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A Timeline for Robert Fuller Fans
A Timeline for Robert Fuller Fans
A Timeline for Robert Fuller Fans
Ebook400 pages3 hours

A Timeline for Robert Fuller Fans

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About this ebook

A Timeline For Robert Fuller Fans is written by a long time fan, Carol A. Wirth.  Her personal items, experiences and research created this look back in time.  The intent of this ebook is to educate new and old fans about the life of actor Robert Fuller.  She wanted to thank Bob for a lifetime of enjoyment watching his performances and to thank him for meeting her and his many fans.  Fans can thank Robert for entertaining them too.  A portion of all sales will go to Robert and his wife Jennifer's favorite charity, The Wounded Warriors.  You can have fun learning more about Robert and make a difference.



Are you are a fan from Robert's Laramie days or did you discover him more recently on reruns?  Are you a Wagon Train or Emergency fan?  Do you know him from the many movies he has been in?  Fans get mini summaries and background info.  Are you curious about production staff, co-stars and guest stars Robert worked with or knew?  Besides birth and death dates you may find official websites or mini bios.



A Timeline for Robert Fuller Fans gives fans a glimpse into Robert's early life as a stunt man, extra and later as a leading man working in movies and television.  The author shares websites where even some of his earliest 1950's performances can be seen along with interviews, award presentations and festival appearances.  Robert Fuller fans will find many hours of viewing choices.  



A Timeline for Robert Fuller Fans contains episode listings, games shows, plays and other personal appearances.  Discover what honors he received.  It is filled with lobby cards, magazines, TV guides, articles and worldwide studio marketing materials like comics, posters, postcards, toys, albums, VHS tapes and DVDs.



The ebook also lists books and Internet sites Robert is in and YouTube tributes that fans created.  Many resources, including his official website, are shared for fans to obtain items related to Robert's career.  For western fans, there is a real West chapter including settings where Robert portrayed real people and numerous places to see and experience what cowboy life was like.  Other western stars, artists and singers are included so they can be remembered too. 



Fans around the world continue to love Robert and his work.  Fans admire and love him as a person.  A Timeline for Robert Fuller Fans helps all of us celebrate the magic of Robert Fuller.  Enjoy!





Release dateApr 27, 2023
A Timeline for Robert Fuller Fans

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    Book preview

    A Timeline for Robert Fuller Fans - Carol A. Wirth








    THE LARAMIE YEARS 1959 - 1963


    WAGON TRAIN YEARS 1963 - 1965


    THE FREELANCE YEARS 1965 - 1972


    EMERGENCY YEARS 1972 - 1979


    OUTDOOR YEARS 1980 - 1996


    THE LATER YEARS 1997 - 2021






















    Carol A. Wirth has written a wonderful book on her favorite actor Robert Fuller.  She has done extensive research giving very detailed information that will serve as a good reference for the many fans of this terrific actor.


    She explains from the beginning how she became a fan as a young girl and continues her passion for the career of Robert Fuller.  She includes a good timeline of his career that even includes his minor roles as a dancer and extra.  This book is a nice tribute to Mr. Fuller.


    I am amazed at the amount of information she has in this book.  Carol A. Wirth worked first as a collector and then as a researcher to put this information together.  It should be interesting and helpful for any fan of Robert Fuller.


    Terry Swindol

    Author, Film Historian, Videographer 


    Front Cover is Robert with the author.


    The intent of this book is to educate new and old fans about the life of actor Robert Fuller.  It is written by a fan and a portion of all profits will go to Robert and Jennifer’s favorite charity Wounded Warriors.  Later, if needed, proceeds will be split between this charity and maintaining Robert’s official website.


    Since Robert Fuller’s Laramie television series, he has been receiving fan letters.  Throughout his career and now in retirement, he continues to get fan mail.  Fans loved him then and they love him now.  He hasn’t changed over time.


    Since three of his television series are in reruns and on DVD’s, he has gotten even more fans.  Whether written yesterday to his official website or ones from the past each fan letter expresses thoughts of a moment in time.  Each fan letter has its own story to tell.  Each, like the one below, was sent with love.


    November 6, 1999


    Hi - A 12 year old girl fell in love in 1965.  She wrote few words and only short sentences in her diary.  Below are some I thought you would enjoy.


