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The Best Part of Me
The Best Part of Me
The Best Part of Me
Ebook258 pages3 hours

The Best Part of Me

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Release dateJun 6, 2019
The Best Part of Me


A’zayler is the author of over thirty modern-day suspense filled dramas set in the city. Her novels detail the hidden lifestyles of fictional yet very relatable street characters. Readers interested in urban love stories that appeal to their hearts as well as their minds will swoon over A’zayler’s dynamic writing. When she’s not taking care of her family, online shopping, or working on her next project, you can find her at church or in a book store. Connect with A’zayler online at, Facebook as Author Azayler, and on Instagram as Author_Azayler.

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    The Best Part of Me - A'zayler


    ~ I Should Have Run From That Fool

    Forever ago, when I actually cared about a nigga…


    H e said that? Paradise stopped in the middle of the sidewalk with her mouth agape, stomach trembling, and her eyes watering. How you know?

    I heard him when I was at my locker. He was standing there with that boy from the football team who has the weird colored hair. Irritation with a hint of pain laced Yummy’s voice as her tone lowered.

    What he say again? How he said it? Like he was for real?

    At first, they were all just talking about prom, then one of them asked him who he was going with. He gon’ say, ‘I was thinking about taking Goody, but I don’t want her birthmark to mess up my pictures. It looks like she got burned.’

    Paradise’s eyes watered as the hurtful things said by her so-called friend and undercover crush, Mark, internally broke her to pieces.

    Don’t worry about him, Goody. He sounded just like a nigga who was trying to put on a show for his little friends. Nothing like the way he sounds when he be at Auntie’s house. Yummy referenced the many times Goody’s crush had come over to do homework, watch movies, and eat up all her mama’s groceries with them.

    Paradise, affectionately called Goody by her friends and family, sniffed and found the will to move. It’s cool, Yummy. I appreciate the lookout, though.

    You okay?

    You already know I’m not, but I will be, Paradise told her cousin while pushing open the door to the house that she shared with her sister, brother, and mother.

    Her eyes were still clouded with water as she blinked rapidly to try and push them away. The most sensitive one of her mother’s children, and the one with the biggest heart, Goody’s feelings getting hurt was pretty common in their household, but none of her loved ones played about it. Since they all knew Mark and would probably have a mouth full of insults to throw his way the moment they found out, she did her best to kill the tears.

    Siahhh! a loud wail sprouted from Messiah’s room and echoed up the hallway just as Paradise walked into the house from school.

    Got dang, Siah. She rolled her eyes the moment she heard yelling coming from her brother’s room. It’s too early in the day for some mess like this. Yummy, I’ma call you back in a little while.

    Aight, li’l mama. Keep your head up.

    Goody nodded to herself and ended her call, feeling even more sorry for herself due to the compassion in her cousin’s voice.

    Right there, Messiah! the girl screamed again.

    As if her brother messing around in their house was something new, Paradise’s attitude began to rise higher and higher. Being that he was a well-known ladies man at their high school, she should have been pretty acquainted with the feminine moaning and completely disrespectful women that they came from, but she wasn’t.

    Maybe if her feelings weren’t hurt and her confidence shot down a few notches, she would have been a little more tolerant of her brother’s shenanigans, but unfortunately for them both, she was not. With continuous knocking on his door, Paradise purposely interrupted her brother’s mid-day rendezvous.

    Can you at least make her be quiet? This is not your house, or hers!

    It was quiet for a minute before Messiah’s way-too-deep-to-be-a-teenager voice yelled back at her.

    Goody, take your ass in your room. I’ll be done in a minute. You messing up my nut, girl.

    Eww! Goody had just yelled back when she felt herself being jerked down the hall.

    She looked up frantically, swinging at the man holding her in an extremely tight bear hug. Get your—

    His hand covered her mouth, shoving the rest of her sentence back down her throat.

    Goody kicked and fought the grasp until she was in her room with the door kicked shut.

