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Taking Command
Taking Command
Taking Command
Ebook197 pages1 hour

Taking Command

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When Daniella Pearce travels through space to colonize the distant planet Asberek, she isn’t prepared for the amount of tension she experiences. She hopes to find sexual relief in the Virtual Fantasy Room with no strings and no complications.
But Jake Tarune is no hologram and, despite knowing the physical and emotional risks, Daniella can’t resist him. Her sexual tension increases as they explore her submissive limits and when Jake offers her the possibility of a real-world relationship, she is tempted. But when the colonization program is sabotaged, Jake is ordered to find the truth and Daniella is the primary suspect.
With the help of another Dom and submissive, they concoct a risky and risqué plan as they begin the hunt for a rogue soldier who wants Daniella dead and all of humanity with her. The question becomes whether Jake and Daniella will survive long enough to find trust in each other and find out if the computer program that tossed them together is right: Are they truly made for each other?

Release dateJun 23, 2021
Taking Command

Jennifer Leeland

New York Times best selling author Jennifer Leeland has been telling stories since she was very young. Most people were so small minded as to call it lying until she was able to put her stories on paper. Now they call it fiction.To know what she writes, you have to know that the first question she asks about a book or movie is "Does it have a happy ending?". If it doesn't, she's not interested. Her love of kinky people and kinky stuff has led her to write about relationships that are slightly bent and probably flawed. You can always count on two things with a Jennifer Leeland book: angst and kink.She lives with a Redneck, who loves to brainstorm with her on occasion and her two hulking teenagers in the Northern California Boonies. She is also a moderator for the award winning writer's forum Romance Divas where I've been a member since 2006.To learn more you can go to

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    Book preview

    Taking Command - Jennifer Leeland

    Taking Command

    Command Series Book I

    By Jennifer Leeland

    Taking Command

    Copyright ©  _____by Jennifer Leeland

    All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Jennifer Leeland Books. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

    Editor: Jana J. Hanson

    Cover Artist:  Scott Carpenter

    Printed in the United States of America

    Published by Jennifer Leeland Books

    This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    I’d like to dedicate this book to fellow author Miranda Heart who helped me capture some of the deeper aspects of dominate/submissive play.  I’d also like to dedicate this book to the fabulous Divas and Diva Dudes at Romance Divas.  Of course, to Crystal Jordan, Dayna Hart and Gwen Hayes who helped me with the finer art of grammar, characterization and chocolate ingestion.  I love you guys.


    This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Jennifer Leeland’s e-books are meant for adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

    * * * *

    DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. The author will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

    Chapter One

    Anticipation stretched her nerves until Daniella thought they’d snap. What’s the big deal? Everyone uses the Virtual Fantasy Room. The console lights blinked as her hand hesitated over the controls. Cool air brushed her skin from the vents that dotted the ship’s hallway. She had to make up her mind. She quickly flicked her fingers and depressed the buttons for her sexual fantasy, her desperate need. Maybe it was space travel that made her edgy, but her desires had become intense and begun to interfere with her job on the Zenith. The need to submit, be dominated, be helpless.

    As a mechanic, if the other men she worked with knew some of her fantasies, she’d never be able to work with them. Her lips twisted. She just had to choose a profession that, even in the twenty-third century, was a male dominated job.

    The doors slid open with a hiss to a candle lit room. A large bed, and all the accoutrements that she requested, dominated the center of the room. The toys lay side by side in a neat row on a dark blue cloth that covered the table and ended at the floor with gold trim. A long crop, a velvet-covered paddle and various vibrators all filled her with anticipation, both anxious in nature and exciting. The program replaced her utilitarian jumpsuit with a long, slinky red dress. The neckline plunged so low it barely covered her breasts. It slid along her skin, just as if it was real and not a product of her active imagination.

    She only had to wait for the VFR to produce the specified partner she requested. It was taking the computer a while to process her request. While she waited, she fingered the bedspread, thinking of home. It was easier to think about inconsequential things, rather than what she was in the room to do. She took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts to try and stay calm.

