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The Hero of Abarxia
The Hero of Abarxia
The Hero of Abarxia
Ebook44 pages33 minutes

The Hero of Abarxia

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The prince returns triumphant from a decisive battle, riding a superb, shimmering golden stallion, the prized steed of his vanquished foe. Even as the kingdom rejoices in the prince's victory, all is not well with the horse. It is rapidly wasting away from a strange ailment. The aged king seeks a magical procedure that will allow him to temporarily exchange minds with the horse and learn the reason for its decline. A short story.

Release dateOct 1, 2021
The Hero of Abarxia

Deborah J. Ross

Deborah J. Ross is an award-nominated author of fantasy and science fiction. She’s written a dozen traditionally published novels and somewhere around six dozen pieces of short fiction. After her first sale in 1983 to Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Sword & Sorceress, her short fiction has appeared in F & SF, Asimov’s, Star Wars: Tales from Jabba’s Palace, Realms of Fantasy, Sisters of the Night, MZB’s Fantasy Magazine, and many other anthologies and magazines. Her recent books include Darkover novels Thunderlord and The Children of Kings (with Marion Zimmer Bradley); Collaborators, a Lambda Literary Award Finalist/James Tiptree, Jr. Award recommended list (as Deborah Wheeler); and The Seven-Petaled Shield, an epic fantasy trilogy based on her “Azkhantian Tales” in the Sword and Sorceress series. Deborah made her editorial debut in 2008 with Lace and Blade, followed by Lace and Blade 2, Stars of Darkover (with Elisabeth Waters), Gifts of Darkover, Realms of Darkover, and a number of other anthologies.

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    Book preview

    The Hero of Abarxia - Deborah J. Ross

    Thirsty Redwoods Press

    Boulder Creek California

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events in this book are fictitious.

    All resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental.

    Copyright © 2013 by Deborah J. Ross

    First published in When the Hero Comes Home 2, ed. G. Harbowy, Dragon Moon Press. All rights reserved.

    Cover image: Detail of the Alexander Mosaic, House of Faun in Pompeii, c 100 BCE.

    The Hero of Abarxia

    When word arrived that the war was over, the kingdom went mad with joy. The enemy had been soundly defeated at the Vale of Abarxia and their Prince-general, Jarez, had been slain. Each report was more extravagant in its praise of Prince Givors than the one before. Surely, everyone said, he was the bravest of men and the most shrewd and resourceful of military leaders.

    The triumphal procession made its way into the capital city and down the broad, straight avenue festooned with pennons of crimson and silver-edged blue. Unmistakable by his golden hair and the noble carriage, Givors rode at the head of his company where all the city could see him and feel themselves part of his glory.

    King Mornand watched from the balcony of the Hall of Justice. His chest had been paining him more than usual, his breath failed him with even the smallest exertion, and so he had taken advantage of an old man’s privilege and waited for his son to come to him. If his hopes had been fulfilled, then he would soon be able to rest, knowing the kingdom was at last in good hands.

    The cortege advanced a little further and now, even with his aged eyes, Mornand saw that Givors no longer rode the heavy-crested black stallion that was the best warhorse within living memory. No, this steed was tall and slender, and its hide caught the light like a shimmering pearl, cream and blue and polished silver. Mornand murmured under his breath, praising all the gods that had ever graced his realm, for this must be one of the legendary aswa horses of the Sahael Desert, famed not only for their speed and beauty but for their fierce loyalty to their masters. He had never heard of one allowing any other than its beloved to ride it, but clearly his son had inspired this one to accept him. It was said that battle tempered men like steel, and what greater proof could there be that Givors had at last risen to the greatness of his heritage?

    How Mornand wished he could have been there to witness the final moments of the battle—to see the fall of the enemy and the red flags of victory. To watch Givors

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