    You foul for that junk you just did, Kayson told her with a smirk on his face. Why you doing that man like that?

    Because he’s always bringing girls here like he pays rent.

    You don’t pay none either, so why you blocking? Kayson’s eyes narrowed at her, waiting for an answer.

    Goody sucked her teeth and looked away from fine ass Kayson. He was her brother’s best friend and another one of the main niggas on the get it list floating around her high school. His tall, slim body was clad casually in gym shorts and a tank top with the long, silver chain he always wore dangling against the light reddish skin of his chest.

    Pink lips that had probably been on one too many of her friends were moistened by a quick slither of his tongue before he stepped closer to her, then pushed the strap of her backpack from her shoulder and caught it.

    What’s wrong with you?

    Goody stepped back and walked over to her bed then plopped down. Why you think something is wrong with me? She kicked her shoes off and watched them fall to the floor before noticing the obvious and speaking on it. And, nigga, what you doing in my room?

    Kayson’s smile appeared while he lowered himself to the floor in front of her bed and propped his arms on the tops of his knees.

    Siah told me to come in here. He hit the bottom of her foot. But, tell me what’s good with you, though. You look like you been crying.

    The things Yummy had told her moments prior resurfaced, and against her will, her eyes watered again. She looked away with the speed of lightning, but not fast enough for Kayson to miss. His hand squeezed the ball of her foot, rubbing and massing it until she felt like talking again. He didn’t press her for any answers right away, nor did he take advantage of her vulnerability and crowd her space. Kayson. Fine ass, cool ass, understanding, Kayson… was there… just there.

    As Yummy’s had done, his compassion rendered in her direction set off the waterworks. She ended up crying for way longer than she’d wanted to before she was able to make eye contact again. Somewhat embarrassed by then because she was sure she looked like a wet faced fool.

    What happened? That boy you like hurt your feelings?

    Goody frowned and ran her hand through her long hair, shoveling it messily behind her ear. What boy I like? I don’t even like nobody.

    Yes, you do. That boy who be over all the time with the cracked-up voice and acne all over his face.

    Goody smiled and kicked her foot at Kayson. Don’t say that. He does not have acne everywhere, she lied because Kayson hadn’t fabricated one thing that he’d said.

    Mark definitely had acne and a voice that obviously hadn’t had the best time with puberty, but he was funny, popular, and could play basketball almost better than anyone in their school. Plus, he walked her to class, held all her secrets, and was one of the best friends she’d ever had in life.

    Shitting me. That nigga needs Iyanla to come fix his life. He’s fucked up for real.

    Goody was laughing again. This time, she leaned forward enough to swing her hand at him. When he caught it and pulled her down onto the floor with him, she went slowly and somewhat nervously, but she was there, nonetheless. Next to him with their thighs touching, Kayson wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to him so that her head could rest on him.

    Don’t worry about that nigga. You needed somebody cuter than him anyway. You look way better than that fool.

    A smile rose on Goody’s face before she covered it with her hand and hid her face in the side of his chest.

    Plus, you ain’t gon’ like him no more after I beat his ass tomorrow.

    No! Don’t beat him up. Goody sat up, bringing herself uncomfortably close to his face.

    The little imaginary angel that was speaking way too quietly in her ear told her to sit back, but the devil that hopped up and down on her shoulder with the bullhorn dangerously close to her, yelled for her to go for it. Goody’s eyes went to Kayson’s lips and stayed there until her hand had come up to join the party. With it resting on the side of his face, she pulled his head to her slowly.

    He allowed it for a few seconds before grabbing her hand and stopping her. I can’t kiss you, Goody. You my li’l homie. Like a sister. He stared at her, clearly battling with himself.

    Not sure what to say, and a bit dejected from being turned down twice in one day, Goody nodded with a faint smile and sat back. Their hands dropped from each other as they resumed their uncomfortable seating on the floor. Silence encompassed and swallowed them whole. Neither of them made another move until Kayson stood from the floor and slipped his feet into the Nike flip flops next to her thigh.

