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Savior and Brittani 3: A South Dallas Love Affair
Savior and Brittani 3: A South Dallas Love Affair
Savior and Brittani 3: A South Dallas Love Affair
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Savior and Brittani 3: A South Dallas Love Affair

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Release dateMar 1, 2019
Savior and Brittani 3: A South Dallas Love Affair

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    Savior and Brittani 3 - Traci B

    Savior Davis

    One Year Later

    Today was Shelby’s 10th birthday. I can’t believe that much time had passed. It had almost been a year since the last time I saw her too. Despite signing over my parental rights, I still remembered her birthday as any parent would. From what I was told, they were throwing her a party at the ballroom. I must say, Drew had done his thing with stepping up to the plate. On all of her pictures, she appeared to be happy. I, on the other hand, could say that I wasn’t truly happy. I regretted my decision of signing those papers each and every single day. The thing is, that couldn’t be reversed. Once you made the decision to give up all your rights, that was pretty much it. I went to the courthouse out of pure anger in the first place and now I had to live with that decision for the rest of my life.

    My bedroom door had opened and in walked Sierra with my son. Yes, we somehow managed to have a son together. Here she was again for another year, making it nine years of being a side chick. Even though Brittani had been out of the picture for a little over a year now, Sierra still hadn’t become my wife or anything official. She didn’t hold a title in my life besides being a baby momma and it would forever be that way too.

    What’s wrong with you? Why are you all frowned up? She asked, placing Savior Jr. on the bed where he crawled over to me. He was now one years old and though he looked nothing like me surprisingly, he was definitely attached to me.

    Can a man think in the comfort of his own place, damn? I responded in an annoyed tone.

    Ahh! I see. I just realized what today is. It’s Shelby’s 10 th birthday so you’re in a funk which I don’t understand why, she stated bluntly.

    I shot her a look. What do you mean you don’t understand why?

    Sierra took a seat on the edge of the bed while facing me. She shrugged and then said, She’s not your daughter anymore, remember? So, I don’t understand why you’re upset when you signed over your rights in the first place. She’s out celebrating her day with her parents and your sister which I don’t understand why she’s still attached to them in the first place. It’s not like they’re related anymore.

    Bitch, we all still share the same blood, I reminded her.

    AND? As far as I’m concerned, you only have one child and he’s trying to get your attention right now but you’re too busy worried about a child that you no longer wanted. It makes no sense to me.

    You’re just eating this shit up, huh? I guess you got what you wanted in the end. Brittani is out of the picture and you’re basically living in her shoes damn near literally and figuratively. Now Shelby is no longer considered to be my child, but Savior Jr. is and now he’s the only child.

    Yeah, I wish but unfortunately –,

    Unfortunately, what? I cut her off.

    I’ve felt off for a little minute now. I finally got around to taking a pregnancy test and it came back positive, she admitted.

    I damn near threw Savior off me when I heard her say that. Are you fucking kidding me? Damn! Didn’t I tell you to tell the doctor to put you on birth control before you left the hospital?

    And I forgot! You’re acting like birth control should’ve been my main priority when I had just had Savior. Of course, I wasn’t thinking about pills and shit.

    Yeah, whatever! You knew what the hell you were doing. You just wanted to trap a nigga.

    Trap you? Really? How could I possibly trap you and this is the third pregnancy? Okay, Savior. I’m not about to argue with you just because you’re in your feelings over a birthday.

    It just doesn’t make sense for you to be pregnant again after twelve fucking months! Damn, you couldn’t wait until he turned three? Better yet, not have another at all! I managed to go eight years in my previous relationship, and we managed to create one baby during that time span. This shit doesn’t make any sense to me, I repeated because it really didn’t. Sierra was still playing games which I hated that about her. I should’ve gotten rid of her ass for good last year instead of entertaining her again. The initial plan was to keep her around long enough to piss Brittani off all over again not have the bitch practically move in with me and damn sure not have my baby.

    Well, I can see why Brittani only had one baby. You were barely getting it from her in the marriage because I was around.

    Fuck what you’re talking about right now because I’m not trying to hear it. I’m not raising another child right now. Period!

