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Caught Up Loving A Boss 2
Caught Up Loving A Boss 2
Caught Up Loving A Boss 2
Ebook132 pages5 hours

Caught Up Loving A Boss 2

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Release dateJun 13, 2019
Caught Up Loving A Boss 2

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    Book preview

    Caught Up Loving A Boss 2 - Tiara Gatling

    Previously in part 1 …


    I shouldn’t have stayed in Atlanta this long. I should’ve gone home to my girl like I was going to do in the beginning. Being money hungry was going to be the fucking death of me. Trying to make something of myself without everyone’s help was becoming more difficult. To be honest, I was upset, maybe even jealous a little bit of Fame. We had been struggling together for years. If I didn’t have it, he for sure had it. If he didn’t have it, I had him. But since he done got home, it’s like everything’s been going well for him. He was rolling around in a foreign car when, before, he had to ask me to use my ride.

    By all means, if his mother was doing all of that for him, I couldn’t be mad. She wasn’t my family, nor did she know me. This shit was just hurting me. That’s why I stayed to see what Rob was talking about. Maybe I was being a little naïve when it came to the money because Fame made it make sense. No man is going to just give another man half a million dollars just to give it to him.

    Rob wanted the twins’ head, and he wanted them dead now. They had taken more than enough from him. He had watched them murder his mother in the home he grew up in. That’s the worst thing for someone to go through. Me being me, and the greedy ass person I am, I sent him my location while I was sitting in their house. They were going to get what was coming to them.

    We’re going to get on the road now. I’m going to stop by my house and get some shit, and then we’re going be on the way. Cool? Fame said, and I shrugged.

    We hopped in his car and pulled off.

    I didn’t know what he had going on with the Royal family, but I heard they were nothing to play with. He thought I had gotten into some shit, but he was really into some shit that he shouldn’t have been in, but he was going to do what he wanted, and that’s him. We both were going to do what we wanted.

    What you got going on with them folks back there, and why were they looking at me so hard? I asked.

    First off, mind your business, and second, why else would they be looking at you, Nikko? You were one of the people at the house planning to set us all up. And I honestly want to know why. Who wants the twins, and why? he asked me with a lot of bass in his voice.

    Rob is out for revenge. Their father put his father in jail for life. His mother was later found dead, and you already know who might’ve done that, right? Well, anyway, he says he was there. He watched them murder his mother, and they didn’t even realize he was there. They’re supposed to be so good at their job but couldn’t tell if someone was watching them from outside.

    I debated whether to tell him that I sent their location to Rob, but to be honest, fuck Fame. He was only worried about himself anyway.

    You’re telling me this soft ass nigga is trying to get revenge because his lowdown, dirty ass parents got what they deserved, and he’s over here all late, trying to get revenge on a family that will murder him and his whole posse? You really surround yourself with the wrong people, bro. You got a family and shit. I know you need money, and I got you. But don’t be out here in the streets doing shit you don’t got no business doing. You know if I got it, you got it too. We family, and that’s what family do, he said.

    All of a sudden, I felt bad for what I had done.

    We had just pulled up to his house, and I could see someone trying to run up to the car, but I couldn’t tell who it was.

    I told you I would fucking tell him, Ricky, and you went and said something to him anyway! Now he doesn’t want anything to do with me because he says you’re fake, and he can’t be around me anymore because of you. How the hell am I supposed to raise this baby by myself? Fame’s sister, Kayla, said before slapping him in the face then running back in the house.

    I looked at him, and he just looked right back at me. I didn’t even say anything. He already had too much on his mind, and it wasn’t my business. We walked in the house, and it was quiet. Their parents must’ve been asleep. I went to the guest bathroom to pee right quick while he went upstairs. When I was done, I went to sit in the living room until he came back down.

    You want something to eat before we get on the road? It’s food in the oven that my mother put up for me, Fame said while walking into the kitchen. I nodded and got up.

    I don’t think I ate all day, to be honest. Just be ripping and running, I said as I sat down at the island while Fame took the food out. He set some fried chicken, homemade mac and cheese, and greens in front of me.

