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Aaron thought he was one of the worst society had to offer. That was until he found himself an unwilling pawn fighting for survival within the Blessed Departed Funeral Home.

PublisherDoug Rinaldi
Release dateJun 27, 2021

Doug Rinaldi

Originally from Connecticut, Doug attended college in Pittsburgh and received a degree in Computer Animation and Special Effects for stage and screen. However, writing dark fiction had always been his passion. He eventually relocated to the wilds of Southern New Hampshire with his two cats where he has been honing his writing and artistic skills ever since.

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    Book preview

    Cruciform - Doug Rinaldi


    Doug Rinaldi

    Copyright © 2021 Author Name

    Smashwords Edition

    Christ, it’s cold as a bitch out here, man.

    Aaron looked up at Paul from inside the hole. As if it didn’t suck enough digging up another grave, listening to Paul moan up and down about it was the icing on the shit-cake. Paul—with his eye for the obvious—had a valid point, though; it was cold as hell, and he was freezing his sack off. He looked up at his shivering partner once more before putting the shovel back to dirt and his mind back to his task.

    Oh, yeah. It’s so nice and toasty down here. Aaron shook his head. You should the one down here on corpse patrol instead of up there on look-out. You didn’t do such a good job last time. Stupid ass bitch.

    Ancient history, man, Paul claimed as his teeth clanked together. I’m fuckin’ freezin’.

    You’re just lucky the boss bailed our asses out. Halloran, well known in some circles yet feared in most, flexed some muscle and the judge slapped the two delinquents on the wrist with nothing more than some community service and probation.

    Almost there! Aaron sensed it. A couple more minutes of digging through frozen earth and he’d hit pay dirt. Halloran informed them they’d find a handsomely sized package of heroin inside this coffin in particular. The irony of the name ‘Neadles’ engraved on the tombstone above wasn’t lost on Aaron either.

    The crack of his shovel hitting wood echoed through the air. They both stopped moving, hoping that the sound didn’t travel too

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