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Zen Rising
Zen Rising
Zen Rising
Ebook236 pages3 hours

Zen Rising

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It is 2019. The Global Conveyor Belt, Earth’s natural climate regulator, has stopped and triggers many major natural disasters worldwide which forces humankind into a new beginning and spawns a new evolution of our species.

In the face of dwindling resources and possible extinction, will humankind fall to division and corruption or will they band together and live peacefully alongside their Zen brethren?
Release dateJul 4, 2021
Zen Rising

William L. Truax III

William L. Truax III is a disabled veteran; father and author. 

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    Zen Rising - William L. Truax III

    Sitting at her desk, Mira was reading the result of her latest buoy readings. She wondered why the temperature from the buoy readings was getting colder on the surface of the water. She put the data into her computer and compared it to the two months ago readings and noticed it was a significant drop. Mira then picked up the phone and called her Mother, she wanted to confirm the temperatures that she was noticing as well as the significant rise in oceanic currents that the two buoy indicators were reacting to. She hoped that there was an answer and that her Mother knew it.

    The phone rang silently on her end. The beeping sounds indicated to her that she was automatically transferred to her Mother’s satellite phone. She figured that her Mother must be on the water somewhere in the Atlantic, but then the beeping switched into some regular rings that she then thought were going to her Mom’s cell phone, but when her Mom picked up the phone, she felt a relief that she missed that day at the office.

    Mom these readings are not right, they’ve dropped considerably within the last two months, you been out there so have you figured out what’s going on? Mira asked her mother, she was concerned and expressed it in her voice. Her mother did not say anything for a couple minutes, Mira heard her typing on the keyboard as well as shuffling through papers on her desk. Mom are you there?

    Yes, I am here. I was just looking at my stats. See if there’s anything that I could do to help you. Her mother replied and continue cycling through the papers on her desk.

    I’m going to email you the latest results that I have and compare them to yours in the field and let me know if there’s any differences from my machine. Mira typed on the keyboard and sent her mother the file that she had saved to her desktop and then hung up the phone.

    Mira tried to put this idea that something was wrong to the side burner in her mind and focused on some other tasks she had to do. By the end of the day, she was on her way home when her mother called on her cell phone. She answered it on the Bluetooth of her car and her mother advised her that the readings were accurate but did not go to an explanation. Mira’s mind began to wonder about the conversation, and she had thought at one point, how could this be, there is no way it is possible!

    Mira passed by house after house, each one looking a little different than the one before it. The road was a little curvy at times, but she was used to it. She could drive this road in her sleep. Cars passed by her rapidly not obeying the speed limit, but that too she was used to. No one in this community drove the speed limit, except those that are not in a hurry. She slowed down her car and began staring at the drive that was coming up, she knew that a lot of people did the same thing at this house, it was a house that everyone in the neighborhood wanted but no one could afford.

    The house was a two-story blue painted house built in the 1800s, it had Greek style columns out front that extended the walkway to the road. The driveway was on the right-hand side and it pulled right up front to the house. Had a total of eight columns out front, it was large enough for carriage or possibly a small car to fit underneath like an old movie would show. She imagined her and her family living in that home, and as she passed it, she smiled at the idea and laughed to herself that it would never come to be.

    Pulling into her yard she was looking at her home this time, it was a brown house with a metal roof and brown siding. The front door was white with a silver doorknob that glistened in the setting sun. She bolted to the carport and turned off her car. She sat in the car for an extra couple minutes listening to the end of a song before getting out. She was not much of a singer, but she loved to sing along with the music, she was trying to sing the rest of Peace of My Heart by Janis Joplin, but she could not get the tone right. As she stood on the driver side door, she got a cold chill that came through with the bit of the breeze that started to blow. It was Midsummer, but the cold breeze that blew across her body reminded her of how it felt during winter.

    She had felt the breeze was odd and out of place, but then thought it could have been a mix from the open car door and the summer breeze. She closed the car door and stepped toward her house. She climbed up the wooden steps and opened the door, her phone began to vibrate in her purse. Answering it she found it to be her husband, Greg, letting her know that he was going to be on the late side for dinner and that he would be home as quick as possible.

    That’s fine honey, she began, it’ll be warm by the time you get home.

    I’m really sorry about that honey, he said to her.

    Believe me, I understand those long days. I have had many myself. I’ll see you when you get home.

