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My Marriage Shall Not Break: A Prayer Foar a Broken Marriage
My Marriage Shall Not Break: A Prayer Foar a Broken Marriage
My Marriage Shall Not Break: A Prayer Foar a Broken Marriage
Ebook129 pages1 hour

My Marriage Shall Not Break: A Prayer Foar a Broken Marriage

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This book is written to meet crucial marriage needs with an in-depth counsel, solutions and operational values needed to back up marriages.

By the power of the Lord Almighty, this book shall reverse every handwork of satanic champions, evil strangers and adversaries fashioned against revelations, divine blessings, joy and multiple promotions in your marriage.

Today is the day of liberty every deadlock in your marriage shall be over. Hallelujah!!!


This book is wonderfully packaged, spiritually loaded and shall serve as solution tonic to marital problems………..Flexner Adejumo

Perfection becomes a reality by practice. This book is simply a marriage barrier breaker that gives right answers to problems facing a marriage……Atkinson Lawal

PublisherTella Olayeri
Release dateJul 2, 2021
My Marriage Shall Not Break: A Prayer Foar a Broken Marriage

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    My Marriage Shall Not Break - Tella Olayeri


    We must not fold arms in the midst of battle. The life is battle itself. We need to pray and cancel decisions of darkness against us. We are born to win not to lose. Many times we lose out because we don’t know how to pray or go about challenges we face.

    Also, you must know how to claim and retain what God gives you, called destiny. You must not be robbed!

    Brethren, your case is not close until you decide to close it. Don’t give up, fight on in faith, you are born to win. Be violent in prayer. The degree of your violence in prayer determines the victory that awaits you. It is time you count spoils not loss, triumph not defeat.

    I have some free books for you to put fire to your prayer zeal. Pick them and inform others. Try and share your experience with five to ten people. You may be the one God sent. Don’t leave them outside prayer war room.

    Be your brother/sister keeper. Good-luck

    Click Here to Download


    Love is a fabric that never fades, no matter how often it is washed in the waters of adversity and grief. Let your marriage experience harvest of blessings through love and discipline. Build an ideal marriage; one in which two people love, cherish and encourage each other through all the troubles caused by it.

    Love is blind while marriage is an eye opener. Marriage is not bed of roses because the most difficult years of it are those following the wedding. It is like the army-many complain, but you’d be surprised how many re-enlist.

    Empower your marriage with love and understanding. A broken home is the world’s greatest wreck. Winston Churchill said My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me Wonderful!

    Achieve great height in your marriage by absorbing the following thirty cardinal rules needed to build a prosperous home, for If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand Mark 3:25.


    The cardinal rule for a Christian couple is to be born again. Never should new wine be added to old wine nor should couples apply the attitude of one leg in, one leg out. This is dangerous to divine upliftment. Brethren, know that a Christian is not renovated like an old mattress, for the new birth is not a reformation or a renovation but a new born creature, for it is written Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the new has come 2Cor. 5:17


    Weariness is a spiritual sickness while prayerlessness, is a sign of marriage failure. Never allow any problem facing you to override you, for problems are common to men; solutions are common to believers. Whenever you quit studying the problems and start studying the promises of God for you, you are making a head way. What you see determines what you get. As long as you keep on seeing problems, you can never see good Hebrew 12:1-2.


    Take time to think-it is the source of power

    Take time to play - it is the secret of perpetual youth

    Take time to read-it is the fountain of wisdom

    Take time to pray-it is the greatest power on earth

    Take time to laugh - it is the music of the soul

    Take time to work- it is the price of success

    Take time to be friendly- it is the road to happiness

    Take time to give - it is too short a day to be selfish.


    It is important for couples to build their home on a solid Rock-The Rock of Ages. A home built on sandy foundation constitute moral deficit and if attacked may crumble. Hence, let sound moral standard and prayerfulness be your spiritual light.


    Upheavals may be experienced in marriage but it shouldn’t be allowed to erase the joy and laughter needed at home. Don’t lose to Satan, conquer him. You may have had a knock down in life, but never accept a knockout. Challenges are not meant to break you but to build you, His grace will always be sufficient for you 2 Cor. 12:19. Anytime you succeed, You are more than a conqueror Romans 8:37.


    Paramount to being born again is to love and cultivate the culture of forgiveness. Couples are advice to love and forgive each other in times of misunderstanding. Love without return is like a question without answer. Love and forgiveness may be costly to practice but they are the price of good relationship. To forgive is not to lose the victim off the hook alone but releasing yourself from worries. For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly father will also forgive you Matthew 6:14.

    Couples should further make it a golden rule not to keep      malice, grudges or mistakes made by others against them. Refusing the past to pass is enough to rob you of seeing the future. Forgiveness saves the expense of anger and the cost of hatred. He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass. Do forgive and forget ugly issues for whenever this is done, it is recorded as bonus for you in heaven. Realise that each time you let go someone, God will let you into his abundance of mercy. Unforgiveness is a sin, it cast you out from the presence of God.


    United we stand, divided we fall. When one lights the fire the other fans it. All your strength is in union. All your danger is in discord. A lot of people are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.


    Couples may experience provocation through friends, neighbours or In-laws. They have to keep calm, for there is a saying that those who provoke you may end up in promoting you. Let the sayings in James 1:19 which says Let every men be swift to hear, slow to speak slow to wrath be your watch word, for Proverbs 14:17 says He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly. By this in your everyday life See every provocation as promotion I Cor. 13:15.


    Apply wisdom when counseled. Have a deep taught before you speak. He who talks without thinking runs more risks than he who thinks without talking.

    A fool tells what he will do; a boaster tells what he has done; a wise man does it and says nothing. From the errors of others, a wise man corrects himself. A fool says, I can’t, a wise man says, I will try. Caution is the eldest child of wisdom A small decision now can change all your tomorrow.


    Quarrel should not be given breathing space at all in your matrimonial home for it breeds disharmony and separation among coupes. Love is what changes a house to a home, for the size of the house never indicate the quality of love found within. What a couple needs is a home not a house. Proverbs 25:24 says, Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.

    There was a case of a brother who had misunderstanding with his wife. The wife in anger sought the help of an herbalist who gave her an evil powdery substance to apply on her husband’s food. She did it as directed. Shortly after taking the meal, her husband left home on an Israelite journey by leg from Sagamu a town in South Western part of Nigeria to his home town in Ondo State. Fortunately for this brother, one of the driver of his company saw him trecking in a thick forest along

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