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Soul Defense
Soul Defense
Soul Defense
Ebook32 pages26 minutes

Soul Defense

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Harriet is an idealistic Christian defense attorney who defends a man that everyone thinks is guilty. She begins to doubt him until she uncovers evidence that he's innocent and a romance blossoms between the two. But is he really innocent? 

Release dateJul 7, 2021
Soul Defense

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    Soul Defense - Jasmine Flowers


    Harriet Shawn was not only a God fearing girl, but she was a woman after the Lord’s heart. This attribute not only costs her friends but several relationships as well. It seemed people did not want a lady who always preached to them, tried to show them the way and most of seemed to be no fun at all. Harriet had tried to show her university friends that her religion was against promiscuity and drugs. This did not go well with people who valued having a good time. She ended up spending her time in Harvard school of Law in the Library and Chapel. It dawned on her that she needed true friends who were also of her faith.

    Nevertheless, she never graduated Harvard without a friend. She met Murielle McKenna in a camp that she had attended shortly after joining the fourth year. Anyone who met Murielle would just describe her as bubbly which complimented her friend’s shy personality. Murielle had teased Harriet several times that shy people never turned into great lawyers. 

    Harriet started practicing law immediately she graduated. She had attached herself to David, Hoffman, and Bennett law firm and they were more than happy to have her as an associate. Her salary was fairly good, and she managed to upgrade her tiny old beetle to an Audi 100 C3. It did not seem like much, but at least it got her home and her far more room.

    Despite her workload, Harriet managed to maintain her spiritual life. Her day started at five thirty with a word of prayer and personal devotion. Faith was important to her.  She attended the six o’clock mass after that take a hearty breakfast. She usually arrived in the office by around seven thirty. She initially scrambled for time with Murielle in between the week. Eventually, the girls agreed to be meeting during weekends or holiday since Murielle got a chance to work for a rival firm.

    Harriet was later promoted to junior partner after two years in the firm. She then sold the Audi and replaced it with Mercedes.  She wore cases and brought many clients into the firm. Unfortunately, due

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