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True Stories From The Dark Side: Volume 1
True Stories From The Dark Side: Volume 1
True Stories From The Dark Side: Volume 1
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True Stories From The Dark Side: Volume 1

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Come explore the dark realm where fear is always on the menu and nightmares last forever. Included in this collection of spine-tingling tales are real-life accounts of toys with wills of their own, a storybook that some believe houses the souls of the children to whom it once belonged, haunted dwellings, cursed objects, demonic possession, mysterious night callers, statues that are said to come to life in the midnight hour, an amusement park where the attractions are terrifyingly real, and much, much more. 

Release dateJun 15, 2021
True Stories From The Dark Side: Volume 1

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    True Stories From The Dark Side - Cindy Parmiter


    There is a logical explanation for everything in life. Nothing happens in the universe that isn’t meant to be. The world, both inner and outer, is a joyful place where all beings coexist in perfect harmony.

    Okay, now that we have that bit of nonsense out of the way, let’s take a peek at a few stories that fly in the face of the aforementioned notions.

    Included in this collection are real-life accounts of a toy that may have harbored a dark secret; a book alleged to house the spirits of the children to whom it once belonged; haunted dwellings; a family under siege by poltergeists; statues that are rumored to come to life in the midnight hour; demonic possession; cursed objects and much, much more.

    If it’s a journey into places where ghosts and goblins are all-too-real that you seek, then you’ve reached your stop.  Prepare to travel into that dark realm where shadows come to life and nightmares never end. Hold on tight, you’re in for a bumpy night.

    Chapter 1:

    Careful, She Might See You

    Few things could be more harmless than a doll, and yet they turn up time and again in instances of suspected hauntings.  Apparently, the same qualities that attract children and adults alike to these glassy-eyed figures are also irresistible to opportunistic spirits. Such was the case in the Singaporean city of Hougang in 2014.

    What began as just another scorching June day in the locale’s bustling marketplace, would soon give way to a mystery that continues to puzzle residents to this day.

    At some point that morning, a vendor spotted a small doll propped against a tree and decided to take a closer look. As he grew nearer, he saw that whoever had abandoned the figure had taken the unusual precaution of placing a blindfold over its eyes before making their getaway.

    The doll itself was in poor condition; its stringy, dark hair a mass of tangles. The frilly dress it wore, topped off with an oversized bow atop the head, was filthy and tattered. The matching shoes, which had probably been white at one time, were now dirty and decidedly lived- in.

    In a matter of moments, a crowd had gathered around the find. A large broach that adorned the neckline of the dress led some of the onlookers to believe that the doll was possibly an antique of some value. As they examined the piece more closely, they noted that something had been scrawled across the cloth that covered its eyes.

    Someone recognized the writing as Arabic. The black markings consisted of one word: ‘bismillah’ which when translated means ‘In the name of God.’ The phrase was not significant at the time, but it soon would be.

    Shortly after the discovery of the doll, a man who had shown no prior indications that anything was amiss was found hanged only a stone’s throw away from the plaza.

    Even as that scene was being processed, another body turned up in the same area. Evidence collected at the time suggested that the victim in this case, an unidentified male, had died at the hands of a killer.

    Investigators assured the public that the two incidents were unrelated. In a city known for its low crime rate, the deaths were considered flukes. Speculation that something diabolical may have had a hand in the events would later arise when the doll’s untoward history came to light.

    A few days after the bodies were uncovered, cryptic messages surfaced online, penned by someone claiming to have been the doll’s owner. According to them, they had deliberately left the collectible out in the open to be found by passersby. They knew their actions were wrong, but there had been no other choice. The innocent-looking figure was, in their experience, a monster.

    They went on to explain that they had gained possession of the doll by accident, having found it tossed aside on a roadway. Initially, they were intrigued to find that the figure’s eyes had been covered. Without thinking, they removed the blindfold which proved to be a grave mistake.

    The individual behind the post, who was presumed to be female, was immediately captivated by the doll’s intense stare; so much so, in fact, that she felt compelled to take the castoff home.

    The woman claimed that she knew she was in trouble later that night when she heard someone moving around in her house. When she investigated, she found that the doll had managed, somehow, to relocate from one room to another on its own.

    The inanimate object’s unexplained mobility was only the beginning. The owner said that, on numerous occasions, she had heard it speaking in the voice of an adult female. She claimed that, when left alone in a room, the doll carried out lengthy one-sided conversations in the Singaporean tongue of Malay.

    The figure also had the ability to change positions, often turning its head, even as the owner watched. After several weeks of sharing her home with what she believed to be a trapped spirit, the woman decided to destroy the vessel. She would soon learn that such a thing was easier said than done.

    The doll’s keeper tried everything she could think of to rid herself of the abomination. She attempted to smash it to no avail; it would inexplicably retain its form in spite of her best efforts to the contrary.

    When she struck a match with the intention of setting the doll on fire, the flame would flicker out before contact could be made.

    If she hadn’t realized it before, she did now. This was no ordinary doll. It had taken a while, but she had finally come to understand why the previous owner had left it out for another to find. The only way to be well and truly rid of the menace was to pass it on to someone else.

    Taking a cue from her predecessor, the woman bound the doll’s eyes. She knew now why this had to be done. If the doll saw where it was going, it would be able to find its way back. Obscuring its view was the only way to ensure that it wouldn’t turn up on the doorstep at a later date.

    A last-minute pang of guilt had led the woman to warn others of the dangers they were facing, hence the message in Arabic. Unfortunately, the meaning had been so vague that it was lost on those who, not only found the doll, but removed the cloth that covered its all-seeing eyes.

    What the unlucky group in the market square didn’t know was that, the one who first locks eyes with the doll takes on the role of guardian, whether they like it or not. It is believed that, once it latches on to its rescuer, there is no escape. That is, until they wise-up and pass the doll on to some other unsuspecting soul.

    It is uncertain to whom the doll attached on that day six years ago. No one ever came forward to say that it was in their possession. It is more than likely irrelevant at this point. If the past is any indicator, the otherworldly vagabond has probably changed hands many times since then.

    As it turns out, the doll might not have been an antique after all. Speculation exists that it was actually the creation of an artist named Christie Bastet.

    Her one-of-a-kind Creepydolls were first marketed in 2002. That being said, no strange occurrences have been attributed to any of the other figures in the catalog. As of this writing, it is still uncertain if the allegedly possessed doll is part of this collection.

    Although it is undoubtedly still in circulation, the exact whereabouts of the doll that sees everything are unknown.  So, if you happen upon a collectible whose eyes have been purposely covered, give it a wide berth and keep moving.  Some things are better left alone.

    Chapter 2:

    Fear, My Dear

    Famed children’s book author Dr. Seuss penned a little gem in 1968 called The Foot Book. This rhyming bit of prose is dedicated to, as the title implies, the human foot. The premise is that feet are different, but basically the same, just like people.

    A similar argument can be made, of course, about books. For instance, one volume of this particular work is said to stand out from the rest, not for its content, but for a tragic event that left it forever altered. It is said that after being present during a horrific act of violence, if you will forgive me, it became host to a ghost.

    This story is of personal interest, having taken place in my former stomping grounds, although I was unaware of it at the time. The events unfolded after a family living in the Mid-Ohio Valley came upon a copy of The Foot Book at a yard sale. The mother purchased it for her young daughter who was just learning to read.

    Soon after bringing the book into their home, family members complained that they felt as if they were being closely observed by something they could not see. As unsettling as that was, it was only a taste of what was to come.

    For her part, the little girl was delighted with the new addition to her burgeoning library. It was only when she opened the volume and began to read that she realized, even at her tender age, that this was

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