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You Put a Move on My Heart
You Put a Move on My Heart
You Put a Move on My Heart
Ebook174 pages3 hours

You Put a Move on My Heart

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Release dateJun 7, 2016
You Put a Move on My Heart

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    You Put a Move on My Heart - Diamond Johnson


    Shonte Howard

    B itch, do you know what today is? my best friend of nine years, La’shay yelled into the phone after I answered it.

    I didn’t know what time it was, but judging from the fact that the sun wasn’t brightly shining through the curtains in my window, I assumed that it wasn’t even eight o’clock yet. Whatever it was that La’shay was calling me about had to be important as hell because she knows how I am about being woke up out of my sleep for nonsense. Not to mention, I didn’t get in from work last night until about ten. Trying to be the perfect mommy and perfect wife, I came home and cooked a full course meal for my fiancé Chad, and my four-year-old son, Javari.

    No, Shay, I don’t know what today is! Shit, I don’t even know what time it is, I fussed as I pulled the cover from over my body and looked to the left of me. My fiancé was sound asleep.

    You got to be fuckin’ kidding me, Shonte! We been waiting for this day for eight years now! I’m on my way to pick up Jarvis from prison. His release is today, La’shay said.

    I swear, it felt like all of the air had left my body. I had gotten to the point where I tried to block all things related to Jarvis out of my brain. Jarvis Banks was his name, and he used to be the love of my life. I mean, I would do anything for this man because I was so stupidly in love with his cheating ass. La’shay, being Jarvis’ younger sister, is the way that I had met him. La’shay and I had met in high school, after attending different elementary and middle schools, and almost instantly the two of us clicked. With every friendship comes sleepovers and constantly hanging out at each other’s house, which was the first time that I had come into contact with Jarvis Banks. I swear, I remember that day like it was yesterday, even though it was almost fifteen years ago.

    You sure your mom is going to let you spend the night at my house tonight, Shonte? La’shay asked me as we were getting on the bus, heading home from school.

    At this point, we were freshmen in high school, and even though we had just met only five months ago, we had already established a friendship that couldn’t be broken. La’shay had met my parents and I had met hers as well, so neither of my parents had a problem with me staying the night at La’shay’s house.

    Girl, yes! I been telling you that since this morning! Both of our parents already met, so there’s no big deal, I told La’shay.

    Ten minutes later, we were pulling up to our stop and both of us got out. We had to stop at my house first so that I could get my duffle bag that I had packed, and then my mom would drop me off at La’shay’s house. When we finally made it to the house, my mother was in the kitchen making dinner in her nurse’s uniform. She would cook dinner now because she worked as a labor and delivery registered nurse overnight. Being the faithful wife that she was, she always made sure to have dinner prepared for when my father made it home at night. He was a criminal lawyer. My parents weren’t necessarily rich, but they had money, and they made sure that I didn’t want for anything.

    Hey Mommy, I said, walking into the kitchen and kissing her on her cheek as she stood over the stove, moving the spoon around in the spaghetti sauce.

    Hey baby. Hey La’shay. What are you two girls doing tonight? my mom asked me as La’shay and I took a seat at the kitchen table.

    La’shay’s mom is going to drop us off to the movies later on, I told my mom and she nodded her head.

    After staying in the kitchen with my mom, conversing until the food was done, she turned the oven off and I went in my room to get my duffle bag. My mom stood by the door, waiting for us to come outside.

    You have your asthma pump? my mom asked me.

    Yes, Mommy, I said in an annoyed kind of way. My asthma wasn’t even severe, but my mom had told me to make sure that I packed it.

    Okay, Shonte, I’m just making sure, she said. After that, we all were out the door.

    La’shay stayed about fifteen minutes away from us. When we finally made it to her house, my mom reached in her wallet, handed me some money, and I reached over and kissed her out the jaw to thank her. I’ve been to La’shay’s house plenty of times, and I knew what kind of car her parents drove, but I had never seen the all black, Mercedes Benz that was parked in the driveway.

    Who’s car is that? I asked La’shay, as we made our way up to the front door.

    That’s Jarvis’ car, my big brother. The one from the picture in my room that your ass is always staring at, La’shay said, laughing.

    I’ll admit, La’shay had a 5 x7 portrait of her big brother in her room, and every time I came over, I would just stare at that picture in awe. I had never seen Jarvis in person because he stayed in Atlanta. I don’t know why, but I found myself running my fingers through my long hair because I wanted him to notice me. La’shay looked over at me and laughed while opening the door for us.

    We walked inside and there he was. Sitting his fine ass on the couch in the living room area, with his feet propped up on the ottoman, engaged in whatever he was watching on the TV. I swear, at the tender age of fifteen, my young body was not supposed to be reacting like this to this fine ass man sitting before me. La’shay needed to altogether take that picture down that she had in her room of Jarvis because it literally did him no justice. His skin was the perfect shade of brown, and his face was so damn clear of any acne or blemishes, that he could be a model for Proactive. He had some nice ass hair that was tapered down, like he had just stepped out of the barber shop.

    He had a little bit of chin hair and his dark brown eyes, pierced my body. The remote on his lap, I swear I wished that could have been me. Fuck whoever said that love at first sight doesn’t exist because from the first time I saw Jarvis Banks, I loved him, and I was ready to pop out a set of twins for his fine ass.

    Shonte, did you hear me, girl? I said I’m on my way to pick up Jarvis, La’shay all but yelled into the phone, snapping me out of my daze.

    I’m sorry, sis. Yeah, I heard you. Damn, it sure as hell is March 25 th 2015, I said. I’d had that date stored in my head since forever, so I’m surprised that I had forgotten all about Jarvis’ release day.

    We’re having a dinner for him tonight at Ruth’s Chris at eight, so make sure you’re there, La’shay told me.