    1/7/65 watched Laramie & recorded Jess voice on a dictaphone  1/21/65.Jess posed as outlaw  2/2/65 Laramie.  Jess gets shot in shoulder     4/11/65 very disappointed.  channel 18 is broke.  Laramie is on that station.  5/9/65 watched Wagon Train with Bob Fuller  1/18/66 got movie magazine with Robert Fuller  1/27/68 watched Laramie.  About Jess  2/5/70 went to see Bob Fuller in Boeing Boeing. Was beautiful.  Talked & signed autographs after.  Did a great job.  Looked so handsome - the same.  Nervous before seeing him.


    Many things have changed over the years but Bob Fuller's work still remains magical for me and part of my life.  Since 1965 I have saved anything I could find about you - TV Guide issues and ads, magazines, newspapers, books, etc.  I saved the Boeing Boeing autographed program and my pen you signed it with.  Since the 1980's and VCR's I have added many performances to my private video collection including my first Laramie episode recently.  I have a pretty extensive list but I'd like to see how many I am missing and where I might get them. 


    Also have some great bio information for which I would love to be able to fill in the missing parts.  I have viewed early roles via the Museum of Broadcasting in NY City and Chicago.  I have memories of spoon playing and mounting a horse on the Dinah Shore show, playing Password with your kids, pheasant hunting on Wide World of Sports and hearing about your son's birth problems on Hollywood Squares. 


    And now the memories will continue since my sweetie found this web site for me - not only the new information that it contains but that you will be in NV in Dec.  We extended our previously planned trip so this woman can once again be nervous before seeing you.  Can't wait - it's so hard to say thanks for the hours of enjoyment your work has brought me and to wish you the very best of everything. 


    Carol Wirth with web address


    Robert’s performances and how he interacts with people creates a very special magic.  People know and remember him doing things we all do - like going to school or serving in the military.  Fans though have a different image of the man.  They remember a particular episode of a television program or movie that impacted them.  They remember seeing him playing tennis in a charity tournament.  Fans remember seeing him at some event, maybe getting an autograph, hug or kiss.  Some remember a particular conversation, a memory of a moment in time that continues to bring happiness.  Many fans have signed photographs or photos taken with Robert.  Some fans used their own skills to create musical tributes or birthday greetings.  No matter what fans have done, the bottom line has been that they love him.


    Fans knew Robert was busy living life rather than writing about his own life.  We know he held his own memories private.  As the above letter show, I am a fan.  With love and respect, I created a timeline of bits and pieces of his experiences so new fans could see the whole man.  Many of us fans were kids in the 1960’s.  Then we believed anything we read or saw.  We believed those quotes, those studio or magazine photographs but now we know better.  I have tried to sort out the facts and note and correct some of these inaccuracies. 


    Robert’s official website is . Tony Gill and Robert’s Fandom group worked hard to compile background on Robert.  Many fans, like me, have contributed to Robert’s website.  I even wrote on lined paper a 63 page Laramie story.  Later in high school I typed it.  Remember this was a time when there weren’t any correction options much less today’s cut and paste.  I gave the now 26 typed pages to my English teacher to critique.  Mine would be too time consuming to edit or rewrite but fans can see other stories fans have created on Robert’s website. 


    With thousands of fans, there are many Internet sources about Robert.  A Timeline for Robert Fuller Fans shares some of these sites to explore.  It also includes Robert’s movies, television programs, events he attended, interviews he did and awards and tributes he received.  Internet searches will show hundreds of photos that for copyright reasons I could not include.  Youtube choices are almost endless but some I find one day but not the next. 


    Over the course of Robert’s lifetime, he has known or worked with names we know.  His circle of friends and acquaintances is vast.  Some are from the entertainment field, others are not.  When possible I have shared Internet links so you can learn more.  Fans, new and old, can explore links to learn about cast members, etc.  Most might also be found on or or or or or at or .  Each celebrity used their talents to entertain us and deserves to be remembered.  Some of the names you may not recognize but you know their faces.  Sadly, many are no longer with us but modern technology keeps them alive.  For those living, this may be your chance to say hello and thanks.  Again, these website resources above are but a few of those available.  Please enjoy viewing them.


    Using personal items I have saved over the years and my research into Robert’s life, his movies, television programs and events I compiled this timeline.  I was unable to get Tony Gill’s approval to be included on Robert’s official website.  It has not been officially ‘fact checked’ but to the best of my knowledge it is accurate.  I tried to present a variety of items tied to Robert’s career to help both new and old fans find something new.  Again sadly, due to photo ownership issues and no responses for permission from Universal Studio hundreds of photos I had hoped to include are excluded. 


    This timeline of Robert Fuller’s life are in date order whenever possible.  When dates are conflicting, I chose the one I thought was most accurate.  Throughout this timeline I used the name he had on that date.  For consistency I used the formal Robert although professionally and personally he goes by Bob.  To many fans, he is family and this timeline summary is a fan’s tribute. 


