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This book EXPOSES the secrets of men! You deserve to know why he WATCHES PORN and how he stays one step ahead of you. You'll discover why men CHEAT, why his SIDE CHICK might be your best friend, and how to catch him.

How do you CONFRONT him peacefully to get the answers you need? Within these compelling pages are relationship

Release dateJul 2, 2021

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    Book preview

    OrgasHIM - Henry Doss


    The Secrets of Men


    Copyright © 2021 Henry Doss,


    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-7373232-0-4


    I have so much to be thankful for. I dedicate this book to my family, who have been beyond supportive and enjoyable, and my daughters Amari, Addisyn, Londyn, and Paris. To my wife, Victoria: you complete me. We wanted to show the world what love looks like, while being as transparent as we could. Thanks for not only walking with me on this journey but also being the journey in many ways. To all of our business partners that helped to make this book a reality, thank you.

    To God, who is the biggest reason for everything that I have. You have used the pain to give me peace. When the enemy sat me in guilt, you shifted me into grace. I am unable to thank you enough for all you have done, are doing, and will do, as I try to live a life that honors you. You’ve given a man that deserves nothing, all he could ever want.




    *WARNING: This book is in no way intended to bring about divorce, breakups, and/or violence towards anyone. However, this book may expose dark secrets and events that could dramatically change the lives of all parties involved. Please read forward with a great deal of caution.

    No woman wants a cupcake man. If you look at the past 50 years there's a stark contradiction to what men were, and what men are today. Gone are the rugged men that didn't mind getting their hands dirty, beards scruffy, and the smell of good cologne meshed with motor oil. Vanished are the gentlemen with wrinkle-free polo shirts, wing-tipped shoes and clean teeth... that is, teeth that you can actually see. It was once considered a good thing to have a man hold the door open for a woman as she passed through. It was even expected.

    To be a man carried great responsibility. He had to take care of the financial needs, or bring home the bacon. He was strong physically. He was able to put food on the table and build said table if needed. He loved the presence of a woman! A man would go out of the way to impress her. He'd flirt with her. He'd research and ask around about her. Men used to be the ultimate hunters, chasing after the women they wanted feverishly! Literally going to lengths such as writing love letters, planning late night calls, asking all around town for information on the woman he just had to have!

    What in the world has happened to men since those days?! Those men of old days are nowhere to be found. Today our men are unfaithful, ungrateful, and void of any kind of leadership whatsoever. The diminishing of men has gone as far as to think that women are now men. Shocking, huh?

    Husbands lie at the drop of a dime to their wives. They have multiple women in their love lives at once. They shatter the emotions of women across the world, without hesitation, and without remorse. It’s even become...normal.

    Well, that ends today! This book will expose all of his secrets and equip women across the globe so that they will never be caught off guard again. No more surprise heartbreak. No longer be left in the dark about his schemes. This is the book that changes EVERYTHING about relationships, with a keen focus on the ways of men.

    Chapter 1:

    Side Chicks

    Everybody knows the stigma surrounding men and their hidden side chicks, also sometimes referred to as their whore'', freaks'', or "sluts''. These home-wreckers, who follow this unwritten rule to be with men who are already in relationships or marriages, are mostly around as utensils for no-good men.

    Now read this twice: MEN NEED SEX.  Sex is currently the driving force of our entire world. Sex is everywhere you turn. It’s on billboards as you drive to work. It’s on pop-ups as you use your computer or cellphone. It’s all over movies and television shows. From Netflix and chill to the skimpy cheerleaders at halftime while you’re trying to watch LeBron dunk. The hottest musicians are singing while naked. The workout gyms across America scream sex, sex, sex!

    The reason men tiptoe around with a side chick is to have a friend with benefits'', without all of the stress, drama, pressure, and expectations that a man usually deals with in his main relationship. He runs to her when his woman is putting him through a dry spell or a long period of time without sex. He takes her on secret weekend trips with him to enjoy a temporary time of peace, before returning back home to his normal" drama.

    The fact that he has someone who has low expectations of him (regarding children, work, finances, time spent, etc.), allows him to keep the connection at somewhat of a shallow level… so he can keep his distance, and not have to get so attached, all while enjoying the physical benefits that come with this type of relationship.

    So, the tradeoff for him is that he doesn’t have to invest emotionally or spiritually into this type of woman. He can be free to explore surface-level conversations with her. You know, nothing too deep and nothing extremely powerful. He doesn’t dwell too deeply into things that drive her life or career. There isn’t much talk about the God she serves, politics, or setting up a college fund for her children. He can briefly talk with her about their turn-ons,

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