowly as another figure, a taller one, appeared in the doorway and seemed to flow out of the shadows. He was taller than the first by several inches and was much leaner with dark hair peppered with spots of purest white. His face was lean and made of sharp angles that somehow didn’t quite seem to mesh. He wore black, but it wasn’t another suit. It took Gary a few seconds, but the stiff white collar around his neck told Gary that the man was dressed as a priest. He almost laughed at the idea of a vampire priest, but he’d seen so many strange and unbelievable things since the arrival of Suraya that the sight of a vampire dressed as a priest was not completely a shock.

    He moved slowly forward and stopped beside the shorter man then caught Gary with his emerald green gaze, his eyes seeming to almost hold a natural light behind them. He stared at Gary for a few seconds then nodded once, much as the first had done, and said, I am Father Levi and I request an audience with the vampire queen, Suraya Hoffman.

    Gary shook his head slowly and said weakly, Suraya doesn’t take requests.

    Levi nodded again, Then I will demand an audience.

    Gary chuckled once and said, And she definitely doesn’t do demands.

    Smirking, Gary looked at the guard, a tall man dressed in the standard black they’d been wearing when on duty, and pointed at Levi as he said, Take this asshole out.

    The smaller man shook his head slowly and said, This is not the way. You may not threaten his Eminence.

    He ain’t the Pope, Gary said and nodded for the guard to move.

    Without hesitation, the guard moved through a doorway behind him and followed a short hallway around to a door leading into the waiting area. He pushed through it quickly and took a few steps toward the pair then stopped as the shorter man raised his right hand. The guard froze in mid-stride and remained balanced precariously between steps. He struggled to push forward and do as he’d been ordered, to remove the two intruders from the building, but his efforts were in vain. He couldn’t move at all.

    The shorter man looked at Gary and said, His Eminence will not tolerate threats. Nor will I. Though he acts on your command, this one’s life is forfeit.

    He snapped his hands closed, his short fingers quickly clenching tightly into fists, and the guard instantly and silently collapsed into dust.

    Looking back at Gary, the shorter man said, Now, you will inform Suraya of her audience with us.

    Gary’s jaw dropped again in total surprise at the ease with which the man had destroyed the guard. Despite everything that had happened since he’d become part of the operation in New Orleans and everything he’d witnessed in his second life, he’d never seen anything like that. The final death of a vampire removed the force that animated them and returned them to their human condition, to the state of decay they would’ve been in had they not been resurrected. Vampires did not turn into dust. It seemed impossible, but he’d witnessed it himself. The idea that such power existed scared him and he definitely didn’t want to experience it firsthand.

    Okay, Gary nodded quickly and held his hands up as if in surrender. Stay here and I’ll get her.

    We will not move from these spots, Levi said and nodded once.

    Gary rushed from the central office and through the other waiting area and the doors that led into the depths of the school. He stopped in the hallway outside the office and looked back and forth quickly. He had no idea where Suraya might be and the anxiety over what he’d just seen had him more than a little confused and frightened. It had been a long time since he’d known such fear.

    After a few seconds, he looked to his right and saw Yvette exit a room near the end of the hall. He heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that he would at least have some help in tracking down their master. She was dressed in the black that Suraya preferred, with the form-fitting top open practically to the waist, but Gary wasn’t interested in seeing her breasts at the moment.

    A frown creased her brow beneath her long, dark blond hair as it fell across her forehead, and she walked a bit more quickly toward him as he almost ran toward her.

    As they met and stopped, Yvette looked up at him and asked, What is it?

    I need to find Suraya, he said quickly. A couple of really weird guys came in the front door and they’re looking for her.

    Wait, Yvette frowned deeply. They came in the front door? The one that was sealed? That isn’t possible.

    It shouldn’t be, he nodded. I don’t know how they did it, but they didn’t make a sound.

    What do they want?

    Gary shrugged, The one that calls himself Father Levi wants an audience with Suraya.

    Yvette shook her head slowly, Suraya doesn’t take requests for audiences.

