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Amish Deaf
Amish Deaf
Amish Deaf
Ebook30 pages29 minutes

Amish Deaf

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About this ebook

Rebecca is a single Amish woman turning thirty and she has all but given up hope of finding a husband. She works as a teacher in the outside world and has a boy in her class who is deaf. Trained in sign language, she bonds with the boy who seems to be in desperate need of a mother as his own had passed away years earlier. She eventually meets the boy's father and the attraction is immediate. But the father, like the son, is deaf in a figurative way as he cannot feel anything beyond his the psychological trauma he suffered with his wife's passing. Can Rebecca break down these barriers and make them whole again?

Release dateJun 30, 2021
Amish Deaf

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    Book preview

    Amish Deaf - Alice Evans


    Dictionaries and lecturers could spend years discuss the meaning of meaningless ideas. Happiness and sorrow; pain and freedom; love and hate... We are taught to think that there are two sides to every coin, but we are not taught the path to any of them. How do you achieve or prevent any of these things? Are they all a matter of perspective, or is it something deeper? Or maybe something else entirely... maybe achieving something as simple as happiness is as simple as it appears.

    However, something that seems so obvious to the outside eye may be invisible or inconceivable by the beholder. How can an invisible barrier be the cause for so much heartache? Easily. There are no worse demons than the ones we create in our minds. If you were to imagine how a scenario would play out, you will most likely think of three negative outcomes to every positive reaction you desire. Because of this, many of us get scared, back down, and move on with nothing happening. But then... very rarely, there is a spark that occurs in the back of your mind that races to your heart. A spark that for just a second eliminates all of the fear and ideas of possible pain, and allows you do say or do what you needed. You may not believe in any of this, even people who experience it don’t oftentimes understand where it comes from. But in this tale, you will see a girl who believes with her whole heart that God will provide whatever she needs, and believes with his guidance she will find who she is meant to be with; while we see a man who is having a hard time believing in anything, and their journey to finding love together and growing stronger in their faith. It is not a complicated story, deceit has no place in this tale, though it is impossible to tell a story without misunderstanding.

    In a way that is how every great love starts, with one party misunderstanding and the other following their heart to strengthen their love...

    Chapter One

    The wind was warm that day. It blew through town, past the farm land, through the trees; flowing straight into town. As it reached the school yard, Rebecca Fisher stood out on the lawn ringing the bell to signal the children to come back in after lunch. Students rushed

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