    Earth was far away and chances were she’d never go back. After all, she’d won the lottery. Millions of single women signed up to go to Asberek, the newest planet discovered that supported life. Only one hundred women could go. Daniella earned a spot in a random government drawing as had one hundred men. There was no value assigned to her job or her personality. She boarded the Zenith only because she was female, single and lucky. Oh, and willing.

    What was taking the thing so long?

    On the bedside table rested a pair of steel handcuffs and a bottle of scented oil. She fingered the velvet cloth that draped the table. Was it so difficult to produce a man with a dominant personality, dark coloring and some muscles? She hadn’t been all that specific. Maybe that was the problem.

    A very deep, commanding voice sounded behind her and she jumped. Are you waiting for me? She whirled around, and a man stood within arm’s length of her, tall and imposing. The dim light created a glow over the rippled muscles of his chest and thighs.

    Yes, I am. She stepped closer to him. He even smelled right. A musky scent drifted from his skin. Running her fingers down his bicep, she noted a tattoo on his right arm that hadn’t been part of her specifications, but it turned her on. When he reached up and caught her hand, her eyes met his. Dominant and arrogant, he was definitely what she was searching for.

    His hand encircled her wrists, holding her hands behind her back. Her breasts pressed to the expanse of his naked chest, and her nipples tightened. His voice vibrated through her body. I’m in charge, remember? Her eyes closed briefly as his large, long fingers grasped her hands.

    Yes. As she lifted her lashes and gazed up at him, his eyes reminded her of obsidian. Dark, dangerous and sexy, they held her captivated. His brows were heavy and his black hair curled at the nape of his neck. He wore nothing, except a pair of boxer briefs that hugged his hips and clearly outlined his cock.

    Very impressive.

    Get on the bed. It was an order, a guttural sexy tone.

    He released her, and she lay on the bed. The soft midnight blue comforter slid along her skin as she scooted along the expanse of the mattress and laid her head on the pillow. Her attention flicked to her dress and back to his face and she wondered why she was still clothed. He said nothing but loomed over her as the candlelight danced along his face and caused shadows in the crevices of his features.

    With sure hands, he clicked the handcuffs onto one of her wrists. Then, bringing her hands over her head, he captured her other wrist. Using a long chain that she hadn’t noticed before, he looped the chain between the bracelets over a hook at the head of the bed. The cool metal scraped her wrists as she tested their strength. Helpless, just as she wanted to be, heat pooled between her legs as he inspected her from head to toe. Her breath came a little faster and her gaze stayed riveted on his face. He stepped out of his underwear.

    My name is Jake, he stated as his hands moved the hem of her skirt up her thighs with a firm slide. I want you to scream that name when I make you come.

    Her nerves stretched and tingled as the soft material of her dress whispered along her thighs and then rested just below her breasts. Cool air brushed her belly button like a sigh. It was dangerous to be lost so quickly. Her voice trembled. And will you scream mine when I make you come? She squirmed a little, twisting against the restraints.

    His eyes were hot as they raked over her face. No.

    Why not? she asked him, confused. The sensation of her dress lifted to expose the junction between her thighs, and his absolute control both frightened her and excited her. She sought some semblance of power, some straw of equality. Even though she searched for a fantasy of complete dominance, she still struggled to maintain her part. She’d chosen him, but she was afraid. He was a computer program. Her wish was his desire, wasn’t it? Perhaps she didn’t understand her own needs in this scenario.

    Say please, he whispered against her throat, his teeth nipping her skin.

    Please, she murmured.

    Say your name.


    Her breath caught in her throat as his hands tore her panties from her. No tender, slow removal, just a quick jerk and he threw them across the room. The sharp tear of the silky fabric tugged on her pussy, creating a liquid heat. He bent her legs so her knees rose and stared at her pussy. Wetness pooled where his gaze burned her body.

    Touch me! she wanted to scream at him. His eyes stayed on her body and the areolas of her breasts puckered as her skin heated beneath his gaze. She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and force the issue between them. But he was in charge and this was all part of the game she wanted. To submit. To be helpless in the hands of a man. To allow him to set the pace, hold her desire at bay as he tortured her in a delicious, wicked way. It was her fantasy.