    After a few more words were exchanged she hung up the phone. She placed her bag down on the usual spot which was a hook on the right-hand side of the door and proceeded inward in her house. She gazed at her living room and tried to imagine it nicer. She imagined that the brown couch that was matching the wall behind it, was a leather sectional with reclining ends. New instead of used, and that there was a recliner on the right-hand side of her living room facing the TV instead of the pink beanbag chair. She imagined that the mess of the living room with all the toys scattered about would be cleaned up and looking like she was rich that there was carpeting instead of hardwood floor that was all scratched up from years of living there. She imagined that her LED TV was 4K or 10K and said of the PS2 and a GameCube sitting there on the entertainment center, she had a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox one X. But she could not afford any of that stuff and it broke her heart that she could not give the kids what they wanted.

    She called out for her eldest, a young boy about to be 12 in a couple of days, he came running out of his room and stood in front of her like he was in trouble.

    Brian, how was the house while I was gone?

    Brian stared at her for a minute there before answering, Mira noticed that he was not dressed at all for the day even though it was 4 o’clock in the afternoon. He was still in his Pokémon pajamas his hair was a mess and curly on the ends, it did not look like it was brushed or combed through at all. His Pokémon pajamas T-shirt was riding up his body exposing the stomach and she had told him before that shirt was too small, his Pokémon pajama pants were 2 inches too short on his leg side and exposed his ankles and she got frustrated with the way that he was just standing there.

    Why are you still wearing those? Mira said little aggravated, she tried her best to hold the aggravation in but ended up coming out anyway regardless of her best intentions.

    I like these pajamas Mom, these are my favorite. He had told his mother trying to put a bit of an argument, but his mother cut him short by putting up her finger and pressing it to his lips.

    They are too short for you; I do not want to see you wearing them again. She then thought about what she just said and decided to change her statement, rather, go take them off now and bring them to me.

    Brian tried to put up an argument with his mother but would not have it, she began to count to three and Brian knew exactly what that meant, so, without putting up much more resistance he went and changed, then brought her the pajamas. Mira then threw them away and told him not to dig them out of the garbage. She looked at him again this time and noticed that he changed into a different pair of pajamas but at least these ones fit him.

    Brian, like I had asked before, how everything was while I was gone?

    It was fine Mom. Beth barely cried at all today. Casey on the other hand was a handful.

    What do you mean?

    Casey was getting into everything. It was hard for me to keep my hands on her at times, she was running about like a mad child, I swear it.

    Mira wanted further explanation and practically forced it out of Brian, who was reluctant to give it in the first place, later explained that he was able to handle it himself, so, as she said to her: I didn’t think I needed to give you all the details. Mira did not hear any attitude behind not coming from Brian, though to her he normally gives it without thinking about it. She was aggravated and rather upset with him, yet she kept her composure and did not say anything afterward. She walked off to the girls’ room and checked on the two toddlers that were in there.

    She found them both playing quietly with little building blocks that she had purchased about a couple of months ago and saw that they were content she decided not to bother them any further. But when the two of them saw the shadow of their mother across the floor they both looked up and smiled with their partially toothy mouth, and they both open their arms wide towards her and she could not pass up a big hug from them.

    Mira made her way to the bathroom, which was down the hall and to the left, it was at this point in her usual routine where she washed off her makeup from the day. When she was done, she made her way out and headed toward the dining room area then into the kitchen. She started the prep work for dinner, then decided on something simpler. Making fish sticks and French fries in the oven was a lot easier, as she thought, versus making a tossed salad which would take incredibly good amount of work on her part. She knew that the girls would eat fish sticks and French fries without a problem, she figured she made a salad on the side and see if they would try it.

    As dinner ended, she had Brian do the dishes and she took both the girls out of their highchairs and straight to the bath. She got into the bath with both, with the pretense that the girls get the splash Mommy. Giggling and splashing about they had fun in the bath. After drying off, she laid the girls down for a night with the TV on in a Disney movie playing. She went out to the living room to check on Brian and saw that he was on his phone.

    Who are you talking to? She asked, it was not the first time he was neglecting his chores but this night it really bugged Mira.


    Haley, Haley… Which one is that?

    Haley, my girlfriend. Just leave me alone Mom, let me talk for a few then I’ll do the dishes. He stated with a bit of an attitude behind it, his snapping was not going over well with Mira, but she let it slide. She raised her hand with five digits of the air and mouthed to him that he had five minutes to talk. Brian nodded his head and gave a thumbs up.

    Mira went out to the living room and turned on the TV and flipped it over to a news channel. She was surprised to see her Mom being interviewed by an anchor that was giving her a hard time.