    Yeah, Momma threw down tonight. You want something to drink, bro? I nodded.

    We sat there and ate while chopping it up for a minute.

    Ricky, it’s nearly five in the morning. Why aren’t you guys sleeping? his mother said, scaring the shit out of me.

    I’m about to get on the road and take him home. We just stopped here to eat right quick, Fame said to his mother.

    Okay, call me when you get there and when you’re on your way back. Wait, you’re going to stop and speak to your father? she asked him.

    Yes, Ma, that would be rude not to. Go back to sleep, man, he said and kissed her cheek before hugging her.

    I stood up and waited for him so we could go. This ride was about to be the death of me. I hated being in the car for so long.

    Let’s be out, bro, he said and grabbed another Gatorade out of the fridge then walked out of the kitchen.

    I was right behind him


    Everything was happening way too fast. Nothing could ever go well for a long period of time. I was still sitting in my room with Amaria. We weren’t speaking; we were just in each other’s presence. My mother said that all this shit was a set up, and I agreed with her. This had Lilly’s name written all over it. I didn’t care if she was supposedly drugged up. She could’ve planned that shit too. She would do anything for that lame ass nigga she claimed to love.

    You good, Ade? Amaria asked me while changing into something to sleep in.

    I’m just a little skeptical about Fame’s cousin. But I’m hungry, so let’s go downstairs and eat. Hopefully ain’t no crazy shit going on, I said as I stood up and slid my house shoes on.

    My sister looked zoned out, and I didn’t know if she was just tired or worried.

    Heading downstairs, I heard a lot of commotion going on, and mostly my mother’s voice. I didn’t know who she was arguing with.

    What the hell is going on? I asked my mother once I got to the living room.

    Rose thinks I’m fucking lying when everyone here is telling her exactly what I’m fucking saying. My mom looked so out of it. She was getting too old for this shit.

    Auntie Rose, Ma isn’t lying. Whoever did this shit set this all up. He or even she was trying to kill us. Have you talked to Aunt Meghan? How’s Lilly doing now? I asked them both, and out of nowhere, my aunt Rose’s phone started to ring.

    What the fuck? This is her calling now, she said and looked at me with raised eyebrows.

    Answering her phone, she put it on speaker and put her finger to her lips, letting everyone know to be quiet.

    Hey, sissy, wassup? she said.

    Oh, hey Auntie. It’s Lilly. I see the girls made it out alive. Of course, they would. They’re so good at what they do, but since they aren’t dead, I’m afraid I have to keep Auntie Meghan until they die. Oops, one more thing. If you don’t put all my money back into my account in the next four hours, you won’t ever see her again, Lilly said and hung up.

    Why is she doing this? We’re her family. We gave her everything, and she’s going to hold her own aunt hostage? Is she really on drugs? Because who the fuck does shit like this? my mother said as she paced the floor.

    My mother does that shit a lot. It’s one of her habits when she can’t think too straight.

    Ma, calm down. I’m sure we can find her. She still has her phone. If she’s smart enough, she’ll get rid of it, but I doubt she will. She going to keep it to call us back. Her dumb ass better not to have her phone on her. I’m about to go track they phones and shit. Look at any messages they’ve been having with anyone and shit. Diana, come with me. I’m going to show you what I’m about to do. Want you to learn just in case or something, Amaria said, and they walked to our tech room.

    Why the fuck is this girl doing this? I get that she might still be upset over her mother’s murder, but we can’t bring her back. She’s out here wilding, and this shit isn’t cute, I said as I went in the fridge and took out stuff to make sandwiches. I knew everyone else might’ve been hungry, so I took out enough stuff.

    Where’s Malcolm? Is he even here? my aunt asked and crossed her arms. She and my dad didn’t really get along too well.

    Why do you have all these people in my house, Jason? What the fuck is going on in here? my dad said on cue as he barged through the door.

    Now that was weird. My aunt was always calling him up.

    "Mal, calm the fuck down. We had some shit go on, and we’ve got to think of a plan, and fast. My head is blank right now, and I need to sleep. Let’s go up to our room. Everyone is free to spend

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