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Blood Myth Crimson Prophecies (Crypt 1)
Blood Myth Crimson Prophecies (Crypt 1)
Blood Myth Crimson Prophecies (Crypt 1)
Ebook116 pages2 hours

Blood Myth Crimson Prophecies (Crypt 1)

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About this ebook

A girl meets boy that surely must spiral into the lavishes of blood. Sadows is a vampire who runs away with a teenage lad named Zivan, that she is totally obsessed with. He doesn't know she is a creature of the night. What will happen when he does find out her little secret? Their adventures will lead them into dangerous territory. She is on a mission to uncover a myth of a legendary Blood Queen. There are those that would prevent such a return. The High Houses of the Blood Coven want her hunted and destroyed, and will stop at nothing to make it happen. There are other powers in the works. Vampire hunters, traitors, and other dark forces get involved. Will they survive?

Release dateJun 8, 2021
Blood Myth Crimson Prophecies (Crypt 1)


Been my life long dream to publish my works and finally I can do this at a cost I can afford. My name is... you will figure it out. It will not be that hard. It will be super easy and barely an... never mind! So, where was I? Welcome to my Derangement! I write Horror, Fantasy, and blend the genres together. There will be plenty of romance and erotica. My demented mind shall come up with the most shocking yet well told stories as possible. There is poetry to read and song lyrics. Rants and ravings of madness to be had. Join me on my journey into the Abyss! Find that spark of light in the darkness of the void. Share my pain and hunger. My happiness and laughter. My sorrow as it reaps out our hearts and brings tears like rainfall. Deep running Peace to you!

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    Book preview

    Blood Myth Crimson Prophecies (Crypt 1) - Kiltron

    Crimson Prophecies

    Crypt I

    Blood Myth


    Copyright © 2020 by Dan Harrington

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be produced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    (Paperback) 9798672443485

    (eBook) 9781005674854

    I dedicate this to the children of the bloody night!

    May you always find your way through the gloom!


    Many thanks to Jay Crudge, my #1 reviewer who has been with me since the beginning of this journey. He reads everything I write. Before anyone else does. His input has been invaluable. Hey der boi!

    Like to thank Klive Karver who helped me come up with the series title to begin with, (Crimson Prophecies) and for always being there when we were young and in trouble. Good times we had back in the day. Thanks for the review. Keep up the great work producing your music. Less Then Kind Productions. Rock on brother! Carve a slice out of the music world.

    Thank you S3rum for the review. I look forward to working with you in the future. Perhaps on a novel at some point in time.

    I wish to thank all those who have supported me on social media. All those likes, comments, and shares really help. You all know who you are. Gratitude!

    A special thanks to James Sherman, Librarian II from the Literature and Fiction Department, of the Los Angeles Central Public Library for replying to my emails with information required, and pictures. The history lesson was wonderful. So, many more details to find out. I shall be in close touch.

    Cover done through Book Brush Creator!

    I truly hope the audience grows for this series. There is so much story to tell with these characters and how their relationships will grow and hopefully prosper. Sadows is a unique character full of life and so different from everyone else, and yet can relate to the wants and needs that her emotions bring. Enjoy!

    After reading Kiltron’s story. I realized that his mind is not lost. He just goes to darker places where we can’t see or want to go. In Kiltron’s world of maggots and flies, everything has a purpose. Everything dies!

    -Klive Karver

    This is a story about a young woman’s insatiable desire that puts her and her companion on a journey of self-discovery and love. But there are outer forces at play who for better and worse, will affect their lives. Crimson Prophecies: Blood Myth is an exciting read and I’m ecstatic to see what comes next of their journey.

    -Jay Crudge

    An exciting adventure of characters are introduced. You are immersed into a world that is not just filled with vampires, but other monsters that go bump in the night. Here, even monsters are real people with real emotions. This is a tale of love and dark erotica with mysteries in need of solving.


    The Myth

    There is a myth! A myth written in blood! Written in a book that has long ago turned to dust, lost in the sands of time, scattered by the winds of fate. It is not remembered as to what may have happened, but the ancients recite the known history. In a time long lost to us, possibly before humans even walked the earth. (This part is conjecture, it is not known if humanity witnessed this or not, but most likely their race was around).

    As this legend is told, the tale tells of the First, The Blood Goddess. Her name is not known nor is it known if she still lives. Unfortunately, not much at all is known and we only have an oral story that has kept changing over the years. There is a rumour that the goddess shall return one day, and the vampire nation shall rejoice and feast in her honour. Where the children of blood no longer must live hidden in darkness. Where humanity become cattle once again. Glory to her highness when she arrives.

