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Introduction to minimalism
Introduction to minimalism
Introduction to minimalism
Ebook73 pages36 minutes

Introduction to minimalism

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About this ebook

"Whether we call ourselves Minimalist or not, we all seek a better life. Also, it is possible to achieve a balanced view and just beyond our illusory conditions and thoughts." By "minimalism", the author does not only mean a fad linked to personal development, but rather a vital, interdependent movement towards serenity with ourselves and others. What is Minimalism? What does it mean to be a Minimalist? What is not Minimalism? How do we relate to money and material goods?

Release dateJun 17, 2021
Introduction to minimalism

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    Introduction to minimalism - Jonathan GRAVIER


    One of the intentions in beginning to write this book was to make it a method, a set of steps that the mind follows to discover and demonstrate.

    As it was written, it appeared that a method was not suitable.

    Reducing a mindset, a state of the mind to a method is illusory.

    The lines you are about to read are out of the scope of methodical, strict and rigorous demonstration or verification. [And here, the will to demonstrate is absent]. Why?

    First, because we are all different. So complex is the being and his aspirations, his capacities, his mentalities and his degree of evolution.

    A single method cannot be deployed, imposed on so many beings.

    Each one has his specific conditioning.

    Also, because by wanting to be, we are not.

    By desiring an ideal, a conduct to have, by wishing to develop, by wanting to become something or someone, we achieve nothing.

    By desiring, we get tension, a hidden frustration that generates many consequences and repercussions.

    We do not become minimalist.

    Especially not by our simple and fragile will.

    We have a minimalist mindset or not.

    By desiring to change, we only modify ourselves superficially without altering our nature. The modification does not alter the intrinsic qualities of oneself.

    Modifying is not changing.

    And changing is a long and complex process that few have seriously investigated.

    To be minimalist is, as you understand it, a mindset that blossoms naturally, without effort, without struggle, alone, directed by one’s knowledge. Like a flower that blooms by relying on itself, naturally.

    Understand and become aware.

    Being aware of what is at stake, of necessity, of its relativity, of its interdependent relationships.

    Hence, one tastes the joy of minimalism.


    The book you are holding in your hands right now is not a guide.

    In writing these lines, the author invites you for a journey. It is an invitation to doubt, to question what you are reading.

    Ask yourself.

    Be free to subscribe or not, to be perplexed, to be in doubt.... Free yourself from what you already know; from those old ideas; from what you foolishly learned, from your education, from your religion, from your parents, from your studies, from your traditions...

    Perhaps this book will serve, at the very least, as a tool to help you question yourself; as a launching pad, to get you off on your journey or as the first milestone of your thoughts. It is the beginning of a clearing of the brush towards the path.

    Perhaps it will help you see things as they are.

    Again, allow yourself to be contradictory. Only the stupid ones draw a conclusion for an entire existence.

    Be serene to change your mind about something; to modify, improve, discard, make an affirmation come alive while you are alive.

    Do not consider anything you know as a definitive conclusion. Learn at every moment and think by yourself.


    This book collects different opinions on topics related to health and well-being, including ideas and methods that

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