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Baby in a Basket
Baby in a Basket
Baby in a Basket
Ebook24 pages21 minutes

Baby in a Basket

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About this ebook

Preston was used to people leaving strays on his doorstep. Usually a kitten or a puppy. 
But when he awoke that morning, he found...a baby with a note written on his basket. 
You probably don't remember me, but that's not important. This baby is your daughter. Her name is Lauren. I can't take care of her. I can only hope that you'll find it in your heart to give her a home and a family. 
Love, X."

Release dateJul 2, 2021
Baby in a Basket

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    Book preview

    Baby in a Basket - Sarah Amberson

    Preston placed his breakfast dishes in the wash basin and paused. He knew that he should just finish them up before starting the day, but it was always hard to actually get started. It was a job he had never really enjoyed. He sighed and picked up a scrubber and got to work. There weren’t that many dishes and it couldn’t take him too long.

    A sharp knock startled him.

    I wonder who might be visiting here at this time of the morning?

    Grateful for an excuse to leave the dishes for later, he shook his hands and dried them then hurried toward the door. The sun had just begun to rise and as far as he knew not many people came visiting at this hour.

    For a moment, he was confused. No one was on the other side of the door to greet him. Only the morning sun peeking over the horizon stared back at him, nearly blinding his eyes. He squinted at the sun and scanned the yard. There was no sign that anyone had been there.

    Suddenly his dog, Gruff, gave an excited bark and pushed past him to sniff at the basket sitting on the porch. He sat down and cocked his head to the side as if he heard some sound coming from the basket.

    Preston eyed the basket warily. He hadn’t seen it there before. Whoever had knocked must have left it.

    It was a large brown wicker basket with an almost round bottom and was covered with a woven lid, keeping its contents hidden from outside eyes.

    Stay back boy. You don’t know what’s in there, Preston cautioned his dog.

    The animal backed up with a whine. A similar sound came from inside the basket, causing Gruff to jump and bark all around Preston

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