    He’s demanding an audience, he countered. And it looks like they have the power to force whatever they want. There’s some strange shit going on with them and I don’t want to get in the way. They already killed my guard.

    What? Yvette asked, her sea green eyes opening wide. Why didn’t you sound the alarm?

    He shrugged, I didn’t think about it. Those guys scare me and I just wanted to get out of there. Suraya’s the master and I’ll let her deal with them.

    Okay, Yvette nodded. She’s in her quarters. Let’s go find her.

    They moved quickly along the hall to her quarters, the small room at the end of one hall that she’d chosen shortly after their arrival. It still only contained a table, which Suraya used as a bed, and a blue plastic chair that she used only to hold her clothing while she slept. A plastic box sat in the corner opposite the door that held her additional clothing which had been haphazardly tossed in.

    As the door opened, Suraya had just removed her tight leather pants and stood naked in the darkened room, preparing to climb onto the makeshift bed and prepare for the nightly service of a male before resting for the day that Yvette had already arranged.

    With the opening of the door, Suraya spun toward it, her face taking on an expression of expectation then quickly shifting to one of outrage.

    What are you doing here? she asked, looking from Yvette to Gary, pointing at him accusingly. You should be at your post.

    We have a situation, Gary said calmly. There are two people here that demand an audience with you.

    The outrage grew and became a scowl as she said, No one demands anything from me.

    Gary quickly explained what had taken place in the control center waiting area and she listened carefully then said, Give me a moment to dress. I’ll take care of them.

    Gary and Yvette waited in the hallway as Suraya quickly dressed and exited, walking quickly and proudly toward the front office. Gary and Yvette followed, moving just as quickly to keep up with her. Neither of them wanted to miss what she would do to the two intruders.

    The two were still waiting where they had been, looking as if they hadn’t moved at all. Suraya strode through the doorway to their left and stopped with Yvette and Gary just behind her. She placed her fists on her hips with her legs spread and an almost angry scowl still on her face.

    What is the meaning of this? she asked. I am the master and I will not be given orders by anyone.

    Levi turned slowly to face her and said, Suraya, the master, possessor of the ancient power and that of the Corruptor. You are a formidable vampire, but there is still much that you do not know, much that you do not possess.

    Her scowl became a confused frown as she asked, What are you talking about? And who are you?

    He bowed his head almost reverently and said, I am Father Levi Angstrom. I am the repository of the greatest vampire knowledge in existence, that which has forever gone unwritten.

    He gestured to the smaller man and said, This is Jay Godfrey, my forerunner and the Prophet of Anubis. We are here to see that you do not return to the folly of Aranos and his much-outdated plan for conquest.

    Suraya shook her head, That doesn’t explain anything.

    Levi nodded slowly and said, You have succeeded in conquering much of this nation, but you are at a standstill. You can go no farther without the true power of the first vampires. With that power, you will not only take over this nation, but the entire world. I cannot give you this power, but I can lead you to it. That is my purpose in being here, lady Suraya. It is time for the vampire race to reach its full potential.

    Tell me more, Suraya said as a look of hunger filled her eyes, a hunger that had nothing to do with blood. It was a hunger that only power could sate.


    WE CAN’T DO THIS, Kevin Barker said as he paced back and forth across the front of the storage room at the back of the small corner grocery store, formerly a locally owned mom and pop store, they’d chosen as their new hideout after the theater had been infiltrated. It wasn’t much, but it was the best they’d been able to find quickly. The tight fit allowed them all to keep an eye on each other nearly all the time and provided for better personal security.

    His hands were clenched into fists, angry and frustrated, with feelings of defeat and remorse flowing through him as well. A scowl distorted his features as he tried to think of any possible option, something more than just hiding and waiting for the vampires to find them. The night was almost over and they would finally be able to leave the confines of the store and start trying to figure out what was around them that they could use and what they needed to do next without the threat of imminent vampire attack hanging over their heads. After sunrise, they only had to worry about the humans that were working for the vampires and they could take them out easily. There was no more remorse for killing a human. They had no idea if they could return to their normal mindset after that and the situation demanded that they do whatever was necessary to survive.