    Sierra looked at me in disbelief. Seriously, Savior?

    I’m dead ass serious right now. If you don’t like it, then just know that you’re perfectly capable of raising that child on your own. I also have plenty of money so I’m damn sure not fucked up about child support. Feel free to put me on if that will make you feel any better.

    Wow, she uttered.

    Yeah, just as I’m wowing at this damn unexpected pregnancy.

    C’mon, juicy man. I think we need to give daddy some time to release all of his frustrations, she spoke to our son as if he could understand what she was saying. Without hesitation, I handed him back to her. In all honesty, I didn’t want to be bothered. She got up and left, slamming the bedroom door shut on the way out. I know I was blunt, and I didn’t give a damn either. I wasn’t in the right space to be raising another child right now. I missed my first child way too much.

    Once Sierra left, I contemplated going by the ballroom and stopping to get Shelby some balloons and other gifts on the way there. After debating back and forth, I decided that it was best not to go. I chose to step out of her life when she needed me the most so why should I disrupt her life when she seemed to be at peace? I just had to love my daughter from a distance even though it was really fucked up considering that we both lived in the same city.

    A few hours later, I heard a horn honking outside. I went and opened my front door to find Melanie and my niece outside. McKenzie ran up to me with a goody bag in her hand. Uncle Savior, we had so much fun at Shelby’s birthday party. Why didn’t you come this time? she asked disappointedly as if it was her birthday.

    Out of nowhere, Melanie lightly spanked her on the butt. What did I tell you about that on the way here? Stay out of grown folks business, do you hear me?

    Yes ma’am, she replied before scurrying off.

    Once inside, Melanie took a seat on the couch and I joined her. For a second, we just sat there in silence. I wanted to know the details of the party without directly asking. I was hoping that Melanie would sing like a canary.

    How was your day? she finally spoke.

    I mean, it was just an ordinary day like any other day. I’ve been relaxing.

    Cool, cool.

    Now it was my turn to ask her. How was your day?

    Honestly, it was a pretty eventful day. I’m exhausted now but I definitely enjoyed myself.

    Oh yeah? How was Shelby? Did she ask about me? I finally asked, unable to control my urge to hold that question in.

    Melanie shook her head no. Honestly, she didn’t. If she did, she didn’t ask me. Maybe she asked McKenzie but I’m sure she would’ve told me if she did ask. She was happy to see us though.

    Wow! Melanie’s answer damn near brought a tear to my eye but I wouldn’t let that tear fall if my life depended on it. Honestly, I could believe Melanie too. It seemed as if Shelby knew what had gone on because she stopped calling and Facetiming me after that night I yelled at her. She definitely wasn’t daddy’s little girl as I thought she was.

    I mean, do you blame her for not asking about you? You got mad and said that you didn’t want anything to do with her. She’s just granting your wish.

    I know that, but you don’t know how bad I wish I could take it back.

    How about you should’ve never said it in the first place? There are some things you say in life that you may never be able to take back. Therefore, you should always think first and choose your words wisely next. Meanwhile, my daughter’s father would’ve loved to be a father to McKenzie. That’s all he used to talk about before he was killed.

    You don’t have to beat me up about it. I beat myself up every day about my decision. I just wonder if there’s a way I can be a father to her again despite what the law now says about our relationship to one another.

    Melanie looked at me with the straightest face ever. I think it’s a little too late for that.

    Ignoring her negativity, I asked, Did you at least take some pictures? If so, I would love to see them.

    Of course, I did. Hold on, let me pull them up. Melanie handed me her phone and I instantly started looking at all the birthday pictures she had taken. Shelby had changed so much within a year. Her even longer hair had turned into a kinky texture. She had gotten taller too. She had a big smile on her face in all of her pictures too. I’m not going to lie, seeing Shelby and Drew hugging made me feel some type of way but I couldn’t act on it because she was no longer my daughter. I even felt some type of way about the individual photos of Drew and Shelby that Melanie had taken as if he was her brother or some shit. I think she knew I was pissed off too which is why she didn’t say anything. I kept scrolling until I landed on the first picture of Brittani. She was holding Shelby as if she was a baby. I focused on the picture and analyzed Brittani. She had also changed within a year as well. Her hair was now past her shoulders. She had gained a little bit of weight and she had a glow about herself. She still looked good if not even better.