    I have included youtube ( ) story links and viewing Robert’s work.  Those covering many time periods or topic areas are listed after the timeline.   Following the timeline fans will also find more info on celebrities and the real West.  Fans can find out what was life really like in the 1800’s for cowboys and Native American Indians.  Fans can step back in time to visit forts, historic sites, museums and actual locations in history books.  Do you want to see the Oregon Trail, ride a replica stagecoach or take a covered wagon trip? 


    Fans can attend annual events or go to western themed restaurants or outdoor dining musical presentations.  Western lovers can go to a dude ranch to learn to ride or go on a cattle drive.  The possibilities are endless and you can go in person or arm chair travel via Internet sites. 


    Robert, in real life and in the roles he played, has qualities to be admired.  He encourages a value system, a way of life.  Others, like Roy and Dale Evans, were example setters.  Robert took the time and effort to make this world a better place.  Most of us will never receive worldwide feedback but we all remember a moment in time when someone said or did something that impacted us.  Could you show a child what fungi are?  Can you encourage someone going through a divorce or comfort someone after a death?  We all have something to contribute. 


    I wanted a way to honor Robert.  I also wanted to create a place where his fans could support Robert’s cause, The Wounded Warriors Project.  A percentage of the profit from this ebook goes to this worthwhile organization and later if needed a portion of the sales will go to his official website to ensure its existence another 100 years. 


    Whether you are going down memory lane or this material is new, enjoy this timeline.  Enjoy this mini peek into Robert’s life.  He is someone worth knowing and worth remembering. 


    Many of us loved Robert in 1959 and we love him now.  Enjoy Robert’s timeline and celebrate his life.  He, like others before him, can be role models for your children and grandchildren.  Western history and values can be passed on.



    Betty M., Robert’s mom, is born.  She will have a New York social security number.



    Robert C. Simpson, Robert’s future stepfather, is born.  His Illinois social security number will be 327-14-0838.



    Leonard Leroy Lee was born in Troy, NY at 1:50 p.m. to Betty and Buddy Lee.  His nickname became Buddy.  (Some sources have 1934 date and his name as Robert Cole, Jr.  His step father’s professional name is Robert Cole).


    Childhood and young adult photos were printed in a 110 page Japanese special Robert issue magazine during his visit there in 1961.


    Buddy attends St Mary’s School in New York.



    About this time, Buddy’s parents divorce and he and his mom move to Miami, Florida.  Betty supports herself and Buddy by being a chorus girl, choreographer and dancing headliner. 



    Buddy learns acrobatics and is a wrestling fan.


    Buddy listens to the radio show Let’s Pretend with Peter Brown (10/5/1935-3/21/2016 ) on the radio.  (From 1957 to 2005 Peter had over 110 roles not including three television series.  Two, Lawman and Laredo, were westerns   Peter gave an excellent interview introducing the release of Laredo on DVD).  Robert and Peter would work together in the future and become good friends).


    9/301940 - 8/4/1941

    During this time period, Robert’s future stepfather, Robert C. Simpson, is a Seaman 2C in the U.S. Navy.  He may have been assigned to the new ship USS Arcturus. 


    1943 - 1944

    Buddy is in military school in Florida for 5th and 6th grades. 


    Betty is still dancing in Florida where there are at least four military bases.  She meets Robert Simpson, Sr., born 8/23/1920, a naval officer while Buddy is in military school.  He visits Buddy and they spend time together drinking cokes or at night clubs his mom is working at.  Robert asks Buddy if it’s ok to marry his mom.  Buddy agrees and Robert Simpson became his dad, not step dad.



    Betty M. Lee and Robert C. Simpson marry in Broward County, Florida.  Betty changes Leonard Leroy Lee’s name on his birth certificate to Robert C. Simpson, Jr. voiding it.  Buddy was not aware of this until he was to enter the army.



    Patricia Lyon, future first wife and mother to his three children, is born on St. Patrick’s Day in Hammond, Indiana.


    1945 - 1947

    After Betty and Robert Simpson marry they move to Chicago, Illinois for one year. 


    Buddy is in public school for 7th to 8th grade.  He is dancing. 

    Buddy is spending time watching movies on Saturday afternoons.  He sees stars like Gene Autry, Don Red Barry, Roy Rogers, Bob Steele, Randolph Scott and Throne Power. (Later in his career, Robert will meet many of his childhood heroes).


