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Swift's Heart
Swift's Heart
Swift's Heart
Ebook146 pages2 hours

Swift's Heart

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About this ebook

Sarah Swift had it all living in Seattle, working her dream job as an environmental policy attorney. Now, after her mother's death she is back home in tiny Sweetwater, Montana languishing in her father's even tinier law firm trying to teach ranchers and cowboys how to become tree huggers. When she runs into childhood friend Micah Bennet the chemistry is instant and unavoidable.
Micah Bennet is brash, handsome and used to getting his own way. The only thing he really wants is Sarah. Micah has a secret, one he's held close since he was a teenager. One that changed his life and Sarah's too. Now that he finally has the only woman he has ever loved in his arms, can he confess and possibly drive her away forever.

PublisherAnne Frye
Release dateJul 1, 2021
Swift's Heart

Anne Frye

Anne Frye, also writing as Andi Frye and A.E. Frye, grew up on the east coast and now lives in the Pacific Northwest. . She grew up on the coast of Maine and now lives in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys exploring sex and relationships in all their different forms, from married couples to threesomes, foursomes and more, often with a little light bondage or impact play thrown in. She loves tacos and noodles equally, so please don't ask her to choose. See what she is working on now at her website or on Instagram (@annefryewrites)

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    Book preview

    Swift's Heart - Anne Frye


    The Rocking Horse was filled with the same crowd as always. A mix of old timers and friends from high school who’d never left town. Dark, smokey and loud. Sarah had been back in town for months before her older twin brothers, Philip and Parker, could convince her to go out on a Friday night. Philip was home on a short leave and was looking for some fun.

    She had been afraid it was going to be awkward. Sarah Swift, head of her class, who moved to the big city to fight the man and save the world, now back home in tiny Sweetwater, Montana, working at her father’s even tinier law firm. Her old friends greeted her with open arms and talked to her like she hadn’t been gone for more than a day. Maybe it was because everyone was just a little drunk or they truly didn’t care where she’d been or why she had come home.

    Scott Hunter approached her with a drink in his hand. He was as dark and shy and handsome as he had always been, I thought you might like this. His voice was so quiet she had to lean in close to hear him.

    She smiled as she took the drink, You think since I moved to Seattle I drink fancy girl drinks now, Scott? She took a sip and gasped, whatever it was, it was strong.

    Scott’s cheeks turned pink as he smiled, shrugging his shoulders, Maybe you wanna dance instead?

    Aren’t you working? He had been working at the Rocking Horse since he was old enough to stand behind the bar.

    He shrugged again and took the drink from her hand, setting it back on the bar. He put his hands lightly on her hips as Sarah wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Maybe being home wasn’t so bad.

    She didn’t notice Micah Bennet propped up at the far end of the bar, watching them, watching her. His hands wrapped so tightly around his whiskey glass that his knuckles were white. Scott noticed the other man and with a smile he slid his hands around the small of Sarah’s back and pulled her tight against his body.

    Three Years Later

    Chapter One

    Sarah tore her glasses off and threw them down on the desk. Her eye doctor told her it was only a matter of time before she needed to wear them all the time, but for now she just wore them while she stared for endless hours at the computer screen. She sprawled back in her chair, stretching her long legs out in front of her, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

    Her father walked by with a can of diet coke and a peanut butter cup he’d got for himself out of the combination break room and supply closet next door to her tiny office.

    That’s not very lady-like, little bird. Ben Sr. chuckled, stopping in the door.

    I know Dad, what would Mom say? Sarah replied, not opening her eyes. Her mother had expected her youngest to be as strong as the boys but still retain some modicum of femininity. Most of her life Sarah had rebelled against that with every scraped knee and dirty finger nailed fiber of her being. When she had gone off to college things had changed a little but she still preferred a ponytail and chapstick over anything her mother would have chosen.

    You still going to the B.O.A. tonight? Her father asked.

    Yeah, I suppose I should change first. Sarah sat forward, clicked off her monitor, stood and stretched.

    I do appreciate it Sarah. You’re much better at it than your brother and I are.

    Sure thing Dad, She smiled tiredly and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as she grabbed the garment bag hanging on the door, Don’t let Phyllis catch you eating all those peanut butter cups.

    Ben Sr. stuffed the whole thing into his mouth, Did she tell you she is trying to turn me into a vegetarian?

    What does your father think of this idea? Chester Cain asked her.

    Nights like this made Sarah realize that life in small town Montana hadn’t really changed much for a woman in the last hundred and fifty years.

    Dad is the founder of the Montana Wildland Trust Chet, you know that. She tried to smile, to be pleasant, but it was the same conversation every time. She had known most of these men and their wives her entire life. They could all be counted as friends of her father’s and their kids were friends of hers.

    I just don’t know about all this feel good, save the animals stuff. Seems a little California to me. Chet mused, rubbing the stubble on his chin.

