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Snarl A Collection of Werewolf Thrillers
Snarl A Collection of Werewolf Thrillers
Snarl A Collection of Werewolf Thrillers
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Snarl A Collection of Werewolf Thrillers

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A police officer becomes infected with lycanthropy after trying to break up a fight. Hoping to find the shifter who destroyed his life, he allies himself with a female werewolf expert but soon finds himself fighting off a wolfpack that has come for both him and her.


Darren has inherited his Mexican restaurant business from his late father. While his father was warm and charming, Darren is unsympathetic and ruthless. He routinely abuses his employees and everyone around him. But when a mysterious young Mexican girl arrives to work in his restaurant, he soon falls for her charms. His maid, however, warns him that the there is more to the woman that meets the eye. She claims that she is the spirit of the "Coyote Girl", a spirit who gains vengeance for those who are abused.

Release dateJun 19, 2021
Snarl A Collection of Werewolf Thrillers

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    Book preview

    Snarl A Collection of Werewolf Thrillers - Vicky Drummond







    Part One

    Reid slammed the steam car door shut, briefly considering putting his seatbelt on, but then deciding against it. For a moment he reached for his pocket, before remembering he had quit smoking a year ago.

    Damn sheriff, he muttered to himself. Sticking his nose in where it don’t belong.

    As Reid drove to the edge of the town, where the fence connected with the woods, he mulled over the events of the day. He’d been working on the disappearance of two twin teenagers. He had a feeling they had bailed on their parents but the sheriff had gotten it into his head that something sinister had happened instead.

    Reid grabbed his decanter and tucked it into his jacket pocket. It was time for his evening run through the woods. It helped to calm and clear his mind, so he could relax for the evening. He set off down the pebble-strewn path, taking the route around the river at the first fork in the road.

    He enjoyed listening to the sounds of the lake as he made his way around the path. The air was crisp and cool, so he didn’t have to worry about removing his jacket just yet. Ahead he heard some rustling in the trees, but it wasn’t unusual for a deer or two to peer out. Hunting wasn’t allowed this close to town limits. He pulled down his goggles as the sunset glinted off the lake.

    He had just picked up the pace when he heard cries off to the side. Twenty years of police service told him that these were not the cries of an animal. He stopped and approached slowly. He heard thudding noises and cries.

    He pushed the branches aside to see two women rolling on the ground. While he may have enjoyed that any other day, these two appeared to be fighting for their lives. A larger stronger woman was straddling a smaller one on the ground. She was holding a knife in her hand. It appeared that she was not only trying to stab the woman, but also trying to bite her arm as well.

    Reid moved in and yelled out, pushing his goggles up in the process.

    Hey! This is the police! Drop that knife and release the woman! Move where I can see you!

    The larger woman was still straddled over the smaller blonde haired woman on the ground.

    Reid strode forward, and wrapped his arms under the armpits of the brunette and pulled her off. Her feet went flailing in the air and she dropped the knife.

    The blonde got up and started running.

    Wait a minute, yelled Reid. Do you want to press charges? he asked, but she kept on running.

    You don’t know what you’re doing, said the brunette threateningly.

    He was feeling around in his pants pocket to see if he still had handcuffs on him. He had just wrapped his hand around cold metal when he felt a furry shape in his arms. The woman’s body had tensed up, and was slowly growing hair and muscle, and becoming larger. Reid dropped his arms, letting her go. Beside him hunched on the ground was what appeared to be a werewolf.

    Part Two

    Reid backed up and went to reach for his pistol, when he remembered he had left it in the steam car.

    The female werewolf proceeded to jump on him, and for a moment, he thought she was going to kill him. But even in werewolf form, it appeared that she had some control over her actions. Instead of ripping his throat out, she leaned forward and bit him on the shoulder.

    Reid struggled to push her off, as intense pain ripped through his body. She released him, then ran away on four feet.

    Reid jumped into a standing position, looking in every direction, trying to figure out where she went.

    The pain in his shoulder only got worse. He pushed his jacket down to have a look. It looked far worse than the bite she gave him. The wound was dripping blood, and turning green. He pulled his stainless steel flask from his pocket and opened it up. It’s a good waste of whiskey, but what the hell. He dumped the alcohol all over the wound.

    This only made the wound worse, and he cries out. His skin starts to itch, and it feels as though the bones are trying to push themselves to the surface. Suddenly, his clothes feel too small. He quickly rips his jacket and shirt off, and pants to follow. Fur starts sprouting from his skin.

    What the hell?! he cried. Had he been infected with lycanthropy? How is that even possible?

    He knelt down and collected all of his clothes and belongings together. He tucks them neatly under a bush, so they can’t be found. He’d read enough werewolf stories in the past to know that having a source of clothes at the end of it was quite important.

    He looked down at himself, expecting to see himself naked, and covered with fur, but instead he saw what appeared to be large furry dog legs.

    Great now what? he thought to himself. That bitch turned me into a werewolf! These creatures are real!

    He was starting to feel ravenous.

    Whatever it was, he thought it’d be a good idea to get away from the outskirts of the town. While hunting wasn’t allowed, there were too many people with pistols who wouldn’t

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