    Gene Autry (9/29/1907-10/2/1998) started singing on radio in 1929.  Known as the ‘singing cowboy" from 1934 to 1953 he was in 93 movies and had his own television show (1950-1956).  Gene’s best known songs include Back in the Saddle Again, Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer and a song he wrote Frosty the Snowman.  Gene made 640 recordings writing more than 300 of them himself or with a co-author. From 1931 to 1949 he released 33 singles.  In the 1950’s Gene had 7 singles.  He made 2 albums in 1976.  Two more singles were releases in the 1990’s and another two in the 2000’s.  His music sold over 100 million copies and his Christmas songs continue to be very popular.  Gene had a weekly radio show from 1940 to 1956.  In 1934 Gene made his first movie and made movies before and after his military service during World War II as a pilot.  His movies were top money makers in 1937 to 1942 and were in second place from 1943 to 1952.  In the 1940’s and 1950’s at least 133 Gene Autry comic books were published and from 1954 to 1984 a Mexican publisher put out 423 issues.  Between 1942 and 1968 Gene was involved with rodeos including providing livestock.  Over the years he owned recording studios, production companies, radio and television stations and a Major Baseball team.  In 1968 Gene and his wife Jackie were co-owners with another couple and the four of them created the Gene Autry Museum of the American West / Western Heritage Museum ( ).  Gene has many awards including getting five stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  See 


    Don Red Barry (1/11/1912-7/17/1980) started on stage in the late 1930’s and later got his nick name Red while appearing on a 1940 Red Ryder film, a character he played in other movies as well.  From 1933 to 1981 he appeared in over 136 roles.  Red was also a movie screenwriter and director.  After police were called investigating a domestic dispute with his estranged wife, sadly Don killed himself.)


    Joel McCrea (11/5/1905-10/20/1990. Over 50 years starting in 1932 until 1976 Joel made over 100 movies - many were westerns.  In high school he worked as a stunt double for William S. Hart (12/6/1864-6/23/1946) and Tom Mix (1/6/1880-10/12/1990 - See ).  He received several awards during his lifetime.  Joel was an outdoorsman and rancher.  He and his wife Frances Dee were married 57 years.  After his death at least 115 acres of land he owned was donated so its wildness could be preserved.  See although it contains many ads. 


    Roy Rogers (11/5/1911-7/6/1998) became known as ‘King of the Cowboys’ is also admired by the author who saw him twice in person.  Roy started on radio in 1931 and traveled around in singing in The Rocky Mountaineers / Bar-O-Cowboys / Sons of the Pioneers (1934).  His most popular songs included Don’t Fence Me In, Tumbling Tumbleweeds and Happy Trails.  From 1946 to 1991 Roy had 13 singles with My Chickashay Gal getting to #4.  From 1970 to 1991 Roy had 4 albums.  In 1991 he released a music video.  From 1934 to 1984 Roy’s had over 110 roles.  In 1943, 1945, 1951 and 1952 Roy was the number one box office star.  From 1946 to 1950 he was in the top 19 box office stars.  In 1940 Roy got merchandising control and his family tested products with his name on them before they were sold.  Roy along with his wife actress and author Dale Evans (married 51 years), promote WWII war bonds and adoptions, visited hospitals, attended many fund raising and charity events.  Roy’s own production company developed his television show and several others.  Roy received numerous awards including 3 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and 2 Country Music Awards.  See .


    Bob Steele (1/23/1907-12/21/1988).  Bob came from a vaudeville family.  His father went into movies, as did Bob and his twin brother Bill.  From 1927 to 1967 he worked in movies and television including being a regular in several series.  See .


    Randolph Scott (1/23/1898-3/2/1987).  Robert thought he was a great cowboy.  From 1928 to 1962 Randolph had over 60 of his 100 roles in westerns.  In box office sales Randolph in 1950 was #10, in 1951 #7 and in both 1952 and 1953 he was #10.  He invested money wisely making money in gas, oil wells, real estate and securities.  Randolph enjoyed golfing and was religious. During his lifetime and afterward he received several awards.  He and his wife Barbara were married for 43 years when he died of heart and lung problems.


    Tyrone Power (5/5/1914-11/15/1958).  Coming from a stage family back to his great grandfather born in 1795 he joined his father on stage in 1931 before he died in 12/1931.  Tyrone came to Hollywood in 1936 and from 1936 to 1943 made very successful movies.  Tyrone also appeared in at least 7 radio productions.  He enlisted as a Marine during World War II and became a pilot and stayed in the reserves becoming a Major in 1957.  Tyrone appeared in over 50 movies

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