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Rejection Recovery Resource Kit
Rejection Recovery Resource Kit
Rejection Recovery Resource Kit
Ebook48 pages18 minutes

Rejection Recovery Resource Kit

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About this ebook

Soul wounds - that's what rejection leaves behind.


From the snub of an acquaintance to abandonment by someone sworn to love us, our human experience is full of big and small rejections.

Rejection points a spotlight on our deepest sense of inadequacy, and leaves us shrinking back in fear - fear that maybe we really are unloveable, inadequate, undeserving, or _____. You fill in the blank.


 But, that's not what God says about us. He is in passionate pursuit of His kids, reminding us constantly of His profound acceptance and love. He simply can't get enough of us. And if that's true, the rejection story can't also be true.


The Rejection Recovery Resource Kit is a quick reference guide to help get your feet on the ground after an experience with rejection. Whether a big or small rejection, you will find these tools helpful to navigate through.


This resource kit is for you if:

  • You have ever battled the pain of rejection
  • You feel left out, let go, replaced, or unwanted.
  • You wonder how to recover from the hurt of abandonment, or rejection.
  • You are interested in healing from the wounds left in the wake of someone you love walking away.
  • You are wondering what God says about you.

Through the insights in this book you will…..

  • Learn therapeutic strategies to help navigate through the pain.
  • Develop recovery tools to build you back up
  • Begin to view yourself through God's eyes and find strength in His opinion of you.
  • Understand you are not alone in the battle, and your pain will end.
Release dateJun 11, 2021
Rejection Recovery Resource Kit

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    Rejection Recovery Resource Kit - Nicole Langman

    Praise for

    Rejection Recovery Resource Kit

    "Everyone suffers rejection. It hurts and it feels like it defines you. Unworthy. Unloved. Uninvited. I’m so grateful to Nicole for writing the Rejection Recovery Resource Kit. You will find her relatable and trustworthy. The pain of rejection is real, but this resource is packed with easy-to-use tools and practical principles that work to reset and redefine your identity."

    —Robyn Dykstra

    National Christian Speaker

    Refreshingly authentic and emotionally intelligent, Nicole Langman’s resource book reads like the voice of an old friend, carefully navigating someone out of the valley of rejection, into the wide embrace of God’s love and acceptance. It’s an easy read, and a powerful tool that offers therapeutic strategies and insights to help support growth and healing.

    —Dr. Paul Turner

    Worship Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church

    Nicole settles in right away with a conversational, easy-to-read style that allows for readers to concentrate on the content instead of being confused by psychological jargon. Her professional background is apparent, as is her personal experience as someone profoundly impacted by rejection. The importance of faith in God, specifically used to cement your identity and worth, courses through this resource kit. Overall, a concise, workable resource kit if you want to start your journey as a victor over feelings of inadequacy due to rejection.

    —Jennifer C. Leon, MA, RCC

    Clinical Therapist

    "The Rejection Recovery Resource Kit is an accessible workbook for those who have experienced the wounds of rejection—which is, of

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