    Shay, come on, you know I can’t do that. Chad would have a fit if he knew that I was about to be anywhere near Jarvis. Did you forget that I’m engaged, and me going to welcome home an ex that I cried on Chad’s shoulder about, wouldn’t sit right with my fiancé, I said, even though I knew that I wanted to see Jarvis tonight.

    No, Shonte, I think you may have forgotten that before you and Jarvis were in a relationship, you were friends. So come to the dinner as his friend! As far as Chad, you know I don’t like his ass no way, so I couldn’t care less what he thinks about you coming to celebrate my brother being home from prison. Get it together, Shonte. So, like I said, dinner tonight at eight. If you’re not there, I promise I’m going to stop fuckin’ with your ass, La’shay said, but I knew she didn’t mean it.

    Alright, I’ll be there, I said and then hung up the phone.

    Almost like clockwork, Chad woke from his sleep then turned over and looked at me. He sat up, leaned over and kissed my cheek and then got out the bed. Who was that you were on the phone with? Chad asked me.

    That was La’shay, I told him, getting out of the bed as well.

    You just don’t learn, do you? Chad asked me as he walked over to me.

    I swear, I couldn’t win for losing with this man.

    I don’t learn what, Chad? That’s my best friend. You act like I’m just supposed to cut her off because you don’t like her. I’ve known her way before you! I said, feeling the need to defend myself. I don’t know what Chad’s problem was, but he didn’t like the relationship that I had with Shay, mainly because she was the sister of an ex.

    You’ve known her before me, but who are you fuckin’, Shonte? La’shay or me? You expect me to just be okay with the fact that you’re constantly in contact with that nigga’s family. You claim you’re over his ass, but how can you possibly be over him fully if you still holding on to that nigga’s family? Chad barked.

    I looked at him and shook my head. This was a conversation that Chad and I constantly had to revisit because he was so fuckin’ insecure. I love Chad, God knows I do, but honestly I wasn’t in love with him anymore. And the constant accusations were going to drive my ass away for good. Not to mention the fact that Jarvis will be home now. It was going to be very hard to focus my attention on my fiancé.

    From the first time I came into contact with Jarvis that day at La’shay’s house, I was in love. Stupidly in love, shall I add. I was so stupid that when boys tried to talk to me, I would literally turn them down because I knew that one day I was going to be Jarvis’s girl. Jarvis ended up moving back down to Miami from Atlanta, so he would frequently be over at La’shay’s parents’ house. My hot ass, trying to get all of the attention that I could from him, was spending the night at La’shay’s damn near every weekend.

    What La’shay said over the phone was right. Jarvis and I started off as friends, and then one night, we finally took it to the next level. I promise, the day I opened my legs for this man was the day that I lost my damn mind. I say that I lost my mind because he had turned me into this person that I never thought I would be. I didn’t know if he was constantly cheating on me and disrespecting because I was younger than him, but I swear, back in the day it felt like Jarvis didn’t take me serious until I would threaten to leave his ass. Then he would temporarily get his act together.

    The final straw of our relationship was when he had one of his little bitches and her friends jump me. I knew that Jarvis would never put me in a situation where I would physically be hurt, but the shit still happened, and I had a broken arm and a trip to the hospital as a result. I just couldn’t understand how a person could fix their lips to say that they loved someone, and then turn around and do messy shit like that.

    Once I graduated high school, I went on to attend Beauty School of America because I wanted to become a makeup artist. I had a fascination with doing makeup. At first, my parents didn’t agree with that because they wanted me to go to college and get myself a real job. But I was a spoiled child, and I had a way of charming my parents until they finally were able to believe in my dream. After attending Beauty School of America for two years, I received my license. For some career experience, I was able to land a job at MAC in Aventura mall, doing makeup. When I turned 21, for my birthday gift, my father purchased me my own shop, which was called, Lovely Faces.

    Lovely Faces is actually where I met Chad. He had come into the shop with his mother because it was her birthday and she wanted her make-up done. The entire time I did Chad’s mother’s make-up, Chad and I talked and it was almost like an instant bond. Still, to this day, I’m not sure if the bond was so tight due to the fact that I had made up in my mind that I was completely done with Jarvis, or if I really was feeling Chad like that. Chad was sexy, but he was nowhere near as fine as Jarvis. Chad stood about 5’9", with a lean build, and he kept his hair cut short, always showcasing his waves.

    What drew me to Chad was the fact that he was the total opposite of Jarvis. Whereas Jarvis would refer to me as his bitch, Chad would call me his woman. Or to give me a compliment, Jarvis used to grab on my ass, telling me how bad I was. Chad, on the other hand, would simply refer to me as beautiful.

    Chad and Jarvis were completely different, and after giving Chad my phone number, we began to hang out and go on dates. As soon as things between us got serious, that’s when I received a phone call from La’shay, letting me know that Jarvis had been sentenced to eight years in prison for possession of a firearm. What’s crazy is he was originally only sentenced to five years, since the felony was third degree and was only punishable by up to five years in prison. But Jarvis was so damn bull headed and stayed in trouble while in prison, and it caused him to get more time added to his sentence while incarcerated.

    Chad and I were in the beginning stages of our relationship at the time, and I was fully committed to him, so I would never go down to the prison to actually see Jarvis. But, I would write him occasionally and always accept his collect calls.

    It wasn’t until four years later that Jarvis had finally convinced me to go see him because he claimed that he missed me so much. Me, still being in love with this man, finally took that drive and brought my ass up to the prison to see him. Not only was I going down there to see him, but on a few occasions when visited, we would have sex. Jarvis knew some of the officers, and they were able to be the lookout for us. Now, that was four years ago. My baby is four. Another thing that Jarvis doesn’t know about. Jarvis doesn’t even

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