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Mommy Virus: Becoming His Housewife
Mommy Virus: Becoming His Housewife
Mommy Virus: Becoming His Housewife
Ebook58 pages29 minutes

Mommy Virus: Becoming His Housewife

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Trevor and his best friend's family are taking a winter mountain retreat for a couple weeks. But Trevor brought along an invisible and transformative guest: the new H.1.29 variant of the FAP-19 virus! Not only does Trevor's body soon begin to fill out in new, curvy ways, but he starts seeing his best friend, Julian, in a whole new light. Overcome with feelings of affection and wifely devotion, he soon finds himself imitating how Julian's mother behaves toward her husband: cooking, cleaning, dressing in her clothes, and performing all the required duties of a housewife.

Trevor wants that same relationship with his best friend, even if it means leaving his manhood behind.

Release dateMay 22, 2021
Mommy Virus: Becoming His Housewife

Gregor Daniels

Gregor Daniels is an erotica author that specializes in gender swap and erotic transformation fetishes. New stories are typically released weekly and feature a variety of themes. Have you ever had fantasies to be a girl? Then look no further ...Contact the author directly on Twitter to discuss stories, share your favorite ideas and fantasies, scenes, and characters, or to just talk about nothing in particular.

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    Mommy Virus - Gregor Daniels








    Copyright © 2021 Gregor Daniels

    All rights reserved.

    Only ADULTS beyond this point.

    All characters are consenting adults at least eighteen years old.

    This erotic story takes place in the FAP-19 universe.

    A Primer for FAP-19 (H.1.29 Variant)

    FAP-19 (feminizing age progression) is a virus that affects males between the ages of eighteen and thirty, with contraction likelihood inversely proportional to age. The primary symptom is a metamorphosis into an older woman. This process is broken up into two stages.

    Stage 1 is a sex change, typically completed between six to ten days after infection. During this week-long period, the virus activates female puberty in the host male, triggering the secondary sex characteristics inherent to a genetic female: breast development, hip enlargement, buttocks expansion, voice change, as well as complete sexual reassignment. The skeleton remains unaltered. Scalp hair growth may also accelerate during this time-frame. Although anatomically female, men infected with FAP-19 do not become fertile and lack the necessary reproductive organs apart from the vagina. On the contrary, hosts of the virus remain capable of ejaculation during climax. Seminal fluid—without sperm—is discharged from the urethra.

    Stage 2 is maturation, occurring in the month or two following the sex change. There is no predictive method to determine a victim’s peak age. Some males may remain in their twenties; others may acquire the appearance of a post-menopause woman in her mid-fifties. No victim of FAP-19 has been documented to reach an age older than fifty-eight years old. During this prolonged period, a male’s hormonal level is constantly in flux, disrupting metabolism and energy levels. It is not uncommon for hosts to gain weight during their maturation, which is primarily distributed to their hips, buttocks, and breasts. Additional breast growth, regardless of weight fluctuation, may also persist.

    Between ninety to a hundred days after infection, a victim sees their appearance return to normal. This event is stressful on the body. Additional rest is recommended. Rarely, some victims may not undergo a full reversal. Surgery is commonly sought to remedy this.

    H.1.29 is an emerging variant of the FAP-19 virus in North America with psychological side effects. In addition to the aforementioned physical transformation, commonly reported behavioral changes in men have included: an influx of maternal desires, an irresistible attraction toward femininity, and euphoric sensations in the presence of adult males. A majority of hosts to H.1.29 acknowledge having intimate relations with men due to an intense and addictive need to procreate, although very few endure any permanent changes to their sexual orientation. Similar to a mammal’s estrus cycle, men are more frequently aroused and will often accept, encourage, or demand intercourse with partners. Even the most aggressive and masculine men have been shown to become gentle, caring, and affectionate.

    Furthermore, infected men will often empathize with, befriend, and even emulate the social and homemaking hobbies of middle-aged women. It is hypothesized that young men have a primal attraction to this homemaking behavior, and will imitate it as a tactic to capture the attention of other males—a human type of mating ritual. Age is also rarely a factor. Like many women, infected men are attracted to kindness, handsomeness, wealth, and the overall pleasantness of partners.

    Psychological side effects disappear with all other symptoms. Though it is not uncommon for men to feel emotional distress when returning to normal in body and mind. Recuperation and even counseling may be recommended.


    Days after infection: 3

    Estimated age: 20

    As the Malone family’s Subaru Forester clawed up the last few feet of snow-packed driveway, Trevor realized Julian had been correct; Vermont in January was stunningly gorgeous.

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