    Damn! I still can’t believe I fucked things up between us. I thought to myself as I scrolled to the next picture which definitely caught me off guard. The next photo was of Shelby and Brittani again. This time, Shelby was touching Brittani’s stomach.

    Hold up. Why is she touching Brittani’s stomach? I know she ain’t…, I paused, unable to finish the rest of my sentence.

    Pregnant? Melanie finished the sentence for me. Yes, she is actually.

    By who? I asked in total shock, already knowing the answer but not wanting to believe it.

    By Drew, of course. Scroll to the next picture.

    I don’t know why but I did as Melanie told me and I wished I didn’t. The last photo was a photo of the three of them. Drew was down on one knee while Shelby was standing next to him cheesing hard as ever. I can’t believe Shelby had betrayed me after I gave her the world at such a young age. I had been there since day one literally when it came to her. I had been there from the moment Brittani first announced that she was pregnant. I gave Shelby all the things I didn’t have while growing up along with an expensive ass education. Now, she was standing next to that nigga as if he was Father of the Year or some shit. I also couldn’t believe Brittani had betrayed me either. I took her from working at that damn shoe store and restaurant. I funded her high ass education out of pocket for two years which she didn’t even put that degree to use. I upgraded her life and her money hungry ass momma too. In the end, they both turned their backs on me.

    I really can’t believe this.

    Me either but I’m happy for the three of them. I never thought you and Brittani would end but that just goes to show that there is always something better out there for everyone involved. You just haven’t found your better yet. Sierra will never be better than Brittani. I will go to my grave saying that.

    And I will go to my grave knowing that too, I confessed, no longer caring about pretending to be nonchalant about the outcome of our marriage. Truth is, I still loved Brittani to this day. The thing is, I knew Brittani loved Drew. I knew she loved him that day they came over to my place. How did I know? Because she had that same look in her eyes that she had on our wedding day and Lord knows Brittani was happy that day. I think the hardest thing I had to do is watch Brittani love someone else other than me. I thought burying my mom would be the hardest thing in my life but no. In all honesty, Brittani made dealing with my mom’s death much easier because Brittani had such a loving and nurturing vibe about her. Shit, Sierra never spoke of my mom. Hell, I don’t even know if she even knew that my mom was indeed dead. That’s how little I fucked with her other than when it came to having sex. If I could go back in time, I would’ve turned down Sierra’s advances had I known it would cause me to lose the woman that I loved and am still in love with. One thing about a good woman is that once she was gone, she was really gone forever. I had to live with the fact that Brittani was gone forever. She was now in arms of another man and that really fucked me up. I scrolled to the next photo, relieved to know that there were no more photos of them. I don’t think I could’ve handled another one. I handed the phone back to Melanie.

    Melanie said, One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. She was right.

    It’s funny how life worked. When Brittani was sad in our marriage, I was happily creeping with Sierra behind her back. Now that Brittani was happy and engaged to another man, I was feeling as though someone had ripped my heart out and stepped on it. That someone was Brittani. Damn! I never should’ve left the one that I loved for the one that I never liked in the first place and now I had to suffer.

    Shut up, please, I yelled at Junior. Damn Sierra, you don’t hear him crying? According to the clock on the night table, it was 4:30 A.M. I was trying to get some well-needed sleep after a long night back at the office that forced me to leave the office at midnight instead of my usual time. Junior was screaming at the top of his lungs for whatever reason.

    "Yes, I hear him crying. Clearly, you do too. Why do I always have to jump up when it’s concerning our son? I’m not some single parent," she shouted.

    Even though it was dark in the room, I looked at Sierra as if she had lost her mind. Yes, the fuck you are a single parent! Don’t like it? Then you know what you should’ve done when you found out you were pregnant. Calm him down. Do something but that constant crying is starting to irritate the fuck out of me.

    "Really, Savior? I can’t believe

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