    A drop of moisture tickled her swollen folds, and his eyes seemed fascinated by it. The smell of her arousal wrapped around her and his nostrils flared as he inhaled the scent. So sweet. So ready. Are you ready, Daniella? I’m not in the mood for a quick fuck. I hope you’re up for the evening I’ve got planned.

    She shifted to relieve the ache that throbbed between her legs and arched her back slightly. Please.

    A wicked smile gleamed at her. Please what? His fingers traced a pattern on her belly, making her desperate.

    Please touch me. Fuck me. Please.

    His thumb found her clit and rubbed it back and forth. Oh, I plan to touch you. His dark features relaxed in an erotic smile. But I’m in no hurry. I’m not leaving until I touch every inch of you. Her hips rose to meet his finger. His other hand reached for the top of her dress and he ripped it down the middle, the sound echoing in Daniella’s mind. Tatters of the material fell away from her body and exposed her hardened nipples to his gaze. Blood pumped wildly through her veins and her system screamed for relief. Still, his thumb pressed only just enough to keep her needy and wanting.

    She whimpered and twisted around to increase the pressure against her swollen nub to find release and pleasure. His gaze traveled over her breasts and her nipples hardened even more, pulling the skin of her breasts incredibly tight, almost painful. Her breath caught as her body turned to fire under his perusal.

    With his thumb still torturing her, his mouth found one of her ridged peaks and she bowed her back with the pleasure. He sucked her breast hard and rhythmically in time with the rotation of his thumb. A flash of lightning tore along the nerves connecting the sensation of his tongue on her breast to the taut nub he flicked and pressed between her legs. It was too slow, too torturous, too much.

    She was mindless. Her eyes drifted closed and the pleasure coursed through her blood. When his mouth found her other breast, she cried out. His thumb left her clit and she protested briefly.

    Then his tongue licked at her slick folds, and she was lost. His mouth was hot and insistent, sending black shadows around her vision. The intensity of her building orgasm actually frightened her, but he gave her no respite. When his teeth scraped her sensitive nub, she careened over the edge.

    Jake! Oh God! She sobbed as her pussy pulsed against his mouth.

    He removed the warmth of his mouth but she still arched towards him, wanting more. His voice in her ear created more earthquakes shuddering through her body. That’s it. Scream it louder. His fingers slid into her slick channel, stroking her, teasing her.

    As he removed his hand, she thought he was going to plunge his cock inside her and give her what she needed. She opened her eyes to catch him licking his fingers and the expression of pure pleasure as he tasted her made her groan.

    Now! Do it now! She wanted to scream it, but didn’t have the breath. Her lashes drifted over her eyes as her body throbbed with the need to feel his cock inside her.

    Instead, there was a buzzing noise and heat. She opened her eyes and he stared down into hers. He used one of the new, high tech vibrators, programmed to pleasure a woman on a set rhythm, and eased it inside. He didn’t even have to hold the thing. Her eyes drifted shut as pleasure washed through her, sending a rush of blood everywhere. The vibrator moved in and out of her slowly, torturously. The pressure built higher and the buzz began to quicken, sending her over the edge. With her eyes closed tightly, she shattered into a million pieces.

    When she opened them again, he leaned his hips over her face, his hard length near her mouth, his hands grasping the headboard. Suck me. Let me know how much you want my cock inside you.

    The sensation of his hot cock in her mouth was so good. She sucked on him and slid her tongue along his length at the same time. Her tongue swirled around the small opening at the tip and tasted the glorious salty drop that told her he wanted her, craved her. His hips jerked once, twice, three times with measured thrusts. He withdrew and she moaned in protest.

    His hands were everywhere, touching her, branding her. She arched and groaned, hot and desperate for him to replace the remote vibrator with the real thing. Her focus was narrowed to the core of her body, every thought, every sensation riding the crest of intense pleasure. She cried out as she came again, convulsing around the vibrator.

    Then it was gone, replaced again by his mouth, licking, teasing and biting. You taste so good. So real, he whispered against her

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