    The others, the four remaining human survivors and the seven members of the pack, sat on the floor facing him, looking up at him expectantly. With the death of Charles Juneau, they looked to him for leadership and he just wasn’t ready for that much responsibility, but he hadn’t been ready for a vampire invasion and he’d stepped up to that challenge thanks to Juneau’s influence. Now, he would just have to step up again, no matter what it took.

    We don’t have the numbers or the equipment to take out the farm, he continued. We lost too much in that theater and it’s going to take a long time to overcome that, if we ever do. I have to admit I’m not really sure what to do next, but I do know that we can’t hope to take on the vampires right now. They know we’re here and I’m pretty sure they know our plan. I expect that they’ve already increased security at the farm and it’ll be pretty much impossible for us to get in there at all, much less do anything. We’ll have to scrub this mission until we have what we need to get it done.

    Hold on, Tim Whatley said from the back of the room where he leaned against the rear wall. If we’re not going to attack the farm, why are we still here? What good are we doing?

    I don’t know, Kevin said and stopped, focusing on him. I just have no clue.

    Moonshadow, sitting at the front of the pack off to Kevin’s left, sat up straight and said, I believe that we should leave the city, all of us. You should return with us to Sanctuary.

    How? Kevin asked, frowning again. You guys can turn into wolves and get past the vampires and their guards. It’s not that easy for us.

    Moonshadow nodded, Of course. I believe we will need assistance.

    Kevin took a step toward him and asked, And where do we get that assistance?

    We’ll contact the task force, he replied. Once we explain the situation, they’ll send someone to get us out of here.

    Tim sat up and said, I can get the radio working. And I think I know a way to keep the vampires from tracking the signal.

    Okay, Kevin said and nodded as he looked at Tim. That seems like our best bet. Let’s get started on that.

    What about the rest of us? Raquel Vasquez asked, seated at the front of the group, looking up at him with her azure eyes opened wide and her lean face framed by her thick, coal black hair that was dirty and matted. What should we be doing?

    Kevin looked at her and said, I guess we need to start figuring out what we need to take with us and what we can leave behind. We’ll have to travel light, so make it count.

    Raquel nodded and said, I’ll take care of that.

    He knew she would. She was possibly the most efficient person he’d ever met and trusted her to handle the smallest details with perfection.

    Kevin then looked at the others and said, Also, let’s make sure this place is as secure as possible. I don’t want any of their guards, or servants, or whatever you want to call them, to figure out where we are before we can get out of here.

    Moonshadow then climbed gracefully to his feet and faced the pack. They all looked up at him and it was evident to Kevin that they all saw him as their leader. They would do exactly as he asked. He’d never really understood the concept of an alpha male prior to that, but the way he easily commanded the other six showed him everything he needed to know about that position.

    I want patrols, he said. We need to keep this building secure and I want the buildings cleared in a two-block radius.

    He nodded to Brandy and Tammy, You two will be on the perimeter. Transform and keep moving, but try to remain out of sight as much as possible.

    Right, Brandy said and stood up.

    Tammy joined her and they started toward the door.

    Moonshadow then looked at Scott and Seth, You two take the buildings to the south.

    As Scott nodded, Moonshadow turned to Greyeagle and Connie, You two will head north.

    As they also nodded, Moonshadow continued, Make sure the buildings are cleared. If you find vampires, destroy them. If you find servants, take them out. If you find anything that might be useful, bring it back here. Stay out of sight as much as possible and try to keep it quiet.

    He looked at Scott and said, I know you like to make noise, Scott. Let’s keep that from happening this time.

    I’ll do my best, Scott said with a light smirk on his face.

    Now, let’s move, Moonshadow said and turned around.

    The others stood up and started moving toward the door, taking off their clothing as they did. The humans, while also moving, only glanced at the pack members as they undressed. The sight had already become familiar to them and they didn’t give it a second thought.