    Without another word, he left the room. Goody’s head fell directly into her hands. Her day had come straight from hell. First, she’d been ridiculed behind her back, only to turn around and humiliate herself further. What had she been thinking? If she could blink and end her day, she would, or so she thought.

    Aye, Goody, come here. Kayson was back in her room and standing with his back pressed against the back of her door.

    Uncertainty covered Goody as she stood to her feet and took his outstretched hand. As soon as she was in his presence, he grabbed her small waist and pulled her to him. Since Kayson was much taller, she had to look up to make eye contact, but it was worth it. He was eyeing her in such a hungry manner; nothing like he’d ever done before.

    I don’t want to do this with you because you’re my best friend’s little sister. He grabbed some of her hair and played with it. But, you’re also a woman, a sexy one, and I just can’t really ignore that part. He chuckled, and she blushed. If I kiss you, is that all you want?

    Goody looked off, trying to think of a way to tell him that wasn’t all she wanted while still dodging any further questions after that.


    They made eye contact again, this time she shook her head from side to side. Kayson was smart and getting more sex than she was, so surely, he’d know what to do next.

    You can’t tell Messiah.

    But, isn’t he going to know? I mean, we are in the same house right now.

    Kayson shook his head. Nah, they still smashing, I just checked.

    Goody was on the verge of encompassing herself in another bubble of fear when Kayson grabbed the bottom of her face and kissed her. Damn, he kissed good. His touches were nothing like Mark’s. His had always been sketchy and unsure. Kayson’s was anything but. He was groping and kissing her so well, and all at the same time. When he finally pulled away, she was breathless and hot for more.

    You ever had sex before?

    Goody nodded. She’d done it once in the past, although it hadn’t been long or deep enough to do much of anything. She wouldn’t scare Kayson away with that, though.

    Cool, come on. Kayson locked the door to her room and led her to her bed.

    He took a seat on the side and went straight for the button on her shorts. Goody’s body shook with anticipation as he freed her of her denim bottoms, cotton top, and silk bra. Her long hair covered her young, perky breasts as his strong hands gripped her half-exposed butt. The boy shorts she’d worn to school that day had been a spur of the moment decision while getting dressed, but she was immensely satisfied with it.

    Even with her having had sex before, it hadn’t been anything like what Kayson was doing. His lips and tongue had small spots of moisture all over her heating skin as she stood there, gripping his shoulders. When she felt him rolling her panties down, she wanted to stop him so badly because then she’d be completely naked, but at that point, what difference would it really make?

    Let me hurry up. I’m taking my time with you like this my crib. He chuckled while standing to his feet in front of her.

    Kayson undressed way faster than he’d undressed her. Goody’s eyes automatically went to his penis. It was just as light as him and cute. Bigger than the last boy’s had been and weighed in pretty decently. She was impressed.

    After putting on a condom that had come out of nowhere, Kayson had her covers pushed back with him seated on the side of the bed again in no time. Sit on my lap.

    Apparently, the look on her face told him all he needed to know because he requested no more of her. She wasn’t sure what he was used to, but Goody wasn’t any of the older girls he hit on the regular. The attention he paid to that gave him cool points in her mind.

    By the time he was hovered over her, still kissing her neck and lips, she was ready to be whatever those other girls were for him. He was making her feel better than she’d ever felt in her life, and she wasn’t sure how to handle it.

    Goody, I already love you like my sister. He rose slightly as his hand fumbled between their legs.

    I want you to love me like your girlfriend for a little while, Goody interrupted, cutting off whatever platonic excuse he was about to offer for having sex with her. She was young, but she wasn’t a baby, so he didn’t have to coddle her. Just for today, she eased her rush of words from before. I won’t think you’re my boyfriend or anything like that.

    Kayson’s face was as serious as it had ever been before, and that was new because he was one person who was always smiling.

    You can think whatever you want, Goody. I’ma love you regardless. He pecked her mouth and pushed the head of himself into her.

