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Marriage can be blissful
Marriage can be blissful
Marriage can be blissful
Ebook64 pages52 minutes

Marriage can be blissful

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Marriage is a blessing from God and not a curse. The marriage vows do not automatically and supernaturally bring two individuals into blissful marriage. It takes a lot of processes for couples to become one.

Contrary to this, the wedding vows and declarations are a promise that you will not relent on each other, in spite of their differences, sickness and successes, but will commit to waiting on the Creator’s plan to work in their lives.

In spite of your spouse’s differences, sickness and successes, unconditional love must be at the center of your marriage. Love between two spouses create a place for them to unit together when they are tired and not on their best form of behavior.

Love sees the best and possibility in the other person when they can’t see it themselves. The Creator is not mocked; we will reap what we sow. If truly we love our spouse, we will reciprocate to be loved when we need the ability in our lives.

Love is like a seed planted in the soil with the expectation to harvest it one day. One of the couples needs to be first to sow the right seeds to the other person.

Read on to refresh yourself with biblical principles on how to make your marriage blissful and plant love into your relationship. This will bring you harvest of happiness from the Creator’s abundant supply.

Toby Sam
Release dateJun 25, 2021
Marriage can be blissful

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    Book preview

    Marriage can be blissful - Toby Sam


    I dedicate this book to my queen, my love, my wife and mother of my children. Thanks for your full supports for me and the children.


    No part of this book should be considered legal or professional advice.

    Take everything I say in this book as my opinion and regard it as entertainment.

    You are responsible for your action by acting on the thought and views shared in this book.


    Marriage is a blessing from God and not a curse. The marriage vows do not automatically and supernaturally bring two individuals into blissful marriage. It takes a lot of processes for couples to become one.

    Contrary to this, the wedding vows and declarations are a promise that you will not relent on each other, in spite of their differences, sickness and successes, but will commit to waiting on the Creator’s plan to work in their lives.

    In spite of your spouse’s differences, sickness and successes, unconditional love must be at the center of your marriage. Love between two spouses create a place for them to unit together when they are tired and not on their best form of behavior.

    Love sees the best and possibility in the other person when they can’t see it themselves. The Creator is not mocked; we will reap what we sow. If truly we love our spouse, we will reciprocate to be loved when we need the ability in our lives.

    Love is like a seed planted in the soil with the expectation to harvest it one day. One of the couples needs to be first to sow the right seeds to the other person.

    Read on to refresh yourself with biblical principles on how to make your marriage blissful and plant love into your relationship. This will bring you harvest of happiness from the Creator’s abundant supply.



    A successful marriage has its ups and downs. We did not say that marriage should be perfect. What makes a marriage work is insight. Of course, only knowledge works. Success depends on how you know things, not what you think of them.

    Believers should be the voice of married authority in our society, unfortunately it suffers because many believers, including clergy, are unaware of the biblical teachings on marriage and family life. One thing that bothered me as a young Christian was hearing about many divorces.

    Many are married or happily married. These are people who can be filled with the Holy Spirit, who know that God is holy, but who seem to be able to live and believe in one another. It took a long time to realize that success in marriage does not only depend on salvation. She doesn't just want love. Believing that love is most important in marriage, but it is not a guarantee of a successful marriage. We need knowledge of Scriptural principles; God's own order.

    Problems arise when we compromise or ignore these principles. By researching a wedding book, you can find out what marriage is. Misunderstandings have turned many marriages into civil wars. Knowledge is essential for a couple to stay together. If prayers are interrupted, there will be chaos at home. Without knowing the difference between a man and a woman, it is impossible for a man and a woman to live together. Knowledge is not invaluable; it must be acquired. It is foolish to acquire knowledge and refuse to apply it. Wisdom means acquiring knowledge.



    Men in God's name, want to be gentle and kind! Men need compassion, loving care, plenty of affection, and constant forgiveness. Your spouse is not angry with you because he hates you, but because he is angry or frustrated with something.

    In the past, a woman's anger bothered me! I hated that a woman was angry or crazy about a minor thing! I assumed he was made of iron, well composed all the time and had all the answers to everyone's problems! Of course, this is immature, low thinking! Marriage and years of counseling have taught me that women are of flesh and blood, not of stone and metal!

    Men have a huge responsibility at home. Paying bills, meeting needs, putting pressure at work, mentally, financially, emotionally and psychologically can deplete a man! As a woman, show that a man is compassionate, treat her well, understand

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