    Daniel Gellman, still dressed in the dirty jeans and dark t-shirt he’d been wearing for days, walked over to Kevin and stopped in front of him. His thick lips were pressed tightly together and his dark eyes, almost as dark as his skin, were narrowed slightly.

    Do you really think we can get out of here? he asked softly. We’ve been hiding for weeks and we haven’t really done anything other than get people killed. I’m still not sure about these werewolves, especially their new leader, but it doesn’t look like we have much choice.

    Kevin nodded slowly, folding his arms across his chest, and said just as softly, We really don’t have a choice. If we stay here and try to follow through with the plan, we’re all going to get killed. I, for one, don’t want that. I’m not ready to die for this cause, especially when it looks like we won’t be able to accomplish the goal. Going with them, getting out of here, is probably our best bet. But we need to do it right. I’m going to need your help in making sure we have a plan and that we follow it.

    Right, Daniel nodded. I’ll do everything I can, but I know it’s not going to get done today. We need to prepare ourselves for just about anything.

    Definitely, Kevin agreed. You and Steffan take charge of making sure this place is secured and that we have enough supplies to make it through until we can get some help.

    We’ll take care of it, Daniel said and took a step back. Don’t worry.

    It took Tim a short while to find the components of the radio among the boxes and bags they’d hastily transferred from the theater to the store. Nothing had been organized in their haste to leave the theater and he sorted through almost all of it before he found everything necessary to complete the unit. He used a couple of crates that he’d emptied during his search to create a low, makeshift table then assembled the radio atop it. Thankfully, the electricity in that area was working and he fired up the radio once he had it plugged in.

    He crouched in front of it, unable to find something to serve as a chair, and held the small microphone in his left hand as he began adjusting the transmission frequency. Once he settled on the right one, and before beginning a broadcast, he pulled out the laptop computer he’d kept at his side the entire time and connected it to the radio. After turning it on and finding the proper program, he set up an encryption protocol that would effectively spread the signal over the area and keep the vampires from pinpointing their location. It would still show the general area, but it would take the vampires or their servants quite a while to find the precise location unless they were really lucky.

    Once that was set up, he was ready to broadcast. Before making the connection, he looked over his shoulder at Kevin and asked, You want to do this or should I?

    Kevin walked over quickly as he said, I guess it’s my duty. I’ll handle it.

    Tim nodded and held out the microphone to him. He took it and nodded. Tim reached to the radio and triggered the connection with the tapping of a few controls.

    Okay, he nodded. Go ahead. Just hold the button down to talk.

    Kevin looked at the microphone and found the small button then depressed it and moved it closer to his mouth, Sanctuary base, this is Kevin Barker in St. Louis. We have a situation.

    He paused and waited, holding the microphone away from his mouth and releasing the button.

    After a few seconds, a somewhat low-pitched female voice replied, Mr. Barker, this is Sanctuary Base, Jodi Albertson. What can I do?

    Kevin held down the button again and said, We’ve relocated after the attack on our hideout. We lost a few vital members and the vampires are alerted to our presence. After talking it over with Moonshadow and the pack, we’ve decided to abort the mission to attack the farm and Moonshadow thinks it’s best for us to get out of this city.

    Roger that, Jodi replied. I’ll have to confer with the others and that’s going to take a few minutes. I have to get them out of bed. Leave your reception line open, but shut down your transmission for now, to keep the vampires from listening in and locating you.

    Kevin nodded and held the button down briefly as he said, Copy that. We aren’t going anywhere.

    With that, Jodi broke the connection and Kevin lowered the microphone.

    I guess we wait, he said, looking at Tim.


    ALEX CHANCE WAS SOUNDLY asleep, finally. He’d been awake most of the night, alternating lying in bed and pacing the small room, worrying about what needed to be done next. Everything had become confusing and complicated lately and, even after turning over the reins of the task force to Sandusky, he still felt responsible for it all. It had become too political for him and he wanted to ignore all that and just do the job, but he found that he couldn’t ignore the fact

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