    Alias, it is just a story mostly forgotten by the Primes, the ancient sect. No one really knows who or what they are. Some say vampires, maybe Lycanthropes, or even some other creatures altogether. Does anyone even care about the old stories anymore? Defiantly not! At least the ruling families do not! They like how the world is and damn the ancient Crimson Prophecies. The ruling casts are famously rich and powerful and have no time for ancient traditions and childish legends. Most are not even aware of such things.

    There are however a select few who know of this ancient knowledge and will stop at nothing to fulfill these Prophecies. The time has come for a reign in blood. The prophecies must be completed. Ancient tidings awaken. Monsters walk the lands once again. The rise and fall of all life in the world are at stake. It all begins with… Her!


    She ran as fast as she could down the alleyway. Chased by monsters she despised. Soon they would trail her here. She had to get into the club and find the boy she had met a few days ago. For some reason she felt he could help her. It was a sense, instinct.

    This night was damp and chilled. Puddles were everywhere and her feet splashed in them. Her feet surprisingly stayed dry with the leather boots she wore. They were knee high, thick soled, with silver buckles that covered the entire length. Her black skirt kept rising, up exposing her blue lace panties. She hated when that happened and showed her butt cheeks. She had on a Blackbriar T-shirt under her leather jacket. She looked like a cybergoth biker chick. Her extremely long raven hair draped about her and shimmered crimson hues. Her eyes darted about; their liquid orbs glittered the colour of blood.

    She heard a sound and turned toward it. She stopped in her tracks, still as can be. The alley was well lit, and the puddles reflected brightly. The clicking of claws scrapped the pavement. From around the corner a large hound-like creature appeared. Its wet grey muscled hide was bare of any kind of fur. It was sleek and agile. Its talon-like claws were sharp and could rend a person to pieces in seconds. It had an enormous jaw with large fang-like teeth. It had no eyes, but do not be fooled by such a thing. Its hearing was sharp, and its sense of smell traveled for miles. It had a sonar sense and could pinpoint you easily enough.

    Oh, shit! A damned, vesta hound!

    She had to time this right. These creatures were very swift and agile. Their strength was paramount. They were used to hunt down werewolves, but mostly they were protectors for the high houses of vampires. If this hound was here now, that meant a hunter-stalker was close behind. She had to make this quick and disappear. She crotched low, raised her skirt to her hips at the same time, and reached slowly into her right boot for the ten-inch blade she had hidden there. She did not care if her bare g-stringed ass hung out, better than having any restrictions, for a skirt was not ideal clothing to fight in. She eyed the beast and waited as patient as she could. The hound came down the alley slowly. It knew she was there, and it was ready to attack. A low throated growl, its mouth opened to display its many rows of jagged teeth. Slimy saliva dripped onto the paved alley. It suddenly charged with a roar. She pulled out her blade and moved in a blur of motion. The hound leaped for her, jaws, and claws ready to render their prey.

    Her knife blade slashed through the vesta hound’s throat while her other hand tore into its skull where it eyes should have been. When it was over the hound’s body dropped lifeless, headless to the ground. She stood with the creature’s head in her hands. She shrugged her shoulders and tossed the head idly behind her. The knife was sheathed back in her boot. She washed her hands in a dirty puddle to rid the blood from them, shimmied her skirt down. She walked calmly to the door of her destination. She knocked once, paused, twice, paused, then three times. The door opened and a tall muscled ebony skinned man answered. He was handsome! His neatly trimmed and shaved facial hair followed his jawline and chin, up over his lip in a thin line.

    Where’s Zivan? she asked. He tilted his head to go inside. She walked in and the door closed behind her. She walked straight down the hall, up a set of stairs, down another hallway, and through a door to a VIP lounge that overlooked the lower level of the club. It was a great view of the dance floor. So, many people danced the night away without a care in the world. She could smell all the different pheromones that the humans gave off like an exhaust gas that a vehicle would pump into the air. It was so overwhelming that she desired to be apart of the crowd to mingle. Maybe, even have sex with a few of the boys and girls. Her lusts knew no bounds when it came to sex. She would have a hundred partners in a single night if she could.

    Tonight, was not the night for such pleasures. She shook her head. Ever since she had met that boy, she has had these strange desires. He owned this club, hence how and when and where to go in the building. He had giving her a tour one night. She never got that kiss she had hoped to get. Perhaps tonight she would. Maybe!

    This girl had an agenda to fulfill. First, she had to find her boy Zivan. She scanned the crowd for him. She spotted him with two young girls by the bar. They all had drinks in their hands. He kept

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