    She gasped, and he covered her mouth with his before pushing all the way in and groaning.

    Goody clasped her legs tightly around his waist and held onto him. Her eyes were closed as her body quivered from his entry. His movements were slow and filled with so much emotion that she could feel it without him having to say anything. Their bodies moved together like they’d been made as a pair, meant to have sex with only each other.

    I’m sorry, Goody whispered once she realized she’d scratched his back. I didn’t mean to do that.

    Goody, you so fucking good. His eyes fluttered as he looked at her. Fuck them scratches. He pushed deeper, wrapping one of his arms around her and lifting her from the bed some. You feel better?

    Payson was looking in her eyes and making her want to cry again. This time, for totally different reasons. She was sure she wasn’t in love with Kayson or anything, but being with him after such a heartbreaking moment made her feel like she was.

    When she nodded, he pecked her lips a few more times while simultaneously moving in and out of her. Goody wanted to be there with him forever but dared not to say it. The last thing she needed to do was make him regret making love to her.

    Don’t worry about that nigga no more. He lame. Plus, I like you.

    Dang, there were the tears. Goody sniffed them back the best she could, but when she felt them rolling down her cheeks, she knew she hadn’t been successful.

    You can cry to me, it’s alright. I won’t tell nobody. I’m better than him, anyway.

    Goody’s body quaked in response to his words when it should have been crying. That was the very first lie of many. He might have been better than Mark at that moment, but forever... nah, he was a straight liar for that. However, at that moment, in her bed with her brother’s best friend, none of that mattered. Instead, sexy words were on the tip of her lips, but too bad the loud banging on her door startled them both. With wide eyes, they looked from the door and back to each other.

    Goody! Kayson!

    Messiah! Goody’s eyes nearly bucked out of her head.

    Chapter One

    I Need Some Time to Myself

    "D ang, you sexy as hell in that, Goody. Forever’s appreciation held just the amount of feeling that Goody needed to purchase the overpriced lace. Kayson is going to get you pregnant tonight."

    Goody’s eyes widened as did her smile. Her hand ran along the front of the lingerie before stopping at the ribbon that was holding it closed.

    Since that’s the plan, I guess I’m going to get it. I did not want to spend this much, but whatever works. Goody’s tone dropped some.

    Her sister wouldn’t have been who she was if she hadn’t picked up on it. Forever grabbed Goody’s hand and held it. When Goody finally looked at her, Forever’s eyes were serious.

    Don’t think like that. All marriages have their ups and downs. Whatever he has going on has nothing to do with you.

    I know, but it should, shouldn’t it? What kind of husband has problems that he doesn’t talk to his wife about?

    Forever hugged Goody. The kind that has nothing to do with you. Maybe even the kind that he doesn’t want to stress you out about. You know how Kayson is when it comes to you. He feels like he has to protect you from everything.

    Forever rolled her eyes before she and Goody laughed together. The way Kayson shielded Goody from everything had been an ongoing joke since they began dating in high school. It stemmed from him hiding their relationship from Messiah, but as time grew, it was obvious to anyone who happened to be in their company. Kayson treated Goody like a prize, and what did you do with prizes? Guard and protect them from anyone who might want it.

    You’re his to keep. Doesn’t he always tell you that?

    Goody paused, then nodded. Thanks, Rabbit. You’re always so level headed. I’d be bat shit crazy without you.

    Forever, who they affectionately called Rabbit, grinned. I should slap you for calling me that, but yes, yes you would.

    Let me go pay for this mess before I walk around too long and change my mind. Goody proceeded to get dressed while Forever sat on the dressing room bench and hung the lingerie back on its hanger.

    When they were done shopping for everything they needed to decorate Goody’s house for Valentine’s Day, they left the mall and headed to get started. With the two of them working, it wasn’t long before red balloons were floating from her front door to her living room, rose petals littered the walkway to her home and throughout the house, while candles glowed from an array of hidden places.

    Some of R&B’s best played softly while a decorated blanket lay in the middle of the floor.

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