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Disturbing Desire: Darkest, #5
Disturbing Desire: Darkest, #5
Disturbing Desire: Darkest, #5
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Disturbing Desire: Darkest, #5

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Colleen is determined to remain a spinster.After losing her parents, Lady Colleen Harrington wraps herself in her paranormal and Egyptian studies. When her Aunt Julie insists on having a ball after the period of mourning came up, she resigned herself to putting on a show of finding a mate. Then she meets Lord Henry Strathford.


Henry is only looking to marry to carry on the family name. His father, the current Duke, asks him to come to a ball in order to further business relations with the Harringtons. Henry goes, and is struck by Lady Harrington's eyes. He cannot forget them, and begins courting the somewhat reluctant yet fascinating woman. When danger arises, he vows to protect her, and will use all his influence to make it happen, including enlisting the Dark Duke in his endeavors. But will it be enough? Or will she spurn him as she had so many others?


This is a sweet romance with cameos from characters of the Darkest Series.

PublisherLeona Bushman
Release dateJun 19, 2021
Disturbing Desire: Darkest, #5

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    Book preview

    Disturbing Desire - Leona Bushman

    This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, places and incidents are used fictionally, or are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to real places or people are purely coincidental or fictionalized.

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    Also available by Leona Bushman (romance):

    The Ulfric’s Mate, book 1(War of the Weres series)

    The Midwife’s Moon, book 2 (War of the Weres series)

    Bearly There, book 1(War of the Weres Chronicles)

    Fox in the Wolf Den, book 2 (War of the Weres Chronicles)

    Masked Pain

    Over a Dead Body

    Slow Fever

    Darkest Valentine, book 1, (Darkest Series)

    Darkest Death, book 2, (Darkest Series)

    Darkest Summer, book 3 (Darkest Series)

    Disturbing Desire (Darkest Series mini)

    Winter Rose (Darkest Series mini, and Miracle Express)

    Spying on Christmas (Miracle Express)

    A Hunter, a Witch, and a Shrew

    The Witch of Indigo Bayou (The Lost Witch Series book 1)

    The Witch of Evergreen Mountain (The Lost Witch Series book 2)

    The Witch of Purple Coastline (The Lost Witch Series book 3)

    Highland Magic, book 1 (Highland Magic series)

    Evil in the Highlands, book 2 (Highland Magic series)

    The Lion, the Witch, and the Faerie

    Blood is Thicker

    Daryn’s Slayer

    Witchy Wolf

    Pirating Christmas

    Rick Sexed Up the Doc

    Winds of Fire (Eagle Claw series)

    Murder by Succubus

    In for a Penny, book 1, (Traincoach of Death series)

    The Shot, book 2 (Traincoach of Death series)

    Belles & Engineers

    Also available by Leona Bushman writing as LJ Bushman (non romance):

    Demons and Wraiths

    Death’s Car

    Death’s Tradition

    Defying Death

    The Fight of the Sorceress

    Zombie Infestation

    Cerisa’s Quest

    Search for Sorren


    Darkest Valentine

    The Hunter, the Witch, and the Shrew

    Demons and Wraiths

    The Fight of the Sorceress

    Slow Fever

    Zombie Infestation

    Coming Soon:

    The Witch of Golden Sand Dunes (The Lost Witch series book 4)

    The Witch of Crimson Peaks (The Lost Witch series book 5)

    A Rose By Any Other Name (Soul Mate Love Letters series book 1)

    The Panther’s Hunter, (War of the Weres series book 3)

    Coming soon in audio:

    Darkest Death

    Ulfric’s Mate


    Thank you Victoria Miller for my cover. To my friends helping me recover from the last few years with things which are not seen but only felt.

    To My Muse...

    There are characters from the Darkest Valentine series in this book. You do not need to have read the series to understand this story, but it would enrich it further. All my books with the subtitle Darkest’ have at least a cameo of one or more of the characters from the original series.

    Chapter One

    Colleen Harrington’s gold metal framed spectacles rested at the end of her nose. She absently pushed them up to get a closer look at the manuscript she poured over. The maid brought in the tea tray with her favorite biscuits and the Earl Grey she preferred. She took a bite of the sweet treat, the buttery taste coating her mouth. She mmmm’d in pleasure.

    My dearest Sue, you are a gem of the first water. Please convey my gratitude to Gretchen in the kitchen as well. You two have spoiled me so since my parents died. She had expected it to end after a few weeks, but it had not. Under the circumstances, she could not have been happier.

    Of course, my lady. You were the sweetest child whenever your mother brought you around for your visits. I am pleased that you are happy here.

    Colleen’s tears welled up. Though a year had passed since her parents had been killed at sea, she still missed them fiercely. Aunt Julie has been most gracious in taking me in.

    I am glad to hear you think so, child.

    Aunt Julie! Colleen cried as she stood up and found herself enveloped into a quick hug before her aunt stood back and began meticulously pulling off her gloves, tugging each finger loose before peeling the fine, cream colored kid leather off.

    Of course I do. Without you, I would have been forced to live with Aunt Gertrude from Father’s side. An involuntary shudder pushed through her at the mere thought. You know how old fashioned and stuck in the good old days that she is. Aunt Gertrude was easily sixty years old, though it seemed to Collen that Aunt Gertrude had been old all her life. No one seemed to know her real age. Colleen’s father, the youngest of ten, had inherited the title. The other two siblings who made it to adulthood had died while Colleen had still been in short dresses. And, for as long as she could remember, Aunt Gertrude had helped him run the estates, making Colleen miserable whenever Mother and Father had left. Or my brother...I would have been driven insane inside a week.

    As your guardian, I suppose it is my duty to say to respect your elders, but I know you are right. Aunt Gertrude is a throwback to another time and place. One we have evolved past. I remember when your father met my dearest sister. Ava had loved him despite all reason otherwise. He was the youngest sibling, born late to his parents, the only male, and spoiled beyond anything I have ever seen.

    Aunt Julie! You never said! Colleen listened avidly, excited to hear from someone else what Father had been like before he married her mother.

    "Your mother had a way about

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