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Quantum Spirituality
Quantum Spirituality
Quantum Spirituality
Ebook111 pages2 hours

Quantum Spirituality

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There is more to the universe than what we see and more to ourselves than who we are.  There is more to reality than we see.  What we perceive and experience is an extension of our inner reality.

Spirit is the ultimate source of all and all is one.  Spirit is the absolute reality and the basic building block of all that is.

An enlightening and spiritually awakening book for those who seek Truth and Spirituality.

PublisherWinco Books
Release dateJul 3, 2021
Quantum Spirituality

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    Book preview

    Quantum Spirituality - Dr. Ricardo Frazer

    Quantum Spirituality

    African Cosmological Perspective


    Published by Winco Books

    (An Imprint of Winco Publishers)

    Kottayam 686575, Kerala, India

    Copyright © Ricardo Frazer, PhD

    The moral right of the author has been asserted

    First Edition 2019

    All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part

    without the prior written permission of the publishers.

    The author has made every effort to ensure that due credit is given through proper citation of the journals/articles/other text referenced and the images used. While expressing any factual instance or data, the author has done his best to rely on credible and documented sources. Yet, there is a possibility of an error due to human endeavor. In case any such error is spotted, please email the author/publisher and it will be duly and promptly corrected in the further editions of the book.


    African Cosmological Perspective

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    Cover Design by Brand Mithra

    Design and Typesetting by Winco Publishing Services

    Printed and bound in India

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    Quantum Spirituality

    African Cosmological Perspective

    Ricardo Frazer, PhD

    WINCO LOGO copy

    The book is dedicated to my paternal grandparents Steadman Frazer

    and Olive Edwards.

    One Heart . . . One Love . . . One Spirit.

    Ricardo Frazer, PhD

    C:\Users\user\Desktop\Winco Books Master Folder\Karmu Holistic Healing\Ricardo.jpg Ricardo Frazer, PhD is a Professor of Psychology in the Division of Social Sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College. He holds degrees from Bowling Green State University (PhD, MA, Industrial/Organizational Psycho-logy), Harvard University (Ed.M, Counseling and Consulting Psychology), and the University of Connecticut (BA, Psychology, BS, Environmental Horti-culture). He is a Licensed Board Certified Psychology Diplomate and was elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London in 2003.

    He has presented scholarly papers to national audiences on diverse topics such as Optimal Psychology, Shamanic Healing, and Psychological Wellness. Among his current scholarly explorations are psychological resiliency, social interest, worldview, and racial identity. Additional research areas and publications include the use of silver nano particles in HIV treatment protocols, and racial discrimination in employment practices. He was Northwestern University Art Services Manager and Director of the Dittmar Memorial Gallery from 1992 through 1999.

    A prolific oil painter, poet, photographer, percussionist, and guitarist, he examines black music and visual art as historical and contemporary facilitators of ritual, flow, and trance.

    He is available for psychotherapy, holistic healing, and psychological consultation at


    Foreword: All is One, One is All ... 7

    Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness ... 9

    Quantum Reality and Spirituality ... 18

    African Cosmology and Energy Psychology ... 27

    Optimal Theory, Flow and African

    Subconscious Mind ... 40

    Kemetic Psychology and Philosophy ... 54

    Quantum Physics and Moral Consciousness

    in Ancient Kemet ... 70

    Medicine, Psychiatry and Magic

    in Ancient Kemet ... 86

    Appendix 1: Admonitions of Ma’at ... 98

    Appendix 2: Affirmations of Ma’at ... 100

    Appendix 3: Notes ... 103

    Appendix 4: References ... 104


    All is One, One is All


    owards the end of the Dark Ages, which lasted for a thousand years, the church had a presentiment that science would corroborate the gospel truths. However, in the centuries that followed, church and science divorced and took different paths with a great deal of bloody bickering and heart burn. At last, both are coming to a common ground in Higgs ethereal field and Higgs boson particles.

    The classical dictum nil posse creari de nilo, nothing comes from nothing, coined by Parmenides and the African Kemetic realization that spirit is the ultimate source of all and all is one boils down to the fact that spirit is the absolute entity and the basic building block of all that is or seems to be.

    It was an American chieftain, Seattle, who observed that nothing has an independent existence and ultimate unity hides beyond the curtain of ignorance. The quasi particle quasi wave cloud of quantum mechanics will assume a clearer shape only when the unified field theory takes its final shape and supersedes the Newtonian and later day Einsteinian canons.

    Quantum Spirituality: African Cosmological Perspective makes a claim that North African civilization, especially Egypt, was of Black African roots. This contention may not sit well with our present day frame of understanding in the mainstream. In fact, some of the hypotheses brought out in the book, suddenly from the blue, may trigger a controversy and the author may be invited to come out with more convincing evidence. But controversies spark streaks of truth.

    This book makes for interesting reading and thrills us with philosophical cornerstones of modern thought that have their roots deep in the African mysteries. The author makes an earnest effort to trace and pick the timeless wisdom dormant in the Kemetic traditions. Above all, this book reminds us that humanity cannot ignore its dormant African legacy.

    Alex Paikada, PhD

    Dr. Paikada is a prolific writer and speaker. He believes that there is more to the world than what we see and more to ourselves than who we are. He is the promoter of spirituality that transcends all religions.

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    Chapter 01

    Quantum Mechanics

    and Consciousness


    cientific psychology makes reference to and utilizes physics as one of its foundations and as such the implications of quantum mechanics have been considered by psychologists. The unusual world of quantum physics is under exploration and there are a lot of theories regarding what quantum mechanics says about consciousness. Most physicists today do not believe that quantum theory is involved with consciousness even though quantum mechanics owes an intellectual debt to psychology.

    However, it is not their job to study consciousness. That is the job of other scholars, such as psychologists. I think, as a psychologist, that quantum mechanics speaks directly to consciousness and shifts our causal model. Scientists take the position that if I see it, I will believe it. So if we can measure something then it exists.

    But, it isn’t that seeing is believing. It’s the other way around — believing is seeing. Once you believe, you can conceive, then you can see and actualize. If you don’t believe something is possible, it’s very difficult to see or manifest it. Even if the evidence is right in your face, you will probably not see it.

    Quantum theory articulates an understanding of energy wherein energy is thought of as wave and particle. Sub-atomic particles behave as waves of possibility, when unobserved. The waves collapse into particles, when observed. It is well established that energy is matter in motion.

    Einstein believed that everything in the universe is comprised of dynamic relationships of energy and provided a mathematical formulation for the relationship between energy and matter. He demonstrated that, mathematically, energy and matter are interchangeable since one form can be converted into the other. Many of the predictions generated by this theorem and its associated theory have been confirmed.

    Quantum mechanics explains non-local action at a distance and psychic ability

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