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Straight Flush
Straight Flush
Straight Flush
Ebook62 pages54 minutes

Straight Flush

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What could be more exciting than a weekend filled with sex? A weekend dictated by Friday night poker, winner takes all. Control, that is. Quinn and Alexis have spent years perfecting their system, making up the rules, setting the boundaries, and adding to their circle of friends. Each weekend promises to be unique and blissfully satisfying.

Quinn and Alexis take great pride in their marriage and the weekly poker night that keeps their sex life ever-changing. With a strong group of friends as playmates and a penthouse apartment, there are hundreds of possibilities this weekend. The winner gets full access and control. Rules are bent but not broken, punishments and rewards are deliciously satisfying, and the love they have for each other is stronger than ever. From inviting an existing friend over, an interesting night out, and making new friends, Straight Flush is filled with steamy encounters that will leave you wanting more!

Straight Flush is the first book of the Poker Night series.

PublisherVassilissa M
Release dateJul 16, 2021
Straight Flush

Vassilissa M

Vassilissa started writing early on and never stopped. She has always preferred erotica over porn videos, but had difficulty finding exactly what she was looking for. That's when she decided to start writing it herself.When she isn't dreaming up worlds, cities, and fantasies to write about, she spends most of her time crocheting or reading what others have dreamed up. There is almost always a cat nearby to offer moral support or typing assistance. They have a lot to say, and no one will let them have their own keyboards. Music provides a large chunk of Vassilissa's motivation to keep going. There is always a playlist running somewhere, even if it's just in her head.

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    Book preview

    Straight Flush - Vassilissa M

    Straight Flush

    Copyright 2021 by Vassilissa M

    Distributed by Smashwords

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or reproduced. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for you, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    About the Author

    For anyone that looks for a dash of realism

    ♣♥ One ♠♦

    Dinner on poker night was always easy: pizza and beer. I stopped by our favorite place on the way home and grabbed two pizzas with the works. Leftover pizza made a perfect Saturday lunch.

    I was the first one home today, which wasn’t all that uncommon. The perks of having your own law firm include setting your own caseload. As an executive for a PR agency, my husband Quinn was often dragged into meetings with panicking clients.

    I dropped the pizza on the counter and walked back to the bedroom to change out of my office clothes. I pulled on a pair of leggings and a tank top with dropped armholes. I pulled the hair clip out of my hair, letting it fall down my back. After running my fingers through it a few times, I headed back into the kitchen. It was about 6:30, so he could be home anytime now. I popped one of the boxes of pizza in the fridge and grabbed a beer. As I snagged the cards from the drawer, the front door opened.

    I carried the other box of pizza, the beer, and the deck of cards to the table and sat down. Quinn didn’t waste any time kicking his shoes off and coming into the kitchen. He leaned down and pressed his lips softly against mine.

    Excited for poker? he asked with a grin.

    Do you even have to ask?

    I slid my arms around his neck and kissed him. He chuckled against my lips before pulling back and ambling over to the fridge to grab a beer.

    There will be plenty of time for that later, love, he said as he popped the lid off the beer.

    I drummed my fingertips on the table while I waited for him to make a decision, and hoping he falls for my bluff. I had too many ideas for this weekend for him to win tonight. I stretched my leg out slowly, starting to run the tips of my toes over his thighs. Feeling him twitch into me was all the motivation I needed to slide my foot along more. Slipping down in my chair a bit, I rolled my foot over the front of his pants, feeling him react to me immediately. I peered over my cards with a smirk. His eyes were hooded as he squirmed in his chair a bit for me. The only thing more fun than getting him naked was teasing the hell out of him beforehand.

    Call, Quin finally said with a grin.

    I sighed, tossing my cards on the table, still teasing him with my foot.

    A pair? You tried to bluff me with a pair? he said, laughing so hard he almost spilled his beer. He leaned back in his chair, sliding his hips closer to the edge to give me better access.

    Did you really think I was going to willingly give up? I asked as I pulled my foot back.

    Fair point, and you are still ahead…

    I fully intend to stay that way, I replied as I leaned on the table, pressing my chest forward.

    He glanced down briefly, but that was enough to make me grin—anything to keep the upper hand. Pulling the cards together in front of me, I shuffled up and dealt. We were pretty evenly matched. Each game, we started with $500 worth of chips and played for two hours. Whoever had the most at the end won. In the two years since this started, the games were always pretty close.

    Time was almost up tonight—maybe two or three more hands before we called it. I kept up the teasing. My foot sliding up his leg at random, only to pull it away before he could fully enjoy it. Dropping a chip or two on the floor so I could pick

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