    So, you’re stating that the water from the ocean is on a rise and we should all be prepared for the worst? The anchor said to her in a sarcastic tone.

    Yes, it appears that something is going on with the ocean that we are not able to see with our own eyes, but all the buoy indicators that we have been able to get our hands on tell us that the seawater is rising for no apparent reason other than it can. We have the standard global warming, the greenhouse effect that is taking hold on us currently, and that is to demands of fossil fuels being used by humankind. The greenhouse gases that emit from the cars and trucks being driven on the road, as well as power plants and other functioning plants that send out CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. They have all contributed to the warming of the planet, for example, due to these emissions the glacier poles are melting at an alarming rate as well as other plant life are dying off, certain types of fish, penguins, seals, you get the idea, right?

    Yes, I get the idea what you’re saying, but I don’t see how it’s our fault the planet is warming, the news anchor replied giving her mother a hard time, denying what he already knows.

    If it were not for the melting of these ice sheets, glaciers at the poles and in Greenland, the seawater would not be rising to the extent that it is today, it’s only going to get worse. According to my readings, the waters around the Florida Straits have risen exponentially. A month ago, they were at one to 2 feet rising, now they are at 10 feet and rising. It is only a matter of time before they rise even higher and start taking out the Florida coastline. It is the same in the Atlantic, the waters there have risen over 10 feet in a month and inching closer to the coastline every day. We need to take this seriously; this is vitally important to us as a human species. If we do not pay attention to what the waters are doing and try to figure out what is going on, there’s going to be massive flooding on a scale that we have never seen. Mira’s mother was stating the case very well for the anchor, and Mira could tell the anchor was trying to find some way to fight against it but unable to.

    Say what you’re saying is true, then what’s the timescale for this, quote unquote massive flooding?

    At this point in time I don’t have an answer to that question, I just know that it is happening, happening on a scale that would be worse than what the Bible ever predicted.

    So, you’re saying the Bible story of Noah and the flood is actually a real thing?

    Yes. We have evidence that states that the flood was an actual event that overtook the entire earth at that point, and it seems as though it is beginning to happen again, instead of rains its rising sea waters and I do not know how far it will go. We all need to be prepared for the worst and get away from the coastline at this point in time.

    Mira thought about her buoys when she called her mother and read them off to her and what her mother was saying on the television to that anchor made sense to her. It was like everything clicked and she understood her mother perfectly though she did not want to believe it for one instant. How could the planet want to stop and flood the earth? By this point Brian was off the phone and sitting next to her on the couch watching his grandmother talk to the reporter and he grabbed his mother’s hand which jarred Mira out of her thoughts.

    What’s the matter Brian?

    Is what grandma is saying true? he asked with a worried tone in his voice. He understood the science behind everything that was going on, for he had helped his grandmother and his mother with their scientific studies at the lab.

    I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about right now Brian, have you done the dishes yet?

    Yeah, they’re done Mom.

    Do you want to watch the rest of this with me?

    Yes ma’am.

    Together Mira and her son Brian watched her mother on the television screen go back and forth with the reporter who was denying all the facts that her mother was giving. She saw her mother’s tension rise and she wanted to call her to calm her down, but she knew her mother would not answer. She would not dare disrupt the chance that her mother had, just to say a few passing words. She waited for the commercial break to appear and then she called her.

    Hey Mom, I see you getting rather angry on television are you okay?

    Yeah, I am fine, this anchor is known for giving scientists a hard time. He doesn’t like to follow science especially when they’re saying that there’s something wrong, he’s more of a skeptic and a hard-core Bible thumping pushing, pain in the ass.

    Mom go easy on him. And be careful about what you are saying that pushes his buttons. You can always ask him if he’s a rabbit.

    Then I would have to explain that story, I don’t think I’ll have the time to do that. But he is most definitely a rabbit, afraid of everything, afraid of change.

    Okay Mom, I got to go, the commercials are ending, and you need to be back on the Webcam so that you can finish discussing this event, call me afterwards so we can discuss more. I love you.

    Will do baby, love you too.

    Then hung up just in time as the commercials ended, her mother was seen pressing the end button on her phone just as the news program came back live. Brian and Mira sat back and watched as the anchor tried his best to destroy her mother, his grandmother for being on the phone during commercial break as well as her theory that water is going to claim the coastal region of the US.

    Part 1:

    The on Coming Storm

    1. The Warning Signs Have Passed

    Mira and Greg woke up to a storm raging outside of their house. They heard a sound like a bomb going off right out in their front yard. Mira tried

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