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Expert in Eliminating Abdominal fat & 50 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat
Expert in Eliminating Abdominal fat & 50 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat
Expert in Eliminating Abdominal fat & 50 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat
Ebook59 pages40 minutes

Expert in Eliminating Abdominal fat & 50 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

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Abdominal obesity, also known as central obesity, is something that many people around the world struggle with. Once you reach middle age, too many people are affected by those two dreaded words ... belly fat. However, it can also be a problem for children and adolescents.

People simply see it as a weight problem, but it can also be linked to cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and many other metabolic and vascular diseases.

Although nobody likes belly fat, it is too often overlooked as a symptom of aging. However, it can be a symptom of much, much more. It is not something you simply need to consider the price of getting old. It is something to be taken seriously.

What is belly fat?

Belly fat is usually subcutaneous fat, found under the skin. If you have problems with belly fat, it can also be visceral fat. This is also known as organ fat that accumulates between internal organs. This is also known as "belly" or "beer belly". It is associated with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and colorectal cancer.

In recent studies, scientists have realized that it is not really how much a person weighs, but rather their amount of body fat that actually indicates obesity.

Imaging techniques were developed throughout the 1980s and 1990s that helped improve understanding of exactly how many health risks can be associated with the accumulation of body fat. These include CT and MRI scans that help divide tissue masses in the abdominal region.

For women, belly fat is more common after menopause. Sometimes those people who simply think that this goes hand in hand with aging and do not realize the danger it can cause. While women feel like it's just something that makes them go up one size in their jeans, it carries health risks.

Like fat in any other area, it is determined by balancing the calories you eat with the energy you burn. In other words, if you eat too much and burn too little, you will have excess fat. As you age, your muscle mass shrinks. Your fat, however, increases. When your muscle mass is reduced, it also reduces your body's calorie use rate. This can make it even more difficult for people to maintain a healthy weight as they age.

Sometimes you can have an increase in belly fat as you age without even gaining weight. In women, this may be due to a reduced level of estrogen. Research has shown that estrogen appears to influence where fat is distributed in a woman's body. Regardless of the weight that is shown as normal in the BMI measurement charts, women with a large waist are known to be at risk of premature death and often stain before cardiovascular disease.

Most women hate having even an inch or so of belly fat. However, how do you know if your belly fat is a health risk? Just measure it. Use a tape measure and wrap it around your bare stomach. You want it to be snug, but not cut into the skin. For women, if your measurement is greater than 35 inches, you are at a higher risk for health problems. For men, the measure of concern is around 40 inches.........


























PublisherMario Aveiga
Release dateJul 7, 2021
Expert in Eliminating Abdominal fat & 50 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

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    Book preview

    Expert in Eliminating Abdominal fat & 50 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat - Mario Aveiga

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. July 7, 2021.

    Copyright © 2021 Mario Aveiga.

    ISBN: 979-8201065157

    Written by Mario Aveiga.

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