    It’s not all about saving animals Chet, Sarah went on, changing tactics, we are trying to stop big developers from coming in here and building condo on top of condo and having our small towns turned into quaint vacation destinations for folks from California. I would think all of you could appreciate that at least. She made it a point to look at each of the men and women grouped around her. Some of them nodded in agreement.

    We certainly don’t need one of them Starbucks around here. One old codger said loudly and everyone chuckled.

    There was a roar of laughter from the other side of the room and a woman shrieked simultaneously, as a wine glass shattered on the tile floor. Tanner Bennet had buried his face in the woman’s cleavage causing her to drop the glass.

    Tanner’s brother Micah, hands hooked around his giant flashy belt buckle, threw back his head and laughed, Go get ‘em, big brother.

    Another woman, vaguely familiar, in a heavily sequined top and impossibly short skirt clung to Micah’s arm, laughing hysterically.

    Sarah and most of the others she had been talking to, turned away from the scene, Or, we could just let the Bennet brother’s develop the whole damn valley, she said, her jaw tight.

    As the Business Owner’s Association mixer was winding down, Sarah stopped to talk to one final group of people. She was feeling pretty positive about how the night had gone. Many of the local ranchers and business owners seemed to be coming around. Or were at least worn down. As she turned to go, she ran full force into Micah Bennet and his lady friend.

    Hey, watch where you’re going. The tipsy blonde said loudly, her voice shrill.

    Chrissy Peterson, that’s who she was. Sarah had a vague memory of her from school. She hadn’t changed at all.

    Micah shook the woman off his arm and put a hand on Sarah’s shoulder, Sarah, are you okay? I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.

    Micah Bennet was breathtakingly handsome. With his blue eyes, blonde hair, jeans that fit tight in all the right places, he made a pretty picture. The giant silver belt buckle, bolo tie and white Stetson that matched his perfect white teeth made him a western wet dream.

    Sarah could feel the heat of his hand seeping into her shoulder. He was looking at her intently, searching for something. She tore her eyes from his, frantically looking around the room for something else to focus on.

    Micah, come on, your brother is going to leave without us. Chrissy whined, tugging at the blonde man’s arm.

    No, he won’t. Micah said sharply, before turning his full attention back to Sarah, I’m really sorry Sarah. It was good to see you. He finally let Chrissy pull him towards the door.

    Sarah was confused and completely breathless. There had been a softness in his voice, almost like affection. She had known Micah since she was a kid, he’d played football with her oldest brother Ben. He’d often been at their house, hanging around with Ben and the twins. She hadn’t actually spoken to him in years. His reputation, his questionable business practices and his general ostentatiousness left a bad taste in her mouth.

    She knew he hadn’t always been so reprehensible. Even though he was several years older than she was, he had never been anything but kind to her when they were younger. He had come to her defense time and time again when all three of her brothers ganged up on her. It was Micah who had carried her gingerly back to the house after Parker had shoved her out of the hayloft, the bone in her arm poking horrifically through the skin. When her parents brought her home from the hospital with her bright green cast, it was to an apologetic Parker sporting a shiny black eye.

    Sarah stepped out into the last light of evening to see Tanner Bennet revving the engine of his shiny red convertible. The car no doubt cost more than most people around here made in a year. As the older Bennet brother tore off down Main street, Micah in the front seat turned his face away as the two women in the backseat squealed in delight.

    Chet Cain stepped out beside her shaking his head, Those two are going to be your biggest problem, he said, his voice grim.

    What do you mean?

    You were talking earlier about the Monteith property? Well I don’t know if you’ve noticed Sarah, but if you cut down a few trees up there, the view is one of the best in the valley.

    I noticed Chet. I was just hoping they hadn’t. Sarah frowned as she watched the Bennet’s fishtail out of sight.

    Her dad had been trying to convince old Ambers Monteith to sell the heavily timbered acreage to the Wildland Trust for years. It was a vital wildlife corridor, connecting several other pieces of land the Trust already held. It was also one of the last bits of mostly virgin forest in the valley, but Monteith’s price had always been too high.

    Chet laughed, but there was no humor in it, They may be bold and brash and obnoxious as fuck, but the Bennet brothers aren’t stupid.

    Sarah stifled her own laugh, it was so unlike her father’s oldest friend to cuss. She wondered what the Bennet’s had done to offend him so badly.

    Well, have a good night Sarah. Will I see you at your Dad’s this weekend? Since her mother had died, Chet and his wife Virginia made it a point to visit Ben Swift Sr. most Sundays.

    I’ll see you and Virginia this weekend. Get home safe Chet.

    The older man gave Sarah’s arm an affectionate squeeze and he headed towards his dusty old pick up.

    She couldn’t get the exchange with Micah out of her head as she made her way down the block to where her Jeep was parked. She sat with her hands on the steering wheel until the street lights popped on, one by one. Finally, she started the engine and headed for home.

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